THE POLITICAL AND CULTURAL CENTRES IN PRAGJYOTI§A-KAMARUPA Thesis Submitted For The Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Arts of the University of North Bengal 1993 By Chakradhar Das, M.A., M. Phii. LECTURER IN HISTORY FALAKATA COLLEGE JALPAIGURI q34.02 lliSu r ^^ 0£C !994 PROF. P. K. BHATTACHARYYA M. A. ((A I. ), I'Pr.D. (lAI .). I.K.N.S. (l.OND.) :j»Tf jrs P.O. NORTH BENGAL, UNIVERSITY JAI>l;NAill SAKKAK I'KUI'hS.SOK Ol- nl.SlOJ<\ RAJA RAMMOHUNPUH, Dt. DARJEELINO DEAN Ol- THE FACULTY COUNCIL WESTBENCAL, INDIA. PIN-7I44S0 FOR POST GRADUATF .STUOIES IN mm, Tclcj;hone : Bagdogra—283 ARTS.COMMI;RCL a LAW UNIVERSITY OF NORTH BENGAL Ref. No. Dated . a^.Ul.Aa^liS.t.. 1993 Certified tliat tlio Thesis entitled The Political and Cultural Gejitres in Praf:.1.voti?a - Kamarupa has becii prepared by Sri Gliakradhar Das, Lectureir in History, Faleicata College, Jalpaiguri under my supdTvision and in accordance v/itli tlie regulation of tliis Univeirsity. Tlie tliesis embodies tlie result of his investigation conducted during tlie period he worked as a Ph. D. research Scholar, rYU.,4i^Ji43 (Pranab Kumar Hiattacharyya) PREFACE I was born and brouc]ht up in South Bengal. When I v.'Ts posted as a Lecturer in History in Falakata College, a remote area, in Worth Bengal, I was little bit worried. But my posting at FalBkata, however, proved to be a blessing in disguise, isoon, I oecarae interested in the local history of the area, which ultimately '.;iden my horizon, and this led me to take up a thorough anc- ::y;-;taTiatic probe in the history and culture of the territory of Kaiiarupa. ^^t this juncture I was greatly encouraged by Professor Praiab Kumar Bhattacharyya, Jadunath Sarkar Professor of History and Dean, Faculty Council of Arts, Commerce and Law of iNiorth Bengal University, in successive stages of investigation-^^ during both as a student of the M.Phil. Glasses and also as Ph.D. research cancidate of -Morth Bengal University. I take this opportunity of acknowledging my deep regard and indebtedness to Professor Pranab Kumar Bhatt acharyya who was kind enough to supervise my work and render all possible assistance to complete it. I am also grateful to Dr. (1-lrs.) C. Chakrabarti, Head^ Department of History and Professor T.K.Roychoudhury, Dr. (Mrs.) H. Bhatt acharyya. Dr. M.M. Mukherjee, Dr. A.G.Ghosh, Dr. (Mrs.) R.oanyal, Dr. I.Sarkar and other teachers of North Bengal University, who were kind enough to render occasional useful helps. I am thankful to the staff of the libraries of North ii Bengal university, -^^alakata College, Ass^n State Museum, Karnrup Anusa;idliiri 3a"iiti, Asiatic Society (Calcutta) and National Library (Calcutta) for their kind assistance, I gratefully acknov;ledge my indebtedness to Prof. K.i'i.Sharma, Vice-Chancellor, Dibrugarh University, Dr. ti.D.Choudhury, Director of Assan State Museuttv Prof. J.N.Phukan, Prof, Usha «.€4j an Bhattacharyya of Qauhati University, Sri "tulananda Gos.vami, Dr, Dimbeswar Sharma# Dr. Dharmcswar Ghutia of Kamrup Anusadhai Samiti, Dr,Pradip Sharma, Exploration Officer, Directorate of Archaeology, Assanv for their valuable advice and cooperation, I must express my deep gratitude to Prof, Bhaskar Chattopadhyay of aurawan University and Prof-, B.N, Mukherjee of Calcutta University for their valuable suggestions, For the patient v;ork of typing the entire manuscript my gratitude goes to Sri Bani Bhushan Satia, I have benefited immensely from Sri Pabitra Debnath, t<esearch Scholar, Worth Bengal University and Smt, Shyamalima Das, Librarian, Falakata College in connection with this work, 1 am very much grateful to thaii. % sincere thanks are also due to Dr.T.K, Chatterjee, Registrar and Smt. Gouri Sen of the Registrar's Branch, North iii Bengal University for their kind and useful help. Lastly, my thanks are due to my colleagues/ frioids/ relatives and family members specially to Shatnayitg, Rekhai, Bilu, Bapi and 3 amir without whose encouragement and sacrifices the v;ork could not have been completed in such a short sp?n of time. (Ghakradhar Das) Dated/ ralakata, The 2J% /iugust/ 199 3, CONTENTS 1« Introduction • •• ••• ••• JL 2. Chapter I - Geographical Background,., 7 3. Chapter II - Historical Bacicground .., 27 4. Chapter III - Date, find Spots, Location and Issuing Gdiitres of tlie Grants ... •., 69 5. GhaptdT IV Appearance and Organization of tile Inscriptions ... 110 6. Chapter V The Donors and tlie Reclpieits ... ... 154 7. ChaptGST VI Aspects of Society and Economy ,,. ... 197 8. Chapter VIX - Concluding Observations... 244 Apptaidix i List of Inscriptions 258 Bibliography ... 272 Illustrations l A 4 h ^ ^ 1. Copper Plate Grants Issued by tlie Bulcsps of PragJyotisa-KSJTiarupa aiid tlieir Dates ... 77 2. Description of tlie Inscriptions ... ... Ill 3. Organization of tiie Inscriptions ... ... 117 4. Donation of Land Undeflr tlie Varmaia Eulc3?s ••• 158 5. Nanes of tlie Donees and tiieir RespecttVQ shares as Alloted by tlie Nidhanpur Grant ••• 159 6. Names of tile Donees and Hieir Respective shares as Alloted by tiie Tipperali Grant ••• 168 7. Donation of Land under tlie Salasttoblia Rulers 175 8. Donation of Ltaxl under tlie P51a Rulgps ••• 179 MA ,P S 1. Proveaiance of tlie Grtuits Issued by tlie Yarman kings • - 80 2. Prov^iance of tlie Grants Issued by tlie kings of tlie - 86 Salastamblia Dynasty 3. Prov€iiance of tlie Grants by tlie Pala Rulers ••• - 93 4. Early Mediaeval Temple Sites of Assam ••• -155 Irflst of Plates Plate I Nagajarl Klianikargaon Stone Inscription Plate II Dubi Grant of HiSskaravarraan, Seal Plate HI DD 1. B Plate IV Nldlxanixir Grajit of Hiaslcaravarraaii, Seal Plate V(a) DO 2. I (b) DO 2. B Plate VT Tip per all Grant of Lokanatiia 1. A Plate VII Do 1. B Plate VIII Nagaon Grant of Jlvaraja, Seal Plate IX Do Plate Do Plate XI Do Plate XII Do Plate XIII(aXIIIC ) Kuruvabalii Grant of Harijaravftrraan 2* A ( Do 2* B Plate XIV Haiointiial Grant of llarjjaravamian 2, A Plate XV I^giiallgabn Grant of Vanaraala , Seal Plate XVI Do 1. B Plate 3rvii Do 2. A Plate XVIII Do 2. B Plate XIX Do 3. A Plate XX ParbatlyS Grant of Vanaraala Bundi Plate XXI Do 1. B Plate XXII Uttarbarbil Grant of Balavarraan III, Seal Plate XXIII Do 1. B Plate 3CC[V Nagaon Grant of Balavainian III ^ Banch Plate XXV Do 1. B Plate XXVI(a) Ulub'arl Grant of Balavarraan III 1. B (,b) Do 2. A Plate XXVil Bargaon Grant of Ratiiapala, Seal Plate XXVIII Do 1. B Plate XXIX Sualkuchi Grant of Ratiiapala 3, A Plate XXX Gauliati Grant of IndrapSla 1, B Plate XXXI Guvakuchi Grant of Indrapala Seal Plate XXXII Do 1. B Plate XXXIII Gachtal Grant of Gopalavarman 1. B Plate XXXIV Klianamukli Grant of liiarmapala Bunch Plate XXXV Do Seal Plate XXXVI Do 1. B Plate XXXVI Subliankarapataka Grant of Dharraapala Seal Plate XXXVIII Do 1. B Plate XXXIX Puspabhadra Grant of DliarraapSla Seal Plate XL Do 1, b Plate XLICa) Karaauli Grant of Vaidyadeva 1. B. (b) Assam Grant of Vallabiia 1, B A map sliowing physical feature and distribution of tribes A political map of Pragjyotisa^Karaarupa A.D. 400 - 1«<")0 ABBREVIATIONS Ar-BR - Assara-Bgaif.al Relations Erhaspati - Brhaspati Smrti BS - Bengali Sal QUA - The Gomnrdiensive History of Assam CII - Corpus Inscriptionum Inclicarura° EHK - TSarly History of'Kamarupa EI - SpiF.raphia Indjca HACA - Historical ArchaeoloKy of C^itral Assam HGPA - The History of Civilisation of tiie People of Assam IA - Indian Antiquary lAA - Inscriptions of Ancieait Assam lEG - Indiaii EplCT-apliical Glossary IHQ - Indian Plistorical Quarterly JAIN - Journal of Ancleiit Indiaji History JARS - Journal of Assam Research Society JASB - Journal of tlie Asiatic Society of Bet-tr.al JBOHS - Journal of %i\^ Bihar and Ori^ssa Research Society JESI - Journal of the EplFraphical Society of India JRAS - Journal of tlie Royal Asiatic Society KS - Knraarupa SasanSvall by P.N.Hiattacharya Manu - Moiiu Smytl TRANSLITERATION TABLE \1 •^u f ? 3 ^ a a i r u 5 31 ^Vn 3fl r e ai o au ;4-.- « 31 ^ "5 ka idia ea eiia • n •^ ^ 31 •^ 3; ca cha ia jlia n ;^ o 5 % ^ ta ^la da dha nfl • cl n ^ yr ST tn tlia da dha na a ^•> <g i^ 3T Pa plia ba hlia ma 2? ^ c7f Q 2? ya ra la va / sa ^ ^ ^ • sa sa lia n f ?^ •^ ksa Jiia • Introduction In ancitfit tines the practice of using coppcir plates to record tlie transactions of land was oomiaon tlirooghoat India« Sonetiaes, stone plates were also used for the sane purpose. A large nocb^ of copper plates and fragmentary stone slabs reoording the donation of land by the kings of rragjyoti^ap-KanarSpa have been discovered and it is beyond doubt tliat tliere are still many such records eitlier hidden underneatli tlie eartli or in private hands. It is proved by tlie latest discoveries of tlie inscriptions and by tli© story beiiind tlie discovery of tiie Uttarbarbll Plat© of Balavarraan III, 'pile Inscription was recovered from Sliri Prakash Chandra Aciiarya who used to worsiiip tlie elephant of tlie seal, tliiiilc- ing tiiat tlie image was of Qod GaQela* Hie value of tiiese inscriptions as an important Histo­ rical source has long been recognized. Historians, starting from Sir Edward Gait, K.L.Barua, B.C.Sircar, B.K.Barua, P.G.Ghottdliury, USB* S.L.Barua, N.B.Glioudliury and otliers have extracted many information ffom tliese iixscriptions, specially for writing tiie political awd at times cultural history of the land, E.Gait's History of Assaia^ K.L.Barua»s Early History Qf Kggnarup^, B.K,Barua« s ^ Cultural History of Assaaif H.K.Barpujari's (^-V "Ehe Goanrehensive History of Aaaan^T P.C.Chottdhury's Ihe History of Civilization of tlie People of Assam are important publications relating to tlie history and culture of Prag3yotiJ|a-.KSaarlIi)a« Among more recent publications covering some important aspects of culture and civilisation of tlie land uimder study S«L.Barua*s A cJoaore- IXQUslve History of Assam.
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