NEWSLETTER THE SOCIETY OF ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIANS DECEMBER 1975 VOL. XIX NO . 6 PUBLISHED BY THE SOCIETY OF ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIANS 1700 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103 • Spiro K. Kostof, President • Editor: Thomas M. Slade, 3901 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20008 • Assistant Editor: Elisabeth W. Potter, 22927 Edmonds Way, Edmonds, Washington 98020 • Assistant Editor: Richard Guy Wilson, 804 Gaskill Drive, Ames, Iowa 50010. SAH NOTICES STUDENT SCHOLARSHIPS-1976 ANNUAL TOUR 1976 Bicentennial Annual Meeting, Philadelphia (May 19- Lexington, Kentucky and Vicinity 24).'Marian C. Donnelly, general chairman; Charles E. Peter­ October 6-10, 1976 son, FAIA, honorary local chairman; and R. Damon Childs, local chairman. Beginning with the 1976 annual tour, the Society will hold yearly The preliminary announcement (containing full informa­ competitions for student scholarships to enable outstanding tion on sessions and tours), the preregistration form and students to participate on domestic tours. The 10% surcharge hotel reservation cards will reach the membership by Jan­ on non-student participants' registrations will be applied to­ uary 15, 1976. ward two or three tour scholarships, which will defray wholly or in large part the cost of the tour itself, the hotel accommoda­ 1977 Annual Meeting, Los Angeles (with College Art Asso­ tions and air or train fare (depending upon the travel distance ciation)-February 2-7. Adolf K. Placzek, Columbia involved). University, is general chairman of the meeting. DavidS. Geb­ To be eligible, a student must be engaged in graduate hard, University of California, Santa Barbara, will act as work in architecture or architectural history, city planning or local chairman. The call for papers appeared in the June News­ urban history, landscape or the history of landscape design. letter. Students interested in being considered for a scholarship should write the SAH central office (Room 716, 1700 Walnut Street, 1976 Foreign Tour-Malta (May 31-June 16). Richard Philadelphia, Pa. 19103) for an application blank. The appli­ England, Malta architect and designer, is chairman of the tour. cation should be completed (attaching a vita and one or more departmental recommendations) and returned to the SAH office 1976 Annual Tour-Lexington, Kentucky (and vicinity)­ by March 1, 1976. A scholarship committee will be appointed by October 6-10. Eric S. McCready, Elvehjem Art Center, Uni­ the President of SAH to make the awards. Notification will be versity of Wisconsin, Madison, and James P. Noffsinger, Col­ sent to all applicants by May I, 1976. lege of Architecture, University of Kentucky, will serve as co-chairmen. Announcement of the tour will be sent to the SAH membership by May 1, 1976. Members abroad who wish to have the announcement sent airmail should notify the SAH applications is February 6, 1976. Any SAH member is eligible. office (1700 Walnut Street, Room 716, Philadelphia, Pa. The School will convene for three weeks on July 7 at Hawks tone 19103). (near Shrewsbury, Shropshire). The final week before the July 27 dispersal will be spent in study of selected sites in the Melton 1977 Special Tour-Newfoundland (July 24-30). DouglasS. Mowbray area, the School residing at nearby Brooksby in Richardson will act as chairman; he will be assisted by Shane Leicestershire. O'Dea and George T. Kapelos. SAH Placement Service Bulletin. The next Bulletin will ap­ pear with the February 1976 issue of the Newsletter. Dead­ line: position-available and member-applicant listings must NEWS OF MEMBERS reach the SAH central office (1700 Walnut Street, Room 716, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103) no later than January 15, 1976. We JAMES S. ACKERMAN and GEORGE L. HERSEY partici­ urge prospective employers to submit listings of positions pated in the New England Renaissance Conference at Boston open (under categories of Academic, Business and Pro­ University ... GIORGIO CAVAGLIERI has been appointed a fessions, Government, and Other), which will be published member of the 1976 AlA Honor Awards Jury for Extended Use free of charge. .. JEAN R. FRANCE has accepted a position teaching Ameri­ can architecture at the University of Rochester ... PETER L. American Friends of Attingham, Inc. A tuition-scholarship GOSS, Graduate School of Architecture, University of Utah, will be awarded to an SAH member for the 1976 Attingham Sum­ has been appointed to the Governor's Historic and Cultural Sites mer School for the study of English Country Houses and Their Review Committee of Utah and to the Board of Trustees of the Contents. Enrollment details and brochures on the 1976 course Utah Heritage Foundation . RICHARD H. HOWLAND, may be obtained from the American Friends of Attingham Sum­ Special Assistant to the Secretary, Smithsonian Institution, has mer School, Miss Anne Sharkey, Executive Secretary, 41 East been reappointed to a four-year term on the Consulting Commit­ 65th Street, New York, N.Y. 10021. Closing date for completed tee for the National Survey of Historic Sites and Buildings. He was also redesignated chairman of the committee ... The 1975 ORGANIZATIONS Louis Sullivan Award for Architecture has been awarded to PHILIP JOHNSON ... ALFONZ LENGYEL, Northern Ken­ Historic Charleston Foundation. Over eighty-five private tucky State College, has been elected a member of Consultative houses and gardens will be open during the Twenty-Ninth An­ Committee of UNESCO Carthage Project in the status of ob­ nual Festival of Houses from March 18 through April 17. The server member ... ERIC S. McCREADY, University of Wis­ distinguished dwelling houses which will be shown only during consin, has been judged recipient of the James L. Sellers Memo­ this event cover more than two centuries of our country's most rial Award for his article "The Nebraska State Capitol: Its De­ exciting period of architectural development. All profits go to sign, Background, and Influence," which appeared in Nebraska Historic Charleston Foundation's Revolving Fund for preserva­ History, Vol. 55, no. 3 (1974) ... ROBERT J. MULLEN has tion. Write to Alice W. Rudolf, Tours Director, Historic Charles­ accepted a position teaching Latin American art and architec­ ton Foundation, 51 Meeting Street, Charleston, South Carolina tural history at the University of Texas at San Antonio ... 29401. DEBRA PINCUS, Sarah Lawrence College, has been awarded a post-doctoral research grant by the American Council of National Endowment for the Arts. The NEA is seeking to Learned Societies for: "An iconographical investigation of An­ establish a list of individuals and organizations with known ex­ tonio Rizzo's tomb for Doge Nicolo Tron in the Frari, Venice" perience and research capabilities in the arts. Those interested in ... WILLARD B. ROBINSON was recently named acting di­ the project are requested to send summaries of their back­ rector and curator of historical architecture for the Ranching ground, resource, research and management capabilities to: Heritage Center ... MYRA N. ROSENFELD, Montreal Research Division, National Endowment for the Arts, Museum of Fine Arts, has also been awarded a grant by the Washington, D.C. 20506. ACLS for research on the subject of Sebastiana Serlio' s Chateau of Ancy-le-Franc ... ANATOLE SENKEVITCH, JR. served as faculty advisor to a student team from the School of Architec­ ture, University of Maryland, which received a special award from the Committee on Historic Resources of the Washington COURSES Metropolitan Chapter of the AlA, chaired by NICHOLAS A. PAPPAS. The project, "Old Anacostia Preservation Study," Advisory Council on Historic Preservation. The International was funded by a City Options Grant from the National Endow­ Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of ment for the Arts ... FREDERICK A. STAHL was the reci­ Cultural Property, Rome, Italy, is offering three training courses pient of an award from the General Services Administration for in conservation and restoration. Designed for architects, art and the firm's work in the recycling of the historic Old Federal Courts architectural historians, archaeologists, engineers and planners, Building in St. Paul, Minnesota ... CHRISTOPHER TUN­ the three courses cover architectural conservation, conservation NARD has announced that he is now professor emeritus of of mural paintings and fundamental principles of conservation. city planning at Yale University ... KATHERINE VAUX, Applications received by January 15, 1976 will be considered for president, Philadelphia Chapter of SAH and HUGH J. 1977 courses. Write to: Executive Secretary, International McCAULEY, Chapter Preservation Officer, were married Centre Committee, 1522 K Street, NW, Suite 1030, Washington, October 11. D.C. 20005. Historic Deerfield, Inc. The annual Summer Fellowship pro­ gram in Early American History and the Decorative Arts will CONFERENCES be held from June 15 to August 14, 1976. A limited number of fellowships will be awarded to single men and women of under­ Art Libraries Society of North America. The Fourth Annual graduate status who are interested in careers in the museum field Conference of the ARLIS/NA will be held January 28-February and related professions. The fellowships are designed to provide 1, 1976 at the Palmer House Hotel in Chicago. For information students who are interested in a professional career in the field of contact: Judith A. Hoftberg, ARLIS/NA, P.O. Box 3692, Glen­ preservation or interpretation of early American history and dale, Ca. 91201. culture an opportunity
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