FI,btb Series, Vol XIII, No.3 Tuesday, FebrD., 2S~U16 : Pbalg ...... 6, 1907 (Sau) LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version) Fifth Session (Eighth Lok Sabha) ( Yo/. XIII contains Nos. 1 to 10) LOK SABHA SECRETARIAT NEW DELHI ,Price: Rs. 4.00 [Original English proceedings included in English Version and original Hindi proceedings included in Hindi Version will be treated as authoritative and Dot the translation thereof.] CONTENTS No. 3-Tuelday, February 25. 1986/PhalgUIIIl 6, 1907 (SaIuJ) CoWMNS Oral Answers to Questions: •• 1-31 • Starred Questions Nos. 21 to 26, 28 and 29 Written Answers to Questions : ••• 32-277 Starred Questions Nos. 27, 30 to 37. 39 and 40 32-42 Unstarred Questions No. 224 to 236, 238, 240 to 336, 338 to 398, 400 to 427 and 429 to 44Z 42-277 Re. Question of Privilege against Shri Arif Mohammad Khan and Shri Z.A. Ansari, Ministers of State for expressing oppo­ site views on Code of Criminal Procedure (Amendment) Bill by Shri G.M. Banatwalla, M.P. 278-282 Papers Laid on the Table - 282-291 Committee on Public Undertakings- Sixth Report and Minutes 291 Calling Attention to Matter of Urgent Public Importance- 292-320 Reported statement made by the official spokesmen of a neighbouring country regarding recent disturbances in India 292-320 Prof. K.K.Tewary ••• 292-302 Shri Chintamani lena 302-306 Dr. G .S. Itajhans ••• 306-309 Shri Ram Pyare Panika 310-312 Shri B.R. Bbagat 312-320 Business Advisory Committee- Eighteenth Report ... 321 *The sign+marked above the name of a Member indicates that the questiOQ was actually asked on the floor of the House by that Member. ( i ) ( it ) CoLUMNS Bills In trod uced- 321-357 Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Divorce) Bill-Introduced ••• 321-356 Ravi and Beas Waters Tribunal Bill-Introduced 356-357 Statement reo Ravi and Beas Waters Tribunal Ordinance, 1986 357 Matters under Rule 377- 357 -365 0) Demand to raise support prices of all agricultural produce by about 25 per cent. ShrJ K. Ramachandra Reddy 357-358 (ii) Demand for developing Northern part of Kerala to attract tourist traffic. Shri Mullapally Ramachandran 358-359 (iii) Need to set up industrial units in Madhubani district of Bihar to provide gainful employment to the local people. Dr. G.S. Rajhalls 359 (iv) Need for arranging adequate suppJies of coal to industries and small scale units in Orissa. Shri Ananta Prasad Sethi 360 (v) Demand for diverting a few ships from Cochin, Mangalore and Tuticorin Ports to Calicut/Beypore Port to provide employment to idle workers at the latter port. Dr. K. G. Adiyodi 360-361 (vi) Demand for financial assistance of Rs. 500 crores to Rajasthan Government to enable it to meet the acute drought there. Shri Virdhi Chander Jain ... 361-362 (vii) Need to take urgent steps for timeJy completion of big projects in order to obviate escalation in cost. · Shri M 001 Chand Daga 362-363 (viii) Need to instruct the United Bank of India to 1ibera­ lise its policy in re~pect of tea financing. Shri Ana1ldo Pathak , , 363 (lIl) CoLUMNS Ox) Need for remedial measures in order to meet the severe drouaht situation in Gujarat. Shrl Ahmed M. PtJlel 364-365 Motion of Thanks on the President', Address ••• 365-448 Shri Eduardo Faleiro 365-374 Shri Zainul Basher 375-433 Shri M. S. Gill 433-438 Shri Anadi Charan nas 438-441 Sbri Sharad Dishe 441-448 LOK SABHA DEBATES LOK SABHA AND NATUR.AL GAS be pleased to state: (a) whether the prices of petroleum Tuesday, February 25, 1986/Phalguna 6, and petroleum products have been increas­ 1907 (SAKA) ed recently; The Lok Sabha met at Eleven of the lb) if so, the rates of increase for the Clock. different products ; (c) the reasons for effecting the above [MR. SPEA KER in the Chair] increase in prices ; ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS (d) the estimated additional revenue earnings as a result of the increase in [English] prices; and Price iDcrease of petroleum aad petroleum (e) the extent to which these hikes will products raise the general price index '1 + THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE *21. SHRI SONTOSH MOHAN DEV : MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM AND NATURAL GAS (SHRI CHANDRA SHRI NARSINH MAKWANA : SEKHAR SINGH): (a) to (e). A State­ Will the Minister of PETROLEUM ment is given below. Statement (a) and (b). Yes, Sir. The prices of some petroleum products were increased with effect fJ;om 1.2.1986. The prices of some of these products were subsequently reduced with effect from 6.2.86. The rates of increase/decrease are, given as under: Price prior Increase Price Decrease Price Perccnta,ge to 31.1.86 w.e.f. as on w.e.f. as on in~rease 1.2.86 1.2.86 6.2.86 6.2.86 on 6.2.86 over 31.1~6 ATF 4739.85 500/KL 5239.85 5239.85 10.55 MS 6369.07 500/KL 6869.07 lOO/KL 6769.07 6.%8 .1 HSD 3007.55 180/KL 3187.55 72/KL 3115.55 3.59 SKO 1821.93 225/KL 2046.93 90/KL 1956.93 7.41 LPG 3028.9g 700/MT 3728.98 280/MT 3448.98 13.81 (DOMESTIC) The Weiahted a\ferap increase in prices works out to S.40k. Oral Answers ]fEBRUARY 25,1986 Oral Answers 4 (c) Need to raise additional resources recent increase 5.4 per cent, the decHne for the plan and contain the rapid growth in demand is expected to be 1.2 per cent. in the consumption of the petroleum pro­ The Government is not resting content ducts, and curtail the value of imports. with this only. We are evolving a com­ prehensive package of measures for (d) The estimated ad_ditional annual conservation of petroleum and petroleum revenue earnings on account of increase in products. This will cover not only the prices of petroleum prcducfs is likely to working of the refineries itself but all the be of the order of abot: t Rs. 530 crores per sectors of the economy like industrial anDum on projected off takes. sector, the transport sector, the agricul­ tt;ral sector and household sector. It is (e) The rise in the prices of petro], expected that that WdY we would be able kerosene & HSD Oil will contribu te to a to reach the plan assumption level of 6.4 rise of 0.21 per cent to the general Whole­ per cent. sale price index. Regarding the first part of the question SHRI SONTOSH MOHAN DEV: I about comparable rise during the Janata must congratulate the hon. Minister that period and during the two years of g,fter raising the prices of petrokum Congress rule . (Il1terruption) The question products from 1.2.1986, the Government is there .... was pleased to reduce the prices on the demand of some of the Congn,ss represen­ SHRI SOMNATH CHATTERJEE: If tatives. Now, I would like to ask him yeu have got the particulars, then it is an whether it is a fact that priles of kerosene inspired supplementary. and LPG were increased substantially duting the golden rule of Janata Party. SHRI CHANDRA SEKHAR SINGH: From December, 1977 to September, PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: It 1979 there Were two rise. For kerosene was a diamond rule and not golden rule. the price rose by 19.4 per cent and for diesel 19.6 per cent. The average price rise SHRI SONTOSH MOl-JAN DEV: If was 19 per cent plus. During· 1985 86 and that be the case, what was the comparative 1986-87-if the pricls arc not raised again rise in prices of petroleum products during during 1986-87 -the weighted average price the two-year of Janata rule and two-year rise of SKO and diesel is 10.6 per cent. So, period of Congress ru Ie ? It is 19 per cent as against 10.6 per cent. , The Mini~ter has stated that the PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: You consumption of petroleum products will have not given the figures of prices under be reduced. May I know the positive steps the first Government headed by Pandit Government has taken to reduce the Jawaharlal Nehru. consumption in Government and semi­ Gdvernment organisations? SHRI CHANDRA SHEKHAR SINGH: After all, there is some work left for you SHRI CHANDRA SEKHAR SlNGH : a]so to do. In reply to the 1a tter part of the question first, the growth of demand of consump­ PROF. MADHU DANDAVATE: So, tion of petroleum products for the fi\ e you want us to come back. All right, we petroleum products for which prices were will do it. raised, was 9 per cent between Aprjl to December, 1985. Ar.d if we tak~ a long­ SHRI SONTOSH MOHAN DEV : Sir, term perspective frem July, 1984 to in view of the fact that the Government, December, 1985 over the same period i.e. in the Jast three years, has given permi­ Ju]y, 1983 to Decrmi:'cr, 1984, tre rat( of ssion to various automobile industries. to growth was 7 pcr cent. It is estimated have new motor cars, is there any thinking that due to price rise, the demand will be in the Government and' wh'ether · the declined by 1.2 per cent. The price elasti­ Petroleum Ministry has coordinated with city of demand beinl .25 pel' cent and the the Ind~stry Ministry to :rethjnk £-about Oral A""Wef.f PItALGtJNA 6, 1907 (SAICA) Drat Anawers 6 this licensing procedure, and whether the from the National Grid and proper plann­ existing licences will continue or not? ing for thermal power in view of the abundant coal resources in the State of SHRI CHANDRA SHEKHAR SINGH: Orissa? Sir.
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