AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF FREDERICTON CITY COUNCIL Date: Monday, May 8, 2017, 7:30 p.m. Location: Council Chamber, City Hall, Fredericton 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. MOMENT OF REFLECTION 3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 4. ADOPTION OF MINUTES 4.1 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of City Council - March 27, 2017 5. PROCLAMATIONS 5.1 North American Occupational Safety and Health Week - May 7-13, 2017 5.2 Adopt a Book Campaign - May 17 - July 19, 2017 6. PRESENTATIONS/PETITIONS 6.1 25-Year Service Award to City of Fredericton Employee • Alexander (Sandy) MacNeill 7. FIRST AND SECOND READING OF BY-LAWS 7.1 By-law No. L-11.119 (39th Annual Fredericton Marathon) A By-law to Temporarily Stop-up and Close Portions of Various Streets - 39th Annual Fredericton Marathon • Hearing of Objections/Support • First Reading of By-law No. L-11.119, by title • Second Reading of By-law No. L-11.119, by title • Adoption of a Resolution Declaring an Emergency Exists Justifying Third Reading • Motion to Read in its Entirety • Reading in its Entirety and Third Reading of By-law No. L-11.119, by title 8. THIRD READING OF BY-LAWS 8.1 244-246 Charlotte Street - Zoning Amendment (Keith Young) Councillor Bruce Grandy and Deputy Mayor Kate Rogers must retire from the Council Chamber, as they were not present during the Hearing of Objections/Support, held on April 24, 2017. By-law No. Z-5.115, A By-law to Amend By-law No. Z-5, A Zoning By-law for the City of Fredericton • Reading by Section Number • Third Reading of By-law No. Z-5.115, by title • Adoption of Terms and Conditions 9. SPECIAL EVENT REQUESTS 9.1 Duncan Hadley Triathlon 2017 9.2 NBEX Parade 9.3 Pride Parade and Festival 2017 10. COMMITTEE REPORTS FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE REPORT 10.1 Para Transit Supplemental Taxi Contract Budget Transfer Request to transfer funds from fixed route transit to supplemental taxi contract COUNCIL-IN-COMMITTEE REPORTS 10.2 Community Funding Grant Award of Additional Funding Allotment 10.3 Preservation Review Board Reappointment of Members 10.4 Lease – Portion of 975 Barker Street Construction of a Cell Phone Tower – Bragg Communications Incorporated (Eastlink Wireless) 10.5 Regent Street Wharf Agreement with Capital City Boat Club 11. TENDERS 11.1 Tender # T17-07 Hawkins Street Infrastructure Upgrades – Phase 2. 12. OTHER MATTERS 12.1 Sarahs Lane Extension (Public) – City of Fredericton – Assent of Council 12.2 Approval for Sidewalk Sales 2017 13. ADJOURNMENT MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF FREDERICTON CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, MARCH 27, 2017 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Fredericton City Council held on Monday, March 27, 2017, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber, City Hall, Fredericton. ATTENDANCE Attendance Council: Mayor Michael O’Brien, Deputy Mayor Kate Rogers, Councillors Henri Mallet, Steven Hicks, Kevin Darrah, Dan Keenan, Eric Price, Greg Ericson, John MacDermid, Stephen Chase and Eric Megarity. Absent: Councillor Bruce Grandy Councillor Mark Peters Staff: Murray Jamer, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer Jennifer Lawson Murray, City Clerk/Manager, Legislated Services Jane Blakely, Director, Strategy & Human Resources Dylan Gamble, Director, Engineering & Operations Ken Forrest, Director, Growth & Community Services Wayne Tallon, Director, Corporate Strategy Michelle Brzak, City Solicitor Alicia Keating, Assistant Director, Finance & Administration Sean Lee, Assistant Director, Engineering & Operatons Martin Gaudet, Deputy Police Chief Paul Fleming, Fire Chief Wayne Knorr, Manager, Communications Marcello Battilana, Manager, Community Planning Jihad El Zamer, Manager, Purchasing Adam Bell, Manager, Financil Reporting & Accounting Amy Cronkhite, Recording Secretary Elizabeth Murray, City Marshal Angela Duplessis, Sound Operator CALLED TO ORDER Called to Order His Worship, Mayor Michael O’Brien called the meeting to order at 7:32 p.m. 4 Regular City Council Meeting – Monday, March 27, 2017 page 2 MOMENT OF REFLECTION Moment of Reflection His Worship, Mayor Michael O’Brien invited Council to join him in a Moment of Reflection. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Approval of Agenda Moved by Councillor Steven Hicks, seconded by Councillor Kevin Darrah THAT the March 27, 2017, City Council Agenda be approved with the following amendments: - The addition of agenda item 4.2 entitled “World Autism Awareness Day Proclamation”; - The addition of agenda item 8.3 entitled “Vimy Ridge Ceremony”; - The addition of agenda item 9.2 entitled “2016 Audited Consolidated Financial Statements – City of Fredericton”; - The addition of agenda item 9.3 entitled “Emergency Back- up Generator – Agreement with the Salvation Army”; - The addition of agenda item 9.4 entitled “Contract with Rogers Communications Canada Inc.”; - The addition of agenda item 9.5 entitled “Quadripartite Agreement for City Policing – Services provided to Saint Mary’s First Nation”; - The addition of agenda item 9.6 entitled “Chateau Heights Service Extension – Proposed Acquisition – Portion of PID 01489244, Located Near 989 McLeod Hill Road”; and - The addition of agenda item 9.7 entitled “Armored Rescue Vehicle for the Fredericton Police – Request for Proposal P17-10”. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 2017 EVEREST CANADIAN SENIORS CURLING 2017 Everest Canadian CHAMPIONSHIPS – MARCH 20-25TH, 2017 Seniors Curling Championships – March 20- His Worship, Mayor Michael O’Brien commended Wayne Tallon, 25th, 2017 Director of Corporate Strategy and the organizing committee of the Everest Canadian Seniors Curling Championship Event, for a job well done. Mayor O’Brien noted that 27 teams from across the country took part in the curling event that took place in Fredericton on March 20-25, 2017. He further noted that in talking with team participants, they were very pleased with the organization of the event, the ice conditions, facilities, etc. Mayor O’Brien thanked the organizing team for a job well done. 5 Regular City Council Meeting – Monday, March 27, 2017 page 3 PROCLAMATIONS Proclamations His Worship, Mayor Michael O’Brien read the following proclamations: 14TH ANNUAL CANADIAN ONCOLOGY NURSING DAY – 14th Annual Canadian APRIL 4TH, 2017 Oncology Nursing Day Proclamation – April 4th, WHEREAS Oncology nurses are committed to providing 2017 quality oncology care; and WHEREAS Oncology nurses have demonstrated excellence in patient care, teaching, research, administration, and education in the field of oncology nursing; and WHEREAS Oncology nurses endeavour to educate the public in the prevention and treatment of cancer. THEREFORE I, Mayor Mike O’Brien, hereby proclaim April 4th, 2017 as “Canadian Oncology Nursing Day” in Fredericton and urge all residents of Fredericton to join in observance of and participate in activities to recognize the special contribution oncology nurses provide to the public. WORLD AUTISM AWARENESS DAY – APRIL 2, 2017 World Autism Awareness (ADDITIONAL ITEM) Day – April 2, 2017 (Additional Item) WHEREAS In 2007, the United Nations proclaimed April 2nd as World Autism Awareness Day (WAAD); and, WHEREAS The international organization, Autism Speaks, has been successful in recruiting over 10,000 iconic buildings, structures and landmarks to mark WAAD by bathing them in blue light; and, WHEREAS Examples included the Pyramids in Egypt, the Eiffel Tower in France, the Sydney Opera House in Australia, ChrisT The Redeemer Statue in Rio De Janeiro, Niagara Falls, the CN Tower, and the Parliament buildings in Ottawa; and, WHEREAS Autism Connections Fredericton is our local autism resource centre and this year has arranged for the following Fredericton landmarks to be lit up blue: City Hall, The Provincial Legislature, The Beaverbrook Art Gallery, The Fredericton Playhouse, The Fredericton Convention Centre, and the Crowne Plaza Hotel’s Lighthouse. 6 Regular City Council Meeting – Monday, March 27, 2017 page 4 THEREFORE I, Mike O’Brien, Mayor of the City of Fredericton, do hereby proclaim Sunday, April 2nd, 2017 as World Autism Awareness Day. 25-YEAR SERVICE AWARDS 25 Year Service Awards Presented to Terry Barrieau, His Worship Mayor Michael O’Brien paid tribute to Terry Barrieau, Brent Dickeson and Alan Brent Dickeson and Alan Oakes, all with the Roadway Operations Oakes Division, by citing a number of their achievements throughout their dedicated careers with the City of Fredericton and presented them with Troy Giles and Lawrence a framed certificate, gold watch, and pewter pin. Malley were unable to attend at this time and will Troy Giles and Lawrence Malley, also of the Roadway Operations receive their Service Award Division were slated to receive their 25- year service awards, however at an alternate date. were unable to attend at this time and will instead receive their service award at an alternate date. REPORT OF THE FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION Report of the Finance & COMMITTEE Administration Committee The following report, resulting from the March 27, 2017 “rescheduled” Finance and Administration Committee meeting was presented: 2016 AUDITED CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2016 Audited Consolidated Financial Statements Moved by Councillor Greg Ericson, seconded by Councillor Dan Keenan THAT that the 2016 Audited Consolidated Financial Statements of the City of Fredericton, be received. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY COMMENTS FROM AUDITOR, SHANE SNOW - 2016 CITY OF Comments from Shane FREDERICTON AUDITED CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL Snow - 2016 City of STATEMENT Fredericton Audited Consolidated Financial Shane Snow, Associate Partner with Ernest & Young addressed Statement Council and offered the following comments on the City’s Financial Statement:
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