Index Academic skepticism. See skepticism Arab civilization, 170 Academica, 152, 157 Arcesilaus, 141-144; leader of Academic Academy, 106, 118, 161 , 165; Old, 119, skeptics, 137, 140, 141; Montaigne and 139; Plato, xix, 51 , 61 , 63 , 105, 107, epoche, 171 ; Plato's Academy, I 06; 111 , 119, 159; Third, 144----145 Strata, friendship with, 112 Aenesidemus, 141 , 144 Archelaus, 53 Aetius, xviii Aristotle, 63-102; acroamata, xix, 65; afterlife, l 0, I 32 anima, 93 , 96; atoms, 88, 91 , 116; Age of Pericles, 49, 172 belief, 98; binary combinations, doubts, agnosticism. See Cicero 109; body and thought, 96, 97; Bruno, Agrippa, 139 use of Aristotle's materialism, 171; air. See elements Christian interpolations, 70---71; Alcmaeon, 13 compared with Plato, 66-69; cycles, Alexander the Great, 63 , 65 94----95, 95, 96; De Anima, 93-100; De Alexandria, I 05 , 169; scientists, 117 Caelo, 81-89; De Caelo and De Anima, Anaxagoras, 29-34; atomism, 58; links between, 109; Democritus, Democritus, 45; homoemeria, 129; influence, 46; first mover, 76; gravity or mentioned by Aristotle, 99; mind, 33, weight, 113, 160; imagination, 97-98; 54; spiritual transcendence, 56, 84, 158; left Academy, 61 ; life, 96; logic, trial, 50, 52 Aristotlean, 147; mass in motion, 85 ; Anaximander, 4----5 ; basic matter of materialism of pre-Socratics, 55; universe, 4; cycles, 4; globe, 5; heat and Melissus, criticism of, 25, 84----85, 86; cold, 5, I 09; universe, eternal history, Metaphysics, 77- 80; motion and force, 155 31; motion of living bodies, 160; Anaximenes, 6; air, 35; change and stasis, Nichomachean Ethics, 100- 101 ; On 31 ; cycles of elements, 20; death, 132 Generation and Corruption, 89-93; Andronicus of Rhodes, 77 oral doctrine. See acromata ; Philolaus, animal consciousness, 98 14; philosophy, purpose, 98; Physics, Antiochus, 145, 152, 157 72-76; Prior Analytics, 146; aporia, 139 procreation, 95 ; Pythias, 63; sequence Aquinas, St. Thomas, xviii, 102 of Aristotle's books, 89; soul, 96-97; 193 194 Index universe, 18, 155 Copernicus, 155, 170 ataraxia, 139, 140, 142 cosmos, 11 , 88 atheism, 82, 123, 143, 149, 171 Cotta, 156, 157, 158, 161 atheists, x, 106, 171-5 Cratylus, 50 Athens, 1,52, 54, 105, 169 creation: Aristotle, 74, 75, 86; Cicero, 155; Atlas, 88 Epicurus, 123; Lucretius, 132; atoms, 11, 37, 39, 73, 124, 129 Philolaus, 14; Plato, 60, 75 attraction and repulsion, 28 Critias, 51 Averroes, I 70 cycles, 66, 76, 81-82, 85, 89- 90, 91 , 92, Avicenna, 170 93, 94, 95, 96, 109-110; Anaxigoras, 15, 16, 34; Anaximander, 4, 5, 15 ; Bacon, Sir Francis, 111, 117, 149, 171 Anaximenes, 4, 6; Aristotle, 15; Baghdad Battery, 114 Empedocles, 14; Heraclitus, 17, 31 ; Balbus, 156, 157, 159, 160, 161 Leucippus, 39; Plato, 15, 58; su=ary, Big Bang, 74 46 binary opposition, 4 Bohr, Niels, 124 Darwin, 32 Bruno, 171 De Natura Deorum, xix, 152 Burnet, John, vii death, 17, 93 , 132 deists, 171 Caesar, 151 Democritus, 40-46; Aristotle, 90, 99, 116; Cameades, 144-149; atheism, 106, 147, atoms, 42; Cicero, 44; ideas 153; Cotta's explanation of, 157; appropriated by Epicurus, 120; ideas credibility, 146; deleted from Cicero's su=arized, 42; Lucretius, 129; writings, 152; irreversible, 146; opinion perception, 43; Plato, 45 ; religion, 44; of providence, 163; oratorical skills, soul, 42-43; void among atoms, 25 , 88 153; orthodoxy, 156; probability, 147; Descartes, 138, 171 refutations of God, 147- 149; truth, Dewey, John, 144 145- 146 Diagoras ofMelos, 50, 157 catharsis, 51 Diets, Hermann, xviii Catholic ecumenical councils, 69 Diocletian, 168 chance, 73, 111, 113, 123, 160 Diodorus, 152, 168 Christian, 169 Diogenes Laertius, xix, 141 Christian scribes, 71 Diogenes of Apollonia, 34-36 Christianity, xv, 168, 169 doubt, 49, 51 , 58-59, 122,137,138,140, Chrysippus, 157, 159, 162 142,146 Cicero, 151 - 165;absolutetruth, 155; agnosticism, 154, 155; Arcesilaus, 142; earth: sphere, 68, 161 ; destruction of, 161 . Cameades, 145; Democritus, 41 ; De See also elements Natura Deorum, 156; doubt, 154; Einstein, 47, 117, 172 Epicurus, 122; later influence of, 155 ; Eleatic school, 7, 20, 67, 123 Lucretius, 126, 164; St. Augustine, 169; elements, 5, 10, 11 , 16, 18, 24, 28-29, 31, surviving dialogues, xviii; swerve, 124; 36, 58 , 60, 115, 129, 148, 153; air, 4, 6, tutors, 152 8, 9, 11 , 12, 17, 27, 30, 31 , 35 , 35- 36, circular universe, 14 36, 39, 68, 73 , 116, 132, 158, 160; Clitomachus, xvii, 144, 145, 152 earth, 3,4, 6,8, 9, 13, 16, 17,30,33, Confucius, xiii 46-47, 115, 160; fire, 6, 9, 13 , 16, 17, consciousness, 93, 126 18, 19, 21 , 22, 28-29, 35 , 42, 46, 60, Constantine, 169 87, 88,109, 115, 125, 126, 129, 160, Index 195 162; water, xiii, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 16, 17, 29, 17 I; Theophrastus, I 09, I I 0 33 , 68, 73 , 114-115, 116, 118, 158, 160 godhead, 75, 76, 79, 91 Empedocles, 26- 29; Anaxagoras, 67, 75; gods: Anaximander, 6; Aristotle, 73 , 74, Aristotle, 88, 90, 99; cyclical concept, 77, 86, 94, 98; Augustus, 167; Balbus, 28; eternal universe, 27-28; religion, I 60, 16 I ; Cameades, 148; Cicero, 152, 27, 28 155, 156;Cott~ 158- 159, 162- 163; endless motion, 82 Critias, 51; early Roman, 168; endless time, l 0 Empedocles, 11-12; Epicurus, I 31 ; Epicurus, 119- 126; atoms, 124; Greek gods, 53; Homeric conception of, cosmology, 123; death, 122; Garden, 8; intervention of, 134; Leucippus, 40; The, 51 , 105, 119; gods, 121 ; influence Lucretius, 127-128, 129, 131 , 133, 134; of, 120; religious insincerity, 122; soul, Melissus, 25 ; Paramenides, 6-7; 125; works, 121 Protagoras, 53 ; Pyrrho, 140; episteme, 142 Pythagoras, 12 ; Socrates, 54; Strato, epoche, 139, 142, 143-144, 154 112, 113; summary, 50, 168; Thales on esoteric and exoteric, 65 gods, 2; Xenophanes, 7, 8-9, 9 ethics. See Nicomachean Ethics Golden Mean, 64, 100 Eudemian Ethics, 70 Gomperz, Theodor, viii eulogon, 143, 146, 147 Gorgias, 49 Euripides, 50, 53 gravity, 40, 114,131,155, 160 evolution, 5, 110 Greek mythology. See Homeric gods expanding universe, 14 Greenblatt, Stephen, 168 Guthrie, W.K.C., vii fertility cults, I 05 fideists, 138 harmony, 11, 17 fire. See elements heat, 4, 5, 6, 12, 14, 21 , 30, 34, 35 , I 32 first cause, 72, 73 , 76, 77 Hegel, G.W.F., xv, 87 first mover. See godhead Heraclitus, 15-19; fire and logos, 18, I 09; flux , 17 logos, 18-19, 32; love and hate, 28; Freeman, Kathleen, xviii one, 18; religion, 19; Socrates' opinion Freud, Sigmund, 97 of, 53 ; struggle and destruction, 17; unity of opposites, 31; universe as Galileo, 170 rubbish heap, I 08 Gassendi, Pierre, 171 Hermias, 63 Gibbon, Edward, 168 Hero, I 16 Gilbert, William, 171 Hobbes, Thomas, 171 globe, sphere, 5 Holy Ghost, 32 God, 36; Anaxagoras, 29, 32, 34; Homeric gods. See gods Anaxirnander, 5; Arcesilaus, 143; hot and cold, 4 Aristotle, 14, 75- 76, 77, 78, 79, 82 , 83, Hume, David, 171 85, 87, 90, 92; Cameades, 147- 149; Christian God, 169; Descartes, 138; imagination, 97, 99 Democritus, 42, 44, 45; Diogenes, 35; immortality, 9, 10, 13 Epicurus, 120, 121 , 122, 122- 123, 123, infinite, 24, 73, 92, 123, 130 125; Heraclitus, 19; interpolations, interpolations, 70, 72, 79, 82- 83 , 92 70--71 , 83 , 92, I 08; Pythagoras, IO; Plato, 14, 56-55, 57-58, 58, 59- 61 , Justinian, I 02, 169 115; Sextus Empiricus, 147- 149; Strato, 143 ; summary, 106, 158- 160, Kepler, Johannes, 170 196 Index Lactantius, 113 nature, 92, 160 Lao'tze, xiii Nausiphanes, I 19, 120, 159 Leucippus, 36-40; atoms in space, 42 Newton, 171 libraries, destruction of, xvi; Herculaneum, Nicomachean Ethics, 70, I 00, IO I xvi, xx, 120; Library at Alexandria, nous, 31 , 57 xvii, 105, 169; Library at Constantinople, xvii Ockham's razor, 64, 102 Livy, 168 Oedipus Rex, 51 Locke,John, 99, 171 On the Heavens. See Aristotle, De Caelo Logos, 18, 31 On the Soul. See Aristotle, De Anima Lucretius, 126-135; De Rerum Natura , oral doctrine. See acromata xix, 127; destruction, 88,131 , 133; Osiris, 168 senses, 132 Ovid, 167 Lyceum,xix, 64, 107 pantheism, 36, 86, 92, 160 magnetism, 2, 134 paradox, 23 Marcus Aurelius, 167 Parmenides, 20---22; Aristotle, 67, 84, Marx, Karl, xv, 124,127 84-85; cosmic cycle, 28; creation, 74, mass: Aristotle, 12, 19, 64, 67, 74, 83, 85, 75, 87; Eleatic school, 20; love, 21 ; 86, 87, 88, 89, 95, 99, 101 ; Diogenes, monist concept, 22, 25; soul and mind, 35- 17; Einstein, 47, 64; Leucippus, 39, 21; universe, 24, 123 85; Lucretius, 129, 130; Melissus, 9, Peirce, Charles Sanders, 144 68; Pythagoras, 68; Strato, 116 perception, 99 mathematics, 10, 11 , 20, 22, 47, 68, 170 Pericles, 52 matter, 6, 17, 20, 25, 36, 37, 66, 90; perpetual motion, 75 Aristotle, 72, 85, 90, 96; Lucretius, 127; Petrarch, 151 , 155, 170 Strato, 113 ; matter and motion, 155; Phaedrus, 152, 156 matter in motion, 73 Pherecydes ofSyros, 9 Melissus, 24-25; agnosticism, vii-viii; Phidias, 50 Aristotle, 66, 67, 84-85, 86; atoms, 25, Philo of Larissa, 144, 145, 152 38; Epicurus, 123; existence without Philolaus, 14 boundaries, 25; infinitude of space and philosopher, term or word, 11 time, 24-25; universe, limitless, 20 Phoenician trade, xiv Metaphysics. See Aristotle, Metaphysics Physics, 72- 76 Metrodorus of Chios, 50 plague, 134 Michell, Humfrey, xv Plato, 55-61 ; Anaxagoras, 30, 34; Miletus, xiv, I Aristotle, 66-69, 99; atheists, execution mind: Anaxagoras, 31 - 33, 34, 158; of, 122; Democritus, 45; creationism, Aristotle, 2, 70, 72, 93-94, 94, 96-97, 75; Heraclitus, influence of, 17, 18; 99, 100; Diogenes, 36; Empedocles, 27; God, 56, 57; Heraclitus, influence of, Lucretius, 132; Parmenides, 21; 17, 18 ; Laws X , 59, 63 , 81; motion, 15; Pherecydes, 10; Philolaus, 14; Plato, Socrates, 55; soul,
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