FOUR DECADES OF DEVELOPMENT ( Review Conference) MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOiJRCE DEVELOPMENT ( 15-17 April 1989 ) REPORT CSL-IOD 10026807 379.1540954 HRD-R, 1989 Organised by MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT and NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATIONAL PLANNIWG AND ADMINISTRATION NEW DELHI 1989 REPORT OF THE REVIEW CONFERENCE "FOUR DECAOES OF DEVELOPMENT" APRIL 15-17, 1989 JoD ) J .-J' Acknowledgemerits In pursuance of the communication received from the Implementation Committee for Commemoration of 40th Anniversary of India’ s independence and Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru Centenary, a three- day Review Conference on ’’Four Decades of Development” was organised jointly by the Ministry of Human Resource Development and the National Institute of Educational Planning and Adrriinistration at IIT, New Delhi from April 1 5 - 1 7 , 1989. I am indebted to the Union Minister for Human Resource Development, Shri P., Shiv Shanker and the Union Minister of State for Education, Shri L.P. Shalii for their leadership and guidance. I am grateful to all the experts who spared their valuable time to participate in the Conference and made it a success. I must place on record my gratitude for the hard work done by Director NIEPA and his staff for organising the Conference and the faculty of NIEPA for their contribution in making the deliberations meaningful. I am also thankful to the Education Secretary and Additional Secretary (Education) who deputed their Bureau Heads to participate in the discussions and prepare Group Reports. My thanks are also due to the Secretaries of the Departments of Women and Child Development, Youth Affairs and Sports and Art, as also the Additional Secretary (Culture) who deputed their officers to participate in the discussions and prepare Group Reports. Thanks are also due to Shri K.L. Dua, Administrative Officer, NIEPA for providing valuable Secretarial assistance. I shall be failing in my duty if I do not place on record my deep appreciation for the excellent work done by Shri K.K. Khullar, Consultant, in the Ministry for preparing and editing this Report in its present shape and seeing it through. Jc Veeraraghavan New Delhi Secretary October 25, 1989 Ministry of Human Resource Development New Delhi PagG No3 , REPORT (a) RecommGndaticns M - 12 (b) List of Participants 13 - 23 (Annexure I) (c) Valecilctory Address by Shri L^P, Shahi Minister of State for Education & Culture 24-30 (Annexure II) II. COMPENDIUM (a) Group Reports i) Report of the Sub-Group on Adult Education 31 ■ 35 ii) Report of the Sub-Group on Sports 36 39 iii) Report of the Sub-Group on Elementary Educaticn 40 - 41 iv) Report of the Sub-Group on Higher Educaticn 42 47 v) Report of the Sub-Group on Technical Educaticn 48 53 vi) Report of the Sub-Group on Secondary Education 54-57 vii) Report of the Sub-Group on Arts & Culture 58 60 viii) Report of the Sub-Group on Youth Affairs - 61 - 65 ix) Report of the Sub-Group on Child Development 66 - 68 x) Report of the Sub-Group on Women’ s Development 69 * 71 xi) Report of the Sub-Group on' Educational Planning & Finance 72-76 (b) Background Papers i) Strides in Early Childhood Care and Education and Universalisation of Elementary Education since Independence 77 •* 118 ii) Secondary Education ; Progress Achieved and Present Status 119 ■■ 1^0 ili) Secondary Education in India - Dr, P.D. Shukla iHl - 154 iv) UGC ; Higher Education ~ An Qverviev; 155 - 164 v) Higher Education - Reflections and Prospect - Prof. Rais Ahmed l65 ■■ 171 vi) Technical Education Over the Past Forty Years 172 178 vii) Adult Education - Brief History of Adult Education 179 - 187 viii) Educational Planning & Finance 188 - 195 ix) Analytical and Historical Perspectives of Educational Planning in India - Shri Prakash 196 - 223 x) Role of Union Education Ministry in the Educational Development of the Country A. Mathew 224 - 233 xi) 40 Years ~ The Building of a Cultural Cavalcade ; Culture as a Movement, the Great Founders and Guardians 234 - 244 xii) Development of Sports in India During the Last 40 Years of Independence and the Future Strategy 245 254 xiii) Forty Years of Indian Sports - R. Sriman 255 - 258 ix) Youth Programmes Since Independence - An Overview 259 -.290 \ XV) Women and Child Development 291 - jOT Report of the Review Conference on "Four Decades of Development" (April 15-17, 1989) In pursuance of the guidelines by the Implementation Committee for Commemoration of hOth Anniversary of India’ s IndeoGndencG and Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru Centenary, a 3-day Review Conference entitled "Four Decades of Development" was organised jointly by the Ministry of Human Resource Development and the National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration (NIEPA) at IIT, New Delhi from April 15 to 17, 1989. The objectives of the Conference were to review the achievements of the Ministry in various fields during the last ^0 years, pinpoint areas of strengths and weaknesses ^ d based on this review and reflect exercise, determine the future course of action. The The list of participants may be seen at Annexure I. 2 . Fifteen papers on different sectors of Human Resource Development v i z ., Education, Culture, Youth, Sports, VJomen & Child Development prepared by the concerned Departments and academicians were circulated to act as background material for discussion. These papers alongwith the eleven Sub-group Reports which emerged after three days of deliberations may be seen in the compendium to this Report, 3 . Welcoming the gathering of more than 100 experts and officials representing different sectors of HRD, Shri J. Veeraraghavan, Secretary, Ministry of HRD explained the purpose of the Conference which was to take stock of the achievements of the five Departments of the Ministry of HRD, pinpoint areas of strengths and weaknesses and, based on this ’review an reflect’ exercise to determine the future course of action. For that purpose, he stated, two different perspectives, conceived 40 years ago, viz. the perspective of the Congress Planning Ccnimittee headed by Jawaharlal Nehru and the perspective of the Seargent Reporty- KQu-ld as. fb^fitting backdrop. He referred to the stock-taking In education at the time of the formulation of the National Policy on Education. He also referred to the five yearly review at the time of finalisation of the Five Year Plans. However the overall review of four decades of development will have to be a very different review. New awareness has spread throughout the length and breadth of the country and we are faced with formidable challenges. "It is in this context", he said, "that we have to take the stock-taking"» 4. Inaugurating the Conference, Professor M,V, Mathur., the, eminent educationist stated that India had made tremendous, strides, in education and ' other sectors in the last forty yearsIn terms of numbers of educated people India is ranked as No. 2 in the world., And, although the rate of literacy is still about 37 percent, the demand for education in India is the highest in the; world,, , ?rof. ,, Fathur pleaded for life-long education,, ii:istitutional leadership as-against part-time leMershipv ^ removal of : distinction between plan and ..npn-^ plan Expenditure in education,; . .complete coordination, between plan developfrient and non-plan development and th^, constitiition of .a Central Advisory Board ■ of HRD on the rlines of ; Central Advisory Bp,ard, of Education. Prof.’: Mathur alsP stressed the need , of, establishing Kendriya • Maha Vidyalayas, on the -pattern of Kendriya Vidyalayas to promote ■ national integration and naming them after Jawaharlal Nehru, Being the first of its kind the recommendations of the Conference would go a long way in influencing our planning processes and development programj:nes. 5. After the presentation of papers find the general discussion on theiT) in the afternoon of 15th and the forenoon of l6th April, the Conference divided itself in 11 sub-^-groups and made indepth analysis of achieven'icnts and failures and identified future direction for development« r?ain areas of concern vjere ; Ear ly Childhood care and Education, Elementary Education, Adult and Mon-formal education, Women's Development, Child D'evelopmient, Secondary Education, University and Higher Education, Technical Education, Art & Culture, Youth Affairs and Sports» The Reports of the sub-groups are available in the Compendium» 6o The Valedictory Address was given by Shri L,P» Shahi. the Union Minister of State for Education and Culture in the Ministry of Human Resource Development. Paying tributes to Nehru’ s vision, he said : '‘Without Nehru’ s vision, India would have been very different. He stood for secularism, in the midst of country’ s worst communal halocast in 19^7» Ke stood for democracy at the peak of his popularity and at the pinnucle of his pov>/ero He stood as an amalgon of rationalism of sciences and the humanismi of artSo At a time when the whole world was adopting either-or^attitude he chose the path of peaceful coexistence and non-aligrjment. Hg stood for scientific temper in the midest of superstition and obscurantism^ Time has come to reflect whether the ideals which Panditji had cherished reflect his vision today. Shri Shahi pleaded for substantial economies in Government expenditure, replacement of financial inputs with human resource inputs and greater involvement of voluntary organisations in the programmes of Ministry of Human Resource Development. The text of his Address is given at Anriexure II ^ 7. In his Vote of Thanks, Prof. Satya Bhushan, Director, National Institute of Educational Planning and Adminifitration (NIEPA) thanked all the participants who worked so hard for three days to make the Conference a success. 8 . The main recommendations of the Ccnference are as under ? i) A mid>^term review of the implementation of the National Policy on Education - 1986 be undertaken as provided in the policy document itself.
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