PE 29 July 14,1967 People's Wor ls lnvincible Renmin Ribao editoriol commemorotes 3fth onniversory IL of Chinese People's Wor of Resistonce Agoinst Jopon. The ililitary Governmcill 0f Jle Win, 4 The Ghiang l(ai-shek ol Burma, ls Bound To Fail! The People Are Bound to tlin ! Speech by Thokin Bo Thein Tin, First Vice-Choirmon of the A Centrol Committee of the Communist Porty of Burmo. People of lndonesia, Unite and Fight to Ouerthrow the Fascist Regime ,{L Hongqi editoriol. Spring Thunder Over lndia Renmin ormed ",:oo?,:,,!"'J; $jr*,,f,i"iiJjs' $ l- r I ! i i : QusTf,T[0]l$ FRoffi ffi*fiIfifrfi ffi ffifte T$E.TEH.G The seizure of power by armed force, the settlernent of the issue by war, is-the central task and the highest form of rer.olu- tion. This Marxist-Leninist principle of reyolution holds good universally, for China and for all other countries. Problems, af Wur and StrategY (November 1938) Contrary to the predictions of the Chinese and foreign reac- tie,n*rlesn the forees of faseist aggressior will undoubtedly be overthrown and the people's dernocratic f,crces will trndoubtedly " triumph. The wor{d wiII unquestionahfu take the road of pro- gress and not the road of reaetion. O n C oqlition. G ors ernmemt (Aprit 1 945) Therefore the united front, araned struggle aad Party build- ingi are the three fwldame**al questions for eur Party in the Chi- nese. revolution. Ilaving a correct grasp of these three questions and their interrelations is tantamount to giving correct leadership to the whole Chinese revolution. lntrotlucing "The Communist" (October 1939) E. ..r-.ll: ...-:': .'::'i:, :'.. .: ,'f ": $8. : ;:' :J'1 .i.6 'i+r' 'i1' 4..#i! .&.4rr,,;fl'ffi :::::: o iM' '1+Ii"^-:1x:::t " ': , d.*-.,&.,&' : :l: : .I::r:+:::9..j i: ffi Choirmon Moo Tse-tung Our greot teocher, greot leoder, greot supreme commonder ond greot helmsmon -; -=-4 1 ! , Choirmon Moo ond Vice-Choirmon Lin Pioo Receive Delegstes to P. L.A. Conference On Militqry Trsining Our most respected and beloved great leader Chairman Mao and his close comrade-in-arms Vice-Chair- man Lin Piao, other leading com- rades of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party and the responsible ccmrades of varioris departments concerned Chou En- lai, Chen Po-ta, Kang- Sheng, Hsu Hsiang-chien, Nieh Jung-chen, Yeh Chien-ying, Chiang Ching, Hsiao Hua, Yang Cheng-wu, Su Yu, Chang Chun-chiao, Kuan Feng, Chi Pen-yu, Li Tien-yu, Wu F,a-hsien, Yeh Chun and Wang Tung-hsing received the delegates to the Conference- of the Chinese People's Liberation Army on Military Training on the after- noon of July 7. Chairman Mao walked briskly into the reception hall in excellent spi.rits. Our most respecteil and beloved great leader Chairman Mao and his close comratle-in-arms Vice-Chairman Lin Piao, antl Comraale Chou En-lai receive delegates to the P.L.A. Cou- {erence on Military Training. 4...._7 ffffietH Chairman Mao, Vice-Chairman Lin Piao antl Chou En-lai, Chen Po-ta, I(ang Sheng antl other comrades with delegates to the conference. July 14, 1967 4 The delegates were greatly excited at and was later photographed with mittee of the Political Bureau of the this happiest moment. Waving their them. Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party and Premier of the bright red copies of the Quatations As Chairman Mao left the recep- Chairman Mao Tse-tung, they State Council, Chen Po-ta, Standing From tion hall, the delegates shouteci "Long gave Mao prolonged ova- Conrmittee Member the Political Chairman live the invincible thought of Mao of live Chairrnan Bureau of the Party's Central Com- ticns. cheering "Long Tse-tung!" and sang Sailing th.e Seas "A life mittee and Head of the Cultural Rer.- IIacl" lcng. long to Chairman Depends on the Hehnsntan. They olution Group Under the Party's Ilacl" again and again. u,ished a long life to Chairman Mao, Central Corrrmittee, I(ang Sheng, Seeing the smiling delegates. Chair- the red sun that shirres mcst brightly Standing Committee Member of the Mao cordially w-aved to them in our hearts. maa Political Bureau of the Partv's Cen- tral Committee, Adviser to the Cul- tulal Revolution Group Under the Death o$ Comrade NEuyen Chi Thanh Party's Central Committee and Vice- Mourn Chairman of the Standing Committee Chinese National People's cabled a message to the Central Com- of the Messoge of Condolences From lvt'nt mittee of the Vietnam Workers'Party Congress, and other comrades Moo Tse-tung, Democratic Comrsdes and the Mllitary Commission of the to the Emba-ssy of the to ex- Lin Piso ond Chou En-loi to Party's Central Committee, expres- Republic cf Vietnam in China deaih Comrsde Ho Chi Minh sing lheir condolences on the death press their condolences on the Mem- cf Comrade Nguyen Chi Thanh. of Comrade Nguyen Chi Thanh, Comrade Mao Tse-tung, Comrade ber of the Political Burea.u of the Lin Piao and Comrade Chou En-lai The full text of the message Central Committee of the Vietnam cabled a message on JulY 8 to Com- reads: Workers' Party, Member of the Secre- rade Ho Chi Minh expressing their We are shocked to learn that tariat of the Party's Central Com- condolences on the death of Comrade Comrade Nguyen Chi Thanh d.ied mittee, Member of the National Nguyen Chi.Thanh. suddenly of iliness on July 6, and ex- Defence Council of the Democratic Republic of \i'ietnam and General of T?re full text of the message press our deep sorrow and our eon- the Vietnam People's Army. reads: dolences. Comrade Nguyen Chi Marxist- Thanh was an outstanding Comrade Chou En-lai told Nguyen Wg are deeply grieved to learn of Leninist, an outstanding communist Huy. Charge d'Affaires ad in- the sudden death of Comrade Nguyen fighter Vietnam Workers' Quang of the terim of the Vietnamese Emlrassy in Chi Thanh due to illness. Comrade Parly, good of the Vietnamese a son Peking. that on behalf of Chair,ran Nguyen Chi Thanh was your good people an exception- and nation and Mao Tse-tung, Vic.'-Chairman Lin ccmrade and comrade-iri-arms as rvell ally heroic figure brought up and Piao, and le.ading members of the as ours, and he u'as also a good nurtured by the Vietnam ['orkers' Central Committee of the Chinese ccmrade-in-arms of the revolutionary PartSr led by Comrade Ho Chi Minh. Farty; the State Council, people and oppressed nations the He made an outsianding contribution Communist the Par- world over. He made outstanding in the u,ar of resistance waged by the the Militar;,' Commission of contributions to Vietnam's revolu- Vietnamese people against French ty's Central Committe,e and the Cui* tionary cause and to the unity and aggression and in lhe present cause tural Revol.ution Group Under the militant friendship between China of resistance to U.S. aggression anC Party's Central Committee and leaC- and Vletnam and beirveen ihe two for national salvation. His death is ing members of other departments, Parties and armies of bath countries. not naly a tremendous loas to the they extended to the comrades of the His death is a great loss to our com- Vietnamese pecple, Party and arrny Vietnamese Embassy their condolen- mon revolutionary cause. But his but also a loss to th,e revolutionary ces oR ihe death of Comrade Nguyen illustrious example and influence will people of China and of the who}e Chi Thanh, and asked the comrades live for ever and will eontinue to world- of the Embassy to convey their devdop and flourish. 1{e trust that sympathy to President Ho Chi Minh, Please cbnvey deepest ycu wdl not grieve too much and will our sym- the Vietnam Workers' Party, the pathy members Comrade keep well and look after your health. to the of Vietnamese Government and the Nguyen Chi Thanh's famiiy. family of Ccmade Nguyen Chi Thanh. Messogp of Condolerres Sent by Comrade Chou En-lai said that C.P.C.'s Centrol Committee Chinese Porty ond Stote Comrade Nguyen Chi Thanh was an And tts Militory Commission Lesders Go to Vietnomese outstanding Comrnunist Party mem- Embossy to Express ber, both palltically and militarily, On the sarne day, the Central Com- Condolences and a eourageous communist fighter. mittee of the Chinese Communist Under the leadership of President Ho Party and the Militarv Commission On the morning of JuIy 8, Chou Chi Minh and the Vietnan-i Workers' of the Party's Central Committee En-lai, Member of the Standing,Com- Party, he had made important con- 6 Peking Rexiew, No. 29 !\-- r tributions to the struggle against U.S. socialist system in Albania. Whiie of China and Albania would flourish aggression and for national salvation, the victories and successes you have for all eternity. to the struggle against French im- won are a tremendous inspir.ation to perialism and 1he to struggle against the Chinese peopls rviro are sLrccess- modern revis!onism. fully carrying on the gr'ea| proleta- Premier Chou ond Other Comrade Chou En-1ai said: We rian cultural revolution and to the Legders See Ferformonce by must bring into fuil play Comrade r-evolutionary people of ail countries, South Vietnom Liberotion they constitute a telling blow to im- Nguyen Chi Thanh's thoroughgoing Army Ensemble revolutionary spirit and fight to the perialism and modern revisionism. end for mankind's cause of commu- The South Vietnam Liberation past year has nism.
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