2 1 REST HOUSE(4059-01-051-86) 1 23456 7 8 20 9 10 111213141516171819 PLAN/NABARD/ LAC-ADS/MLASDF/MPLAD/DEPOSIT/13thFCWORKS/MUZ SL. NO P.37/257 P.33/263 Budget page No. / Budget Provision in Kodungallur Thrissur L A Constituency PWD PWD Department Kodungallur PWD RestHouse, office cumrestroomin Conference halland Construction of house, Thrissur. building ofPWDRest Renovation ofHeritage Name of Project 25L 100L Estimate Amount GO(RT)No. GO(RT)No. A S No. , Date & 1237/2014/PWD 1388/2014/PWD dtd Amount PWD BUILDINGSDIVISIONTHRISSUR dtd TVM,1.9.14 TVM,8.10.14 FOR FOR 25 LAKHS 100 LAKHS BUDGET WORKS 87/14-15/EE B 100/14-15/EE B TSR TSR dtd 10.12.14 DTD 7.2.15 FOR T S No. , Date & for 28.75L 100L Amount 2017. 71/15-16/EE B 46/15-16/EE B TSR TSR DTD DTD 10.9.15 Agreement No. & 13.11.2015 Date IRIS/TOURISM/SC -ST-ProgressofworksasonFebruary C.V. Siddarthan Raghuram.K.G Name of Contractor 2871301 9049403/- Estimate PAC 378260/- Rs.9710009 Agreed PAC Period of 9months 12months completion in 18-11-2015 23.11.2015 Site Handed Over Date 17-08-2016 22.11.2016 Dt. Of Completion as per agreement Extended D O C Actual D O C completion nearing progress. good Work in Present Stage 95% 95% Physical Progress 6 5 4 PUBLIC WORKS(4059-01-051-86) 3 P.19/67 P.41/291 Pudukkad Kodungallur Wadakkanc Chalakudy h Revenue PWD PWD PWD (Stimulus package) Wadakkanchery office complexat Construction ofGovt. Chalakkudy -PhaseII PWD RestHouse, Floor toaddl.Blockat Construction ofSecond Kodakara CivilStation for newbuildingof 2016-17 Balancework package) Kodungallur ( Civil stationatMethala, Construction ofMini Stimulus 1257089 170L 240L 1963/2016-17 (Price) G.O.(Rt) No. G.O.(Rt) G.O.(Rt) No. TSR/2016/6714/ CE B 1184/09/PWD dated No.1047/09/ 1656/20159/PWD TVM Dt.03-11-2016 Rs 14.8.09 for Rs.170 L PWD dated dated 12.11.2015 .25L 14.7.09 for for Rs.1.95 Crores Rs 240 3510/2016-2017 dt21-12- 51/CE/B&LW/10-11 dt 99/CE/BL/20 2016 Rs.25 L 14.1.10 for 195L 10-11 Dt.17.8.10 for Rs 274L 107/2016-17/EE B TSR 51/10-11/SE B CC Tsr 33/12-13/SE 85/2015- Dtd. 10.2.2017 dtd: 20.10.2010 BCC TSR 16/SE/BCC/TSRDT.2/ 03/2016 DTD: 30.7.12 N Viswanathan C.Balachandran T.A.Abooba VP Antony cker 1257089/- 18866360.8 24730540 16424355/- 1080919/- 23582951 32614636 14780277/- 3months 18 months 12months 15months 29.10.10 2.9.12 10.3.2016 28.04.12 30.9.13 31.3.14 31.12.13 6214 28.10.12- work slab casted portion F.F. kitchen t executed Agreemen t executed agreemen Closure terminated on 16 9 2015 completed.tr uss work partition started work 60% 50% all over 97% FIRE ANDRESCUE (4059-60-051-85) 6 REGISTRATION (4059-01-051-95) 7 P.7/ 12 Thrissur Pudukkad Registration Revenue Kodakara CivilStation to newbuildingfor 2016-17Finishing works 95 stamps&registration Thrissur. 4059-01-051- Registration complexat Construction of 175L 1257089 GO(RT)no. 294/ 10/TD dt.31.03.10 for Rs. 1908/2016-17 (PRICE) 175 L (TSR/2016/7179 Dt.27- 10-2016 Rs .918492/-) 71/CE/10-11 dt.29.07.10 for Rs. 200 L 3509/2016-2017 dt21-12- 2016 Rs.25 L 69/10-11/SE(B) Tsr dt.1.10.12 110/16-17/EE(B) TSR dtd. 13/2/2017 T.G.Sajeev N Viswanathan 19746530 865322/- 206,35,124 656310/- 18 months 6months 19.05.11 18.11.12 TED COMPLE and work arranged work Balance d. terminate Work t executed Agreemen 9 8 7 REVENUE DEPARTMENT P.66/16 P.66/15 Pudukkad Pudukkad Thrissur Revenue Revenue Home Swimming pool construction of centre atViyyurand rescue servicetraining Construction ofFireand Thrissur District Aloor Villageofficein Residential quartersfor Construction oftwo in ThrissurDistrict Amballur Villageoffice Residential quartersfor Construction oftwo 60.32L 60.32L G.O.(Rt). No 6069/ G.O.(Rt). No 6069/ G.O.(MS) 132/05/Home dt 11.5.2005 Rs.620L 13/RD dt. TVM 13/RD dt. TVM 13.11.13 for 13.11.13 for Rs.60.32L(3408400 for Rs.60.32L(3464000 this work) for this work) 104/13-14/ EE (B)TSR 105/13-14/ EE 133/2133/01/CE/B&LW/02-03 dt.24.10.02 for dated 12.2.2014 - (B)TSR dated 275L Rs.3408400/- 12.2.2014 - Rs 3464000/ 04/15-16/ EE (B)TSR 18/16- 13/2002-03/SE/B & LCC, Tsr Dtd: 14.3.2003 dated 22.4.15 17/EE(B)TSR Dtd. 18.6.16 MU Ravi MU Ravi P.K.Beefathu 3163607/- 3116787/- 22531873.85 3797594/- 3908139/- 29291436 9 months 12 months Extension applied 1.1.16 24.3.03 1.10.16 23.3.05 31.12.08 15.7.12 level up toLintel protest public due to stopped but started Work hand over . Readyto completed Civil work 15% #### 14 13 12 VETERINARYSCIENCE&ANIMALHEALTH(4403-00-101-99) 11 JUDICIAL WORKS(4059-60-051-98) 10 P.518/ 9 P.567/79 P.35/27 P.368/5 Kaipamangalam Wadakkanchery Thrissur Irinjalakuda KUNNAMKULA M Veterinary services Veterinary Veterinary Home PWD complex atIrinjalakuda Construction ofcourt Kunnamkulam Stadium at Construction ofIndoor Perinjanam, Thrissur dilhlthDispensary, Building forVeterinary Construction ofnew department - Animal Husbandry Thrissur Dispensary,Killannur, Building forVeterinary idConstruction ofnew department - Animal Husbandry Centre, Thrissur idDistrict Veterinary Laboratory Buildingat Construction of 40L 39.50L 17569721/- 400L M2.897/2014/Plg dt M2/5287/2015/Plg GO(RT)No:714/2 GO(RT)NO G.O.(Rt). No 28/01/14 for Rs. 40L dtd TVM,16.5.15 014/AD dtd TVM .2872/2015/ 728/2011/PWD of Director for 31.3.14 for HOME dt. TVM 20-05- 39.5L/- Rs.1,75,69,721/- DTD 2011 for 9.11.2015 Rs.400L 5/14-15/EE B TSR 2150/2015-16 17/14-15/SE B O dtd 2.5.14 for PRICE Dtd. CC TSR dtd 40Lakhs 19.12.15 for Rs. 23.10.14 for 39 50L 17569721/ 60/15-16/EE B TSR 30/16-17/EE B 66/15-16/SE B DTD 29.9.15 TSR DTD 4.8.16 CC TSR dtd. 29.12.15 E.G.Sijil kumar KV Sarathkumar M.K Rajan K P Sunny 3621443/- 3458898/- 12933341/- 42959594/- 4439165/- 3763281/- 15108729/- 54562980/- 12months 9months 12 months 24months 18-04-2015 05.01.2016 17-04-2016 05.01.2018 completion Nearing progress good Work in revised is tobe AR drawing t executed Agreemen completed concreting South Gallaery side 60% 90% 50% 18 17 Medical College HOME DEPARTMENT 15 16 P.432/18 Wadakkanchrty Wadakkanchrty Thrissur Irinjalakuda me Health & Family welfare Health & Family Ho Veterinary services compound, Thrissur located atViyyurjail Administrative building Finishing worksto High securityprison- Thrissur Hospital,Vellangallur, Building forVeterinary Construction ofnew department - Animal Husbandry Govt.Medical College Graduates in Graduates andPost flats forUnder Multistoried Residential Construction of Education Service- H&FWD-Medical block atMGkavu Phase-2) ,South-East building (Part2of of nursingcollege Thrissur –Construction College ofNursing, lf H&FWD –MES-Govt. dilhlth 340L 250L(EL 16L) 49.90L 10L GO(Rt)No.2763/2013/H&F GO(RT) No. TSR/2016/5132 M2/19267/2014/Pl WD dtd TVM 31.7.2013 for 1116/2013/ H&F dtd. 11.7.2016 for g dtd TVM,5.9.14 Rs. 10L Rs.3.4Cr. WD dd. TVM of Director for 8.11.13 for 250L 49,90,000/- HEALTH DEPARTMENT CE/BL/TSR/7808/2013 21/2013-14/SE (B) 84/2014/15/EE B dt.1.11.2013 for Rs. 350L Tsr Dtd. 1.6.13 for 2702/2016-17 dtd TSR DTD 29.10.14 1.10.2016 for Rs. 250L for 49.9L 10L 21/2013-14/SE (B) 116/2015-16/EE B Tsr Dtd. 1.6.13 TSR Dtd. 22.1.16 Roy Mathew PP Davis Anto.P Kunjumuhammed, K Balakrishnan 30714461 23345197/- 4887655 904390 42441242 Rs. 26146621/- 5690208 803275 18 months 18months 2months 9months 7.1.16 16.1.14- 6.7.2017 15.7.15 progress Roof slabin Ground floor work for centering the building and GF forone works for Casting Column progress works in Finisghing executed to be Agreement LOA issued. completion Nearing 86% 90% 27% 22 21 20 19 P.431/8 P.432/20 Wadakkanchrty Wadakkanchrty Wadakkanchrty Wadakkanchrty Health & Family Health & Family Health & Family welfare Health & Family College, Thrissur Government Medical students Hostelin Consrtuction ofMBBS Education Service- H &FWD-Medical Thrissur Medical College, all facilitiesinGovt. House (10Room)with Construction ofGuest Education Service- H&FWD -Medical in Govt.Medical College Post Graduatestudents Residential Quartersfor Construction of Education Service- lf H&FWD-Medical College, Thrissur Government Medical Payward Blockin Consrtuction of welfareEducation Service- H &FWD-Medical lf 1281lakhs(EL 373L) 499.28L (EL 48 L) 309L(EL 25 L) 115L(EL 7.5 L) GO(Rt)No.3460/2013/ GO(RT)No.3920/2013/ GO(RT)No.3922/2013/ GO(RT)No.3837/201 H&FWD dtd TVM H& FWD Dtd. TVM H& FWD Dtd. TVM 3/H& FWD Dtd. TVM 10.10.2013 for 23/11/13 for Rs. 4.90 23/11/13 for Rs. 19/11/13 for 1Crore Rs.12.81Crore Crores/- 3.09Crores/- 26/CE/BL/13-14 FOR TS no.
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