0156900011 CIH/fTH Le Syrian Arab Republic Ministryof Culture N0.. .... No: llGl/a/711 Date 13/03/2019 Thé Ministry of Culture in thé Syria Arab Republic works to safeguard Syria's cultural héritage éléments, by supporting and promoting thèse élémentswhich include traditional practices, crafts, and oral expressions. Thé Ministry of Culture safeguards traditional crafts which are symbolic of Syrian cultural creativity. Thé craftingofOud isan important craft that's historygoeswaybackintothehistoryofSyria. This particuiar craft and its artisans hâve amassed wide attention from thé Ministry because of thé cultural and social links it bas with Syrian society as it is always présentin social events, célébrationsand family gatherings, where thé Oud is played and songs are sung. Thé Ministry bas also supported îhe présence of artisans at régional and international festivals TO promote thé crafting of thé Syrian Oud, and spread awareness amongsc other communities about thé characteristics of thé Syrian Oud and how it has developed with thé crecitivity ofOud piuyers. Thé crafting and playing thé Oud is présent in other countries, and therefore, thé Ministry of Culture encourages and support thé nomination of "Crafting and Playing thé Oud" with fhe Islamic Republic of Iran, for its inscription on thé UNESCOReprésentative List for thé cultural héritagefor humanity. This inscription wilt promote awarenesson Syrian culture and its ownership by communities, which wili encourage thé sharing of Syria's héritagewith thé world. Thank you for your coopération MinisterofCul'ture MohamadAhmad :î l i .à ï .J ^ ^ ^ l } .1. ^ .^ fo î l .-?" ^ 0 ^ '^ V, .f 4 ^ \ 1 ^ i <ï l 11^ ^ ^ -^ ^ s ^ v i5 ^ ^ s ^ ^> -bï i '>ï 3 i , 0> ^.f ^ ^ 3 4' (|î"}T ^ l î J 3 KJ . ^ ^. u iiî ^ «), -j -^ .f f ï ^ ^ ^ l ^ ^ i?î i1 ^ ^ ^ 'î -Tl . ! i J 3" ? i 3 . ^ ^ .r 7i' Ï ^ i iî ï -ï» 1: J' < 4 ^î ^ 3 ? J y ?î ^ ^. ^ -^ 3 %t i- 1 i ^ ^ 1 . ^ -^ ^ ^ i i ^! ^ ^ '.i, ï ^ ?. ^ 'l; 't ^ ^^ «-T» -? l .^ ï ^ 3 ^ ^ H -3 '.^ ! ^ 1' «-3 ^{^ i -T" 'f?' ^ ."). ^ ï'î i ^ t ^ y. ^ ^ j ^ '^ i s l '")* l^ îl Il ^?^1 u ^. 3^ -L t! . ^ ^ 3< .t ^ ~^ J- .? s l -f l -? ï l .-^"* » 1- -}. ^ <l»~ j l 'i l ? '5; % J" '^ îï ^ti^ tst l. ^ Hl^ ^ 0 ^., i. ^ 1 ^ <^^y^ 3 .y ^ .-Î. .. } '^ \ i^ ;^^ A ^ i il l, top <<; ^ '3 ~^i 3 ï ~ ^; '\ rS -' 11 î 3 î Syrian Arab Republic MinistryofTourism No. Date: Syria is recognized for its cultural & civilizational diversity. It is also famous for thé créative skills of its artisans in various areas of craftsmanship. Thé Syrian craftsperson is world-renownedfor meticulousness and perfection, and forthe characteristic 'touch' that demonstrates a distinct identity. Syrian Oud manufacturers are highly respected among musicians and connoisseurs, regionally and globalty. Their products hâve made an impact in various héritage gatherings, and craftmanship events held around thé globe. Thé Ministry of Tourism in thé Syrian Arab Repubiic works tirelessly to provided sustained support to Syrian Oud manufacturers. Thé Ministry seeks to make their présence known in various Arab and international fora, in orderto promutgate thé Syrian expérience in this age-inherited tradition, and to exchange expertise with Oud artisans from countries in which this industry exists. Thé Ministry ofTourism also supports Syrian Oud musicians who are as noteworthy as thé artisans. Syrian musicians hâve incorporated new and significant techniques on thé musical scales of thé Oud, as this instrument is one of thé most distinguished in inherited Syrian traditions, and a locus of attraction and interest fortourists and visitors of thé Syrian Arab Republic. In conséquence of thé aforementioned, thé Ministry ofTourism in thé Syrian Arab Repubtic supports, and stresses thé significance of, registering "Crafting and Ptayingthe Oud" togetherwith thé Isiamic Republic of Iran. This component embodies values that elevate humanity towards enriching its cultural répertoire in order to use it to enhance and support cultural gatherings and to exchange and spread cultural traditions. MinisterofTourism Eng. Muhammad Rami Redwan Martini ^Jj^uJt A-ujx^l <JiJÎ A^^ ^ALuiII Sj^j :^I) :^1 ^uaj__aj| ^j_a A_c. ^&II 5_Lalîi^l ^_jIL ^J-JÛj1-aS '(^J^-^a^Jlj ^\ -£11 1-ê-e-_?AlJ ^L>J-LJ' J^-^6J l_al tL-Lallfi. ^jj . .1^ ^_âj=JI ^_uil ?-Ab JlJ-Jâ À^ l-J^L-a^l 3-àl£ ^__à Ijc-^-;! ù^-^-!l ^. b-^a31 . ^aLaJ) ^^ <-1^ û;^a-all 2... ^^1j J^ylj O-lil J-a Ajla-lla <J i-ij^ t L-jAll&j 1-"JC- J^-aJ^-allj ÙJâJ^-x^J ." t-J-a b-u^ ^^-i "'.'li .il Ij-S^ 4^j-u^ ^-S Jj_«JI ^-SI ^U-k^aS ^_jll t-ll-jîlLall * j"'- ^g-al-a^-a 1^-^lj3 Ij-si^j (j1-S-a (J-S ^g-S] ^.jlc. b-h^aJ Ij]-k^aJJ ^_a ^-a.L_Jl ojl)j jîj 1_oS t j1_^a J-S ^_S 4_«ILall S-^àjsJIi-j1-jLîLj^ailj 5-^\J^\ i-ilc. U-^aiL ^ 1&. \^\ i^i^ [ JS _ . i^lA Q ^ ^ .... ^'.. il <:U l <t J. ^^ -ri t l j_J»j J;; ... ^-à 4-Jj.lîlj 4__u^»JI (J-âLa^JI ^__3 ^A^ .>ljJ j-yu ^-Sj ça-^^ JS-^ ^s*- ^J t^j-e-^1 Jj^-SI j-a JJJS^-aJI ^-a l-l^)_^aJI J^l-U ^-S] 4i1-k^aj t^;j-^ ^-S ça^-âll "'l "1e, 4-^ljlail S-3^^! a'~\ A "" ' ' ^^ *"i. -»'i . O^AJ) ai& JJ^aLj a**2. ^J" ^''. JI!;'''J ''j*^ ^ll) ^_^î ^-Jâj^ jjUl .ij-til 4-JÎ ^J& ù^jL^ ^-^-11 ^ . ^ ^-S& L-^ajî J_^U L^î L-eS ^-îc. A-a^a t_ÛLS-kÎLy a 1 J, 1t 1-aj-& (-)1-^jSù J1-^\ J-a (^)j-uiîl t-S^l-»jl ^UaJ-uil ^-Sa t\ -fr^â^, ^j^__^l J-il^L-i2 ^j^l Cj^^l ^_AÎ -L-s.î J--^ j -; (j^JI -ij^^-? 4-^i^Jt 2;°; ...j-" <_j^l 2 ^-Laâj ^"^ UJÊ ^'?' (^_^] ùJJ_s^lj ^"^_^1 (J_^3 [j_« ç»^-<U&lj L-lUaâj-uil ^-aj (^^_îlj (_ljlj__Lall . Sjj^Ull) ^_Se. " <^'"'j (»fr^_^ dLl3 " ^i) Dj)i^ (.s-a ^. ^J-u^^ s^i)j ùi-a ^-^û&^l s^-& ^-Se. t. \ -Ijj 1_al tjjj-i]\j_3 ÂAA^SL-uiy) ^-^jj^-uaJI ^-_a "L-^îc. t_aj-«Jlj ^Ij-c. ^1 <c. b-^ j-. ^. '"'- J^a-uû ?-j-aAl <-<sl-l^J-uilj ^ a!"'ti L-^Jjja^a ^ ^. ""' J-a^ ^-U^-ulJ'y^J tJ-â-^ (ÎJ-â Û-<J--^. ""^ 1^-& 4-^-^J . lAj^j '^[ft\ 4il£ll J^Luj l^&^j ^l£II ^ '. l Ji^û ^A . t JriJJ^1 ^AUJ^ ' ^âj ^aî; 4AA-a ^al\ 0156900016 Reçu CLT C!H / ITH Syn,n*r, bRepublic i . 18AUUI 2019 Ministryof Education N ....... ... ...,...,.. No. : 104 Date: 14/03/2019 ThéMinistry of Educationin théSyrian Arab Republicis responsiblefor thé schooling process (primary, middle, and secondary) which aims to develop thé sentimental, educational, intellectual, social, psychological, ethical and physical wellbeing of Syrian students, through deepening their knowledge, skills and sensé of direction. Thé Ministry also carries out musical activities and lessons to ingrain ideas and knowledge of music, it also encourages talented students to learn to play musical instruments, including thé Oud, which has a deep connection to thé roots of thé Syrian people. Thé Ministry of Educationconfirms its unwaveringsupport to théjoint nomination of thé élémentof "Crafting and Playing thé Oud" with thé Islamic Republic of Iran, which would reinforce thé bonds between Syrian and Iranian communities. Thé Ministry also commits to implementing its rôle within thé suggested safeguardingplan in thé nomination, in orderta strengthen and promote this élément,due to whatthis élémentrepresents thé identity of thé Syrian nation and thé Syrian people. Thank you for your coopération Ministerof Education Emad Azeb Syrian Arab Republic /.t^. If. )... ;' ( Kîs? ^Uj^uilt ^i^\ Ajj^AaJt ^/Ï/i'?" t AA^> ïiîî'î?'' Pnûiffi11 inistry of Education ÎM UïS ^u>îlt SjljJ ily%. y^'v^ inister, s Office X^l^l'. ^ }ii. / f :yJ^\ ^<n/ r /M :^^i t-à . o^/ ^. L .. ^ t alfi'i (^-iSlj '((^12 - ^juiU) ç>^ir"lti J-^l^a ^& <Sj^btt]l ^-é-?^l Aii?-u1^^ <^)il^^ 4-^l?é-aa^^ t^a 4-AJJ^^ïj[i9 . lîu <^^\J A±^\\j ^L^^tj <^lj 4_Lal*J>J^jL^yi ^j^l t>tt <43l^l u'ïLUI 2;. - .fr frLu JLoSl^l ^jj . C-ilAl^j^lj ^â]lj (-iljl^&llj (--il^AsJlj i>-ajlaA]l ^uijSj ^jA<aaj (J^a (J& ^. ^7- Ajùu». aJlj <il^l ^ALa-e (J-^c-j L-ùUaSI <-ia>J:42;a; ...j-n ^-^)^1 j- .-^j Aj-ui^. Lall 2 L . fr. ^l J*ïLL J-o aj\J^\ , ajJj LaS t"";-- t-jlj l ^j-aJI ÏJI Laj^.^ (AjâA-^ASI <-i^^l 1 ° <^-lc. t_a). JI çjiû ^Je. J^jJkjJI i-ùUJI <IIAJ t^^ A^i-ui^ttll . ('^D^J ùji!^* Jj^ À^b (JÂ^^-2a4b^* 4J& t-âjj^ij ^A-^j^t jt^^t ^iL»d j <n^ ç^lî , »l-t]t 4-afrJj l^«*j- A4j2 î-y^t Sjtjj Jli dllîj ^^ ^ (j-Sly^b <^)j-^t û^'^î-^t ù^ ^[s^ jri>2 û^ (^^l? ^W ^-Y> ^u^^l 2-< 4>1À< uatAS $ ^ j^aj»l\ j^uj jjjxj JA û-a allait yi ^AjSUl û^aîl ilja» 3^23 ^ ^)LÀJL Sjl^îl ^Slui LaS «ûri^ Uj^It 4-yA JluÀl^lît llfe Û^SldJ3j (jS-uujJt ^â ^jLaîl j.jfr ^âlflSîl ôl>.m 4-tluAtII ^làlt yj& ^jl . ^IJAJI lâa»yJfr (^jjAdll ^At; ^jbt. SûrijS^ Wî'jrilî uj-^1 . !<-a& E-mail: moeisy@net. sy Tel : 3349025 Fax : 4461781 www. moed. gov. sy Thé Syrian Arab Republic is distinguished by its diverse cultural héritage, whether it be traditions practiced by communities, or thé skillful crafts which Syrian artisans hâve created, carrying Syria's cultural identity.
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