Weekend Forecast: Spring! Sunny, near 60 degrees The Cowl Vol. LX No. 19 Providence College - Providence, Rhode Island April 18,1996 Murphy’s Election Controversy Memory the election on March 28, people be­ Arms presided. A number of witnesses by Theresa Edo ‘96 gan making comments to her concern­ appeared for both sides of the argu­ Editor-In-Chief ing further improper practices in the ment. Walsh was additionally repre­ After a hearing held on Tuesday, campaign. On Saturday, March 30, she sented by Matthew Albanese ’94, and Kept filed a complaint with Mike Dever ’98, April 9, newly elected Student Con­ his father, Daniel M. Walsh III PC '64. gress Executive Board President, Mike Chairperson of the Committee on Leg- “There were a lot of inconsistencies Walsh ’97, was suspended from his du­ and flaws in the process,” said Alive ties on Congress until November of Albanese. “The issue was raised about 1996. Until that time Maureen Lyons whether certain students could associ­ ate with other students. This is a vio­ by Erin Piorek ‘96 ’97, the newly elected Vice President lation of basic liberties and free News Writer of Student Congress, will preside over the 47th Congress. This action follows speech,” he continued. The Senior Class Giving Program is a an unprecedented legislative process Kateri Walsh, Mike’s mother, also three year program at Providence College within the Student Congress. attended the proceedings and was vis­ set up to raise money for scholarships and On April 9, The Committee on Leg­ ibly disturbed. “Their purpose is to in­ financial aid. Every year, the seniors are islative Affairs, sitting as the General validate Mike’s presidency,” she said. asked to contribute $20 a year beginning a Court of the Congress, upheld two of After several hours of hearing state­ year after they graduate. five charges of improper campaign ments and deliberation the Court de­ This year, the Senior Class Giving Pro­ practices filed against Walsh. Cur­ cided to uphold two of the five charges. gram is different. Seniors will not only be rently, Walsh is appealing the decision They were: (1) violation of the agree­ contributing to a financial aid and scholar­ of the Court. ment made with Meg Wrona on March ship fund for future students, but they will Walsh commented, “The Student 26; and (2) violation of the Student also be keeping the memory of a fellow Congress Constitution is there to pro­ Congress Constitution - Administration classmate and friend alive at PC. tect people, not persecute people.” of Elections - Section 4, C, which All contributions to the program will be According to Meg Wrona ’96, the reads, “These statutes are binding upon donated to a financial aid and scholarship Chairperson of Elections, she became the supporters of a candidate and the fund in Christopher Murphy’s name. aware that two of Walsh’s direct sup­ said candidate shall be responsible for According to Ken Binder, Director of porters were allegedly ripping down the conduct of his/her supporters.” As Alumni Development, there were 324 posters of Walsh’s opponent, Bill Ewell Newly Elected Student Congress a result, he is suspended until Novem­ pledges as of Friday, April 12. This is 80 ’97. Because this conduct is in viola­ President Mike Walsh ‘97 ber. pledges more than this time last year. Muffie tion of the Student Congress Constitu­ Walsh is currently appealing the de­ Stanford, PC senior and close friend of tion, she, Walsh, and current Student islative Affairs, and with Walsh (in ac­ cision, and the appeal is on the desk of Christopher Murphy, realizes that college Congress Executive Board President, cord with the Procedures for Dealing Rev. J. Stuart McPhail, O.P., Vice students don’t have a lot of money and is Bill Meehan ’96, met on Tuesday with Violations, under the Procedure of President for Student Services. touched by the benevolence of the Class of evening, March 26. They reached an the Committee on Legislative Affairs). Dever’s only comment was that the ‘96. “I am impressed at the kindness of the agreement that the two supporters in Acting in her capacity as head of Elec­ “Legislative Affairs Committee will re­ seniors in the Senior Class Giving Pro­ question would no longer be actively tions, Wrona brought up five charges lease a joint statement about the deci­ gram,” she said. “Seniors have responded involved in Walsh’s campaign. of improper campaign practices. sion when the matter is fully resolved.” generously to the program. I am pleased “I am troubled by the allegations of The hearing, originally scheduled Mike Rush ’96, President of the Se­ that the money will be donated in Chris campaign violations by my opponent,” for April 2, finally took place after Eas­ nior Class, is concerned that the Com­ Murphy’s name.” said Bill Ewell. “The students at Provi­ ter break on Tuesday, April 9, in Slavin mittee on Legislative Affairs did not There was a booth located in lower dence College deserve no less than fair 303. The Committee on Legislative follow the guidelines set up by the Con­ Slavin for Seniors to donate until Wednes­ and honest elections for their represen­ Affairs, made up entirely of Congres­ stitution. “You can’t make up the rules day, April 17. From Tuesday, April 23 un­ tation in the College government,” he sional members, sat as the General as you go along,” he said. til Thursday, April 25, students involved in continued. Court of Congress and conducted the -with reports from Kristina Jensen ‘96, the program will be running a phone-a-thon Wrona went on to explain that after proceedings. An appointed Sergeant at Asst, to the Editor-In-Chief to request support from seniors who have “Chris loved PC, and I can’t think of a Foley Steps Down more appropriate way of keeping his by Pieter J. Ketelaar ‘97 Sports Writer memory alive at Bob Foley, head women’s basketball PC!” coach for the past 11 seasons at Providence College, resigned Friday “in order to pur­ - Muffle Stanford ‘96 sue other opportunities,” leaving the college to conduct a nationwide search for a suc­ not pledged. cessor. Finally, on Saturday, April 20, there will Foley’s resignation comes after the Lady be a 3-on-3 basketball tournament in Friars posted a lackluster 12-15 ’96 mark. Peterson Recreation Center in memory of Despite failing to notch a .500 or better Murphy. The proceeds from the tournament record for the fourth consecutive season, will benefit the Ronald McDonald House. Foley guided the squad to a Big East 7 title, The money will come from the team entry but was felled by Seton Hall in their first fees and the sponsor fees. game of the Big East Tournament. While Murphy was in the hospital, the Foley, who began his tenure at Provi­ Ronald McDonald House was kind enough dence in 1985 coming from an assistant job to house five of his siblings, two of his at Penn State, agreed with Athletic Director nieces, and his two parents. Shuttle service John Marinatto, citing it was “time for a was also provided for the family to and from change.” the hospital. The money raised from the “Bob Foley resigned because of a tournament will allow PC to donate a spe­ philosophical difference in opinion,” cial gift of thanks in Chris Murphy’s name. Marinatto said, “and we have begun the pro­ Friends and family of Christopher cess of selecting a new head women’s Murphy are grateful for the contributions of coach.” the senior class and the support from the Asked about the suddeness of Foley’s entire PC community. “Chris loved PC,” announcement Marinatto explained, “It was said Stanford, “and I can’t think of a more not really a surprise, nor was it unexpected, appropriate way of keeping his memory continued on page 24 alive at PC.” The Cowl 2 NEWS April 18,1996 Student Holocaust Organizations Remembered they eventually made their way to Provi­ Elect ‘96-’97 by Christopher Roche ‘96 dence because their former country, Asst. Editorials Editor Lithuania, was no longer a democracy. In 1978, Eliash’s husband passed “History, despite its wrenching pain, away, however his last wish was for her Executive Boards cannot be unlived.” These are the words to go out and speak about her experiences of Mr. Gene Booth, Executive Director in the Holocaust, “People will say the for the Rhode Island Commission of Hu­ Jews made the whole thing up,” he told by David Canal ‘98 Also elected to the BOP Executive Board man Rights. Booth, who is also a mem­ her. That unfortunate prophecy has mo­ News Writer____________________________ was Megan Whiteside ’97, who will serve ber of the Black-Jewish Alliance, was one tivated Eliash to share her experiences With the ’95-’96 academic year coming as next year’s Secretary. “I’d like to thank of seven presenters at the Providence with as many people as possible. to a close in the next few weeks, the major everyone who voted for me. I look forward College Yorn Hashoa ceremony, this past Eliash spoke of the events as if she clubs and organizations throughout campus to a year of continued great success for Tuesday in the Feinstein Academic Cen­ were a reporter. She explained what hap­ have been conducting elections to form next BOP.” Rounding out the executive board ter. The annual ceremony was held in pened in an amazingly unbiased way, and year’s executive boards. Students took to are Amy Pettine ’97 (Vice President) and remembrance of those who perished at the she even recalled the names of Nazi the polls on Thursday, March 28th to elect Neil Mitchell ’97 (Treasurer), who both ran hands of Hitler during the Holocaust.
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