Realle • • 8 Begründet van E. Ebeling und B. Meissner fartgeführt van E. Weidner, W. van Sacien und D. O. Edzard herausgegeben van M. P. Streck unter Mitwirkung van G. Frantz-Szabó · M. Krebernik ·D. Marandi Banacassi J. N. Pastgate · U. Seidl · M. Stal · G. Wilhelm Redaktian A. Bramanti ·J. Fechner · M. Greiner ·S. Heigl · N. Marella Band 15 · 3./4. Lieferung Za-Zeder. B 2017 Sanderdruck De Gruyter 170 ZABAJA - ZABALA/U(M) Brinkman, MSKH 1, 3 21f.; O. Pedersén, ADOG Early Dynastic IIIa. - § 5. The Early Dynastic 25 (2005) 93-101. Illb period. - § 6. The Sargonic period. - § 7. The Ur III period. - § 8. The Old Babylonian J. A. Brinkman period. § 1. Writing and reading. The name Zabaja. Vierter Konig von Larsa ':· (A. of the city of Z., spelled ABª.MÜSª' is first § 3.2) Mitre des 20. Jhs. Nachfolger seines a ttested in a small fragment of a ta blet Vaters Samium ::- , Vorganger seines Bruders dated to the Uruk III period (ca. 3100-2900) Gungunum':-. Zeitgenosse von ISme-Dagan':­ recording geographical names (ATU 3, und Lipit-IStar':- von Isin. Der Konigsliste 54 pl. 78 W 20266,148: Geography X), and von Larsa zufolge regierte er 9 Jahre (Ko­ in the archaic city seals of Gamdat Na~r nigslisten':- und Chroniken. B. § 3.1). Es sind (MSVO 2, fig. 1oa: 64, p. 3 5-37). lts name keine Jahresnamen überliefert. was most probably found also on the sixth In seinen Inschriften bezeichnet sich Z. line of the Archaic City List (ATU 3, 145- als rabian Amurrim. In der neu- oder spat­ 150), a line that can be restored thanks to bab. Abschrift einer Weihinschrift für Nanse the ED Illa version of the list (IAS 21 i 6: wird er auíSerdem als Konig (l uga l) betitelt MÜS.UNUG // SF 23 i 6: MÜS.AB). The (RIME =F. N. H. al-Rawi, Iraq 64 two signs of the compound logogram used [2002] 247f.). Die Bauinschrift RIME in this and the following periods to write berichtet von der Errichtung des Ebabbar­ the name of Z. stood for the city-goddess Tempels in Larsa. Darüber hinaus wird Z. Inana (MÚS; Inanna ::·mrar. A. § 1) and in einem fragm. Brief aus Girsu erwahnt, probably for "place" or a kind of building der auf ein Abhangigkeitsverhaltnis zu (AB/UNUG); this fact makes uncertain other Isin':- hinweist (D. Arnaud, RA 71 [1977] 3-8 possible occurrences of the city name in = AbB 14, 10). Weiter wird er auf einem UrukIII texts (ZATU 613), which could Dienersiegel genannt (RIME = also be taken for the name of a temple ded­ D. Weisberg, JCS 41 [1989] 194-198). icated to Inana (Szarzynska 1992, 271; SchlieíSlich wurde eine unvollstandig erhal­ Lecompte 2009, 129 ). The phonetic com­ tene Bauinschrift in Maskan-sapir':- gefun­ plement /za/ was soon added to the com­ den (RIME = Steinkeller 2004b, pound logogram MÜS.AB/UNUG (SF 57 vi 146), was darauf hindeutet, dass der Ort 9: MÜS.ZA.UNUG // IAS 46 V 6: ZA.­ bereits unter Z. zum Herrschaftsgebiet von MÜS.UNUG, ED Illa cultic personel list; Larsa gehbrte (Steinkeller 2004a; id. 2004b). IAS 53 ii' 7': ZA.MÜS.UNUG), but it was D. R. Frayne, ZA 88 (1998) 26f. schlagt not widely used until the second half of the vor, Z. habe auch Kontrolle über das nahe­ Ur III Dyn. and the Old Bab. period. The gelegene Nippur~· (A. 11. § 2) erlangt. high number of spellings used for Z. can be Charpin D. 2004: Des origines a Zabaya summarized as follow~:vza bala 5 (MÜS.AB) (2025-1933), Annaherungen 4, 69f. - Fitzge­ and zabala6 (AB.MUS) were preferred rJ ld M. A. 2002: The rulers of Larsa (PhD Diss. during the ED IIIb and Old Akk. periods; Yale Univ.) 35-37. - Steinkeller P. 2004a: A in the Ur III period the most common spell­ history of Mashkan-shapir and its role in the kingdom of Lusa, in: E. C. Stone/P. Zimansky, ing was zabala(MÜS.UNUG), although The anatomy of a Mesopotamian city: survey zabala4 (MÜS.ZA.UNUG), zabala 5 and and soundings at Mashkan-shapir, 26-42; id. zabala 6 are also found; during the Old 2004b: A building inscription of Sin-iddinam Bab. period zabala(ZA.MÚS.UNUG) and and other inscribed materials from Abu Duwari, in: Stone/Zimansky, o. c. 13 5-152. zábala(ZA.MÜS.UNUG) were favored. The reading lzabala(m)I for this com­ J. Wende pound logogram was established by Fal­ kenstein (1941-1944, 115) on the basis of Diri III 111 (za-ba-lam = ZA.MÚS.• Zabala/u(m). UNUG.KI = supalu, MSL 15, 140) and Old § i. Writing and reading. - § 2. Location and ex­ Bab. cultic texts (Sjoberg/Bergmann, TH cavation. - § 3. Sources. - § 4. From Uruk III to 116); cf. also SVJAD 2: 2, 8, 14 (é dlnana ZABALNU(M) 171 Za-ba-laki, Old Bab.). A reading Izaba­ only the already known Old Bab. temple of /ami for the Ur III period, proposed by lnana was found, together with a founda­ Steinkeller 1985, is supported by the tion statuette of Warad-Sí'n':· (al-Subaihawiy PN Ur-Zabalamki.lám (seal impression on 2003-2004). Unfortunately, looting con­ MVN 4, 21 and SACT 2, 138), while tinued after the Second Gulf War so inten­ Izaba/a/ would be the standard pronuncia­ sively that lbzeb is today almost completely tion in the Old Bab. period. An alternative destroyed and virtually irrecoverable to ar­ reading possibly related to Sugal, the Akk. chaeology. name of the city (Proto-Diri Ni. 257 and Another city named Z., attested in Old Bab. texts Proto-Diri Oxf. 183, MSL 15, 20 and 42, (ARM 9, 241: 8; ARM 23, 86: 53), was located in etc.), has been suggested by Marchesi the district of Terqa':· (Charpin 2003, 31). (2011, 19) for Sarg. Umma texts on the basis of the writing of the locative AB.­ § 3. Sources. Texts from the temple of MÚSki_l a (Nik. 2, 49). For S/Sugallitu(m)\ lnana at Z. were illegally excavated in the the Akk. name of lnana of Z., see Anbar late 192os and appeared on the antiquities 197 5' 124. market around 1930. These documents, studied by Powell (1978; add texts listed by § 2. Location and excavation. Z. Ba uer, Annaherungen 1, 4 3 2 n. 3, and Fos­ was identified with mod. lbzel}/Buzaib by ter 1994, 4 50), date to the reign of Lugal­ the South Mesopotamian Mound Survey in zagesi \ except for a small gro u p of ta blets 1954 (Goetze 1955; cf. Hallo 1980). The from Umma that could belong to the ruler­ identification was based on an inscribed ship of Me'anedu (Almamori 2014, 18). Af­ brick found in lbzeb dated to the time ter the First Gulf War, the region where the of tJammurapi, that commemorated the sites 9f lbzeb, Umm al-'Aqarib, Smid, and building of a temple dedicated to "lnana of Tall Gül}a are located was systematically Z." (RIME 4, 352; photograph: al-Subai­ looted, and hundreds of tablets found their hawiy 2003-2004, 187); many more bricks way onto the antiquities market (cf. Umma ::­ with this inscription were also reponed to B. § 3 ). Given their origin, the attribution have been found in situ, in the walls of a building of lbzel}, during the Warka Survey of the tablets to Z. or to other cities in this (Adams/Nissen 1972, 217). Likewise, sorne Umma region is frequently hard to estab­ tablets (apud Powell 1978, 7) and a bowl lish. About 180 tablets allegedly from Z. dedicated to "lnana of Z." (RIME 4, 303f.) have been or will be published mainly by were said to come from lbzeb {Stephens Pomponio/Stol/Westenholz (Banca d'ltalia 1937, 14). 2; 49 tablets, ED Illb and OAkk.; cf. Schra­ The site of lbzeh is located sorne 8 km N kamp, Biür. 6 5 [2008] 670-673 ), Milone of Tall Gül}a (Um~a ::- ) and 14 km NNW of (2005; 20 tablets, ED Illb), Monaco (2011; Umm al-'Aqarib respectively. lt was ex­ 17 tablets, but probably more; ED Illb), plored during the Warka Survey, which Westenholz ( 2014; ca. 20 tablets, ED Illb documented surface materials dated from and OAkk.), Bartash (2013 and 2017; the Middle Uruk to the Old Bab. period ca. 50 tablets, ED Illb), and NotiziaNisi­ (Adams 1981, 99 T7, 172 Ti4, no. 169). cato (2016, 34 =CUSAS 33; ca. 22 tablets, The site was heavily looted after the First ED Illb). Where a provenance from Z. can Gulf War, and hence excavations were un­ be determined for these documents, the ar­ dertaken by the State Board of Antiquities chive of the temple of lnana seems to be and Heritage in Iraq during 2001 and 2002 the place of origin, although in sorne cases with the aim of protecting it. These excava­ other big households like "the palace" (e. g. tions have raised sorne doubts on the iden­ Banca d'Italia 2, l-46) could also be the ori­ tification of Ibzeb with Z. (Almamori 2014, gin of part of the texts (Schrakamp, BiOr. 4 n. 6), since no ED remains were recog­ 6 5, 673 ). Texts from Z. dated to la ter nized during the archaeological work (but periods were possibly also illegally exca­ cf. the above-mentioned Warka Survey); vated and have not been yet identified. 172 ZABALA/U(M) § 4. From Uruk 111 to Early Dynas­ sanga of Z. ruler of Umma tic Illa. During the Uruk 111 period, Z.
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