Winona State University OpenRiver The inonW an - 1990s The inonW an – Student Newspaper 4-9-1997 The inonW an Winona State University Follow this and additional works at: https://openriver.winona.edu/thewinonan1990s Recommended Citation Winona State University, "The inonW an" (1997). The Winonan - 1990s. 178. https://openriver.winona.edu/thewinonan1990s/178 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The inonW an – Student Newspaper at OpenRiver. It has been accepted for inclusion in The inonW an - 1990s by an authorized administrator of OpenRiver. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Established 1922 1311 11 a Vol. 75-Issue 17 Wednesday, April 9, 1997 Campus forum In Arts & Variety Netters sail With the added se- WSU students take Women's tennis (5-0 curity on campus, do part in Fastenal's NSIC) is on its way you feel safer? future. to a conference W N NA STATE UNIVE S TY L BRARY championship. I I 11111 I II I II 3 0106 00362 4623 Page 4 Page 5 Page 7 Women's No tuition hike center busy during april may equal cuts By Michelle Wolf News Reporter tuition revenue, leaving the Univer- Classes and sity with approximately a $362,427 April is Sexual Assault Aware- ness month and the Women's Re- remaining deficit. Student Senator source Center of Winona is busy plan- Mike Kurowski pointed out that at a professors are ning activities for the month. cost of about $3000 per class, there "It's a really active month for the could still be 44 class sections elimi- Women's Resource Center," said likely victims nated even with a tuition increase. Crisis Services Coordinator Heather Student Senate President Scott By Jennifer Gonda Kluver has discussed the fiscal year Arent. This month workers of the center 1998 budget planning scenario with News Reporter are putting up posters about sexual the rest of the student senate. assault around Winona State Univer- Most people know by now that The expected FY98 planning ap- sity and the city. Winona State University's adminis- propriation is at $22,138,606, while At the end of the month the center tration has proposed a five percent FY98 planning tuition revenue is only is holding a survivor's vigil. The cen- tuition increase to take effect in the $16,391,578. Assumptions were ter encourages sexual assault survi- fall of 1997. Without this increase, it made based on fiscal year 1997 ap- Joshua Smith/Asst. Photo editor vors to share stories, poetry or art- is likely that adjunct professors and propriation base, with appropriate ad- work at the vigil. some class sections would have to be justments for semester conversion, The future site of the new Maxwell Library. The new library is scheduled to be completed in the The spring training for advocates eliminated. Electronic Academy Grant, miscel- Fall of 1999. also begins this month. Advocates Specifics have not yet been ob- laneous improvements and several put in 40 hours of training throughout tained concerning which professors other expected reductions in appro- the month to provide services for or departments would be affected by priations. Library to be built by 1999 sexual assault victims and battered these cuts. Revenue sources such as a pend- women. Advocates are then on-call Of this five percent increase, only ing Minnesota legislative proposal be approved before building may begin Plans must three times a month. a three percent difference from this and performance funding would de- Unexpected.delays potwithstand-, dents around. We're forced into a "It's very time consuming." said year would actually_ be felt by stu- _ fray part of this deficit. Without some By Steve McFarland ing, the library should be started in difficult situation." Sandra Bennett, Winona State En- dents. The reason for this is a two other source of appropriation, this News Reporter September of 1998, and completed MnSCU's consultant team con- glish professor. „percent su, charge students paid this would leave the university with an sists of approximately five or six Bennett, one of the women who year was passed as a one-year in- estimated deficit of $714,427 for Architects at Bentz, Thompson near April or May of that year, said architects who specialize in differ- founded the center in 1977, has served crease, which would expire next fall. FY98. and Rietow are finalizing the con- Burros. ent aspects of the building. on the center's board of directors and If a tuition increase is not passed for If the tuition increase does not struction document for Winona State May would be timely for moving Burros said that this part of the volunteered for other activities. next year, students would actually be pass, a potential 205 class sections University's new library, said John the library's collection in time for it process is long because MnSCU's The women who founded the cen- paying two percent less than they did could be eliminated. Burros, facilities management direc- to be in full use by fall of 1999, but the September start-up date has some consultants are busy with their own ter saw the need for a program for this year. In response to student tution con- tor. architectural businesses. women who were victims of sexual The proposed increase would not cerns, the senate voted to hold stu- Burros speculates that the plans logistical problems, Burros said. "We would be digging in June if The overall budget for the new assault and domestic abuse in affect students that live in states with dent forums on the topic. Kluver pro- will be ready for inspection by May '.'.'c had a choice," said Burros. "It library is $18 million, with Winona, said Bennett. reciprocity agreements, including posed tentative dates of April 21 and 15. The plans will then be reviewed ould be easier to do all the excavat- $13,462,000 of that going toward The center' s advocates come from Wisconsin, North Dakota and South 22. by consultants at Winona State. ing when there aren't as many stu- construction costs. the community and from the univer- Dakota. These students pay tuition Some members of the senate ex- After the plans pass through this sity. according to rates in their home states. pressed concern that it would not be stage, they will be sent to a team of "I know that we [WSU] have a lot A Minnesota resident, taking 16 wise to present incomplete informa- consultants working for the Minne- Steps to a new library of people who are members," said credits per quarter, would end up tion based on assumptions to the stu- sota State Colleges and Universities. Bennett. paying $73.44 more for the entire dent body. Senate treasurer Tracy Burros fears a delay at that point Architects must finalize construction plans • WSU students and faculty usually year with a five percent increase. Coenen believes that "forums should in time. •Consultants at Winona State University must volunteer at the center because they This amounts to about $24.52 per be held at a later date when we will "That's where the process runs review plans are concerned about abuse and vio- quarter. know the exact ramifications if tu- amuck," Burros said. "MnSCU says lence in society, added Arent. More than a five percent increase ition is not increased." that this will only take seven weeks, •Consultants for MnSCU must review plans would not be legal. Any questions on this matter but in the past they have taken as long •Construction may begin by September 1998 see Center, page 3 This tuition increase would should be directed toward student as 11 months. We will be in big amount to an additional $352,000 in senators. trouble if that happens." WSU future FIRE LIGHTS UP NIGHT SKY Q&A to be may belong held for in laptops candidates By Amanda Samuelson News Reporter Monday, April 14, a question and answer session will be held The issue of whether or not for the students running for po- Winona State University will be a sitions in the Student Senate Pri- laptop university any time soon is mary elections. The candidates still being researched. for president and vice-president According to Student Senate Trea- will be at the session. surer Tracy Coenen, the cost of the The session will be held on plan for the university depends on the the patio outside the Smaug from type of laptop computers purchased 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. In case of in- as well as the number of computers clement weather, the session will that Winona State purchases. be held in the Smaug. Each can- It has not been determined if the didate will be allowed opening laptop university would lead to an and closing statements as well increase in tuition for students. The as the chance to answer ques- aid or grants from the state level and tions from the student body. Minnesota State Colleges and Uni- All students are invited to versities (MnSCU) are also being ex- attend the session with any and plored as a possible source of rev- all questions for the candidates. enue. A reminder goes out to all stu- The laptop university plan would dents to not deface any cam- allow students to lease a laptop com- paign materials on campus as puter from the university for a period doing so can result in disciplin- of time and then, when finished with ary action. it, the students can return the com- Please direct all questions to puter for a refund or buy it from the Tim Greenway in the Student Jackie Jodynak/Photo editor university.
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