LLOYD hf. COOICE,Director of Urban Affair& National Science Board, NSF Union Carbide Corp., New York, N.Y. Staff, Advisory Committees *ROBERT H. DICILE, Cyrus Fogg Brackett Profeseor of Physic% Department of and Panels Physics, Princeton University, Prince- ton, N.J. Appendix A National Science Board DAVID M. GATJES,Professor of Botany and Director, Biological Station, Department Terms Expire May lo,1972 of Botany, University of Michigan, Ann CH- F. JONES, Vice Chairman of the Arbor, Mich. Board, Humble Oil & Refining Co., How *RICER W. HEYNS (Vice Chairman, Na- ton, Tex. tional Science Board) , Professor of PSY THOMAS F. JONES, Jr., President, University chology and Education, Department of of South Carolina, Columbia, S.C. Psychology, University of Michigan, Ann ROBERT S. MORRISON, Professor of Science Arbor, Mich. and Society, Program on Science, Tech- FRANK PRESS, Chairman, Department of nology, and Society, Cornell University, Earth and Planetary Sciences,Massachu- Ithaca, N.Y. setts Institute of Technology,.. Cambridge, E. R. PIORE, Vice President and Chief Scien- Mass. tist, International Business Machined *F. P. THIEME, President, University of Corp., Armonk, N.Y. Colorado, Boulder, Colo. JOSEPH M. REYNOLDG, Boyd Professor of Member Ex Odlfcio Physics and Vice President for Inatruc- +W. D. MCELROY, Director, National Sd- tion and Research, Louisiana State Uni- ence Foundation, Washington, D.C. versity, Baton Rouge, La. (Chairman, Executive Committee) ATHEUTAN F. SPILHAIJS, Fellow, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, + l + Smithsonian Institution, Washington, VERNICE ANDERSON, Executive Secretary, Na- D.C. tional Science Board, National Science H. GUYFORD STEVE& President, Carnegie- Foundation, Washington, D.C. Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa. R~CHARLI H. SULLIVAN, Assistant to the Presi- dent, Carnegie Corporation of New York, National Science Fomdation New York, N.Y. Staff Terms Expire May IO,1974 Director, William D. McElroy R. H. BING, Rudolph E. Langer Professor Deputy Director, Raymond L. Bispling of Mathematics, University of Wisconsin, hoff Madison, Wis. Special Assistant, David E. Ryer HARVEY BROOKS, Gordon McKay Professor Special Assistant, Lawton M. Hartman III of Applied Physics and Dean of Engineer- Special Assistant, William V. Consolazio ing and Applied Physics, Harvard Uni- Special Assistant, Theodore D. Drury versity, Cambridge, Mass. Special Assistant, Douglas L. Brooks WILLIAM A. FOWLER, Institute Professor of Physics, California Institute of Technol- Research ogy, Pasadena, Calif. Edward C. Creutz GRMAN HACKERMAN, President, William Assistant Director, Marsh Rice University, Houston, Tex. Deputy Assistant Director, Edward P. PHILIP HANDLER, President, National Acad- Todd emy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. Executive Assistant to the Deputy, Jerome H. JAMFS G. MARCH, David Jacks Professor of Fregeau Higher Education, Political Science, and Senior Stuff Associate, Eugene L. Hess Sociology, School of Education, Stanford Senior Stag Associate (Planning), Wayne University, Stanford, Calif. R. Gruner Senior Enoch L. Dillon GROVER E. MURRAY, President, Texas Tech Stajj Associate, University, Lubbock, Tex. Special Assistant, Leonard F. Gardner FREDERICKE. SMITH, Professor of Advanced Environmental Studies in Resources and Ecology, GraduateSchool of Design, Har- Division of Enuironmenta~ vard University, Cambridge, Mass. Sciences Terms Expire May lo,1976 Division Director, A. P. Crary +H. E. CARTER (Chairman, National !ki- ATMOSPHEUCSCIEIUCEE SECTION ence Board), Vice Chancellor for ACT- demic Affairs, University of Illinois, Head, Fred D. White Champaign, Ill. lbRONOMY PROGRAM Program Director, Richard I; Schoen ROBERT A. CHARPIE,President, Cabot Corp., Boston, Mass. *Member, ElIealtlve -. ‘j 88 NSF 1971 ANNUAL REPORT METEOROLOGY Paocw METABOLIC BIOUX;Y PR~CRAM STARS AND STEW EVOLUTION PROGRAM Acting Program Director, H. Frank Eden Program Director, Elijah B. Romanoff Program Director, Raymond E. White Sows TERRESTRIAL RESEARCH PROGRAM PSYCHOBIOLOGY PROGRAM STELLAR SYSTEMSAND MOTIONS PROGRAM Program Director, Neil M. Brice Program Director, Henry S. Odbert Program Director, Harold H. Lane INTERDEPARTMENTAL Co~m-rm.~ FOR AT- NEUROBIOLOGY PROGRAM GALACTIC AND .EXTRAGAL,ACTIC ASTRONOMY MOSPHERIC fkIENCX5 Program Director, James E. Brown PROGRAM Executive Secretary, Sheman W. Betts Program Director, James P. Wright NATIONAL CENTER FOR ATMOSPHWC RR- SEARCH Division of Engineeting CHEMISTRY SECI-ION Scientific Coordinator, Glenn E. Stout Head, M. Kent Wilson Division Director, John M. Ide CHEMICAL DYNAMICS PROGRAM EARTHSCIENCES SECX-ION ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY PROGRAM Program Director, Donald A. Speer Head, William E. Benson Program Director (Vacant) CHEMICAL INSTRUMENTATION AND ANAL- GEOCHEMISTRY PROGRAM ENGINEERING ENERCETICS PROGRAM YSIS PROGRAM Program Director, Alvin Van Valkenburg Acting Program Director, Royal E. Ros- Program Director, Richard S. Nicholson GEOLOGY PR~CRAM tenbach CHEMICAL THERMODYNAMICS PROGRAM Program Director, Richard G. Ray ENGINEERING MATERIAL.S PROGRAM Program Director, Thomas W. Dewitt GEOPHYSICS PROGRAM Program Director, Israel Warshaw QUANTUM CHEMISTRY PROGRAM Program Director, David B. Slemmons ENGINEERING MECHANICS PROGRAM Program Director, William H. Cramer OCEANOGRAPHY SE~ION Program Director, Michael P. Gaus Sraucruru~ CHEMISTRY PROGRAM ENGINEERING SYSTEMS PROGRAM Program Director, 0. William Adams Head, P. Kilho Park Program Director, Gilbert B. Devey SYNTHETIC CHEMISTRY PROGRAM PHYSICAL OCEANOC~UPHY PROGRAM SPECIAL PROGRAMS Program Director, Oren F. Williams Program Director, W. Bruce McAlister Program Director, Morris S. Ojalvo BIOLOGICAL OCEANOCRAPHY PROGRAM MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES SECTION Program Director, Dirk Frankenberg Head, William H. Pell SUBMARINE GEOLOGY AND GEOPHYSW PRO- ALGEBRA PROGRAM GRAM Division of Social Sciences Associate Program Director, Alvin I. Program Director, Robert E. Wall Division Director, Howard H. Hines Thaler Special Assistant, Bertha W. Rubinstein CLASSICAL ANALYSIS AND GEOMETRY PRO- ANTHROP~L~CY PROGRAM GRAM Division of Biolo&al and Program Director, John B. Cornell Associate Program Director, John V. Ryff Medical Sciekces ECONOMICS PROGRAM MODERN ANALYSIS AND PROBABILITY PRO- Program Director, James H. Blackman GRAM Division Director, Harve J. Carlson GEOGRAPHY PROGRAM Program Director, William G. Rosen Deputy Division Director, John W. Mehl Acting Program Director, Howard H. TOPOL~CY AND FOUNDATIONS PROGRAM Planning Omer, William J. Riemer Hines Program Director, Ralph M. Krause SOCIOLOGY PItOCRAM APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND STATISTICS PRO- CELLULAR BIOLOGY SECTION Program Director, John C. Scott GRAM Head, Herman W. Lewis SOCIAL PSYCHOL~CY PROGRAM Program Director, Barnett R. Agins DEVELOPMENTAL Brouw;~ PROGRAM Program Director, Roland W. Radloff SPECIAL PROJECTS PROGRAM Program Director, Richard W. Siegel HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE PRO- Acting Program Director, William H. Pell GENETIC BIOUK;Y PROCRAM GRAM Acting Program Director, Herman W. Acting Program Director, Dudley Shapere PHYSICS SECTION Lewis POLITICAL SCIENCE PROGRAM Head, Paul F. Donovan Program Director (Vacant) St@ Associate, Paul P. Craig ECOLOGY AND SYSTEMATICBIOL~CY SECTION SPECIAL PROJECTS PROGRAM ATOMIC, MOLECULAR, AND PLASMA PHYSICS Head, Walter H. Hodge Program Director, Murray Aborn PROGRAM Ecos~slls~ ANALYSIS PRocww Program Director, Rolf M. Sinclair Program Director, Charles F. Cooper ELEMENTARY PARTICLE PHYSICS PROGRAM GENERAL ECOLOGY PROGRAM Program Director, J. Howard McMillen Program Director, John L. Brooks Division of Mathematical and NUCLEAR Pri~srcs PROGRAM SYSTEMATIC BIOU)CY PROCRW Physical Sciences Program Director, William S. Rodney Acting Program Director, William E. SOLID STATE AND Low TEMPERATURE PHYS- Sievers Division Director, William E. Wright ICS PROGRAM Executive Assistant, Andrew W. Swago Program Director, Howard W. Etxel MOLECULARBIOL~CY SECTION THEORETICAL PHYSICS PROCIUM ASTRONOMY SECTION Head, Sigmund R. Suskind Program Director, Harold S. Zapolsky BIOCHEMUTRY PR~G~UM Head, Robert Fleischer INTERMEDIATE AND HIGH ENERGY PROGRAM Acting Program Director, Sigmund R. NATIONAL ASTRONOMY OBSERVATORIES Program Director, Marcel Bardon Suskind Acting Scientific Coordinator, James P. BIOPHYSICS PROGRAM Wright Program Director, Eloise E. Clark Sow SYSTEM ASTRONOMY PROGRAM Research Applications Program Director, Harold H. Lane Assistant Director, Alfred J, Eggers, Jr. PHYSIOLOGICAL PROCESSESSE~ON ASTRONOMICAL INSTRUMENTATION AND DE- Deputy Assistant Director for Science and Head, David B. Tyler VELoPMENT PROGR4M Technology, Joel A. Snow E.EGULAToRY Broux;~ PR~~MM Acting Program Director, Robert Fleis- Deputy Assistant Director for Program Acting Program Director, David B. Tyler cher Management, Leon M’. Schwartz APPENDICES 89 PROGRAM MANAGEMENT UNIT SPONSORED SURVEYSAND STUDXES !~ECRON Ofice of Exploratory Research Head, Douglas S. Chapin Head, Robert W. Cain and Problem Assessment SCIENTIFIC MANPOWER STUDY GROUP Head (Vacant) Study Director, Norman Seltzer Division of Undergmduate SCIENCE EDUCATION STUDIES GROUP Edzlcation in Science Study Director, Justin C. Lewis Division of Environmental NATIONAL REGISTER GROUP Acting Division Director, Alfred F. Borg Study Director, Milton Levine Systems and Resources Professional Associate (Program Coordina- tor), Lafe R. Edmunds Deputy Division Director, Philip John- Institutional Programs PRE-SERVICE TEACHER EDUCATION PROGRAM Assistant Director, Louis Levin son Program Director, Donald C. McGuire
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