![Smartphone [ Smartphone History ] 6 Birth in the 1990S, Widespread Adoption with the Iphone](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
NE Handbook Series 2011 Smartphone [ Smartphone History ] 6 Birth in the 1990s, Widespread Adoption with the iPhone [ Actual Smartphone Components ] 10 Taking Apart the iPhone 4 Click. 14 Glossary [ Components ] 14 RF Circuits 16 Application Processors 18 Liquid Crystal Panels 20 Organic Electroluminescence Panels Find. 22 CMOS Sensors 23 Pico Projectors 24 Touch Panels 26 Motion Sensors 28 NAND Flash Memory Buy. 30 DRAM 31 GPS 32 Ambient Light Sensors 33 MLCC 34 Li-Ion Rechargeable Batteries 35 USB 36 HDMI 37 SIM Cards [ Wireless Communication ] 38 GSM 39 W-CDMA 40 CDMA2000 41 Mobile WiMAX 42 LTE 44 Wireless LAN [ short-Range Communication ] 46 Bluetooth Low Energy and ANT 48 NFC 50 Wireless Power Supplies [ Operating System ] 52 Android 53 Windows Phone 7 54 iOS 55 Application Store Digi-Key is an authorized distributor for all supplier partners. New products added daily. © 2011 Digi-Key Corporation, 701 Brooks Ave. South, Thief River Falls, MN 56701, USA PR NE Handbook 2011│ SmartPhone Q Howwouldyouassessthecurrentsmartphone Rapidly Changing Smartphones market? Tap Digi-Key’s Potential Restle Smartphonedesignersdidnotinventsnappycolor graphicdisplays,touchscreens,interconnectivity,and Smartphones are proliferating rapidly, with many companies built-insensorssuchasaccelerometers,GPS,andgyro- selling designs sporting a wide variety of electronic compo- scopes,buttheyhavecertainlyinfluencedembeddeddevice nents, including touch panels and gyroscope sensors. What designers,componentmanufacturers,anddistributorsto are the major trends in the smartphone market? How can thinkaboutandincludetheseelementsintheirproduct smartphones be designed most effectively? And what strategy plans.Further,smartphoneeconomiesofscalehavehelped does components distributor Digi-Key Corp of the US have? reducethecostofsmartphone-likecomponents. Ithas Nikkei Electronics interviewed Randall Restle in his new post neverbeeneasiertoincorporatethesecomponentsinto as Director of Design Support Services and asked him about anyembeddedelectronicdevice. DistributorslikeDigi-Key smartphone market trends, highly effective design methodol- havesmartphonecomponentsinstockandavailableforim- ogy, and the future strategy of Digi-Key. mediateshipment. Q Howdoessmartphonedesignimpactotherportable devices? Restle Anewlyintroduceddeviceimmediatelylooksold anddatedifitdoesn’tshareasmartphone’sattributes. Whathappenedtothecellphoneitself–thattheyinstantly looked“old-fashioned”whenAppleintroduceditsiPhone– ishappeningtoalldevices. Automobiledashboards,MP3 players,GPSunits,tabletPCs,evenhouseholdappliances likerangesandrefrigeratorsarelosingtheirknobsandcon- trolsinfavoroftouchscreensoverlaidonhigh-resolution displays. Thisgivesthesedevicessmoothedgesthatare easytokeepcleanandthatlooknew. Thesmartphone’s influenceispervasive. | Connectivity, Size Are Critical | Randall Restle Q Howcriticalisconnectivity? Director of Design Support Services Digi-Key Corp Restle Connectivityhasalsobecomearequirement. 2 3 PR NE Handbook 2011│ SmartPhone TherearelaundromatsatuniversitiesintheUnitedStates formaplanofattacktoincludethechosentechnologies. thattweet“followers”tosignifyawasherordryerhas DistributorslikeDigi-Keystockthesekitsandboardsas completeditscycleandisavailableforthenextuser. Of well. Startingfromgroundzeroisthehardwaytogoto- course,usersarereceivingthosemessagesontheirsmart- day. Thejobisnottoinventnewtechnologies,butinstead phones. Thereareotherexamplesshowinghowpervasive toincludetechnologiesyourcustomersvaluethemostina connectivityhasbecome. Travelinggourmet“lunchwag- cost-effectiveway. ons”notifyloyalfollowersofthemealoftheday,provide apictureofthedish,providethewagon’slocation,and Finally,ifthenewtechnologiesaretooneworwide-rang- identifytimesofserviceforgourmet-seekingpatronswho ingtofittheexpertiseofyourdevelopmentstaff,thereare followtheirlunchwiththeirsmartphone. Additionally, third-partydesignserviceproviders(DSPs)withtheneces- therearekitchenappliancesthatincludevideophoneand saryexpertisethatcanaugmentyourcapabilities. These Internetbrowserapplications. DSPscanaddtheunfamiliartechnologieswhileyourteam focusesonwhatitdoesbest,toassurethemainfunction Smartphoneshavealsoinfluenced“sizeofperformance.” ofyourproductremainsintactandisuncompromisedwith Manychildrenregularlywatchtheirfavoritevideoson thenewfeaturesthemarketdemands. handhelddevices. Customandsemi-customcircuitry,such ascomplexprogrammablelogicdevices(CPLDs),have Digi-Keyhasstrongrelationshipswithvariousdevice madegraphicsinsmallpackagesasfastas,orfasterthan, vendorsthatknowthecutting-edgetechnologiesofsmart- desktopequivalentswithmorenewapplicationsexploit- phones. Suchvendorshavebeensupplyingvaluableprod- ingthiscapabilitythanontraditionalplatforms. Simply uctsforinclusioninnext-generationsmartphones. Allof put,thereismorecomputinghorsepowerpercubicunitof theseproductscanbeviewedandorderedonDigi-Key’s spaceinahandheldsmartphonethanintraditional,large Android/iPhoneapplication. electronicdevices. | Effective Use of Design Kits and Houses | Q Whatarethemostimportantissuesforeffectively designingsmartphonesandselectingcomponents? Restle Onemightwonderhowtostartdesigninganew productgiventhecommonexpectationoffeaturesinspired byhand-sizedsmartphones. Thankfully,manycomponent Digi-Key Corporation suppliersofferdevelopmentkitsandevaluationboardsto Tel:1-800-344-4539 Fax:218-681-3380(US) investigatecertaintechnologiesandallowadesignerto URL:http://www.digikey.com/ 4 5 Smartphone History NE Handbook 2011│ SmartPhone Birth in the 1990s, clamshell smartphone. It functioned as a mobile phone when Widespread Adoption with the iPhone folded shut, and opened to reveal a QWERTY keyboard, cross key pad and black-and-white landscape display. The OS was GEOS, from Breadbox Computer Company of the US. The term “smartphone” is used to signify a mobile tele- The Nokia Communicator gained widespread adoption in phone that adds powerful and sophisticated functions to the business world, and was followed by the Nokia 9110 in conventional mobile phones capable of only telephony and 1998. In 2000 the Nokia 9110i was released with support short message service (SMS) text. It is often described as a for mobile phone wavebands used in the United States, and fusion of a personal digital assistant (PDA) offering memo, the terminal also evolved to use the Symbian OS. calculator and schedule functions, and a mobile phone. In 1997 Ericsson of Sweden released the GS88, a terminal The history of smartphones can be divided broadly into similar to the Nokia 9000 Communicator. The word smart- three eras: the early years of the 1990s when smartphones phone is thought to have been used for the very first time in first appeared, the era of surging use in business from material introducing this product. 2000–2007, and the most recent era of widespread use by the general public, from 2007 until the present. In Japan Business adoption (2000–2006) the introduction of i-Mode service in 1997 supported sig- In 2000 number of smartphones appeared, running gen- nificant evolution in handset functionality, and after that eral-purpose OSes designed for use in PDAs and embedded point most handsets offered in Japan fit the definition of equipment. A few of the more well-known were Symbian, smartphones. To avoid unnecessary confusion, however, this Palm OS and Windows CE. history concentrates primarily on smartphones in Europe and America. The Symbian OS was first used in the Ericsson R380 Smartphone. The tenkey pad opened up like a door, reveal- The dawn of smartphones (1990s) ing a landscape touch panel for PDA functionality. It could The very first smartphone in the world is said to be the be used as a mobile phone when closed. In 2000, Nokia fol- IBM Simon, released to the market by IBM in 1994. The ter- lowed Ericsson’s lead with smartphones running Symbian minal was provided with a stylus and touch panel, offering OS, and in fact adopted Symbian OS for all its smartphones. not only telephone conversations, but also PDA and gaming functions. The operating system (OS) was the Zaurus OS, The first smartphone to use Palm OS was the Kyocera which was then being used in PDAs from Sharp. 6035, from Kyocera of Japan. It was similar to the Ericsson R380, with the tenkey pad folding out to allow use as a Palm In 1996 Nokia released the Nokia 9000 Communicator, a PDA. The Kyocera 6035 was released in February 2001. 6 7 Smartphone History NE Handbook 2011│ SmartPhone The Windows CE smartphone was the Microsoft Windows peared thereafter, from companies including Motorola Mo- Powered Smartphone 2002, announced by Microsoft in bility, Samsung Electronics, and Sweden-Japan joint venture 2002. The first terminal to mount the OS was the Orange Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications. SPV, sold by Microsoft itself, and manufactured by HTC of Taiwan. Later renamed Windows Mobile, a variety of termi- Even Microsoft, which had concentrated on developing nals were released to the market from companies including smartphone OS for corporate use, changed its approach as Samsung Electronics and Sharp. a result of the success of iPhone and Android technologies, disclosing Windows Mobile 6.5 and Windows Phone 7 (see The first incarnation of the popular BlackBerry, from Re- page 53), both emphasizing use by the general public. A search In Motion of Canada, appeared in 2003. It featured a terminal running Windows Mobile 6.5 was released in Octo- QWERTY keyboard, e-mail, SMS and browsing functions in ber 2009, and the Windows Phone 7 terminal appeared in an integrated implementation.
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