eiiccu l l August 31,1964 STEWARDS EDITORIAL MONG STEWARDS it is required that A a man be found faithful. We do LOOKING AHEAD not want stewardship to mean only money, nor do we want to disregard ACK TO SCHOOL, off to college, done spiritual values than the home and the money, for it is an expression of our B with vacations, back pretty much church. These two must exert initiative lives, and thus most important. to the routine laid aside three months against the foe and in defense of right- "Money is human personality minted ago. But, routine is about the only eousness. When these two institutions in exchangeable form, and consists of parallel. This is a new school and col- crumble, crumbling goes the whole. three valuable ingredients: Time, which lege year. How best can the home cope with is God's gift which we may either use, High schoolers who finished in June, the situation? What is the most effective abuse, or lose; Talent, which is God's for them college environment will be course the church can pursue? Are there gift that constitutes our individuality; different. It has its own pressures bid- pat answers that will work across the and Training, which is the fruit of our ding for conformity. Continuing high board. Obviously, it is not difficult to faithfulness in developing and using schoolers go back into the social atmos- pinpoint or decry a situation. Armchair God's gifts." Money is power which can phere of subtle destructive moral atti- experts have been doing this since time be transferred, utilized and is expressive tudes. Social pressures, high school and immemorial. of our devotion. Money is a language college, best known to youth themselves, Two things the church has been which our world can understand. continue the tempo to undermine the quick to do; attack prevalent sins from To many, the Bible is relatively an strength of moral character. Sex laxness the pulpit, arrange a set of rules to unknown book, while money well used, and perverseness, irresponsible attitudes provide a course of discipline. These col- can preach a sermon, and when prayer- on the how of securing passing grades, umns believe firmly that the preaching fully laid on God's altar or used in combined with a casual nonchalant view of righteousness includes the denounc- worthwhile purposes it expresses our ing of evil. Indefinite preaching leads of life; these take a heavy toll in youth's highest feelings. Giving is a form of to indefinite living. When a worshipper, sense of moral and spiritual values. worship, and either money, service or young or old, must decipher what the Why mention these unpleasantries; time becomes acceptable to God when minister is trying to say, the message is given with true motives. Christian Stew- conditions so prevalent in secular high surely of the variety, "uncertain sounds." schools and colleges. Many of us visual- ardship must be rightly understood and However, the weakness of negative explained. • ize our immediate surroundings as quite preaching must be recognized. Preach- unrelated to any such situations. I con- ing is primarily proclamation, not de- fess, it is quite difficult for us to think of nunciation. How and when to say Canadian Special our "good areas" as being involved in "what" requires deliberate thought. the evil spirit of the times. OFFICIAL OPENING Careful choice of words and phrases CHRISTIAN LIGHT BOOKSTORE Indeed fortunate are those high combined with spiritual motivation and 23 Colborne Street schools where capable leadership, sup- compassion will likely be the difference Brantford Ontario ported by parental constituency have between success or failure. Illustration: September 10, 11, 12, 1964 been successful in maintaining a higher some preaching on sex sins becomes than average level of social environ- more suggestive than corrective. ment and standards. Such are in the As for rules and regulations: the minority. Ten Commandments bespeak God's EVANGELICAL VISITOR Twenty-five years ago when rubbing standard of holiness, uneclipsed in all Volume LXXV1I Number 18 Official Organ of the Brethren in Christ shoulders with a wider and different the course of human history. Plusses to (Jhurch, published bi-weekly by Eva.ngel Press, circle than was my custom, a venerable Nappanee, Indiana, to whom subscriptions the Decalogue known as the "command- should be sent. businessman jolted me one day; "The ments of men" have done little to pro- Purpose: To publish the Gospel of God's grace—a complete salvation through the trouble with you is, you think every duce acceptable righteousness. atonement of Jesus Christ the Son of God, man is honest.". Coming to realize it, made effectual by faith in Him; the waJk in Young people, whether high school- holiness by the power of the indwelling Holy this was part of my problem. A se- ers or attending college, need friend- Spirit; and the pre-millennial second coming of our Lord. cluded, separated, isolated way of life ship, fellowship and a spirit that under- Editor: J. N. Hostetter, Box 8, Nappanee, had not adequately included preparation stands and feels. While a great service Indiana, to whom all material for publication should be sent. for a world then opening up. can be done for and to them from the Editorial Council: J. N. Hostetter, Editor. Sometimes it is we as parents; oft- pulpit the greatest must be done on a C. B. Byers, C. W. Boyer, C. N. Hostetter, Jr., Walter Winger, Isaiah Harley. times the church, Sunday school and personal level. Nothing takes the place Page Contributors: World Missions: Mary Kreider, Box 171, Elizabethtown, Pa.; Missions youth workers who find it difficult to of individual confrontation. In the in America: Miss Mary A. Stoner, Grantham, face reality. And then, if there does church the teacher, the pastor, the youth Pa.; Preachers: E. J. Swalm, Duntroon, Ont.; Home: Eber Dourte. 845 West Arrow High- exist some concept of reality, in a bit worker must unite their hearts with way, Upland, California; "Today's Yesterday": youth. This cannot all be done on Sun- C. O. Wittlinger, Grantham, Pa. of despairing mood the question: what Brethren in Christ Publication Board, Inc.: can we do about it? day. Neither does it require every night C. N. Hostetter Jr., Samuel F. Minter, J. Wil- mer Heisey, Paul Hostetler, Joseph R. Aiken, The swirling, surging billows of moral in the week. Isaiah F. Harley, H. H. Brubaker. restlessness are striking hard at the When youth knows that somebody Subscriptions: $3.00 per year. New Subscrip- tions: $2.50 per year; Gift Subscriptions: $2.50 Christian standard of moral values. The cares, lofty things are expected and per year; Sample Copies free. brazenness of immodesty, common on gradually, sometimes slowly, come into Mailing label indicates expiration date. In- clude both old and new address with requests the streets of any town, bids viciously a fuller understanding of real values, a for change of address. for youth to be a conformist. long stride has been made toward suc- Entered as second-class mail at Nappanee Indiana. No two institutions suffer more in cessful living even in 1964-65. times of onslaught against moral and j. N. H. - EVANGELICAL PRESS ASSOCIATION (2) Evangelical Visitor OUNTAINS figure prominently in is particularly noteworthy in a nation COAL M Scripture. Noah's ark came to characterized by an extraordinary di- The timber "rape" had not been com- rest on a mountaintop. Moses and versity of racial and cultural traits. pleted when men of "great guile and Elijah went up a mountain to meet It was necessary for those who settled charm," again from the Northern and God. David refers often to mountains in the area to have a high degree of in- Eastern industrial cities, began to ne- and hills in his poetic writings. Jesus dependence and self-reliance. There gotiate for valuable coal fields. Harry was tempted on a mountain. He went were four indispensables which went M. 'Caudill, author of the book, Night often to the mountain to pray. Finally, with every migrating family into the He ascended into heaven from the top Comes to the Cumberland^, and na- wilderness: the axe, the frying pan, the tive of the area, says: "We have seen of the Mount of Olives. rifle, and the Bible. that the mountaineer sold his great trees "The mountain is a natural image of Isolation was one of the factors which for a consideration little more than nom- eternal continuance, for stability, for caused the retarded growth of the area. inal, but if his timber brought him a difficult wearisome paths in life, and for It was largely cut off from roads, rail- small financial reward, his minerals insurmountable obstacles," says one roads, books, magazines, newspapers, were virtually given away. Now the theological book. Biblical symbolism is and educational institutions. The effect trees that shaded him were no longer cold reality for the mountaineer of Ap- of this geographical isolation was in- his property, and he was little more than palachia. To quote President Lyndon B. creased by the region's economic self- Johnson, "They live on the outskirts of sufficiency, which made contact with a trespasser upon the soil beneath his hope." Unemployment and limited ed- other areas infrequent. Educational op- feet." ucation, to the point where the 1960 portunities, locally controlled and sup- Coal mining did not become big busi- census figures disclosed that 19 percent ported, were limited and afforded few ness until after 1900. Thereafter it grew of the adult population of the Southern ties with the outside world. The region rapidly. By 1920 eastern Kentucky alone THE APPALACHIAN MOUNTAINS: On the Outskirts of Hope Mountain region neither read nor write, Edgar Stoesz, MCC VS Director produced 25 million tons annually.
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