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Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at 348 Wednesday 23rd July 2008 Wednesday 23rd July 2008 IA-014: Psychological research on Regarding the development of Competence, global IA-042: Global developments in traffic safety in China urbanization and converging life styles render the psychology and applied development of cognitive and school like skills Helmut Jungermann (Chair) increasingly adaptive. Psychology of the 21st psychology Century has to rise to the challenge of becoming Zhang, Kan Beijing, People’s Republic of China Carola Bru¨ cher-Albers (Chair) more relevant globally. Car accident killed about 100,000 people every year Knowles, Michael Caulfield, Australia in China with the dramatically increase of number This paper examines the nature and origins of of cars in China. Traffic safety has drew attention IA-039: Typical and atypical psychological thought, the development of its of psychologists for more than 10 years. Some development: A commentary on scholarly and scientific traditions, the establishment research results suggested approached of reducing of psychology as a profession, and the rise of traffic accident by psychological methods focusing the role of genes applied psychology to meet the needs of the kinds on training of naı¨ve drivers were done in the past of problems facing contemporary society. It exam- years, but with on clear benefits. A new view Grigorenko, Elena L. Child Study Center, Yale ines, too, the roles that various international, focused on licensee was proposed and a series of University, New Haven, USA regional and national associations and societies of studies either in lab or by simulations, including In this presentation, Dr. Grigorenko will discuss a psychology play in fostering the development of tests of licensees’ personality, awareness of safety, number of concepts from the genomic sciences with psychology as a science and a profession. Some of cognitive features, skills of driving, was done to regard to their role in understanding typical and the critical challenges facing psychology in its three form a systematic testing approach. The validity of atypical development. Developmental illustrations major forms are also discussed. the test was studied. will be drawn from both cognitive (e.g., reading and specific reading disability) and social-emotional IA-043: Cracking the orthographic IA-037: Psychology and human (e.g., self-regulation and conduct disorder) domains code rights in MENA Arab countries: of maturation and functioning. Yemen Psychological Association Arthur Jacobs (Chair) (YPA) experiences Grainger, Jonathan Laboratoire de Psychologie, IA-040: Doing a psychology of the Universite´ d’Aix-Marseille I, Marseille, France Jan Strelau (Chair) Chinese people: Discoveries while I will present a theory of orthographic processing Kassim Khan, Hassan Dept. of Psychology, University exploring aboard the Emperor’s that makes a key distinction between a coarse- of Aden, Aden, Yemen treasure ships grained and a fine-grained orthographic code. The In recent years Psychologist and their Professional coarse-grained code provides a fast-track to seman- Organizations in MENA Arab countries became Joachim Funke (Chair) tics by optimizing use of limited visual information more involved in a number long-short term to constrain lexical identity. The fine-grained code Bond, Michael Harris Dept. of Psychology, Chinese researches and actions projects on human rights provides accurate information about letter se- Univer. of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China, People’s and gender equality. The Objectives of the pre- quences that is used to generate a prelexical Republic of : Hong Kong SAR sentation is demonstrate and discuss roles played by phonological code. The theory accounts for why it I have spent my last 34 years, researching in Hong Psycho logists in Arab Region Countries on this is easy to read words with letters that have been Kong, an outpost of the Dragon’s Court. My hope major issues. Highlighting their contributions in jubmled, insernted, or remved, and explains why promoting psychological science knowledge in has been to bring Chinese culture and its manifesta- such effects arise early in the process of word raising public awareness and attaining positive tions into international psychological discourse. identification relative to effects of foanology. behavioral changes towards human rights issues in During this cultural collaboration, my Chinese general with more focus on women and child rights colleagues and I have explored at least four IA-044: The Lucifer effect and the movements. Based on the accummulated experi- constructs that might otherwise have remained psychology of evil ences gained and documented by Yemen Psycholo- uncharted: ethnic affirmation, the value dimension gical Association (1991-2006), the speaker tries of morality versus reputation, relationship harmony Wolfgang Scho¨ npflug (Chair) retrospectively to present and discuss roles played and maintenance, and the five dimensions consti- Zimbardo, Philip G. Dept. of Psychology, Stanford by Psychologists in the field, pointing out achieve- tuting social axioms. In so doing, my theorizing University, Stanford, USA ments and also and problems to overcome, about social behavior has been broadened to Why do good people do evil? How does a social concluding his presentation with a list of recom- include culture, and I have been personally psychological analysis add to our understanding of mendations for futur activities and effective collab- transformed, perhaps Sinicized. This presentation such human transformations? This slide-based rations between National -International describes how. presentation explores such questions on a founda- Psychological Organzations and UN -International tion of classic research, including my Stanford Organizations of concerns with human rights and Prison Study, and via a virtual visit to the dungeon welfare. IA-041: Psychological well-being of at Iraq’s Abu Ghraib Prison. In expanding the Downloaded by [the Bodleian Libraries of the University Oxford] at 03:30 07 February 2014 gay men and lesbian women usual limited dispositional analysis to include the IA-038: Development of self and power of situations and of the systems that create competence across cultures: A Hospers, Harm J. Experimental Psychology, and maintain them, we come to appreciate the challenge to psychology University of Maastricht, Maastricht, Netherlands transformative power of the Nazis over German Objectives: To provide an overview of research on citizens. Heroism is the antidote to evil, and I Marcus Hasselhorn (Chair) psychological well-being of gay men and lesbian propose a new Hero Project to enlist ordinary people into becoming heroes-in-waiting. Kagitcibasi, Cigdem Dept. of Psychology, KOC women. Methods: Review of available literature. Furthermore, data from our qualitative (N=29) and University, Istanbul, Turkey IA-045: The new goal psychology: Psychological theories of human development quantitative cohort (N=185) of young gay men who reflect (Western) individualistic ethos. Cross-cultur- had their coming-out in the preceding year will be This ain’t your grandpa’s al developmental research provides us with insights presented. Results: Research on gay men and ’motivation’ into possible common paths in the development of lesbian women shows elevated risks for mental Hannelore Weber (Chair) children and adolescents. Autonomy and related-
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