HIGHLIGHTS OF THE WEEK BeijingR-;r VOL. 34, NO. 7-8 FEB. 18-MAR. 3,1991 Proposals for 10-Year Development Plan CONTENTS • The recently published CPC Central Committee's NOTES FROM THE EDITORS 4 proposed drafts of the ten-year programme (1991-2000) A Decade Crucial to Modernization and the Eighth Five-Year Plan (1991-95) for national EVENTS/TRENDS 5 8 economic and social development note that the first- Indian Foreign Minister in China stage strategic goal for China's modernization, namely, 'Unacceptable': US Human doubling the 1980 GNP and providing the people with Rights Report adequate food and clothing, has basically been achieved. Housing Reform: The Pressure Is Between 1991 and 2000 China is expected to realize On Giving Rein to United Front its second-stage strategic goal of quadrupling the 1980 Work GNP (p. 17). 'Chinafrica' Published Principles Outlined for Environmental Issues Striving for Peace and Development Knowing China By Trade Marks INTERNATIONAL • In the so-called "post-cold war era," although the Peace and Development A Strenuous Task in'90s 9 possibility of a war between the two major military blocs Western Europe Conceives has been avoided, regional tension, confrontation and Future Security Plan 13 even war still endanger peace and development. So, DOCUMENTS tremendous efforts are needed from the international CPC Central Committee's community to maintain world peace and promote devel• Proposals for Ten-Year Development Programme and opment (p. 9). 8th Five-Year Plan 17 CHINA Hunan: An Open Inland Development of Ctilna's Nuclear Science Province 24 Information on Hunan 26 • This is a slightly abridged translation of an article by People: The Man Who 'Brought Qian Sanqiang, a noted Chinese atomic nucleus physi• Gospel to the World' 30 For Your Reference: The cist, on the course of development of atomic nucleus Breeding of Hybrid Rice 3 3 science in China. The article originally appeared in the Development of China's Nuclear first issue of the Hong Kong-based "Bauhinia" magazine Science 34 in October 1990 (p. 34). Cultural Life at Shoudu Iron & Steel Co. 41 TOURISM 45 BUSINESS/TRADE 46 47 An Open Inland Province CULTURE/SCIENCE 48 50 COVER: This scenic valley in the • Hunan is the home province of the late Chairman Mengdong River of west Hunan Mao Zedong. In order to make full use of its richly Province has a pleasant climate endowed natural resources, the inland province will and is an ideal tourist area. speed up its opening to the outside world (p. 24). Photo by Xu Xiangjun General Editorial Office Publislned every Monday by BEIJING REVIEW Subscription rates (1 year): Tel: 8314318 24 Baiwanzhuang Road, Beijing 100037 Australia A.$30.50 TLX: 222374 FLPDA CN The People's Republic of China New Zealand NZ.$40.50 FAX: 8314318 Distributed by China International Book UK 16.50 English Dept. Tel: 8315599 Ext. 546 Trading Corporation (GUOJI SHUDIAN) USA US$30.50 P.O. Box 399, Beijing, China Canada. ..Can.$30.50 NOTES FROM THE EDITORS A Decade Crucial to Modernization by Ge Wu ccording to the proposals put forward last De• worked hard to effect the following far-reaching cember by the Central Committee of the Com• changes over the past decade: a switch from the pure A munist Party of China, excerpts of which are pursuit of growth in output value to an improvement carried on pp.21-27 of this issue, China will realize its in economic benefits; a change in the system of second-stage strategic goal for socialist modernization economic management from rigid and excessive cen• in the next decade. The next ten years," therefore, are tralized control to the more viable system of the very important. socialist planned commodity economy; and, in regard After 1978, China formulated a three-step strategy to foreign economic relations, a shedding of the na• for its modernization drive. In the first stage, China tion's full or partial closure to the outside world and spent ten years doubling the 1980 gross national prod• the establishment of an open economy that makes full uct (GNP), and solving the problem of food and use of international exchanges on the basis of inde• clothing for its people. In the second stage, China pendence. These important changes during the 1980s expects to spend another ten years, i.e., by the turn of resulted in an enormous increase in economic vigour this century, to redouble its GNP and bring about a and quicker economic growth. The transformation comfortable life for its citizens. In the third stage, i.e., process, however, is not completed. Development is in the middle of next century, China will boost the uneven and, the deeper the changes, the greater the per-capita GNP to the level found in a moderately difficulties faced by the nation. In a bid to elevate the developed country and basically modernize society. economy to a new level and achieve the nation's China has achieved its first strategic goal, with the second-stage strategic goal, however, China will un• 1990 GNP some 123 percent higher than that of 1980. swervingly continue to put the above changes into The quality of life for the country's 1.1 billion people, effect. except for some 40 million residents, has dramatically For historical reasons, the socialist revolution did improved. Food and clothing for the majority are not succeed first in developed capitalist countries, as guaranteed and one section of society has become predicted by classic Marxist writers. Instead, social• well-off. In the second stage of its modernization ism took root in some underdeveloped countries programme, China will consolidate and develop the plagued by contradictions and facing weak reaction• fruits of the first stage and prepare conditions for the ary domination. Socialism developed first in colonies, third stage. This means carrying forward the past semi-colonial and semi-feudal countries like China achievements and opening up new possibilities for the which were economically backward. China's poor future. It is thus an important stage of modernization. foundation has thus made its modernization drive In the next decade, China plans to achieve an more arduous and difficult. Moreover, socialism is average annual 6 percent increase of GNP. It will facing even more severe tests today as some socialist then be able to quadruple the 1980 GNP by the end countries suffer setbacks. Despite this, China will of the century. Annual grain output will be increased continue to press for significant progress in produc• from 420 million tons in 1990 to 500 million tons by tion and a narrowing of the economic gap between the year 2000, raw coal output from 1.09 billion tons itself and the developed countries during the 1990s. to around 1.4 billion tons, electricity output from 615 Its achievements will prove China's choice to have billion kwh to 1,100 billion kwh, steel from 65.80 been a correct one and that socialism is still a vital milhon tons to over 80 million tons, chemical fertil• force. izers from 90 million tons to 120 million tons, ethy• Currently, China enjoys a stable domestic environ• lene from 1.5 million tons to 3 million tons, cotton ment. Although it is still faced with certain difficul• yarn from 24.50 million bales to around 31 million ties, the people have benefited from the remarkable bales and railway freight volume from 1.46 billion achievements gained in national construction, reform tons to around 1.9 billion tons. By the year 2000, and open policy over the past decade and are satisfied China's national strength will have greatly increased, with the state of affairs and full of confidence in the all of the people will have sufficient food and clothing future. Moreover, despite the changing international and intellectual hfe in society will be enriched. This situation and current instability in some parts of the blueprint for society is magnificent, particularly in world, the general situation of peace can still be regard to its rapid speed of development. maintained. China will continue to strive for a posi• In order to bring about a healthy development of tive external environment favourable to realizing its the national economy on the basis of national condi• second-stage strategic goal. By doing so, it will help tions, China has, under the guidance of the general bring about further prosperity to the nation and con• policy of reform and opening to the outside world, tribute to world peace and development. • 4 BEIJING REVIEW, FEB.18-.MAR.3. 1991 EVENTS/TRENDS China," said Li. Indian Foreign li/iinister in China Ever since the founding of the People's Republic of China in hinese Premier Li Peng some Non-Aligned countries to 1949, the Chinese people, as and Indian Foreign Minis• bring about a swift peaceful set• masters of their own country, C ter Vidya Charan Shukla tlement to the Gulf war. Both have enjoyed extensive demo• expressed their desire to contin• sides agreed on the urgent need cratic rights and freedom, Li ue improving and developing for a peaceful settlement since said, adding that these are the mutual relations during their the continuation of hostilities facts that cannot be changed by meeting in Beijing on February will cause more human suffering any distortion or attack. 2. Shukla's six-day stay in China and damage worldwide. The for• Also at the news briefing, Li was the first official visit by an eign ministers agreed to remain said that China welcomed the Indian foreign minister in the in close touch on the develop• proposal by F.W. de Klerk, pres• past 11 years.
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