Book of Proceedings

Book of Proceedings

April 28 th -29 th , 2014 6th 2014 Solin Croatia International Maritime Science Conference Book of Proceedings ORGANIZED BY: FACULTY OF FACULTY OF MARITIME STUDIES MARITIME STUDIES AND TRANSPORT SPLIT, CROATIA !"#!"!6%P'(!)*+,- 6th 2014 ORGANIZED BY: FACULTY OF FACULTY OF MARITIME MARITIME STUDIES STUDIES AND TRANSPORT SPLIT, CROATIA !"#$"#"=&-()"*+,-. CO-ORGANIZED BY: !(,'.P+-)-(P-/-0*12% FACULTY OF MARITIME STUDIES, Gdynia, Poland Kotor, Monte Negro HYDROGRAPHIC INSTITUTE OF THE REPUBLIC OF CROATIA, Split, Croatia SPONSORED BY: REPUBLIC OF CROATIA - MINISTRY OF MARITIME AFFAIRS, TRANSPORT AND INFRASTRUCTURE TOWN OF SOLIN, Croatia &U9?[UB[&IU>[JV?WU9T?X:[&($1:[N"$,5!, CROATIAN REGISTER OF SHIPPING, Split, Croatia ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: 9$+,6-,[ '(! :[&;[<= 4-1+(,/[O'"! :[&;[<= University of Split, Faculty of Maritime Studies, Split, Croatia Faculty of Maritime Studies, Split, Croatia >(16[?@"-A:[&;[<= 1"!C,[E(!B#$/! :[&;[<= B,C'(5A[$2[ ,"!5!D1[E5'-!1+[,6-[?",6+F$"5:[&$"5$"$C:[E($/16!, Faculty of Maritime Studies, Split, Croatia H16,-[I1-1":[&;[<= H!#$(,[9,! :[&;[<= Hydrographic Institute of the Republic of Croatia Faculty of Maritime Studies, Split, Croatia J6-"K1)[L"K-K!1(, T/,6[.$D,":[&;[<= Polish Naval Academy, Gdynia, Poland Faculty of Maritime Studies, Split, Croatia <,6!($[H!#$(! :[&;[<= 7!6#$[7!-'! :[&;[<= Faculty of Maritime Studies, Kotor, Montenegro Faculty of Maritime Studies, Split, Croatia ,"!6,[4,661:[&;[<= <,6#$[.1K! :[&;[<= B,C'(5A[$2[ ,"!5!D1[E5'-!1+[,6-[?",6+F$"5:[&$"5$"$C:[E($/16!, Faculty of Maritime Studies, Split, Croatia Deša Rathman L$",6,[O1(! :[&;[<= &$"5[J'5;$"!5A[&($1:[&($1:[N"$,5!, Faculty of Maritime Studies, Split, Croatia Tomislav Batur TS$"[7')$/! :[&;[<= &$"5[J'5;$"!5A[&($1:[&($1:[N"$,5!, Faculty of Maritime Studies, Split &1"$[7!-,6:[&;[<= ?$6 ![&,6C! :[&;[<= Faculty of Maritime Studies, Split, Croatia Hydrographic Institute of the Republic of Croatia, Split, Croatia O$+!F[.,+'D:[&;[<= Faculty of Maritime Studies, Split, Croatia PROGRAMME COMMITTEE: Milan Batista (SLOVENIA), Zvonko Kavran (CROATIA), Boris Tovornik (SLOVENIA), !;,1(,[P'#(),B[E#$!R'B! [ (CROATIA) Jelenko Švetak (SLOVENIA), Andrea Russo (CROATIA), Tomasz Lus (POLAND), H,5,(!),[O$(! [ (CROATIA), Sanja Bauk (MONTENEGRO), J(16[O'S$/! :[&;[<= (CROATIA) !"#$[&'()! [ (BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA), Hercules Haralambiades (HOLLAND), !"+,-[.'($/! [ (BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA), H1R$[O$/,6$/! [ (SOUTH AFRICA), @12#!),[1#! (BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA), Bruno Sergi (ITALY), Zoran Pandilov (MACEDONIA), Gordana Jovanovic Dolocek (MEXICO), 4(,5,6[.'(16$/! [ (CROATIA), Ahmed Kovacevic (UNITED KINGDOM) 7!6#$[7!-'! [ (CROATIA), Book of Proceedings 6th International Maritime Science Conference April 28 th -29 th , 2014, Solin Croatia ISSN 1847-1498 AIRPORT COLLABORATIVE DECISION Matija Bračić, Mate Melvan, Stanislav Pavlin, 6th INTERNATIONAL MARITIME SCIENCE CONFERENCE April 28 th -29 th , 2014, Solin, Croatia IMPLEMENTATION ASSESSMENT OF AIRPORT COLLABORATIVE DECISION MAKING AT SPLIT AIRPORT !"#$![&'!# 1, Mate Melvan 2, Stanislav Pavlin 1, Sanja Steiner 1 (1 *+#,-'.#"/[01[2!3'-45[6!789"/[01[:'!+.;0'"[!+<[:'!11#7[=7#-+7-.5[>8?-9# -,![@5[ABBBB[2!3'-45[ Croatia) (2 =;9#"[C#';0'"5[D-."![<'E[6'!+$-[:8G!+![AHIB5[HABBB[=;9#"5[D'0!"#![J (E-G!#9K[G!"#$!E4'!7#7L1;MEN'J ABSTRACT :N-[;'049-G[01[!#'7'!1"[<-9!/[O#"N#+[!#';0'"[./."-G[N!.[4--+[;'-.-+"[10'["N-[9!."[1-O[<-7!<-.[!+<['-;'-.-+".[![G!$0'[ 3-+-'!"0'[01[<-9!/[#+["N-[ON09-[./."-G[01[!#'["'!11#7E[P8-["0["N-[70G;9-Q#"/[01[0;-'!"#0+.[!"["N-[!#';0'"[!.[O-99[!.["N-[ +8G4-'[ 01[ ;!'"#7#;!+".[ #+,09,-<[ #+[ "N-[ ;'07-..5[ "N-'-[ #.[ ![ +--<[ 10'[ ![ 8+#R8-[ 7099!40'!"#,-[ ./."-GE[ :N-[ C#';0'"[ D099!40'!"#,-[P-7#.#0+[ !?#+3[SCDP J[./."-G[#.[4!.-<[0+["O0[?-/[-9-G-+".K["N-[;'-<#7"!4#9#"/[01[-,-+".[!+<[0+ -"#G-[ ;-'10'G!+7-E[TG;'0,#+3["N-["O0[?-/[-9-G-+".[#+[!99[;N!.-.[01[19#3N"[;9!++#+3[O089<[!990O[;!'"#7#;!+".[#+["N-[!#'["'!11#7[ ./."-G[.#3+#1#7!+"[#G;'0,-G-+".[#+[0;-'!"#0+[;-'10'G#+3E[:N-[CDP [./."-G[#.[0+-[01["N-[1#,-[;'#0'#"/[G-!.8'-.[#+["N-[ 69#3N"[U11#7#-+7/[V9!+5[ON#7N[O!.[<-,-90;-<[4/["N-[T+"-'+!"#0+!9[C#'[:'!+.;0'"[C..07#!"#0+[STC:CJ5[D#,#9[C#'[W!,#3!"#0+[ =-',#7-.[X'3!+#M!"#0+[SDCW=XJ[!+<["N-[U8'0;-!+[X'3!+#M!"#0+[10'["N-[=!1-"/[01[C#'[W!,#3!"#0+[SU*YXDXW:YXZJE[ :N-[;!;-'[O#99[!+!9/M-["N-[#..8-[01["'!11#7[!"["N-[=;9#"[C#';0'"[#+["-'G.[01[<-9!/[!+<[0+ -"#G-[;-'10'G!+7-E[C9.0["N-[;!;-'[ O#99[!+!9/M-["N-[G!#+[7!8.-.[01[!#'7'!1"[<-9!/[4/[TC:C[70<-.[!+<[!770'<#+3["0[;!'"#7#;!+".[#+[!#'["'!+.;0'"E[:N-['-.89".[01[ "N-[!+!9/.#.[O#99[#+<#7!"-["N-[+--<[10'[#G;9-G-+"!"#0+[01["N-[CDP [./."-GE KEY WORDS Airport Collabora "#,-[P-7#.#0+[ !?#+35[=;9#"[C#';0'"5[!#'7'!1"[<-9!/5[!#'7'!1"[0+ -"#G-[;-'10'G!+7- 470 ,1 (*1*+#-#,!+P-''*''1*+#P!3P-," !"#P/!((-4!"-#,)*P0*/,',!+P1-5,+6P-#P' (,#P-," !"# ,5!),[P",! :[ ,51[ 1(/,6:[E5,6!+(,/[&,/(!6:[E,6),[E51!61" 1. INTRODUCTION Generally speaking, total delay in air traffic can be observed @+ 4[ .#9*.([ &[ '&3.[ 2*+,[ '*- &.$[ 4* [ !"[ $%&'"()"%[ '*"+"',([ !&%"'(*!-./[ (0%"%[ '"%[ (0"%%[ generate delay, $3-4[*$/[*+.)+,#0[8BM0[*+."&. $[*,([ !"#$[&'[(#)*![+,(+-* &.$/[ & *)[(#)*!0['+1#[2+,3 #$[ @#* 4#.[-&,(+ +&,$7[D+93.#[=[$4&@$[ 4#[.#)* +&,$4+"[ &.[2&.# , *,([2&.#[ 4*,[56[2+,3 #$[(#)*!7 :# @##,[ '&3.[ 2*+,[ '*- &.$[ 4* [ *''#- [ *+.[ .*''+-[ 8,*)!$#$[ +,(+-* #[ 4* [ 4#[ *1#.*9#[ (#)*![ +2#[ :![ delays in April =>5= *,([ 4#[ .#,([+,[.#)* +&,[ &[ 4#[ 4#[(#)*!#([')+94 [;*))[-*3$#$<['&.[(#"*. 3.#[*+.-.*' [ April =>557 operations in April =>5=[ *2&3, $[ to =?[ 2+,3 #$0[ @4+-4[ .#".#$#, $[ *[ +,-.#*$#[ &'[ 56B[ -&2"*.#([ & April =>55 [1]. B4#[ "#.-#, *9#[ &'[ (#)*!#([ ')+94 $[ (delay '+1#[2+,3 #$[&.[2&.#<[+,[=>5=[9.#@[:![=B[ -&2"*.#([ &[=>55 , and .#*-4#( C5B7[D)+94 $[ 4* [ *.#[ (#)*!#([ 2&.#[ 4*,[ 56[ 2+,3 #$[ '&.[ (#"*. 3.# *+.-.*' [ &"#.* +&,$[ +,[ =>5=[ +,-.#*$#([ &[ 5EB[ -&2"*.#([ &[ 4#[ previous year [1]. For 4#[*..+1*)[ aircraft operations t 4#[*1#.*9#[(#)*![ +2#[:![ 4#[(#)*!#([')+94 [;*))[-*3$#$<[+,[=>5=[@#.#[ 31 2+,3 #$0[ @4+-4[ .#".#$#, $[ increase of 18% -&2"*.#([ &[ 4#[".#1+&3$[!#*.[F5G7 B4#[)*.9#$ [$4*.#[&'[*+.-.*' [(#)*!$["#.[$+,9)#[')+94 [ '&.[=>5=[.#".#$#, $[*[.#*- +&,*.![(#)*![@+ 4[H76I[ 2+,3 #$0['&))&@#([:![ 4#[(#)*![-*3$#([:![ 4#[*+.)+,#[ =76I[2+,3 #$0[*+.$"*-#[-*"*-+ ![@+ 4[>7J5[2+,3 #$0[ Figure 2. N#)* +&,$4+"[ of '&3.[2*O&.['*- &.$[ 4#[ -*"*-+ ![ &'[ 4#[ *+."&. K$[ *+.$"*-#[ @+ 4[ >7E 3 *''#- +,9[*+.[ .*''+-[(#)*!$0[#L".#$$#([+,[2+,3 #$['&.[ 2+,3 #$0[# -7[ April =>55[*,([ April =>5= [1] B4#[*,*)!$+$[+,[ Figure =[+,(+-* #$[ 4* [ 4#[9.#* #$ [ ".&"&. +&,[ &'[ & *)[ (#)*![ "#.[ +,(+1+(3*)[ ')+94 [ +,[ April =>5=[ @*$[ 9#,#.* #([ :![ *+.)+,#[ @+ 4[ =76I[ 2+,3 #$0[ '&))&@#([ :![ 8BM[ @+ 4[ 57I6[ 2+,3 #$0[ *+."&. $[ @+ 4[ &,#[ 2+,3 #[ *,([ @#* 4#.[ -&,(+ +&,$[ @+ 4[>7C=[2+,3 #$7[P&2"*.+,9[ .#,($[ in Figure 2 a $)+94 [+, crease in air traffic delays in all aspects can be observed. Q+ 4+,[R3.&"#[ 4#.#[*.#[ over H6>[F 2] international airports generating traffic of over 57I billion passengers [3]. B4#[ * nalysis &'[ &"[ 5>[ -&,9#$ #([ *+."&. $[+,[ #.2$[&'[(#"*. 3.#[&"#.* +&,$[+,(+-* #$[ )&@#.[ & *)[(#)*![+,[=>5=[-&2"*.#([ &[ 4#[".#1+&3$[ year. B4#[ 2&$ [ -&22&,[ (#)*!$[ * [ *))[ *+."&. $[ *.# Figure 1. B4#[.#)* +&,$4+"[&'[1*.+&3$['*- &.$[ delays due to late *..+1*)[&'[*+.-.*' [*,([-.#@['.&2[ *[".#1+&3$[')+94 [*,([ 4#![*-- ount for an average *''#- +,9[*+.[ .*''+-[(#)*!$0[#L".#$$#([+,[2+,3 #$[ of C>B[&'[*))[(#)*!$ (reactionary delay). "#.[')+94 [+,[ April =>55[*,([ April =>5=[F5G D+93.#[C[$4&@$[ 4#[2*+,[-*3$#$[&'[(#)*![ in top 5> European congested airports '.&2[ 4#[ "#.$"#- +1#[ of departure ai .-.*' [ &"#.* +&,$[ '&.[ =>5= , D+93.#[ 5[ $4&@$[ 4#[ .#)* +&,$4+"[ :# @##,[ (+''#.#, [ respectively for 4#[ '&))&@+,9[ *+."&. $/[ S$ *,:3)[ factors affecting air traffic delays +,[8".+)[=>5= and 8 * 3.T[ ;UBV8<0[ U+$:&* ;UW8N<0 Porto ;UWWN<0[ 4# .#,([-&2"*.#([ &[ April =>55 . Madrid V*.*O*$[ ;URMX ), Malaga ;URMY<0[ U&,( on 471 6th INTERNATIONAL MARITIME SCIENCE CONFERENCE April 28 th -29 th , 2014, Solin, Croatia !"#$%&' ()*++,-[ /&01&02![ 31"45"6[ (+738, , Paris represents a decrease of BCB[ 6&?A"%!< to #$![ Orly (+738,-[9:6![(+7;9,-[+&5<&5[+0#&5 (EGGW). previous year. Figure 4. V!1"@[(:5[?:50#!2,[&>[":%[6"%%:!%[G%&"#:"[ Airlines at Split Airport in DCB 2, "66&%<:54[#&[MN/N[ codes Figure 3. 8=!%=:!'[&>[#$![?":5[6"02!2[&>[<!1"@[:5[ Y8ZFG)[[ !"#$%&D[%)&) %*#[+,- #$![#&A[BC[6&54!2#!<[)0%&A!"5[":%A&%#2[ in DCBD [1] T#)[. %/)&"[0). 1[ "["#)[23.4"[54%3$%"[ is generated by Croatia Airlines 64"#[ 1,778 delays 9:8;: ) < =4>/ a total of 7:?:@8 <4>!")&[ $A[ 0). 1B C#)[ 2. CURRENT STATE OF AIR TRAFFIC IN THE d). 1[ 3%$3$%"4$>[ D1[ E5C5[ *$0)&[ A$%[ 4%[ * %%4)%[ REPUBLIC OF CROATIA F%$ "4 [54%.4>)&[4>[:8; 2 4&[&#$6>[4>[ F4/!%)[GB[H$%[ $"#)%[ 4%[ * %%4)%&[ "[ "#)[ 23.4"[ 54%3$%"[ 4>[ :8; 2 A66&%<:54[#&[#$![50?E!%[&>[":%6%">#[&A!%"#:&52 air 9H4/!%)[IJ["#)%) 6)%)[:?7@K 0). 1&[64"#[ a total of traffic a :5[ #$![ F!A0E1:6[ &>[ G%&"#:"[ :5[ #$![ 1"2#[ >!'[ I:?K;I <4>!" es of delay recorded +,-B @!"%2[$"2[ s!!5["[21:4$#[:56%!"2!H[ E5C5[ 0). 1[ *$0)[ > .1&4&[ 4>04* ")&[ "# "[ [ large Air traffic i 5[ DCBD-[ "66&%<:54[ #&[ #$![ 50?E!%[ &>[ >!<D)%[ $A[ 0). 1&[ "[ "#)[ 23.4"[ 54%3$%"[ %)3%)&)>"&[ passengers "6$:!=!<[ "[ 4%&'#$[ &>[ IHDB[ 6&?A"%!<[ %) *"4L)[ 0). 1[ 9E5C5[ *$0)[ @7J[ 6#4*#[ 4>[ "#)[ "$" .[ #&[DCBB[KL ]. 0). 1[ **$!>"&[A$%[,MB[A$%["#)[> "4$> .[ 4%[* %%4)%[ M5[#!%?2[&>[N/7;[<!1"@[':#$:5[#$![ Croatian airspace 9F%$ "4 [ 54%.4>)&J[ 0). 1[ >0[ K7B 9$"#)%[ 4%[

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