Index Page numbers in bold refer to American Fur Company, 86–87, 92; ARCO (Atlantic Richfi eld Company): images and maps. bison robes and, 91; monopoly shutdown by, 443, 444; water for, 88; Rocky Mountain Fur clean-up programs by, 445 Company and, 90; smallpox and, Arikara, 47, 139; territory of, 124 A 93 Armstrong, Noah, 159 Abbott, Teddy Blue, 153; quote of, American Indian College Fund, 456 army. See U.S. Army 156 American Indian Religious Freedom arsenic, 433 abstract expressionist art, 415–16 Act (1978), 455 artifacts, 25–26, 27, 37 Adams, Katie, 157 American Progress (Gast), 132 arts programs, 430 adaptation, 23, 32, 38, 109, 137, 226, Anaconda, 383, 409; capital fi ght and, ASARCO, 447 265, 447 194 asbestos, 445, 446 advertising, 257, 329–30, 335, 409 Anaconda Copper Mining Company Ashley, William, 85–86 African Americans, 110–11, 272, 390, (Anaconda Company), 177, 203, Aspevig, Clyde: painting by, 14, 439 420; cowboys, 156; fi refi ghters, 236, 285, 293, 307, 361, 398, 410, assimilation, 125, 131, 132, 212, 219, 244; on Lewis and Clark 420; aluminum plant by, 397; 223, 255, 303, 367, 406, 454 Expedition, 86, 87–88; soldiers, ARCO and, 444; Berkeley Pit of, Assiniboine, 44, 47–48, 57, 73, 83, 140, 244; trappers, 86, 87 277, 285, 403, 444–45; changes at, 127, 136, 263; calendar months agate, 18 403; Clark and, 195; decline of, of, 49; photo of, 215; reservation, Agricultural Adjustment Acts (AAA) 369, 443, 444; Duncan and, 300; 134, 151, 152, 172, 210, 212, 454; (1930s), 360–61 Great Depression and, 356, 368; smallpox and, 93; star quilts and, agriculture, 67, 266, 274, 278, 443, infl uence of, 368, 421; legacy of, 228; starvation for, 212; territory 448; mechanization of, 404. 444–45; Little and, 322; lumber for, of, 124. See also Fort Belknap See also dryland farming; farmers; 235; magazine by, 383; Montana Reservation; Fort Peck Reservation farming; ranchers; ranching Power Company and, 443; New Assnipwan, 46. See also Assiniboine A’aninin, 47. See also Gros Ventre Deal and, 368; newspapers and, Assumption sash, 98 Above Timberline (DeCamp), 2 401; political cartoon about, Astor, John Jacob, 86–87, 88, 89 Albright, Horace, 350 293; political reforms and, 294; At Fried’s (Goldberg), 416 alcohol: Indians and, 93–94; production by, 193; rustling Atlantic Richfi eld Company (ARCO): and Prohibition, 262, 299–300 card system of, 321; sale of, 199; shutdown by, 443, 444; water Alder Gulch, 110, 115; gold discovery smelter, 368; strike against, 364; clean-up programs by, 445 in, 103; immigrants and, 104; taxes for, 355; Wheeler and, 326; Atwater, Mary Moore, 295 photo of, 103 World War I and, 318. See also auto dealerships, 340, 348, 397 Alderson, Mary Long, 295 Amalgamated Copper Company automobiles, 180, 344, 354, 424; Alderson, Nannie T.: quote of, 157 “Anaconda for Capital” clubs, 195 children and, 338–39, 340; health Alexander, Chief, 128 Anaconda Standard, 195, 202 care and, 339; homesteaders and, Alexander, William, 264; quote of, 263 Anderson, Agnes, 381 343; horses and, 334–37; impact Allen, Ann, 385 Anderson, Emil: farewell message of, of, 333, 337–41, 345–48; Indians Allen, Minerva: quote of, 225 381 and, 406; oil and, 346; painting of, Allotment Act. See Dawes Act Anderson, Harry, 299 336; photo of, 337, 338, 365; allotments, 219–22, 303–4, 305, Anderson, Reese, 155 problems with, 335–36; railroads 307, 367, 456, 457; battling, 355; Andrus, Harry, 371 and, 333, 341; on reservations, homesteaders and, 255–56; Anishanabe, 48. See also Chippewa 341–42, 342; roads and, 342–45; subdivision by, 219–22 annuities, 125, 128, 210 rural life and, 338–39; tourism Amalgamated Copper Company, 199, Apex Law, 200 and, 348; towns and, 339, 339; 200; cartoon about, 201; labor Apsaalooke, 46. See also Crow women and, 338, 402, 428 unions and, 203, 204; lawsuits by, Arapaho, 47, 127, 131 202; power play by, 201–2; War Arapooish: quote of, 11 archaeological sites: map of, 34 B of the Copper Kings and, 202–3. Babcock, Betty, 431; quote of, 425 archaeologists, 25–29; photo of, 26 See also Anaconda Copper Mining Baker, Eugene, 135–36 architecture, 180, 205, 283; Company (Anaconda Company) bald eagles, 14; photo of, 14 details, 283 “America vs. Asia: Progress vs. bankruptcy, 264, 355, 420, 444, 446 Retrogression,” 307 4 7 5 Bannack, 106, 112, 115, 151, 272; Menorah picture from, 442; Blackfoot Challenge, 453–54 Grasshopper Creek and, 102–3; quote from, 450 Blackfoot River: logjam on, 248; immigrants in, 104; Thanksgiving Bi-metallic Mine, 118 pollution of, 433, 453 in, 107; vigilantism in, 111 biodiversity, 453 blackspotted cutthroat trout, 20; Bannock, 46, 102 Birney, Hoffman: quote of, 344 photo of, 20 Barthelmess, Christian: photo by, 53 bison, 27, 28, 30, 31, 48, 108, 132, Blanchette, W. C. “Bud”: quote of, 401 baseball, 182, 287, 401 145, 155, 176; bones, 90; era Blaylock, Chet: quote of, 426 basketball, 287, 288 of, 32–34, 144; hide, 49, 143; Blend, Virginia H.: quote of, 428 Battle of the Bear’s Paw Mountains hunting, 16, 39–40, 50, 52, 53, 63, Blood, Narcisse: quote of, 74 (1877), 141 110, 137, 146, 233; photo of, 91; Blood Indians, 47, 57; fur trade and, Battle of the Little Bighorn (1876), 136, Plains Indians and, 32–33, 123; 92; illustration of, 128 141, 146, 210; described, 138–39 processing, 30; products from, Bluebird Mine, 109 Battle of the Rosebud (1876), 138 32, 51; robes, 81, 83, 91; slaughter bluebunch wheatgrass, 20; battlefi elds: map of, 139 of, 89–91, 92, 143, 144, 173, 209, photo of, 20 Bausch, Herman, 328 210–12; trade, 90–91 Blunt, Judy: quote of, 400, 404 beadwork, 46, 97–98, 215, 226, bison drives: described, 39–40 boarding schools, 279, 365; 455 bison jump: 16, 39–40; photo of, 39, end of, 366; experiences at, 222–26 Bean, A. J.: advertisement by, 335 40 Bob Marshall Wilderness, 435–36; Bear Claw, Dean, 456 bison pounds, 40, 233 photo of, 435 Bear Head: quote of, 135 bison skinners, 90 Bodmer, Karl: painting by, 80, 133 beargrass, 12; photo of, 13 bitterroot (plant), 12, 19, 30, 49, 51, Boggs, George, 300 Bear’s Paw Mountains, 13, 141, 305 144, 173, 459; photo of, 19 Bole, William, 305 Beaulaurier, Leo, 372 Bitterroot Mountains, 56, 70, 112, 113 book burning, 313, 324–25; beaver, 31, 81, 85; illustration of, 83; Bitterroot River, 243 photo of, 325 market for, 82, 89, 90; trapping, 75 Bitterroot Stock Farm, 159 boom-and-bust cycles, 277, 365, Beaverhead River, 10–12, 150, 157, Bitterroot Valley, 56, 70, 71, 95, 113, 441–42, 444, 450; gold and, 101; 434 128, 129, 150, 272, 275; homesteaders and, 265; lumber Beckman’s Barn (Stanfel), 265 anti-communists in, 409; and, 234–35; silver mining and, Beckwourth, James P., 87 drought in, 263; photo of, 95, 117–18 Bedwell, Tim: quote of, 441 245; POWs in, 383; Salish and, bootlegging, 299–300, 338; Bell, Charles E., 206 137, 221; sheep in, 157 photo of, 300 Belzer, William, 316 Black Eagle Dam, 397 Boston and Montana Company, 199, Bendon, Grace, 157 Black Eagle refi nery, 443 200 Benefi eld, Gayla: vermiculite and, Black Robes, 95, 96. See also Jesuits Boulder Glacier, 8 445–46 Blackfeet, 44, 46–47, 48, 50, 56, 57, Bourquin, George M., 325 Benetsee (François Finlay), 102 71, 73, 89, 127, 129; camp of, Box Elder Irrigation District, 254 Bering Land Bridge, 27–29 108; challenge for, 453–54; Chief boycotts, 306; poster calling for, 307 Berkeley Pit, 277, 285, 403; legacy of, Mountain and, 212; divisions of, Boyd, Eva: baskets by, 459, 460 444–45 47; fur trade and, 84, 88, 92; guns Bozeman: capital fi ght and, 194; Bible: Crow version of, 94 for, 55; language, 455; logging and growth of, 404, 440; map of, 282 Bickford, Sarah, 110 forestry crew, 362; massacre of, Bozeman, John, 130 Big Blackfoot Railway, 179 135–36; oil and, 219; Old North Bozeman Trail, 106, 130, 152, 346 Big Canoe, 128 Trail and, 35; painting of, 133; Bradley, James: quote of, 93 Big Hole River, North Fork of, 140 photo of, 213, 214; railroad and, branding, 154, 160; photo of, 155 Big Leggins, Garrett, 288 176; Rocky Mountains and, 183; bribery, 194, 195, 196, 197, 294 Big Sky (resort), 279 seasonal round of, 49; smallpox Bridger, Jim, 130 Big Sky, The (Guthrie), 20 and, 93, 136; starvation for, 212; bridges, 343, 362; building, 344–45, “Big Sky Country,” 20 territory of, 124 359, 382 Bighorn Mountains, 13, 46, 65, 74 Blackfeet Confederacy, 129 Briner, Drew, 328 Bighorn River, 84, 130, 138, 398; Blackfeet Historians (Dixon), 24 Brings-Down-the-Sun: quote of, 35 photo of, 398 Blackfeet Reservation, 134, 151, Bronc to Breakfast (Russell), 156 Billings, 335, 442; creation of, 276; 152, 173, 210, 212, 217, 384; Browning War Mothers Club, 384 fi refi ghting in, 284; growth of, allotments at, 220, 255; economic Bruin Not Bunny Turned the Leaders 404, 440; Mexican Americans in, development of, 214; irrigation (Russell), 107 405; mural at, 371; oil refi neries in, on, 222; language on, 455; lumber Buckley, James, 380 348; POWs at, 384 from, 238; oil on, 219; railroads Buckley sisters, 160 Billings, Frederick, 276 and, 172; ranching on, 155; Buckley Bomb, 380 Billings Gazette: civil defense termination of, 407 buffalo. See bison advertisement from, 409; Blackfeet Tribal Council, 226 Buffalo Calf Road Woman, 138 4 7 6 buffalo jump, 16, 39–40; photo of, confi scation of, 216–17; painting Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), 39, 40 of, 163, 183; photo of, 448; 279, 361, 391; American Indian buffalo soldiers, 140 railroads and, 183; ranging, 150, Division of, 362, 363, 363 Bull Child, George: hide painting by, 154; rustling, 164; starving, 161 Clark, Pamela A.: quote of, 327 136 cedars, giant, 12, 13 Clark, William, 68, 72, 74, 76; quote Bullchild, Percy: quote of, 39 Cenozoic era, 4, 7–9 of, 71; Salish and, 71 Burke, Frank: quote of, 272 census data, 272, 423, 424, 443 Clark, William A., 184, 306; Burkhard, Verona: mural by, 372 central region: described, 13–14 Amalgamated and, 203; Burt, George, 159 Champoux, Rick, 428 biographical sketch of, 194; Burt, Lucille, 158 Charbonneau, Jean Baptiste (Pomp), bribery by, 194, 196, 197, 294; Burt, Paul, 158 68 capital fi ght and, 194–95; Daly Busch, A.
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