“BUT WE HOLD THIS TREASURE IN EARTHEN VESSELS, THAT THE SURPASSING POWER MAY BE OF GOD AND NOT FROM US.” —Corinthians 2:4 FALL 2017 Issue No. 21 Issue No. A Message from Father Bob Te Mass—It takes a Parish Glory to God in the Highest! by diane comerford “Tere are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit; St. Luke’s Mission Statement there are different forms of service but the same Lord; St. Luke’s Parish at its core strives to live out there are different workings but the same God who produces all of them in everyone. To each individual the manifestations of the Spirit is given for some benefit.” the call of stewardship. Simply put, we 1 Corinthians 12:4-7 are aware that all we have is a result of our gift-giving God. God blesses us with time, You taste your favorite soup. Something is off, not enough salt. You listen to your talent, and treasure. We attempt to respond favorite song. Something is off, there is static. You knock on your best friend’s door. to this God by using creatively what God Something is off, no one answers. has given to us. Working in partnership On any given Sunday, you arrive at St. Luke’s for Mass and nothing is off. Rather, with God, we advance His kingdom on everything invites. Te doors are open. Greeters welcome you. Te bulletin brings earth. By so doing we witness to God’s messages of ministries and events. Father Bob calls you by name. Te design of the presence in our midst. environment committee announces the liturgical season. Tanks to Friday morn- Te Mass continued on page 2 108 WASHINGTON ROAD, BARRINGTON, RI 02806 | WWW.S T LUKESPA R I S H . C O M PONDERING Te Mass continued from page 1 A Message from Father Bob ing cleaning, there is order. Our dedicated check-in, they form a circle with the presider. sacristans ensure all systems are a go: sound, As one body, they pray that the community light, and heat. breaks open the Word of God to discover Him in our midst. Te lector moves to the Gifts of bread and wine are placed on the ambo to welcome all assembled. With that offertory table. Collection baskets are opening, the choir leads the congregation in organized. Father Brian shepherds the altar a hymn of praise as the liturgical procession servers – both newcomers and old timers. enters the Church. Te choir assembles in the loft to prepare melody and verse. Te lector is scanning We listen and seek understanding of the the readings one more time. Extraordinary Word of God. We proclaim our Creed. We ministers of the bread and cup prayerfully petition God’s intercession in our earthly This edition of REACH focuses on the importance await guidance. You wave and smile at life. We offer gifts of finest wheat and grape. of liturgy in our lives of faith. One of my favorite friends and neighbors. You go to your usual We celebrate the liturgy of the Eucharist. quotes in liturgy comes from Vatican II. In the pew or maybe shake things up and try a new Te priest consecrates the bread and wine. Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, we read: vantage point. As you kneel in prayer, you We receive the Body and Blood of Christ. “The celebration of the Eucharist, as an give thanks for the wonders and blessings We go forth in peace to know and serve the action of Christ and the people of God…is of life. Lord and one another. the center of the whole Christian life, for the universal church, the local church and for As Mass time approaches, you notice that Whether our view is from the pew, the each and everyone of the faithful…the liturgy the liturgical participants head back to the choir loft, the lobby, the ambo, the altar, we is the summit toward which the activity of the sacristy. You may wonder, what are they unite as a parish family. Glorify God to the church is directed; it is also the fount from which all power flows…All who are made doing? If you follow, you will find them highest! children of God by faith and baptism should reaffirming their roles. After a logistical come together to praise God in the midst of the church, to take part in the sacrifice and to eat the Lord’s supper.” What I find so impressive about this statement is its focus on Eucharist as activity. After all, “liturgy” literally means work. We work hard at liturgy: the choir practices the hymns, the environment committee works hard to beautify the church, the homilist works hard to apply the Gospel to modern life, the greeters are present to warmly welcome people, the lectors practice their readings, and the altar servers have to remember where to be at Mass. When we merge our efforts and gifts together, we give our God fitting praise. I love it when the ministers of Eucharist gather in the sacristy before Mass. We make sure of our particular assignment, we pray together, and form a team and thus “do” liturgy together. Remember Misha Cassidy – grade 5 my two oar theory! Unless we pray together and Reflections on the Mass “I wanted to be an altar server since I first allow the Eucharist to propel us out to do service Te ministry of altar server calls our young moved to Barrington and joined St. Luke’s. in the world, we are not the community Jesus calls people to a commitment of time joyfully ren- I knew I had to wait until I was in the 5th us to be. Good liturgy builds community, lacklus- dered with awe and reverence for the Blessed grade. I’m very excited to finally be an altar ter liturgy diminishes community. Sacrament. Here is their witness. server and to serve Jesus. I like helping dur- So enjoy this new edition of REACH. Be amazed ing Mass and especially holding the cross.” to learn of all that goes on here at St. Luke’s. May we heed the final words of Mass, “Go in peace, give glory to God with your life.” Fr. Bob Hawkins 2 FALL 2017 EDITOR’S Rose Zangari – grade 5 NOTE “I like helping Father Bob at the altar. Father Brian teaches us to be altar servers and I Greetings everyone! Our lead story in this Fall watch the older students to learn my job. Re- 2017 issue of the St. Luke's Parish REACH cently, some other St. Luke’s altar servers and newsletter features the Holy Sacrifice of the I were able to serve for Bishop Evans at the Mass, focusing on how the parish comes Carmelite Monastery. Tat was a special day.” together as one body to glorify God in this celebration. Diane Comerford, the Director of Religious Education, did a wonderful job in Alex Geiser - grade 9 writing this article. I'm struck by the number “Being an altar server is a great thing. You get of parishioners filling critical roles in the celebra- to be up front, gaining a different perspective tion of every Mass service, particularly Sunday on the congregation, and you get to help. It Mass. It reads like an invitation for chaos—yet, means a lot to me to be able to help the priest when it comes time for the opening precession, it always comes together! during the Mass. It deepens the meaning of the Mass by helping me focus on the Eucha- Similarly, Fr. Bob's Pondering highlights "the ristic prayers. importance of liturgy in our lives of faith," further driving home the significance of community “Serving at the altar helps both you and the best piece of advice I got came from my dad, involvement in the Mass. Then, to accent these priest. It helps you by giving you a deeper and saying, ‘Walk slowly and look holy. No one two articles on the Mass, Bill Sweeney took the time to identify several digital presentations more meaningful Sunday. Serving helps the can tell if you mess up (except your parents).’ available to us on FORMED free of charge, which priest because you are up there getting ev- I plan to remain an altar server through high are related to the Mass and the Eucharist. erything he needs and ringing the bells. Te school.” Wait—there's more! This issue of REACH is loaded with other news and information of interest for you, our readers. It includes an “REACH” Mass Teme on St. Luke’s FORMED insightful article written by Doug Johnston on the Te following Mass/Eucharist features are available to you. recently-formed St. Luke's Knights of Columbus. Deacon Dom DiOrio reports on A Combined study programs Spiritual Exercise involving members of the St. (Augustine Institute Originals)-Symbolon, Part II-Living Martha's and St. Luke's Parishes who are partici- pating in a program conceived by St. Ignatius, the Faith- Session 2. Te Eucharist-Source and Summit of the founder of the Jesuit Order. Other articles the Christian Life: What do Catholics really believe about are: the Fr. Brian Chat; the Youth Ministry; the the Sacrament of the Eucharist, and why has it become the Eucharistic Miracles Exhibition; iCatholic—Radio center point of the Mass and our lives as Catholics? (See also Evangelism; the Parish Picnic; SLS Comings & Part II Session 3 Walk through the Mass). Goings; and information on Christenings, Wed- dings, New Friends, and In Memoriam.
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