Fourth legislative term European Parliament - Indexes of debates Volume 1/1 substances and preparations (com(93)0499 - C4-0028/94 - COD0473) (Codecision procedure: second reading) OJ p.: 0013 Session doc.: C4-0028/94 Part-session from 19 July 1994 to 22 July 1994 Procedure No COD0473 Official Journal C261 from 19 September 1994 T0009 Decision on the common position of the Council on Sitting of 19 July 1994 the proposal for a Council Directive on the establishment of a European Works Council or a procedure in T0001 Decision on the text confirmed by the Council following Community-scale undertakings and Community-scale groups the conciliation procedure on the proposal for a European of undertakings for the purposes of informing and consulting Parliament and Council Directive on the application of open employees (C4-0030/ 94 - 94/0113(SYN)) (Cooperation network provision (ONP) to voice telephony (C4-0056/94) procedure: second reading) (Codecision procedure: third reading) OJ p.: 0014 OJ p.: 0013 Amendments to session documents: C4-0030/94 Amendments to session documents: C4-0056/94 Procedure No SYN940113 Procedure No COD0437 T0010 Resolution on the situation in Rwanda Sitting of 20 July 1994 OJ p.: 0017 Session doc.: B4-0038/94 T0002 Decision on the setting up, number of members, mandate, powers and responsibilities of a temporary committee Part-session from 26 September 1994 to 30 September on employment 1994 OJ p.: 0027 Official Journal C305 from 31 October 1994 Session doc.: B4-0002/94 Sitting of 27 September 1994 Sitting of 21 July 1994 T0011 Resolution on air traffic control (ATC) in Europe T0003 Decision on the number, membership and OJ p.: 0024 responsibilities of parliamentary committees Session doc.: B4-0089/94 OJ p.: 0044 Session doc.: B4-0001/94 T0012 Legislative resolution embodying Parliament's opinion on the proposal for a Council Regulation (EC) on T0004 Resolution on the conclusions of the Corfu European Community financial contributions to the International Fund Council of 24-25 June 1994 for Ireland (COM(94)0060 - C3-0211/94 - 94/0064(CNS)) OJ p.: 0054 (Consultation procedure) Session doc.: B4-0003/94 OJ p.: 0026 Amendments to session documents: C3-0211/94 T0005 Resolution on the Brussels European Council of 15 July Debate: 27/09/94 1994 Procedure No CNS94064 OJ p.: 0057 Session doc.: B4-0010/94 T0013 Resolution on the peace process in Northern Ireland OJ p.: 0026 Part-session from 14 September 1994 to 15 September 1994 Session doc.: B4-0067/94 Official Journal C276 from 03 October 1994 T0014 Resolution on the implementation of the Community Sitting of 15 September 1994 budget for the financial year 1994 OJ p.: 0028 T0006 Resolution embodying the opinion of the European Session doc.: B4-0061/94 Debate: 27/09/94 Parliament in accordance with the procedure without report on the proposal for a Council decision on the conditions for drawing Sitting of 28 September 1994 up, for a transitional period, provisional lists of third country establishments from which Member States are authorized to T0015 Decision on the joint text of the Conciliation import certain products of animal origin, fichery products or live Committee concerning a European Parliament and Council bivalve molluscs (COM(94)0241 - C4- 0053/94) (Rule 143) Directive on the protection of purchasers in respect of certain (Consultation procedure) aspects of contracts relating to the purchase of the right to use OJ p.: 0013 immovable properties on a timeshare basis (C4-0133/94 - 00/ Session doc.: C4-0053/94 0419(COD)) (Codecision procedure: third reading) Procedure No CNS94141 OJ p.: 0047 Amendments to session documents: C4-0133/94 T0007 RESOLUTION embodying the opinion of the European Procedure No COD0419 Parliament (Rule 66) on the decision on the common position of the Council on the proposal for a European Parliament and T0016 Decision on changes to the membership of Council directive amending for the second time Council parliamentary committees Directive 88/344/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the OJ p.: 0047 Member States relating to extraction solvents used in the Session doc.: B4-0087/94 production of foodstuffs and food ingredients (COM(93) 0659 - C4-0014/94 - 94/0484(COD)) (Codecision procedure: second T0017 Decision on the common position of the Council on reading) the proposal for a European Parliament and Council directive OJ p.: 0013 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States Session doc.: C4-0014/94 relating to lifts (C4-0025/94 - 00/0394(COD)) (Codecision Procedure No COD0484 procedure: second reading) OJ p.: 0048 T0008 RESOLUTION embodying the opinion of the European Amendments to session documents: C4-0025/94 Parliament (Rule 66) on the decision on the common position of Debate: 27/09/94 the Council on the proposal for a European Parliament and Procedure No COD0394, SYN0394 Council directive amending for the fifteenth time Directive 76/769/EEC on the approximation of the laws,regulations and T0018 Resolution on the report of July 1994 by the administrative provisions of the Member States relating to Committee of Enquiry on the transport of goods by road in the restrictions on the marketing and use of certain dangerous European single market Volume 1/2 European Parliament - Indexes of debates Fourth legislative term OJ p.: 0050 Session doc.: B4-0105/94 Debate: 29/09/94 Session doc.: B4-0113/94 T0033 Resolution on torrential rains in Liguria T0019 Decision on the common position of the Council on the OJ p.: 0101 proposal for a Council Regulation establishing a special system Session doc.: B4-0090/94 Debate: 29/09/94 of assistance to traditional ACP suppliers of bananas (C4-0029/94 - 94/0147(SYN)) (Cooperation procedure: second T0034 Resolution on forest fires in the southern EU reading) countries OJ p.: 0050 OJ p.: 0102 Amendments to session documents: C4-0029/94 Session doc.: B4-0099/94 Debate: 29/09/94 Debate: 27/09/94 Procedure No SYN94147 T0035 Resolution on flooding in south-eastern France OJ p.: 0102 T0020 Resolution on a multi-speed Europe Session doc.: B4-0157/94 Debate: 29/09/94 OJ p.: 0052 Session doc.: B4-0066/94 T0036 Resolution on the South African proposal to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species Sitting of 29 September 1994 (CITES) to downlist its elephant population from Appendix I to Appendix II T0021 Resolution on illegal trafficking in nuclear materials OJ p.: 0104 OJ p.: 0078 Session doc.: B4-0109/94 Debate: 29/09/94 Session doc.: B4-0062/94 T0037 Resolution on the plague epidemic in northern India T0022 Resolution on the outcome of the Cairo International OJ p.: 0104 Conference on Population and Development Session doc.: B4-0135/94 Debate: 29/09/94 OJ p.: 0080 Session doc.: B4-0063/94 Sitting of 30 September 1994 T0023 Resolution on the Mediterranean policy of the European T0038 Resolution embodying the opinion of the European Union Parliament in accordance with the procedure without report on OJ p.: 0082 the proposal for a regulation on the cosolidation of the Session doc.: B4-0164/94 existing Community legislation on the definition of the ECU following the entry into force of the Treaty on European T0024 Legislative resolution embodying Parliament's opinion Union (COM(94)0140 - C4-0044/94 - 94/0115(CNS)) (Rule on the proposal for a Council Regulation amending for the 143) (Consultation procedure) sixteenth time Regulation (EEC) No. 3094/86 laying down OJ p.: 0146 certain technical measures for the conservation of fishery Session doc.: C4-0044/94 resources (COM(94)0131 - C3-0228/94 - 94/0108(CNS)) Procedure No CNS94115 (Consultation procedure) OJ p.: 0083 T0039 Resolution embodying the opinion of the European Amendments to session documents: C3-0228/94 Parliament in accordance with the procedure without report on Debate: 29/09/94 the proposal for a Council regulation (EC) laying down, in Procedure No CNS94108 respect of hops, the amount of aid to producers for the 1993 harvest (COM(94)0201 - C4-0049/94 - 94/0127(CNS)) (Rule T0025 Resolution on the situation in Haiti 143) (Consultation procedure) OJ p.: 0091 OJ p.: 0146 Session doc.: B4-0097/94 Session doc.: C4-0049/94 Procedure No CNS94127 T0026 Resolution on the situation in Cuba OJ p.: 0092 T0040 Resolution embodying the opinion of the European Session doc.: B4-0132/94 Parliament in accordance with the procedure without report on the proposal for a Council decision on the continued T0027 Resolution on the situation in Bosnia-Herzegovina application of remote sensing to agricultural statistics during OJ p.: 0094 the period 1994-1998 (COM(94)0227 - C4-0052/93 - 94/ Session doc.: B4-0110/94 Debate: 29/09/94 0139(CNS)) (Rule 143) (Consultation procedure) OJ p.: 0146 T0028 Resolution on the trial of members of the Turkish Grand Session doc.: C4-0052/94 National Assembly Procedure No CNS94139 OJ p.: 0095 Session doc.: B4-0111/94 Debate: 29/09/94 T0041 Resolution embodying the opinion of the European Parliament in accordance with the procedure without report on T0029 Resolution on the violent prolongation of dictatorship in the proposal for a directive amending the Directive Nigeria 79/373/EEC on the marketing of compound feedingstruffs OJ p.: 0096 (COM(94)0279 - C4-0114/94 - 94/0174(CNS)) (Rule 143) Session doc.: B4-0098/94 Debate: 29/09/94 (Consultation procedure) OJ p.: 0146 T0030 Resolution on continued human rights abuses in Burma Session doc.: C4-0114/94 (Myanmar) Procedure No CNS94174 OJ p.: 0098 Session doc.: B4-0101/94 Debate: 29/09/94 T0042 Resolution embodying the opinion of the European Parliament in accoradance with
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