Index of Manuscripts

Index of Manuscripts

Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-83682-1 — Rome and the Invention of the Papacy Rosamond McKitterick Index More Information INDEX OF MANUSCRIPTS Albi, Médiathèque Pierre-Amalric (olim VLQ 60 40, 70, 102, 181 n. 34, Bibliothèque municipale) 184 n. 42, 190, 207 n. 106, MS 2 155 n. 90 219–20 Arras, Bibliothèque municipale London, British Library MS 672 (641) 155 n. 89 Cotton Titus C.XV 175, 177 Cotton Nero D.IV 142 n. 44 Berlin, Deutsche Staatsbibliothek Royal I.B.VII 142 n. 44 Phillipps 1743 156 n. 91 Lucca, Biblioteca Capitolare Feliniana Bern, Burgerbibliothek Cod. 490 178–9, 182, 184 n. 42, 188, Cod. 225 199 190–2, 195, 207 n. 106 Cod. 233 199 Cod. 408 182–3 Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana Brussels, Bibliothèque royale C.105inf. 188 n. 54 MS 8380-9012 184 n. 42, 217 n. 145 E.147sup. 188 n. 54 MS 14814 68 M.77sup. 182 n. 39, 184 n. 42 Modena, Biblioteca Capitolare Cambrai, Bibliothèque municipale O.I.12 186–7, 188, 189 MS 164 215 n. 140 Monte Cassino, Archivio dell’Abbazia Cambridge, Corpus Christi College MS 269 194 n. 67 MS 286 176 Monza, Cattedrale S. Giovanni Battista Cologne, Dombibliothek Sacrista Tesoro Cod. 164 184 n. 42, 217 n. 145 s.n. 177 Cod. 212 153, 155 Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek Clm 6243 (Collectio Frisingensis) 156 Einsiedeln, Stiftsbibliothek Clm 6385 203 Cod. 326 60 Clm 14387 202–3 Florence, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana Naples, Biblioteca Nazionale San Marco 604 193–4, 195 IV.A.8 9 n. 32, 185–6 Fulda, Hessische Landesbibliothek Lat. 2 (Vindobon. 16) 75 n. 16 Bonifatianus 1 75 n. 16 Orléans, Bibliothèque municipale Laon, Bibliothèque municipale Suzanne MS 313 199 Martinet Oxford, Bodleian Library MS 199 147 n. 57, 178 Laud gr. 35 175–6 MS 342 217 n. 145 Laud misc. 126 172 n. 5 Leiden, Universiteitsbibliotheek Scaliger 49 202 Paris, Archives nationales VLQ 12 201–2 K 7, No. 9(1) 177 n. 22 VLQ 41 184, 212 n. 126, 217 n. 145 K 7, No. 9(2) 177 n. 22 257 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-83682-1 — Rome and the Invention of the Papacy Rosamond McKitterick Index More Information INDEX OF MANUSCRIPTS Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France Turin, Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria (BnF) F.IV.18 187–8 lat. 1451 197–8 G.VII.15 (11163) 76 n. 19 lat. 2123 199–200 lat. 2268 52 n. 49 Valenciennes, Bibliothèque municipale lat. 2400 52 n. 49, 201 n. 91 MS 72 (65) 203 lat. 2769 208 n. 109, 217 n. 145 Vatican Bibloteca Apostolica Vaticana lat. 2777 218 (BAV) lat. 5140 184 n. 42 Barberini lat. 2733 113 n. 63 lat. 5516 179 n. 28, 184 n. 42, 208 n. 109, pal. lat. 39 203 217 n. 145 pal. lat. 493 139 n. 29 lat. 6400G 75 n. 16 pal. lat. 1877 172 n. 5 lat. 8850 69 n. 5 reg. lat. 317 200 n. 88 lat. 10837 135 n. 5 reg. lat. 1127 197–8 lat. 11947 176 Vat. lat. 1194 99 lat. 12097 153, 155 n. 88 Vat. lat. 1322 32 n. 133 lat. 12214 32 n. 133 Vat. lat. 1348 205 lat. 13729 7 n. 26, 184 n. 42, Vat. lat. 3764 84 n. 39, 90, 193 216–18 Vat. lat. 3787 (Collectio Avellana) 30–1 1203 82 n. 34, 142–3 Vat. lat. 3835 176 Vat. lat. 3836 176, 192 n. 65 Rome, Biblioteca Vallicelliana Vat. lat. 5750 188 n. 54 MS B.25 192 n. 65 Vat. lat. 5771 99 Vat. lat. 7701 255 St Gallen Stiftsbibliothek Vercelli, Biblioteca Capitolare csg 133 192 n. 64 Cod. CLVIII 81 n. 29 csg 230 166 n. 121 Verona, Biblioteca Capitolare csg 278 166 n. 121 Cod. XXII (20) 32–5, 94 n. 86, 136 n. 13, csg 286 166 n. 121 184–5, 188, 189, 193, 195 csg 359 82 n. 34 Cod. LII (50) 199–201 csg 446 159, 166 n. 121 Cod. LIII (51) 32 n. 133 csg 728 172 n. 5 Cod. LV (53) 138 n. 24 csg 878 159 Cod. LVII (55) 212 n. 125 St Petersburg, Saltykov-Shchedrin National Cod. LIX (57) 32 n. 133 Library Cod. CCCCXXXI, fasc. XV 193 n. 66 Q.I.4 32 n. 133 Vienna, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (ÖNB) The Hague, Meermanno-Westreenianum Cod. 795 60, 219 Museum Cod. 449 177 n. 23, 209 MS 10.B.4 197–8 Cod. 473 194–5, 217 n. 145, 219 Toulouse, Bibliothèque d’étude et du patrimoine Wolfenbüttel, Herzog August Bibliothek MS 364 153, 155 Guelf. 10.11 Aug.4o 181 n. 34, 184 n. 42, Troyes, Mediathèque de l’agglomeration 207 n. 106, 208 n. 110 troyenne Würzburg, Universitätsbibliothek MS 504 175 141 258 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-83682-1 — Rome and the Invention of the Papacy Rosamond McKitterick Index More Information GENERAL INDEX Abbo of Fleury 201 n. 91 Anastasius Bibliothecarius 9 abridgements see epitomes Anastasius, papal envoy 209 Acacian schism 24, 27–8, 30–2, 94, 184 Anastasius II, pope (496–8) 32, 33, 184, 185, Acacius, Patriarch of Constantinople 24, 199 198 builds basilica 59 accommodation for the poor 52 decretal 153, 187 Achilleis and Nereis, cemetery of 43, 77 on Gospel reading 162 Acta Petri 80–1, 86 Andrew, apostle, brother of Peter 73, 74, 76, Acts of the Apostles 29, 63, 70, 71, 74, 79, 80, 109 86, 93, 113, 158, 224 angelic hymn see Gloria Actus Silvestri 98–9, 167 Anhat, Frankish envoy 209, 210 Ademar of Chabannes 52, 201 n. 91 Anicetus, pope and martyr (c.160) 88 Adeodatus II, pope (672–6) 13, 40, 52, 142 Annales regni Francorum 194–5, 217 dedicates church 59–60 Anno Domini dating 153 intercession 143 Anonymus Valesianus 30, 50 Ado, Archbishop of Lyon 212 Anteros, pope and martyr (235–6) 83 n. 37, Aeneas, ship of 63 88, 204 Agapitus, pope (535–6) 12, 15, 16, 26, 31, Antioch 40, 74, 78, 84, 87, 139 33, 155, 174, 178 Apostolic Constitutions 32, 138, 187 confronts Emperor Justinian 146 apostolic succession 2, 68–96, 114, 169, 195, Agatho, pope (678–81) 14, 15, 39, 51, 147, 205, 221, 226 178 Aquileia 25, 147 Life of 150 Arator 29, 63–5 Agilulf, deacon of Tours 185 Arcadius, Roman emperor 112 Agilulf, Lombard king 19 archive, papal 13, 147, 154, 214 Agimund, Homiliary 176 Arculf, De locis sanctis 161 Agnellus 171 Arians see homoion Christians Agnus Dei 53, 107, 138–9, 163, 168, 204 aristocracy, Roman 17, 27, 34, 35 Albano 39, 40, 102, 103, 136 Aristotle 215 Alcuin 159 army, Roman 16, 20, 47 Alexander, martyr 88 Arn, Abbot of St Amand and Bishop of Alexandria 78, 84, 87 Salzburg 219–20 History of the Coptic Patriarchs 84 Arras canon law collection 155 Alleluia 130 Asper, Bishop of Naples 194 comments on 165, 200 Assmann, Aleida and Jan 96 Amalarius of Metz 160, 172 Athalaric, Gothic king 17, 63 Liber officialis 166, 167–8 Athanasius, theologian 151 Amalasuintha, Gothic queen 17, 26 auctoritas 129 Amandus, bishop of Maastricht 147, 214 audience 28, 58, 79, 125, 130, 135, 157–69, Ambrose of Milan, theologian 151 170, 180, 221 Anacletus, pope (?c.85) 109 Augustine of Canterbury 134–5, 176 259 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-83682-1 — Rome and the Invention of the Papacy Rosamond McKitterick Index More Information GENERAL INDEX Augustine of Hippo 151, 193 Bolgia, Claudia 129 Confessiones 160 Boniface, Archbishop of Mainz 135, 213 De peccatorum meritis 160 Boniface I, pope (418–22) 31, 46–7, 106, Enchiridion 160 119, 204 sermons 160 decretal 187 Augustus, Roman emperor 38 Boniface II, pope (530–2) 26, 33, 45, 46, 49, Aurelian Walls 4, 62, 88, 125–6, 127 93–4, 106 authority 167, 195 charges against 34 conceptualisation of 155–7 Boniface III, pope (February–December enhancement of 69, 93 607) 148 textual 151–7, 220 Boniface IV, pope (608–15) 50, 130 Autun 197, 200 dedicates Pantheon to Mary the Virgin Auxerre 212 n. 126, 216 59, 121 Avitus, Bishop of Vienne 152 Life of 161 on sanctuary 205 baptism 107, 161, 167 Boniface V, pope (619–25) 15, 44, 178 Barnish, Samuel 35 book burning 106 Basil of Caesarea, theologian 151 Bougard, François 179, 180 basilicas, Christian, ideological role of 126, Brown, E. A. R. 9 n. 34 128 Brown, T. S. 20, 21 Bassus 204 Burchard Gospels 142 family tomb chamber 110 Burchard, Bishop of Würzburg, Frankish Bauer, Franz Alto 4 envoy 213 Beauvais 208 n. 109 Byzantium 28, 212 bed, hiding place 48 intervention in Italy 7, 19 Bede, 13, 167 papal challenge to 14 De ratione temporum 172, 180, 207, 221 Rome’s relations with 20–4, 45, 146–8 De tabernaculo 160 De templo 160 Calendar of 354 see Chronograph of 354 Historia ecclesiastica 160, 172, 221 Callistus, pope (217–22) 60, 88, 99 on Pantheon 130 cemetery of 59, 73, 90, 91 receives Liber pontificalis 180 Camerlenghi, Nicola 86, 113 Belisarius 18, 27, 29, 48–9 Cameron, Averil 28 letter to Totila 62–3 Camillus, Roman general 61 bells 160 Canella, Tessa 99 Benedict I, pope (575–9) 49 canon law 28, 133, 198, 199, 211, 212, 222, Benedict II, pope (684–5), gifts to St Peter’s 225 110–11 collections 145, 149–50, 151–6, 187, Benedict III, pope (855–8), embellishment see also Collectio Avellana, Collectio of Constantinian basilica 105 Coloniensis, Collectio Corbeiensis, Collectio Benedict, Rule of 29, 160, 200 Frisingensis, Collectio Sancti Mauri, Beneventan script 193 Dionysiana, Dionysio-Hadriana, Hispana, Benevento 19, 212 Herovalliana, Sanblasiana Beorhtwald, Archbishop of Britain 135 canones apostolorum 154 Berengar, Frankish ruler 172 Capitol 5, 129 Bernhar, Abbot of Weissenburg, Bishop of Capo, Lidia 3, 179, 181 Worms 208 captives, redemption of 52, 204 Berowulf, Bishop of Würzburg 212, 213 Capua 102, 103 Bianchini, Francesco 7 n.

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