beaumont_front_20140331.ai 1 3/31/2014 1:17:00 PM 8.5 x 11 - Laminated - CMYK -4/color MaximumMaximum BenefitBenefit MonitoringMonitoring ProgramProgram BeaumontBeaumont andand SanSan TimoteoTimoteo ManagmentManagment ZonesZones 20132013 AnnualAnnual ReportReport PreparedPrepared for:for: CityCity ofof BeaumontBeaumont April 2014 MAXIMUM BENEFIT MONITORING PROGRAM BEAUMONT AND SAN TIMOTEO MANAGEMENT ZONES 2013 ANNUAL REPORT PREPARED FOR: CITY OF BEAUMONT PREPARED BY: April 2014 Table of Contents Section 1 – Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 1-1 1.1 Maximum-Benefit Objectives ............................................................................................ 1-1 1.2 Maximum-Benefit Commitments ...................................................................................... 1-2 1.3 Maximum-Benefit Commitment Compliance ................................................................... 1-2 Section 2 – Surface Water Monitoring Program .................................................................................... 2-1 2.1 City of Beaumont Surface Water Monitoring Program .................................................... 2-1 2.2 Data Collected in 2013 ..................................................................................................... 2-2 2.3 Imported Water Recharge and Recycled Water Discharge ............................................. 2-2 Section 3 – Groundwater Monitoring Program ....................................................................................... 3-1 3.1 Regional Well Canvass ...................................................................................................... 3-1 3.1.1 Key Well Water Level Program ................................................................................................. 3-1 3.1.2 Key Well Water Quality Program ............................................................................................... 3-2 3.2 Water Quality in the Beaumont and San Timoteo Management Zones ......................... 3-3 3.2.1 Water Quality Trends in the Beaumont Management Zone ................................................... 3-4 3.2.2 Water Quality Trends in the San Timoteo Management Zone ................................................ 3-7 Section 4 - References .............................................................................................................................. 4-1 Appendix A – Data Collected for the Maximum Benefit Monitoring Program (Compact Disk) April 2014 City of Beaumont i 008-019-002.5 Maximum Benefit Monitoring Program – 2013 Annual Report Table of Contents List of Tables 1-1 Maximum-Benefit and Antidegradation Objectives for Total Dissolved Solids and Nitrate-Nitrogen 1-2 City of Beaumont and San Timoteo Watershed Management Authority Maximum-Benefit Commitments 1-3 TDS Concentration at the Beaumont Wastewater Treatment Plant and in the Beaumont Management Zone 1-4 Beaumont Wastewater Treatment Plant Effluent 12-Month Running Average TDS and TIN Concentrations 2-1 City of Beaumont Surface Water Monitoring Program 2-2 Analyte List for the Surface Water Quality Program 2-3 2013 Surface Water Monitoring Program Results: In-stream Monitoring Sites, Recharge Facilities, and Recycled Water Discharges 2-4 State Water Project Recharge to the Beaumont Management Zone – 2003 to 2013 2-5 Recycled Water Discharge to the Beaumont and San Timoteo Management Zones –2004 to 2013 3-1 Analyte List for the Key Well Groundwater Quality Program April 2014 City of Beaumont ii 008-019-002.5 Maximum Benefit Monitoring Program – 2013 Annual Report Table of Contents List of Figures 1-1 Management Zone Boundaries – Maximum-Benefit and Antidegradation Objectives for TDS and Nitrate-Nitrogen 2-1 Surface Water Monitoring Program – Monitoring Locations 3-1 Key Well Water Level Program – Wells with Data in 2013 3-2 Key Well Water Quality Program – Wells with Data in 2013 3-3 Nitrate (as Nitrogen) in Groundwater – Maximum Concentration (2009 to 2013) 3-4 Total Dissolved Solids in Groundwater – Maximum Concentration (2009 to 2013) 3-5 Time History of Nitrate (as Nitrogen) Concentrations at Interpretive Wells in the Beaumont Management Zone – Edgar Canyon 3-6 Time History of Nitrate (as Nitrogen) Concentrations at Interpretive Wells in the Beaumont Management Zone – Northeast Beaumont Basin 3-7 Time History of Nitrate (as Nitrogen) Concentrations at Interpretive Wells in the Beaumont Management Zone – Northwest Beaumont Basin 3-8 Time History of Nitrate (as Nitrogen) Concentrations at Interpretive Wells in the Beaumont Management Zone – Central Beaumont Basin 3-9 Time History of Nitrate (as Nitrogen) Concentrations at Interpretive Wells in the Beaumont Management Zone – Beaumont South Basin 3-10 Time History of TDS Concentrations at Interpretive Wells in the Beaumont Management Zone – Edgar Canyon 3-11 Time History of TDS Concentrations at Interpretive Wells in the Beaumont Management Zone – Northeast Beaumont Basin 3-12 Time History of TDS Concentrations at Interpretive Wells in the Beaumont Management Zone – Northwest Beaumont Basin 3-13 Time History of TDS Concentrations at Interpretive Wells in the Beaumont Management Zone – Central Beaumont Basin 3-14 Time History of TDS Concentrations at Interpretive Wells in the Beaumont Management Zone – Beaumont South Basin 3-15 Time History of Nitrate (as Nitrogen) Concentrations at Wells in the Eastern San Timoteo Management Zone 3-16 Time History of TDS Concentrations at Wells in the Eastern San Timoteo Management Zone April 2014 City of Beaumont iii 008-019-002.5 Maximum Benefit Monitoring Program – 2013 Annual Report Table of Contents Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Initialisms acre-ft acre-feet Banning City of Banning Basin Plan Water Quality Control Plan for the Santa Ana River Basin BCVWD Beaumont-Cherry Valley Water District BMZ Beaumont Management Zone City City of Beaumont GWMP Groundwater Monitoring Program ND non-detect nitrate-N nitrate-nitrogen NPDES National Pollution Discharge Elimination System mg/L milligrams per liter Pass Agency San Gorgonio Pass Water Agency QA/QC quality assurance/quality control Regional Board California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Santa Ana Region SMWC South Mesa Water Company STMZ San Timoteo Management Zone STWMA San Timoteo Watershed Management Authority SWMP Surface Water Monitoring Program SWP State Water Project TDS total dissolved solids TIN total inorganic nitrogen USGS United States Geological Survey Watermaster Beaumont Basin Watermaster WEI Wildermuth Environmental, Inc. WWTP wastewater treatment plant YVWD Yucaipa Valley Water District April 2014 City of Beaumont iv 008-019-002.5 Section 1 – Introduction This 2013 Maximum Benefit Annual Report was prepared by the City of Beaumont (City) pursuant to its maximum-benefit commitments, as described in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Santa Ana River Basin (Basin Plan) (California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Santa Ana Region [Regional Board], 2008). This section provides background information on (1) the creation of the maximum-benefit objectives, (2) the commitments made by the City and the San Timoteo Watershed Management Authority (STWMA) when the Regional Board granted the maximum-benefit groundwater-quality objectives, and (3) the status of compliance with the maximum-benefit commitments. 1.1 Maximum-Benefit Objectives In January 2004, the Regional Board amended the Basin Plan to incorporate an updated total dissolved solids (TDS) and nitrogen management plan (Regional Board, 2004). This amendment included revised groundwater subbasin boundaries (now called management zones), revised TDS and nitrate-nitrogen (nitrate-N) groundwater quality objectives, revised TDS and nitrogen wasteload allocations, revised reach designations, and revised TDS and nitrogen objectives and beneficial uses for specific surface waters. The technical work supporting the 2004 Basin Plan amendment was directed by the Nitrogen/TDS Task Force and is summarized in TIN/TDS Study (Phase 2A) of the Santa Ana Watershed, Final Technical Memorandum (Wildermuth Environmental, Inc. [WEI], 2000). The antidegradation water quality objectives set forth by the Basin Plan amendment restricted the use of recycled water for irrigation and groundwater recharge for certain groundwater management zones, including the Beaumont Management Zone (BMZ) and the San Timoteo Management Zone (STMZ). In particular, the ambient TDS concentrations of these management zones exceeded the antidegradation objectives, meaning that no assimilative capacity existed for which the Regional Board could allocate the use of the City’s recycled water within the BMZ or STMZ. Table 1-1 summarizes the antidegradation objectives, maximum-benefit objectives, all ambient TDS and nitrate-N determinations made for the BMZ and STMZ (1997, 2003, 2006, and 2009), and current assimilative capacity for TDS and nitrate-N1. Under the antidegradation objectives, the use of recycled water would require mitigation even though the reuse would not materially impact future TDS concentrations or impair beneficial uses. Thus, alternative maximum-benefit objectives were specified for the BMZ and the STMZ. The maximum-benefit objectives were established based on demonstrations by the City and STWMA that antidegradation policies were satisfied. First, they demonstrated that beneficial uses would continue to be protected. Second, they showed that water quality
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