JUDITH MERRIL FONDS MG30-D 326 Finding Aid No. 1651 / Instrument de recherche no 1651 Prepared between 1986 and 1988 and revised Préparé entre 1986 et 1988 et revisé en 2001 in 2001 and 2014 by the Social and Cultural et 2014 par les Archives sociales et culturelles Archives ii TABLE OF CONTENTS INVENTORY ENTRY ........................................................ iii NOTE ON THE FINDING AID ................................................. iv GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE ................................................ 1 JOURNALISM, PRINT ........................................................ 37 JOURNALISM, RADIO AND TELEVISION ...................................... 40 Doomsday Dialogues .................................................... 40 Japan ................................................................ 41 Doctor Who ........................................................... 42 Dream Cities .......................................................... 43 Miscellaneous Projects ................................................... 44 CBC Programming ..................................................... 82 LECTURES AND TEACHING ................................................. 44 RESEARCH, JAPAN AND KOREA ............................................. 45 Japan ................................................................ 45 Korea ................................................................ 51 SUBJECT FILES ....................................................... 51, 87, 89 PERSONAL CORRESPONDENCE .............................................. 53 FAMILY CORRESPONDENCE ................................................ 58 SUBJECT FILES (ADD.) ...................................................... 59 PUBLISHING PROJECTS ..................................................... 62 MANUSCRIPTS BY OTHERS ................................................. 62 CLIPPINGS ................................................................. 62 ANTHOLOGIES ................................................... 63, 88, 96, 101 MISCELLANEOUS ....................................................... 74, 92 MANUSCRIPTS ............................................. 76,83, 87 , 92, 93, 101 REFERENCE ........................................................... 79,89,97 FINANCIAL ................................................................ 90 PRECANADA AND FAMILY ........................................... 96,97, 101 iii NOTE ON THE FINDING AID The organization of the Judith Merril Papers was completed in 2014. Not all volumes assigned to a series are sequential. Please consult the list of series and volumes below to aid in locating material assigned to various Series on the finding aid. Correspondence, General: 1-20, 36, 82 Journalism, Print: 21-23 Journalism, Radio and Television: 23-27, 60 Lectures and Teaching: 28 Research, Japan and Korea: 28-33, 66-67, 82 Subject Files: 33-35, 67, 72, 82 Correspondence, Personal: 36-41 Correspondence, Family: 42 Subject Files (Additional): 43-44 Publishing Projects: 44 Manuscripts by Others: 44 Clippings and Publications: 44 Anthologies: 45-52, 68-70, 77, 82, 84 Miscellaneous: 52-53, 74-75, 82 Manuscripts: 54-56, 61-66, 75-76, 82, 83 Reference Material: 57-60, 71-72, 78 Financial: 73 Pre Canada and Family: 77, 79-82, 85 Judith Merril Fonds MG 30, D 326 Container File File Title Date GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE 1 1 Abblitt, Dennis 1971 1 2 Abelard-Schuman Ltd. (Lew Schwartz) 1952-1962 1 3 Abeles, Tom P. n.d., 1971 1 4 Abercrombie, Lascelles n.d., 1954-1955 1 5 Abernathy, Robert 1955-1968 1 6 ACE Publishing Corporation (Terry Carr) n.d., 1956-1969 1 7 Ackerman, Forrest J. n.d., 1948-1966 1 8 ACTRA 1976-1977 1 9 ACTRA n.d., 1982 1 10 Advent: Publishers (Earl Kemp) 1955-1960 1 11 Agents, Miscellaneous n.d., 1952-1965 1 12 Alderberth, Roland 1967 1 13 Aldiss, Brian n.d. 1 14 Aldiss, Brian 1959-1966 1 15 Aldiss, Brian 1967-1968, 1979 1 16 Allen, Dick n.d. 1 17 Allen, Dick n.d., 1965-197 1 18 Allen, Don 1959, 1961, 1980 1 19 Allen, Steve 1959, 1971, 1979 2 Judith Merril Fonds MG 30, D 326 Container File File Title Date 1 20 Allen & Unwin Ltd. 1963-1965 1 21 Alternate Society n.d. 1 22 Altshuler Harry 1948-1954 1 23 Altshuler, Harry 1955-1965, 1973 1 24 AMBIT (Martin Bax) 1966-1969 1 25 American Anthropological Association n.d., 1974-1975 1 26 American Society for Psychical Research, Inc. 1956 1 27 Amgott, Milton n.d., 1951-1955 1 28 Amgott, Milton 1956-1959 1 29 Amgott, Milton 1960-1972 1 30 Amgott, and Kassel 1952-1953 1 31 Amgott, and Kassel 1953-1954 1 32 Amis, Kingsley n.d., 1960-1961 1 33 Anderson, Poul 1961-1972 1 34 Archer, Dirce S. 1957-1960 1 35 Arena, Joseph 1978-1979 1 36 Art Gallery of Ontario n.d. 1 37 Arthur, Robert n.d., 1945, 1959-1965 1 38 Artists Agency Corporation 1963, 1966 1 39 Asimov, Isaac n.d., 1954-1955 1 40 Asimov, Isaac 1956-1963 1 41 Asimov, Isaac 1964-1979 1 42 Association of Canadian Publishers 1974, 1978 1 43 Atlantic Monthly 1965 1 44 Australian Science Fiction Review 1967 2 1 Authors League of America (Authors Guild) 1948-1961 MG 30, D 326 Judith Merril Fonds 3 Container File File Title Date 2 2 Authors League of America (Authors Guild) 1956-1962 2 3 Avon Books (George Ernsberger) 1968 2 4 B - Miscellaneous 1952, 1967 2 5 Bailey, Hilary n.d., 1967, 1970 2 6 Bain, Williard 1967-1968 2 7 Ballantine Books, Inc. n.d., 1952-1971 2 8 Bamber, George n.d., 1962-1964 2 9 Bangsund, John 1967 2 10 Banks, Ray 1961-1966 2 11 Bantam Books Inc. n.d., 1946-1975 2 12 Barth, John 1967, 1971 2 13 Bayley, Barry J. 1968-1969 2 14 B.B.C. 1965 2 15 Beaumont, Charles 1957-1965 2 16 Bendahan, Raphael n.d. 2 17 Ben Roth Agency Inc. 1961 2 18 Berke, Joseph n.d. 1969-1971 2 19 Berkley Publishing Corporation 1965-1966 2 20 Bertin, Leonard 1970 2 21 Bester, Alfred n.d., 1951-1954 2 22 Biggle, Lloyd Jr. 1963-1970 2 23 Bilker, Harvey L. 1965-1966 2 24 Bishop, Paul 1952 2 25 Black, Don 1968-1969 2 26 Blassingame, Lurton 1952-1965 2 27 Blaustein, Albert P. n.d., 1958-1960 2 28 Blish, James n.d., 1948-1968 4 Judith Merril Fonds MG 30, D 326 Container File File Title Date 2 29 Bloch, Robert 1956, 1963 2 30 Blond, Anthony Ltd. 1966 2 31 Blum, Ralph n.d. 2 32 Boeckh, Sherry n.d. 2 33 Bogdanovic, Zika 1968 2 34 Bone, J.F. 1964 2 35 Bone, Robert 1959-1972 2 36 Bonfiglioli, Kyril 1965-1966 2 37 Book and Periodical Development Council 1976-1978 2 38 Book Publishers Professional Association 1976 2 39 Boskone 1978-1979 2 40 Boston University 1969 2 41 Boucher, Anthony 1955-1965 2 42 Boucher and McComas 1948-1951 2 43 Boucher and McComas 1952 2 44 Boucher and McComas 1953-1954 2 45 Boucher-Ferman 1954-1955 2 46 Boucher-Ferman 1955-1956 2 47 Boucher-Ferman 1956-1962 3 1 Bourne, Larry S. 1971 3 2 Bova, Ben 1965, 1977 3 3 Boys’ Life 1957, 1958 3 4 Brackett-Hamilton, Leigh 1967 3 5 Bradbury, Ray 1949-1961 3 6 Bradley, David 1951 3 7 Brady, Charles J. (Fr.) 1971 MG 30, D 326 Judith Merril Fonds 5 Container File File Title Date 3 8 Braithwaite, Dennis 1971 3 9 Brandt & Brandt (Bernice Baumgarten, Lorraine Blake) 1952-1962 3 10 Bread and Puppet Theatre 1971 3 11 Bread Loaf Writers Conference 1970 3 12 Bretnor, Reginald 1957-1980 3 13 [Brimfield, Bill] (Ted) n.d. 3 14 British Columbia Science Fiction Association 1978-1979 3 15 Brown, Bill 1954 3 16 Brown, Fredric 1949-1962 3 17 Brown, Rosel 1959-1965 3 18 Brunner, John 1961-1973 3 19 Buckwald, Art 1965-1966 3 20 Buck, Doris 1963-1966 3 21 Budrys, Algis 1953-1967 3 22 Bulmer, Ken 1956 3 23 Bunch, David 1961-1971 3 24 Burns, Patrick 1975 3 25 Burton, Lydia 1979 3 26 Business Quarterly 1971 3 27 Butler, Bill n.d., 1965-1975 3 28 Butler, Frank 1959 3 29 Butterworth, Michael 1967-1968 3 30 Byram, George 1957-1959 3 31 Byrne, Johnny 1966-1967 3 32 C - Miscellaneous 1956-1968 3 33 Cadogan, Allyn 1977 3 34 Caedmon 1977-1978 6 Judith Merril Fonds MG 30, D 326 Container File File Title Date 3 35 Calder, Joh (Publishers) 1965-1977 3 36 Calisher, Hortense 1967 3 37 Campbell, John W. n.d., 1948-1966 3 38 Canada Trust 1969-1970 3 39 Canadian Authors Association 1974-1978 3 40 Canadian Civil Liberties Association 1977-1981 3 41 Canadian Council of Teachers of English 1971 3 42 Canadian Forum 1971-1979 3 43 Canadian Teilard de Chardin Centre 1974-1978 3 44 Canadian Whole Earth Research Foundation n.d. 3 45 Cantine, Holley 1961-1965 3 46 Carew, Virginia L. 1967-1971 3 47 Carleton University 1978 3 48 CARM 1970-1971 4 1 Castell, Daphne 1966-1968 4 2 Cawood, Hap 1965 4 3 Centennial College 1977-1979 4 4 Centennial College 1979-1980 4 5 Chandler, Raymond 1948 4 6 Charteris, Leslie 1948-1956 4 7 Chatelaine 1979 4 8 Chauvin, Cy 1974-1977 4 9 Ciardi, John 1952-1966 4 10 Clarity 1979-1980 4 11 Clark, Gerald 1971 4 12 Clark, John 1967-1977 MG 30, D 326 Judith Merril Fonds 7 Container File File Title Date 4 13 Clarke, Arthur C. 1956-1971 4 14 Clingerman, Mildred 1955-1956 4 15 Clute, John n.d. 4 16 Coalition Against Censorhip 1980-1981 4 17 Cogswell, Fred 1980 4 18 Cohen, Matt 1976 4 19 Cole, Walter R. 1955-1968 4 20 Collier’s 1956 4 21 Collyn, George (Colin Pilkington) 1966-1967 4 22 Colorado Quarterly 1966 4 23 Comber, Richard S. 1971 4 24 Congdon, Don 1973 4 25 Conklin, Groff 1954-1957 4 26 Conner, Wilkie 1948 4 27 Constance Smith Associates 1962 4 27a Coon, Carleton S. 1978 4 28 Copeland, Paul 1975 4 29 Cornfield, John G. 1971-1972 4 30 Cosmopolitan 1966 4 31 Cousteau Society n.d. 4 32 Coward-McCann Inc. 1968 4 33 Cox, Clark n.d., 1969 4 34 Coyle, Timothy S. 1971 4 35 Crane, Milton n.d. 4 36 Crosby, Harry C. Jr. (Christopher Anvil) 1961 4 37 Cross, Michael S. 1971 4 38 C.T.V. 1972-1975 8 Judith Merril Fonds MG 30, D 326 Container File File Title Date 4 39 Culhane, Claire 1971 4 40 Culture Workers Allilance 1979-1980 4 41 Curtis, Betsy 1950-1952 4 42 Curtis, Betsy 1952-1965 4 43 Curtis Brown Ltd. 1948-1966 4 44 Cushing, Louise 1952-1955 4 45 D - Miscellaneous n.d., 1958-1973 4 46 Daley, Bernard (Jack) 1949-1960 4 47 Dalhousie University 1977 4 48 Daly, Elizabeth 1948 4 49 Daly, John J.
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