Transport for London Mayor’s Transport Strategy Local Implementation Plan Guidance July 2004 MAYOR OF LONDON Transport for London Boroughs can contact TfL for advice on this guidance in the following ways: LIPs, Borough Partnerships, Transport for London, Windsor House, 42-50 Victoria Street, London SW1H 0TL For the attention of: Mark Bennett, Head of Group Borough Funding Email: [email protected] Phone: 020 7941 4915 Fax: 020 7941 4725 LIP submission information is set out in 3.1, page 9. LIP Guidance 2004 1 Foreword I set out priorities for improving transport in London in my Transport Strategy. The boroughs have a key role to play in planning for and delivering these improvements, particularly in managing the 95 percent of London’s roads for which they are responsible. This guidance is aimed at assisting boroughs to prepare Local Implementation Plans which will help ensure well integrated delivery of the Transport Strategy at the local level. Boroughs will need to take account of their local context in developing their Local Implementation Plans, to take forward the Transport Strategy in an appropriate and effective way. My key priorities for local transport are re-stated in the guidance. These are complemented by statutory targets that I have set for implementation of the Transport Strategy. These give a clear indication of the pace of delivery that I expect. TfL will seek to continue to assist boroughs through the process of preparation and delivery of Local Implementation Plans. I will also continue work with the boroughs and the Association of London Government to seek the additional resources we need to improve transport in London. I would like to thank all of the boroughs and others who helped improve this document through their comments on the draft Guidance. I look forward to receiving completed borough Local Implementation Plans during 2005, and to the contribution that delivery of these plans will make towards the local transport improvements that London needs. Ken Livingstone Mayor of London 2 Transport for London Local Implementation Plan Guidance List of contents 1. Introduction 5 2. Local Implementation Plans: function and content 7 2.1 LIP function and scope 7 2.2 Key deliverables for LIPs 7 2.3 Purpose of LIPs guidance 7 3. LIP process 9 3.1 Major milestones 9 3.2 LIPs funding and resourcing 10 3.2.1 Central Government funding 11 3.2.2 BSP funding 12 3.2.3 Changes to BSP process 13 3.2.4 Role of sub-regional partnerships 14 3.2.5 Other TfL funding for boroughs 15 3.3 Consultation of the LIP 15 3.4 LIP evaluation 16 3.4.1 LIP evaluation framework 16 3.5 Legal framework and issues 17 3.5.1 Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) 17 3.5.2 Traffic Management Bill 17 4. Mayor’s Transport Strategy and key priorities 19 4.1 The Mayor’s Transport Strategy 19 4.2 The Mayor’s priority areas for borough implementation and related targets 19 4.3 The LIP guidance ‘matrix’ 19 4.4 The Map of ‘A’ Roads and Busy Bus Routes 20 4.5 Cross-cutting goals 20 4.5.1 Balancing needs for road-space allocation 20 5. LIP monitoring and performance indicators 27 5.1 Borough progress reports on LIPs 27 5.2 Performance indicators 28 5.2.1 Potential additional performance measures 35 5.3 Reporting on Performance Indicators 35 6. Other Mayoral strategies and useful references 37 6.1 Other Mayoral strategies 37 6.2 The London Plan 37 6.2.1 Strategic priorities for London’s sub-regions 40 6.2.2 Sub-Regional Development Frameworks (SRDFs) 40 6.2.3 Supplementary Planning Guidance 41 6.2.4 Other London planning issues 41 6.2.5 Unitary Development Plans (UDPs) 41 6.3 Further general information 41 LIP Guidance 2004 3 6.3.1 Sustainable development 41 6.3.2 Equalities 41 6.3.3 Health 42 6.3.4 100 Public Spaces 42 7. Proposed LIP format 43 7.1 Introduction 43 7.2 LIP structure and content 43 7.2.1 Local socio-economic/ demographic context 44 7.2.2 Local transport context 44 7.2.3 Borough policy statement 44 7.2.4 Equality Impact Assessment 44 7.2.5 LIPs proposals relating to MTS priority areas, targets and Appendix C 44 7.2.6 Road safety plan 46 7.2.7 Parking and enforcement plan 46 7.2.8 School travel plan strategy 46 7.2.9 Performance measures 46 7.2.10 Consultation results 46 7.2.11 Borough core capacity statement 46 7.2.12 Funding Implications 46 7. 3Further format advice 48 List of Tables Table 3-1: Major indicative LIP milestones 9 Table 3-2 History of BSP funding 12 Table 3-3 BSP approved funding figures by London sub-region 12 Table 3-4: BSP expected impacts 14 Table 4-1: Priority areas and targets 21 Table 5-1 Performance Indicators 29 Table 6-1: Other Mayoral strategies 37 Table 6-2 Indicative sub-regional growth, 2001 - 2016 39 Table 7-1: Standard LIP list of contents 43 Table 7-2: Summary of LIP funding 47 Table 7-3 LIP copies submission to the Mayor & TfL 48 Appendices Appendix A Legal Framework for LIPs Appendix B Summaries of Relevant Equality and Inclusion Legislation Appendix C Matrix of Transport Strategy Policies and Proposals Appendix D Map of ‘A’ Roads and Busy Bus Routes Appendix E Parking and Enforcement Guidance for Local Authorities Appendix F Forms for completion of LIP proposals (Forms 1 & 2) Appendix G Acronyms and glossary 4 Transport for London This page has intentionally been left blank LIP Guidance 20045 1. Introduction The Mayor of London is responsible for Act 1999 ('the GLA Act’), London local the Transport Strategy for London, as authorities must prepare Local well as for strategies covering spatial Implementation Plans (LIPs) containing development (the London Plan), their proposals for the implementation economic development, air quality, of the Transport Strategy in their area biodiversity, noise, waste and culture. ‘as soon as reasonably practicable’ after The Mayor has also developed the publication of the Transport strategies on a range of other issues1. Strategy. The Mayor’s Transport Strategy sets the policy framework for transport in Policy 5.4 of the Transport London and provides the context for Strategy states: the various implementation agencies, ‘Partnership will be sought with the which include Transport for London London boroughs in developing and (TfL), the London boroughs2and the implementing transport policies and Strategic Rail Authority (SRA). plans. The London boroughs are required to set out their proposals for London boroughs play a key role in the the implementation of the Transport planning and delivery of transport in Strategy in their areas. Local the capital. As local authorities, Implementation Plans (LIPs) will reflect boroughs have wide transport-related the Transport Strategy’s objectives, responsibilities that range from planning policies, proposals and priorities. The decisions, through controlling 95 Mayor will issue guidance to the London percent of the capital’s streets, to boroughs setting out detailed management of town centres. Almost requirements for their LIPs. Guidance all journeys in London are affected by a will ensure the LIPs implement the borough transport role. Transport Strategy, are co-ordinated with each other and with the plans of The infrastructure and services for other implementation agencies, and are which boroughs are responsible have effectively implemented and a critical effect on travel in London, monitored. If necessary, the Mayor will accessibility for all users, regeneration, issue directions to ensure the Transport quality of life and the environment in Strategy is implemented.’ London. Borough policies, plans, programmes, projects and activities are Section 41(9) of the GLA Act gives the therefore crucial to effective delivery Mayor powers to set targets in relation of much of the Mayor’s Transport to the delivery of the MTS. This Strategy (MTS). guidance sets out these London targets in Chapter 4, for both boroughs and The Mayor published his first Transport TfL, and explains how the boroughs are Strategy in July 2001. Under Section to consider and implement them in 145 of the Greater London Authority their LIPs. 1. http://www.london.gov.uk/mayor/strategies/index.jsp 2. Defined as the London boroughs, Corporation of London, City of Westminster and the royal boroughs 6 Transport for London LIP Guidance is provided to assist and consulting on LIPs in London boroughs in the preparation of their is likely to coincide in part with LIPs and to fulfil the above neighbouring English local authorities requirements. A draft version of this preparing their second round of Local guidance was issued to the boroughs Transport Plans (LTPs). This gives a and other stakeholders for consultation further opportunity to develop during March and April 2004. This final co-ordinated transport solutions in guidance has been developed taking the region. into account the results of the consultation and incorporates many of Finally, TfL intends to enable boroughs the suggestions made in that period. to access and keep up to date with relevant developments and new The following sections of the guidance information relevant to LIPs. Boroughs describe in more detail the purpose of are recommended to ensure key a LIP, the overall process, the MTS officers have access to the regularly framework for LIPs, the new London updated TfL Borough Extranet3and, targets and progress monitoring, where appropriate, use the library of including performance indicators. The technical guidance developed by the final two chapters provide information Department for Transport (DfT) for on other Mayoral strategies, relevant LTPs4.
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