Cambridge University Press 0521818087 - Jupiter: The Planet, Satellites and Magnetosphere Edited by Fran Bagenal, Timothy E. Dowling and William B. McKinnon Index More information INDEX abundances, 62 density, 244 accelerometer, 200 leading hemisphere, 245 accretion, 27, 52, 300 amino acid, 354 disk, 23, 29, 30, 52, 219 Amirani flow field, 309 efficiency, 52 ammonia, 22, 44, 59, 60, 63, 64, 73, 74, 79, 82, 86, 89, 91, 110, gas, 30, 31 117, 136, 137, 173, 291, 297, 299, 300 isolation mass, 28 abundance, 107 oligarchic growth, 28 depletion, 71 rapid, 29 ice, 68, 90–92, 100 rate, 27, 30 mixing ratio, 123 runaway, 28 photolysis, 72, 97 slow, 29 solid, 86 acetylene, 67, 129, 131, 132, 138 ammonia cloud, 71, 80, 82 Achilles, 264 ammonia hydrate, 297 Adastea, 673 ammonium hydrosulfide, 68, 72, 79, 83, 86, 89, 91, 100 adiabat ammonium hydrosulfide cloud, 79 dry, 116 ammonium salt, 67 moist, 116 amorphous ice, 74 adiabatic cooling, 80 Amp`ere’s law, 540 adiabatic invariant, 622 Ananke, 265, 268 adiabatic mirroring, 651 angular momentum, 23, 27–29, 31, 122, 655 Adlinda, 417–419 Anshar Sulcus, 367, 374–376 Adrastea, 237, 241, 243, 244, 246, 247, 249, 254, 256, 258, 498, anticyclone, 114 671 Antilochus, 274 aeronomy, 190, 214 approach movies, 106 aerosol, 60, 67, 82, 83, 87, 91, 98, 109, 111, 463 aqueous alteration, 268 absorption, 149 Arbela Sulcus, 368, 376, 377 carbonaceous, 97 argon, 20, 26, 37, 74 density, 82 Ariel, 122 extinction, 95 arsenic, 67 formation, 98 arsine, 66, 67, 136 loading, 143 Asgard, 417–419 mixing ratio, 95 Asgard Basin, 401, 402 production, 151 asteroid, 451 SL9, 150 differentiated, 268 Agenor Linea, 337 main belt, 263, 271 airglow, 384 albedo, 91 asthenosphere, 286 bolometric, 402 asthenospheric flow, 366 geometric, 247, 402 astrobiology, 339 single scattering, 91, 99 Astypalaea Linea, 337 Alfv´encharacteristic, 546, 550 atmosphere Alfv´enconductance, 477, 543, 545 composition, 59 Alfv´enspeed, 174, 178, 541, 653 window, 60, 86 Alfv´en wave, 520, 521, 531, 539, 542, 544–546, 554, 600, 650, 653 Atmospheric Structure Instruments, 61, 185, 200 Alfv´enwing, 520, 523, 525, 530, 539, 541–543, 545–547, 549, 550, aurora, 97, 139, 175, 185, 530, 595, 613, 617, 639 554 appearance, 646 Alfv´eniccurrent, 466, 653 dawn storm, 654 alkali, 465, 469, 474, 475, 497, 501, 502 main oval, 640, 641, 643–647, 649, 650, 653–657, 659–661, 664 alkali halide, 299 northern, 663 alkali metal, 44, 51 particles, 142 alkanes, 139 polar, 660, 661, 665 Allan deviation, 284 auroral allene, 134 chemistry, 142 Alpha Leo, 196 curtain, 646 aluminum, 293 decameter emission, 650 Amalthea, 237, 241–246, 249, 252, 256–258, 498, 596, 599, 671, electron 673, 675, 681, 682, 684 electrojet, 206, 213, 643 707 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521818087 - Jupiter: The Planet, Satellites and Magnetosphere Edited by Fran Bagenal, Timothy E. Dowling and William B. McKinnon Index More information 708 Index auroral (cont.) Callisto, 23, 29, 30, 248, 284, 294, 354, 355, 363, 367, 380, 383, emission, 131, 635, 642, 652, 661, 662 385, 388–390, 397, 428, 486, 488, 491, 503, 530, 584, 651 energy, 210, 213, 214 atmosphere, 471, 476, 477 enhancement, 196 core, 420 flare, 630 crater, 408, 410, 414, 436, 453 footprint, 97, 109, 650 crater chain, 272 haze, 142 dark hemisphere, 477 heating, 213 differentiation, 398 hot spot, 146, 196 dust, 236 ionosphere, 649 erosion, 410 kilometric radiation, 554, 641 exosphere, 400 oval, 96, 146, 205, 211–213, 475, 609 footprint, 653 particles, 97 gravity, 285 precipitation, 96, 598 gravity field, 420 region, 136 induced magnetic field, 420 spot, 571 interior, 281, 420, 421 storm, 648 ionosphere, 401 tail, 571 knob, 410–412, 417, 419, 420 zone, 191, 205 leading hemisphere, 400, 402 precipitation, 212 lithosphere, 415, 419, 420 Australian Telescope Compact Array, 177 north pole, 414 Automedon, 274 ocean, 282, 295 Avogadro’s number, 81 pit, 409, 412 radar signature, 403 back scattering, 95 surface, 295, 333 Baldur Patera, 318 surface age, 272 ballistic plume, 163 trailing hemisphere, 400–402, 531 banana cloud, 567 Caloris Basin, 417, 418 band, 106 carbon, 21, 37, 59, 69, 72, 74, 354, 402, 489, 491, 495 band model, 461 carbon dioxide, 67, 136, 332, 385, 400, 476, 501, 502 banded structure, 106 carbon monoxide, 67, 135, 141, 142, 169, 300 barge, 105, 114 carbonaceous chondrite, 286, 293, 332, 352, 354, 398, 399 oscillation, 114 carbonate, 331 baroclinic, 109, 116 Carme, 265 barotropic, 109, 116 Cassini, 67, 79, 96, 151, 241, 246, 631, 663, 684, 685 beaming curve, 679, 682 catenae, 398, 438, 448 Beer’s law, 90, 461, 462 Centaur, 263, 268, 271, 449 belt, 64, 83, 86, 89, 91, 100, 105, 110, 115, 118 central dome, 438 lightning, 120 central magnetosphere, 253 benzene, 67, 97, 135, 141, 143 central meridian longitude, 679 abundance, 141 centrifugal force, 282, 284 Bessel function, 609 Chaac Volcano, 463 beta turbulence, 106, 120 Chaac-Camaxtli region, 309 Bingham rheology, 407 Chandra, 207 biology, 486 Chandra observatory, 193 Biot-Savart’s law, 550 Chandra X-ray Observatory, 663 Birkeland current, 175, 213, 476, 646, 655 Chandra X-ray telescope, 644 bolide, 167 chaos, 271, 276, 390 bow shock, 523 charged particle, 245 Bran Crater, 429 charged particle precipitation, 97 branching ratio, 496 Chiron, 449 bremsstrahlung, 192, 644, 663, 683 chlorine, 67, 465, 469, 497 brick-red color, 112 chondrite, 286, 293 Bright Polar Region, 194, 663 chromophore, 68, 75, 82, 83, 93, 100 broadband kilometric emission, 640 chute deployment, 200 bromine, 67 circular variable filter, 193 brown dwarf, 35, 44, 47, 54 circumplanetary disk, 27, 30, 52 brown spot, 105 circumstellar disk, 24 Brownian coagulation, 98 clathrate, 21, 25, 74 bulls-eye pattern, 488 clay, 333, 398 buoyancy force, 45 cloud, 79, 84 buoyancy wave, 200 coalescence, 80 Burr Crater, 418 composition, 79 Buto Facula, 383, 410, 432 condensation, 80 Byblus Sulcus, 367, 373, 374, 378 microphysics, 80 sedimentation, 80 C22, 282, 283, 285, 286, 288, 295 tenuous, 85 Callanish, 344, 437, 442 cloud chamber, 92 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521818087 - Jupiter: The Planet, Satellites and Magnetosphere Edited by Fran Bagenal, Timothy E. Dowling and William B. McKinnon Index More information Index 709 cloud model, 65 current sheet, 489, 595, 599, 604, 606, 613, 646, 648, 649, 655, cloud sounding, 82 656, 658, 659, 664 cloud tracking, 109 cyclone, 114 clouds, 79 cyclonic feature, 113 cold plasma, 519, 621 cyclotron cold-core feature, 109 emission, 678 collisional broadening, 458 frequency, 679 comet, 21, 74, 141, 142, 172, 263, 513, 537 radiation, 175 capture, 273 close encounter, 449 Dardanus Sulcus, 377 impact, 159 dark floor deposit, 388 influx, 60, 73, 137 Dark Polar Region, 194, 661, 662 Jupiter family, 141, 270, 277 dayglow, 131 nucleus, 271 Dazhbog Patera, 317 oxygen flux, 273 debris apron, 409, 412 sampling, 31 Debye length, 539 short period, 271 decametric radiation, 175, 520, 521, 538, 539, 544, 554, 578, 597, cometary impactor, 404 617, 626, 640, 671 cometary nucleus, 421 decimetric emission, 176, 242 Composite Infrared Spectrometer, 174 deep convection, 72 condensate, 117 deep probe, 31 condensate cloud, 71 Deep Space Network, 281 condensation, 60, 86, 87, 117 deep troposphere, 74 conductance, 517 deep water cloud, 100 conductivity deep winds, 54 Birkeland, 515 deformation radius, 117, 120 Deimos, 244, 246 Hall, 515 density wave, 585 Pedersen, 515 deuterated hydrogen, 63 conservative scatterer, 87 deuterium, 22, 24, 35, 39, 69, 188 contraction, 37, 52 experiment, 39 convection, 36, 44, 54, 73, 107, 117, 121 diacetylene, 67, 134, 140 critical, 28 diapir, 336, 341, 391, 486 magnetospheric, 620, 625 differential rotation, 45, 50 moist, 80, 86, 118, 121 differentially rotating cylinder, 109, 121 convective adjustment, 120 diglycine, 354 convective overturn, 298 Diomedes, 274 cool plasma, 656 dipole tilt, 36 Copernicus, 187 dissipation factor, 307 core, 20, 22, 26, 29, 35, 44, 46, 47, 50–53, 60 dissociative recombination, 202 erosion, 53 Doh Crater, 414, 415 Coriolis force, 45, 111, 206, 213, 284 dome crater, 414 corotation enforcement current, 609, 614 Doppler tracking, 284 correlated-k technique, 82 Doppler wind experiment, 73, 121 cosmic ray, 519 dosage unit, 490 Couette-Taylor flow, 29 double diffusion, 45 Coupled Thermosphere–Ionosphere Model, downdraft, 86, 123 212 downwelling, 86, 123 crater, 342 drag anomalous dome, 430 gas, 25, 268–270 central dome, 430 ion-neutral frictional, 647 central pit, 429 plasma, 253, 258, 265 complex, 429 Poynting-Robertson, 253, 259, 265 morphology, 427, 428 Dungey cycle, 665 pedestal, 439 dust, 60, 66, 141, 161, 166, 168, 172, 175, 177, 178, 219, 220, 242, rate, 451 246, 253, 254, 404, 683, 685 simple, 429 Axel-Danielson, 93 size distribution, 442 Callisto, 236 crater chain, 160, 272 chemical composition, 221 Cretaceous-Tertiary impact, 166 comet, 271 cryovolcanic eruption, 337 detection, 232 cryovolcanism, 417, 419, 421 detector, 219, 221, 270 CSHELL, 196 dynamics, 235, 236 Culaan Patera, 308 ejection, 229 Curie point, 292 electromagnetic interaction, 222 current Europa, 235, 236 Birkeland, 565, 570, 571, 613 flux, 225 Pedersen, 570 force, 227, 236 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521818087 - Jupiter: The Planet, Satellites and Magnetosphere Edited by Fran Bagenal, Timothy E. Dowling and William B. McKinnon Index More information 710 Index dust (cont.) electron density, 518 Ganymede, 234 diurnal variation, 204 impact rate, 222 electron precipitation, 202, 204,
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