CHAPTER 6 More on categories and sheaves. 1. Injective objects and resolutions Let I be an object in a category. DEFINITION 6.1. The object I is said to be injective, if for any maps h, f such that f is a monomorphism, there exists g making the following diagram commutative f A B . h g I This is equivalent to saying that A Mor(A, I) sends monomorphisms to epimor- → phisms. Note that g is by no means unique ! An injective sheaf is an injective object in R-Sheaf (X). PROPOSITION 6.2. If I is injective in an abelian category C , the functor A Mor(A, I) → from C to Ab is exact. DEFINITION 6.3. A category has enough injectives, if any object A has a monomor- phism into an injective object. EXERCICE 1. Prove that in the category Ab of abelian groups, the group Q/Z is in- jective. Prove that Ab has enough injectives (prove that a sum of injectives is injective). In a category with enough injectivs, we have the notion of injective resolution. PROPOSITION 6.4 ([Iv], p.15). Assume C has enough injectives, and let B be an object in C . Then there is an exact sequence i d d 0 B B J 0 J 1 J .... → → 0 → 1 → 2 → where the Jk are injectives.This is called an injective resolution of B. Moreover given an object A in C and a map f : A B and a resolution of A (not necessarily injective), that → is an exact sequence i d d 0 A A L 0 L 1 L .... → → 0 → 1 → 2 and an injective resolution of B as above, then there is a morphism (i.e. a family of maps u : L J ) such that the following diagram is commutative k k → k 53 54 6. MORE ON CATEGORIES AND SHEAVES. i A d0 d1 d2 0 A L0 L1 L2 ... f u0 u1 u2 iB ∂0 ∂1 ∂2 0 B J0 J1 I2 ... Moreover any two such maps are homotopic (i.e. uk vk ∂k 1sk sk 1δk , where k − = − + + s : Ik Jk 1). → − PROOF. The existence of a resolution is proved as follows: existence of J0 is by defi- d0 f0 nition of having enough injectives. Then let M1 Coker(iB ) so that 0 B J0 M1 = i d → → → → 0 is exact. A map 0 M J induces a map 0 B B J 0 J , exact at J . Continuing → 1 → 1 → → 0 → 1 0 this procedure we get the injective resolution of B. Now let f : A B and consider the → commutative diagram i A 0 A L0 f iB 0 B J0 Since J is injective, i is monomorphism and i f lifts to a map u : L J . Let 0 B A ◦ 0 0 → 0 us now assume inductively that the map uk is defined, and let us define uk 1.We decompose using property (2) of Definition 5.7: + dk 1 dk Lk 1 − Lk Lk 1 − + uk 1 uk − ∂k 1 ∂k Jk 1 − Jk Jk 1 − + as dk 1 dk ik Lk 1 − Lk Coker(dk 1) Lk 1 − − + uk 1 uk v − ∂k 1 ∂k jk Jk 1 − Jk Coker(∂k 1) Jk 1 − − + Since (∂k uk ) dk 1 0, there exists by definition of the cokernel a map vk 1 : Coker(dk 1) ◦ ◦ − = + − → Coker(∂k 1), making the above diagram commutative. Then since ik is monomor- − phism (due to exactness at Lk ) and Jk 1 is injective, the map jk vk 1 factors through + ◦ + ik so that there exists uk 1 : Lk 1 Jk 1 making the above diagram commutative. The + + → + construction of the homotopy is left to the reader. PROPOSITION 6.5. The category R Sheaf(X) has enough injectives. − PROOF. The proposition is proved as follows. 1. INJECTIVE OBJECTS AND RESOLUTIONS 55 Step 1: One proves that for each x there is an injective D(x) such that Fx injects into D(x). In other words we need to show that R-mod has enough injectives. We omit this step since it is trivial for C-sheaves (any vector space is injective). Step 2: Construction of D. The category R-mod has enough injectives, so choose for each x a map F D(x) where D(x) is injective, and consider the sheaf D(U) x → = x U D(x). Thus a section is the choice for each x of an element D(x) (without any ∈ “continuity condition”). Then for each F we have Mor(F ,D) x X Hom(Fx ,D(x)), = ∈ and clearly D is injective. Step 3:Let F an object in R-Sheaf(X) and D be the above associated sheaf. Then the obvious map i : F D induces an injection i : F D(x) hence is a monomorphism. → x x → One should be careful. The sheaf D does not have D(x) as its stalk: the stalk of D is the set of germs of functions (without continuity condition) x D(x) for x in a → neighbourhood of x0. Obviously, Dx0 surjects on D(x0). When R is a field, there is a unique injective sheaf with D(x) Rq . It is called the = canonical injective Rq -sheaf. Let us now define DEFINITION 6.6. Let F be a sheaf, and consider an injective resolution of F d d d 0 F 0 J 1 J 2 J .... → → 0 → 1 → 2 Then the cohomology H ∗(X ,F ) (also denoted RΓ(X ,F )) is the (co)homology of the sequence d0,X d1,X 0 J (X ) J (X ) J (X ).... → 0 → 2 → 2 m In other words H (X ,F ) Ker(dm,X)/Im(dm 1,X) = − Check that H 0(X ,F ) F (X ). Note that the second sequence is not an exact se- = quence of R-modules, because exactness of a sequence of sheafs means exactness of the sequence of R-modules obtained by taking the stalk at x (for each x). In other words, the functor from Sheaf(X) to R-mod defined by Γ : F F is exact, but the x → x functor Γ : F F (U) is not. U → This is a general construction that can be applied to any left-exact functor: take an injective resolution of an object, apply the functor to the resolution after having removed the object, and compute the cohomology. According to Proposition 6.4, this does not depend on the choice of the resolution, since two resolutions are chain homo- topy equivalent, and F sends chain homotopic maps to chain homotopic maps, hence preserves chain homotopy equivalences . This is the idea of derived functors, that we are going to explain in full generality (i.e. applied to chain complexes). It is here ap- plied to the functor ΓX . It is a way of measuring how this left exact functor fails to be exact: if the functor is exact, then H 0(X ,F ) F (X ) and H m(X ,F ) 0 for m 1. = = ≥ For the moment we set 56 6. MORE ON CATEGORIES AND SHEAVES. DEFINITION 6.7. Let C be a category with enough injectives, and F be a left-exact functor. Then R j F (A) is obtained as follows: take an injective resolution of A, i d d 0 A A I 0 I 1 I .... → → 0 → 1 → 2 → then R j F (A) is the j-th cohomology of the complex d d 0 F (I ) 0 F (I ) 1 F (I ) .... → 0 → 1 → 2 → We say that A is F -acyclic, if R j F (A) 0 for j 1. = ≥ Note that the left-exactness of F implies that we always have R0F (A) A. Since = according to Proposition 6.4, the R j F (A) 0 do not depend on the choice of the reso- = lution, an injective object is acyclic: take 0 I I 0 as an injective resolution, and → → → notice that the cohomology of 0 I 0 vanishes in degree greater than 0. → → However, as we saw in the case of sheafs, injective objects do not appear naturally. So we would like to be able to use resolutions with a wider class of objects DEFINITION 6.8. A flabby sheaf is a sheaf such that the map F (U) F (V ) is onto → for any V U. ⊂ Notice that by composing the restriction maps, F is flabby if and only if F (X ) → F (V ) is onto for any V X . This clearly implies that the restriction of a flabby sheaf is ⊂ flabby. PROPOSITION 6.9. An injective sheaf is flabby. A flabby sheaf is ΓX -acyclic. PROOF. First note that the sheaf we constructed to prove that Sheaf(X) has enough injectives is clearly flabby. Therefore any injective sheaf I injects into a flabby sheaf, D. Moreover there is a map p : D I such that p i id, since the following diagram → ◦ = yields the arrow p i 0 I D p id I As a result, we have diagrams pU D(U) I (U) sV,U rV,U pV D(V ) I (V ) Since pU iU id, we have that pU is onto, hence rV,U is onto. ◦ = u v We now want to prove the following: let 0 E F G 0 be an exact sequence, → → → → where E ,F are flabby. Then G is flabby. u v Let us first consider an exact sequence 0 E F G 0 with E flabby. We → → → → want to prove that the map v(X ):F (X ) G (X ) is onto. Indeed, let s Γ(X ,G ), and → ∈ 1.
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