GRAND COUNTY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Grand County Council Chambers 125 East Center Street, Moab, Utah AGENDA Tuesday, February 17, 2015 4:00 p.m. Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Approval of Minutes (Diana Carroll, Clerk/Auditor) A. December 2, 2014 (County Council Meeting), Postponed from December 16, 2014 B. January 20, 2015 (County Council Meeting), Postponed from February 3, 2015 C. January 23, 2015 (County Council Administrative Workshop: Public Lands Bill & Facilities Planning), Postponed from February 3, 2015 D. February 3, 2015 (County Council Meeting) E. February 9, 2015 (County Council Administrative Workshop: Public Lands Bill) Ratification of Payment of Bills Elected Official Reports Council Administrator Report Department Reports F. 2014 Moab Uranium Mill Tailings Remedial Action (UMTRA) Project Report (Lee Shenton, Moab UMTRA Liaison) Agency Reports Citizens to Be Heard Presentations G. Presentation on Amending the Wildland Urban Interface Code (Ted Black, Chief Deputy State Fire Marshal) Discussion Items H. Calendar Items and Public Notices (KaLeigh Welch, Council Office Coordinator) General Business- Action Items- Discussion and Consideration of: I. Approving Six Month Lease Agreement Renewal with Moab Taiko Dan for a Portion of the Old Senior Center (Michele Blackburn, Treasurer, Moab Taiko Dan) J. Approving Proposed Reclassification and Job Description Amendments of the Assistant Road Supervisor Position (Orlinda Robertson, Human Resources Director and Bill Jackson, Road Supervisor) K. Approving Proposed Year-to-Year Ground Lease Agreement with Pinnacle Helicopters, LLC at Canyonlands Field (Judd Hill, Airport Manager) L. Approving FY 2014-2015 Utah Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness (HMEP) Grant (Rick M. Bailey, Emergency Management Director) M. Approving Recommendation of the Jail Remodel Selection Committee and Authorize Negotiations with Selected Firm for Contract (Rick M. Bailey, Emergency Management Director) N. Approving Proposed Letter to the Bureau of Land Management Regarding the Moab Master Leasing Plan (Council Member Baird) 2/13/15 Page 1 of 2 O. Approving Proposed Structure for Submitting Recommendations to Congressmen Bishop and Chaffetz for the Public Lands Initiative (Chairwoman Tubbs) P. Approving Council Membership/Subscription Renewals for 2015 (Ruth Dillon, Council Administrator) Q. Approving Waiver of Building Permit Application Fees totaling $899.73 for New Storage Building at the Road Shed and Ratifying Vice Chair’s Signature (Ruth Dillon, Council Administrator) Consent Agenda- Action Items R. Ratifying the Chair’s Signature on an Advertising Contract with Titan for the Moab Area Travel Council in the Amount of $30,051.60 S. Ratifying the Chair’s Signature on a Radio Schedule Investment with Sports Network for the Moab Area Travel Council in the Amount of $8,000.00 T. Ratifying the Chair’s Signature on an Advertising Contract with Sunset for the Moab Area Travel Council in the Amount of $20,000.00 U. Ratifying the Chair’s Signature on a Contract Agreement with Travel Guides for the Moab Area Travel Council in the Amount of $.95 per inquiry with an expense CAP of $450.00 monthly not to exceed $4,950.00 V. Ratifying the Chair’s Signature on a Contract Agreement with TravelInformation.com for the Moab Area Travel Council in the Amount of $.95 per inquiry with an expense CAP of $250.00 monthly not to exceed $2,750.00 W. Ratifying the Chair’s Signature on an Advertising Contract with KSEG 96.9 The Eagle for the Moab Area Travel Council for a Total Promotional Value of $28,250.00 X. Ratifying the Chair’s Signature on an Advertising Contract with Outdoor Utah Adventure Guide for the Moab Area Travel Council in the Amount of $3,400.00 Y. Ratifying the Vice Chair’s Signature on an Advertising Contract with 101.5 KHits for the Moab Area Travel Council in the Amount of $27,996.00 Z. Ratifying the Vice Chair’s Signature on a Marketing Agreement with Madden Media for the Moab Area Travel Council in the Amount of $20,000.00 AA. Ratifying the Vice Chair’s Signature on an Insertion Order with National Park Trips Media for the Moab Area Travel Council in the Amount of $1,700.00 Public Hearings- Possible Action Items (none) General Council Reports and Future Considerations Closed Session(s) (if necessary) Adjourn At the Grand County Council meetings/hearings any citizen, property owner, or public official may be heard on any agenda subject. The number of persons heard and the time allowed each may be limited at the sole discretion of the Chair. On matters set for public hearings there is a three-minute time limit per person to allow maximum public participation. All persons, upon being recognized by the Chair, shall advance to the podium, state their full name and address, whom they represent, and their subject matter. No person shall interrupt legislative proceedings. NOTICE OF SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION DURING PUBLIC MEETINGS. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals with special needs requests wishing to attend County Council meetings are encouraged to contact the County two (2) business days in advance of these events. Specific accommodations necessary to allow participation of disabled persons will be provided to the maximum extent possible. T.D.D. (Telecommunication Device for the Deaf) calls can be answered at: (435) 259-1346. Individuals with speech and/or hearing impairments may also call the Relay Utah by dialing 711. Spanish Relay Utah: 1 (888) 346-3162 Requests for inclusion on an agenda and supporting documentation must be received by 5:00 PM on the Wednesday prior to a regular Council Meeting and forty-eight (48) hours prior to any Special Council Meeting. Information relative to these meetings/hearings may be obtained at the Grand County Council’s Office, 125 East Center Street, Moab, Utah; (435) 259-1346. It is hereby the policy of Grand County that elected and appointed representatives, staff and members of Grand County Council may participate in meetings through electronic means. Any form of telecommunication may be used, as long as it allows for real time interaction in the way of discussions, questions and answers, and voting. A Council agenda packet is available at the local Library at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting. 2/13/15 Page 2 of 2 GRAND COUNTY COUNCIL Grand County Council Chambers 125 East Center Street Moab, Utah December 2, 2014 The Grand County Council met in regular session on the above date in the Council Chambers of the Grand County C ourthouse l ocated at 125 E ast C enter S treet, M oab, U tah. C hairman Ly nn J ackson c alled t he Council m eeting to o rder at 4 :00 p .m. In a ttendance w ere C ouncil Members Lynn J ackson, Gene C iarus, Elizabeth Tubbs, Rory Paxman, Patricia Holyoak, Ken Ballantyne and Jim Nyland, along with Grand County Deputy Clerk/Auditor John West and Council Administrator Ruth Dillon. T he Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chair Jackson. Approval of Minutes (Diana Carroll, Clerk/Auditor) A. October 21, 2014 (County Council Meeting) B. October 24, 2014 (County Council Special Meeting: Budget Workshop) C. October 31, 2014 (County Council Special Meeting: Budget Workshop) D. November 5, 2014 (County Council Meeting), Postponed from November 18, 2014 E. November 12, 2014 (County Council/Elected Officials Special Meeting: Canvass of the Election) F. November 18, 2014 (County Council Special Meeting: Budget Workshop) G. November 18, 2014 (County Council Meeting) H. November 20, 2014 (Board of Canvassers Special Meeting: Canvass of the Recount) I. November 21, 2014 (County Council Special Meeting: Public Lands) Action postponed until the next meeting. Ratification of Payment of Bills MOTION: Motion by Council Member Patricia Holyoak to approve payment of bills presented in the amount of $553,441.62. Accounts payable check numbers 85554 - 85740 totaling $390,400.20 and payroll in the amount of $163, 041.62 c onfirming al l bi lls presented w ere w ithin budg eted ap propriations. Motion s econded by Council Member Rory Paxman carried 7 - 0 by roll-call vote. Council Administrator Report Ruth Dillon reported that filling the position of Community Development Director is ongoing. Presentations J. Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) Recognition (Andy Smith, Director) Emergency Medical Services Director Andy Smith gave recognition to several members of his department for recent heroic efforts in their duties as EMTs. K. Museum of Moab Mid-Year Report (John Foster, Director, Museum of Moab) Presentation postponed until the next meeting. L. PowerPoint Presentation of Draft Capital Facilities Plan and Impact Fee Facilities Plan (Brent Ventura, Horrocks Engineers and Zions Bank Representative) Brent Ventura and Matt Millis presented the information collected regarding the proposed Impact Fee Facilities Plan. Utah Code requires that a public hearing be held as to the intent of Grand County to adopt the Capital Facilities Plan, Impact Fee Facilities Plan and Impact Fee Analysis. Discussion Items M. Discussion on Grand County Public Lands Alternative Designations related to Congressman Bishop’s Proposed Public Lands Bill for Southeastern Utah (Chairman Jackson) Discussion occurred regarding submission of the Public Lands Alternative Designations. C hair Jackson will draft an update and send out to the newly elected Council Members to review and prepare to make a decision in January. N. Discussion on Calendar Items and Public Notices (KaLeigh Welch, Council Office Coordinator) 2/13/15 Page 1 of 3 General Business- Action Items- Discussion and Consideration of: O. Approving Proposed Revised Interlocal Cooperation Agreement Relative to the Six County Infrastructure Coalition (Chairman Jackson) MOTION: Motion by Council Member Elizabeth Tubbs to postpone voting on this item until the new Council is seated. M otion s econded by C ouncil Member Ken B allantyne c arried 4 – 3 with C ouncil Members N yland, Jackson and Ciarus opposed.
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