CLEAR THE WAY By Major General Robert B. Fl.owers Comnumdant. U.S. Army Engineer School o tell you that Lhe Army and tbe Regiment wiU face ir. to MLC 70 bridge capability if we fail in our efforts to unique challenges and exciting changes ahead restore the Wolverine. would be an understacement. You know as T • Jmproving the ACE by increasing its dozing. armor­ well as J that the CSA's Transformation SLrategy, aJLhough prote<.:tion, and communication capabilities, as well as desperately needed to align Anny capabilities with known improving its maintenance and sustainability. threats through 2010, requires major paradigm shifts as well as tough resourcing decisions. • Modernizing the Engineer Squad Vehicle to a Bradley for greater survivability through lethality and commonalty with Central to ensuring that the Anny can achieve the desired the Brigade Combat Team. end state for the "fnilial Force" (present to 2003) were some extremely agonizing resourcing decisions that resulted in the • Continuing to demonstrate the requirement for an Engineer Presidential Budget Decision 745 remunation ofthe Grizzly and Brigade headquarters in the force structure or Lhe Force Wolverine programs. Since announcing the decision, we have XXT Heavy Division. secured Lhe backing and public support of key MACOM TheGrizzly and Wolverine situation, as well as numerous commanders, CINCs. and senior Anny leaders in the Pentagon. other issues affecting the regime nt. will be discussed during We now very much expect I.hat Congress will reverse the our upcoming Engineer Force (ENFORCE) 2000 Conference. decision this summer. The USACE DPW Training Workshop will meet l -3 M ay. With this understood, 1 assure you that your Engineer MACOM engineers wil l meet 2 May. We will all gather School bas beeufeverishly working to position the Grizzly and together as One Regiment for theremainder of the ENFORCE Wolve1ine program for success. Our strategy has already hegun 2000 Conference 3-5 May. The ENFORCE 2000 Golf Tournamenl is scheduled For 6 May. to reap some benefits. We wereable to s~cure sufficient FYOO funding to procure 14 Wolverines- enough to field an entire The ENFORCE 2000 Conference the me is "Engineers battalion ~et later this year at Fort Hood. We also feel that we Shaping the New Millennium." A key undercuITentofchis year's have positioned ourselves to rcstaJt the program with minimal conference is the remembrance of tJ1e 50tl1 anniversary of lhe effort by gaining support for placing the Grizzly and Wolverine Korean War. I will deliver the commandant's "Stale of lhc on the Army's l-N list of essential unfinanced programs. Jn Branch" presentation- a candid update of our branch. fact, both are in the top 20 andstand a greatchance for restarting Lieutenant General JoeN . Bal lard, our Chiefof' Engineers, will whenever Congress allows. We expect the first decision point conclude the formal agenda with a " S1a1e of the Regiment" on restarting by 4th qua11er FYOO. presentation. The conference finale will be the 12th Annual Additionall y, we havebegun efforts to evaluate alternatives Engineer Regimental Dinner, du1ing which the ltschner, G1inly, in case the Grizzly and Wolve1ine are not allowed to resta1t. and Sturgis Awards and the Gold de Fleury Medal will be Recognizing chat none will folly replace the phenomenal presented. capabilities of e ither the Grizzly or Wolverine. our initiatives This year's conference admini))trative information and include­ registration are available via the Imeroet on the Fort Leonard • Rescoring personnel and equipment-specifically 57 Wood home page. Spouses are invited to join the Regimental sappers, 9 ACEs, and an M 113- to the Force XXl Heavy Dinner and other conference social activities. Informati on Engineer Battalion force structure. outlining activities available for spouses during their stay <.:an also be found on the Fo1t Leonard Wood home page. • Restarting the MICLIC replacement prngram. specifically the Explosive Standoff Minefield Breacher (ESMB), to It is imperative thar wecontinue speaking wit.hone voice as provide standoff capability against aJI su1face and buried One Corp.I'. One Regimen/, One Team. Your input and a<.:tive minefields effective against all known threats through 2010. participation are critical to guide and strengthen our actions. 1 look forward to seeing you al Fon Leonard Wood. Be sure to • Reviewing hest alternatives co upgrade che AYLB by study for I.he lest! impruving its hydraulics and electrical systems, adding a new suspension, replacing the power train, and upgrading Essayons ! Volume 30 PB 5-00-2 UNITED STATES ARMY FEATURES ENGINEER SCHOOL 2 Transforming the Engineer Regiment By Lieutenant General Joe N. Ballard COMMANDANT 6 The Engineer Regiment in Kosovo Major General Robert 8. Flowers By Colonel Robert L. McClure 11 Cobra Gold '99 Tests the Eight-Step Training Model MANAGING EDITOR By First Lieutenant Matthew Luzzatto Lynne Sparks 14 Route Reconnaissance: A Lost Art By Captain Matt Pasvogel FEATURES EDITOR 17 A Guide to the U.S. Army Engineer Museum Shirley Bridges By Kim Combs CONTRIBUTING EDITOR 18 The Army School System: One Army, One Team, Mattie Kirby One Standard By Major Maurice E. Gissendanner GRAPHIC DESIGNER 20 The Army Engineer Diver JenniferMorgan By Captain James Kisiel and Master Sergeant Marcus King 22 Engineer Doctrine Hierarchy and Publications By Order of the Secretary of the Army: Renumbering ERIC K. SHINSEKI By Lieutenant Colonel Harry Rossander 26 Understanding AC/RC Assignments General, United States Army By Major Diane T. Cummins-Lefler Chief of Staff 28 Constructing Pavements W ith Recycled Waste Materials By James E. Shoenberger Official: 30 Sets, Kits, and Outfits: Technical Trades and Topography µ p!IJ__J By Alan Schlie 34 GIS - The Bridge Into the Twenty-First Century JOEL B. HUDSON By Lieutenant Colonel Tim Rensema. Mr. Craig Erickson. and Administrative Assistant to the Captain Steve Herda Secretary of the Army 40 EOBC and EOAC Update 0006106 By Captain Sam Hudson Front Cover: "One Aegiment"-Active. Reserve, Nationaf Guard, and Corps of Engineers work to revo· lutionize the way the Army provides suppo11. DEPARTMENTS Back Cover. Soldiers of the 8th Engineer Ba/talion. Inside front cover: Clear the Way 42 CTC Notes 1st Cavalry Division. put logs under the weakened 24 Book Review 46 Engineer Update support of a bridge near Yangzi, Korea, to prevent its collapse until a lank retriever can arrive and remove 37 Past in Review 49 Lead the Way the M·4 tank. (28 Jan 5 1) 39 The Engineer Writer's Guide ENG INEEA (ISSN 0046- 19890) 1s prepared quanerly by the U.S Army Engineer professional development. Views expressed are those of the author and no1 School. 320 Eng.neer Loop. Su11e 210, Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473·8929. Second those ol th e Departmef'\t of Defense or its elemen1s The contents do no1 Class postage 1s paid al Foo Leonard Wood, MO, and ado'1!1onal mailing offices. necessarily reflect ofhc1at U.S. Army pos1hons and do not change or super· sede information m other U.S. Army publications. Use of news items const1· POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Engineer Profsss1on;;/ Bullerin. tules neither affirmation oC their accuracy nor product endorsement Erlginee1 320 Engineer Loop, Su110 210. Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473·8929. reserves the right lo edit malenal. CORRESPONDENCE. letters lo the editor, manuscr pts, pholographs, ol· CONTENT 1s not copyrighled. Matenat may be reprinted 11credit is given to l1ctal uni! requests 10 receive copies. and unit address changes should be sent Engineer and lhe author to Engineer al the preceding address. Telephone· (573} 563-4104. OSN 676· 4104 Engineers e-mail address 1s· [email protected] Our Internet home OFFICIAL DISTRIBUTION is 1argered 10 all eng1"eer and engineer-related unns page is located al: http //www.woo< PERSONAL SUBSCRIPTIONS are available tor $14.00 per year by contac11ng DISCLAIMER· Engineer presents professional rnformation designed to the Superintendent of Documents, P.O. Box 371954, P11tsburgh, PA 15250·7950. keep U.S. m1t1tary and civilian eng•neers mlormed ol current and emerging ACldress changes for personal subscriptions should also be sent to the Superinten· developmerllS wilh1n their areas of expertise for the purpose of enhancing theh Clent of Documents April 2000 Engineer J harle!\ Darwin once said. " It is : programs-the W olverine and the Initial Brigades Grizzly- have been put on the shelf. not the strongest ofthe speries I s h:is been well publicized. the that .rnrvive, nor the most I Second, the new Initial Brigade will have C ne w Initial Brigade calls for only one organic engineer company. And i111ellige11f, but the 011e nuw responsive I only one engineer company ro third, the rorce structure for engineer A to change." This quole is very ap- j be organic to it. We have become units that are echelons above ctivision propriate. given the changes occurring accustomed to a brigade having a full and corps will probably be reduced. inthe Anny. General Shinscki realized that battalion of e ngi neers. T he trans­ the Anny had to change. to transform These changes require our regiment I fom1ation is a fact of life, and it is unlikely itself to meet rbe needs of the current to do some innovative thinking to that the Jnitial Brigade structure will global environment. The Anny's vision determine how we will prnvide world- 1 change signi ficantl y with regard to its is to produce a more deployable force class engineer supporc to this more organic engineers. Tbis company wil1 that is lethal and survivable. As the Army deployable Army. What we need to do have many of the capabilities chat arc changes, so will lhe Engineer Regiment. as a regiment is get on board wirh the already found in a m.echani,ed engineer We can either swim with the current of I transformation and decide how the company.
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