VOL. and postortlce addresses of their dele­ ANNUAL SCHOOL MEETING AS UNGRATEFUL YOUTH LIGHTNING DID IT. gates as soon as chosen. Justin R. Whiting, Chairman. An I in-* t-nl ful Session Held 111 tlie IIIkIi He Stole From tlie Good !>lun Who Gave A Large Itarn anil Content* l.lckfil F|> hy Chah . S. Ham i*ton, Secretary. School hunt Monday Night. Him Entertainment. Fire. Caused hy Lightuliig. The annual school meeting for Charles Blass, a lad about twenty About 2 o ’clock last Monday after­ Kea* Estate Transaction. As Stenographer ot the 29th The Busy Time on the Farms Charles M. Merrill, trustee, to Bert District No. 4, Bingham, was held in years of age and employed by the noon while tlie rain and electrical Gardner and wire, lots 1, 2 and 3. Judicial Circuit to Take the iiinli school building last Monday managers of tlie “snake show” with storm was most severe, tlie large frame Occasioned by Heavy Rains Mock 4ft, St. Johns, ij. c. .... .......... 4140*1 CO night. The attendance was slim and tlie carnival company, applied for barn and its additions on tlie farm of Fil l L Truster to Thomas M. Granger. Effect Sept. 1. tlie meeting uneventful. shelter and lodging at tiie home of Frank Taft, in tiie southeast part of nwJ4 of swL section 15, Duplalo.q. o. 1 00 The director ’s annual report showed Marshall Keeney last Monday, saying ’JTiomus M. Granger and wife to Ben­ this township, together with their jamin Garrett, nw>4 of sw‘4, section the receipts for the year to have been lie could not Hnd a place in town at contents, was struck by lightning and lft. Dupluln ............ ......................... ... i:iro 00 $14,887.78, which, with a cash .balance which to stay. Tlie good-hearted consumed by fire, resulting in an esti­ KEEP PEOPLE AT ROME. Frank M. Spaulding et al to Ralph A. from the previous year of $2,573.14, officer welcomed him and gave him as mated loss of about $2,500 with an in­ Stanhope, land on out lot 1. also lot* WM J. SMITH SUCCEEDS make a total of $17,400 1)3. good a room as lie had in his house. surance in the Clinton County Mutual 23 and Ul. block 27. Ovid, q. c.......... _ Jti 42 The expenditures for the year were Mr. Keeney called his guest in tue of $1,000 oo barn and $800 on contents, Charles Heller and wife to Ernst were $13,011.23, leaving a balance at morning but lie replied lie was in tlie besides $105 on granary. Tlie barn Some Good Attractions Man Gruler, n4yof let A. block lft, Fowler :(00 00 habit of working late at night and Henry A. Parks and wife to Joseph tlie end of the school year of $3,840.70. contained about 4o tons of hay, wagon, agement Trying to Please. Martin, n tin acres of sH of nvM, sec­ Temporarily and will no Doubt The estimated expenditures for the sleeping most of tlie forenoon. Some buggy, farm machinery and imple­ tion ”5, Dallas ....................................... 3150 00 be Permanently Ap­ ensuing year are $12,080.20 and the time in tlie morning when all was ments. All the live stock with tlie Russell II ill et al to Willi am II. Odiug. estimated receipts$11,900. This leaves quiet about tlie the house the young exception of a number of swine, were sc1* of se<s. section.'ll, Riley.............. 4 500 00 pointed. an apparent deficit of $1,986.20. man went into the room of Mr. Russell Hill et at to Lewis Rose, wj$ of saved. It is a great loss to Mr. Taft, While the Street Carnival people wJ£of sc*. Section 31. Illley, and The decrease in the amount to be Keeney’s son and stole a pin and some especially at this time. were trying to get in position their considerations ......................................... 1 00 raised by taxes is $1,000. fractional currency belonging to the Tlie barn of Jacob ('hat bam. adjoin- tive carloads of show property designed Orplia (J. Rates to Henry W. Tuttle. There was considerable talk about son and secreted them in his shoes. that of Mr. Taft, was also struck, but to make up the promised Merchants’ lots ti, 7, 8, it. B. D. Hick’s add, Elsie, 125 00 .lames P. Langley, wlio has served the ••surplus,” which last year reached When tlie articles were missed tlie was only slightly damaged. Street Carnival in this village on Mon ­ Grace Setterlngton to Henry W. Tut­ this judicial circuit as stenographer tlie sum of $3,849.70. But more than marshall began a search for Ills guest The barn of Chauncey McFarren, of day last, a heavy rain and electrical tle. lots ft and !». Cobb, tlandall A tills amount will be needed to carry and found him at tlie snake show and Wools, block ti. Elsie.............................. 50 00 during the last seventeen years, has Bath, was burned last Saturday from storm came on at about 2 o ’clock in Joseph Hoppes to John Hoppes, nU$ of the board through the interval arrtsted him. He tirst denied tlie an unknown cause. Hay was being tlie afternoon, and another small one seJ4 of tie1*, section 30, Westphalia 1 OO resigned his position to take effect between the resumption of school fact that he had committed tlie theft drawn into tlie barn, and not long early in the evening, which retarded, Joseph Hoppes to John Hoppes, lund September first. Judge Stone was work and the time when the money but being further pressed lie broke after tlie unloaded wagon had left in some degree, their work. on neN* of swi<, section 28, West­ here last Monday to here some chan­ from the new taxes will be available. down and confessed. He said his the barn was discovered to be on tire. There are a number of daring feats phalia ........ ................................................. 1 00 The board was certainly justitied in larents are both dead and that lie was It is the theory of some that parlor George D. Rauch et al to Allie C. cery cases, when he administered the performed outside tlie tents. Tlie Chapman, lots 23 and 24. block 21, carrying such a balance, as otiierwise join in tlie Soo country. He was matches had been carelessly dropped average price of admission is 15 cents Ovid ............................................................. 1000 00 constitutional oath to Win. J. Smith it would have been necessary to working for the show for his board upon tlie tloor and in backing tiie for adults and 10 cents for children. S. Augusta Wright to William C. Os who will temporarily perform the borrow money for which it would and transportation. He was before wagon out the wheels in passing over Bach attraction is bending every ef­ born, s 13 ft of w1*, lot 10, block li), St. duties of the otlice. have had to .pay luterest. Besides it Justice Marshall yesterday but the tlie matches caused them to ignite. fort to get the lion ’s share of tiie pat­ Johns............................................................. 100 is a question whether the board has justice did not know his jurisdiction Insured in tlie Clinton County Mutual ronage. St. Johns Laud Co. It’d to Mutual Gas Mr. Smith was for a number of years any authority to borrow money. in just such a case. for $l,ooo. Very few intoxicated persons have Co., laud on block 1, St. Johns ...... 850 00 stenographer for Fedewa A Walbridge, Later tlie case was taken before Ell/a J. Hodges et al to Janie* Dean, Henry Parr was elected to till the Atniel Hugulet, of Riley, lost a as >et made their appearance upon the ne!4 *>f tie's, section 20. Ovid, ij. c....... 2 00 and is known to be speedy and accur­ vacancy on the board caused hy the Judge Stone who sentenced the culprit yearling heifer from tiie lightning streets, owing, possibly, to the vigi­ Philip R. Sturgis and wife to Arthur ate and has had some experience in expiration of the*term of II. J. Patter­ to six months in the Ionia reforma ­ Monday afternoon, valued at $20, lance of Marshal Keeney and his as­ I>. Gilson and wife, land on licit. son who refused re-election. Mr. Parr tory. which'was adjusted at $15. sistants. It is safe to keep your eyes section 17, Hlnghain .................... ........... t!50 00 court work. Judge Stone has great received 43 votes out of a total of II. B. Kneeland, of Bengal, lost a well open and your hands on your cur­ Albert .1. Baldwin et al to LuaDn Aus­ confidence in Mr. Smith's ability and 72 cast. tin, a piece of laud on n^ of tie's, fitness and will undoubtedly recom ­ good cow at the same time, valued at rency. Notwithstanding Mr. Robin- section 26, Olive.................................. ... 50 00 Mart. F. Washburn was elected to A MUSICAL TREAT. $•'*0. which loss was adjusted at $37.50. son has two special detectives on the Schuyler Georgia and wife to Tyler mend him to the governor for appoint ­ till the vacancy caused bv the expira­ streets watching out for had charac­ Georgia, nety of section 31 and land ment. tion of the term of J. H. Fitzgerald. on n4 of nwg .section 32. Bingham 3800 00 Mr. Langley expects to engage in Given by Mis* Katharine Srlhert mul Her ters and to protect the people. Eight The retiring trustees have served professional pickpockets from Grand Spencer L. Frisbee et ul to Robert business in Detroit.
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