Index Addams, Jane, 27 Albertson Ranch, 29–30 African Americans. See Race relations Aldrich, Lloyd, 190 Agriculture Alexander, Lamar, 267 farmers’ markets and, 80–82, 301–303, Alinsky, Saul, 284 357n43 Alisal, El, 217 farm-to-school program and, 301–303 Allen, David, 8 Green Revolution and, 326–327 Alliance for a Livable Los Angeles, 251 immigrants and, 261–264, 291–293, 305, Alston, Dana, 342n7 308–312, 325–329, 340 Alternative media, 85–86 National Immigrant Farming Initiative American Airlines Flight 11, 293 (NIFI) and, 304–306 American Forests, 46 U.S. Department of Agriculture and, American-Hawaiian Steamship Company, 301–302, 304, 308, 400n22 29 water and, 103, 108, 113 American Planning Association, 163 Agriculture and Land-Based Training American Rivers, 163 Association (ALBA), 305 American Society of Civil Engineers, Air pollution, 2, 4, 313–314 233 freeways and, 196, 198 Anaheim, 121 Air Quality Plan, 46 Andrus, Cecil, 104 Alameda, 41 Annenberg Foundation, 18–19, 170, 311 Alameda Corridor, 279–280, 308, 310, ARCO, 273 332 Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, 4 Alaska, 23 Arizona, 112 Index Army Corps of Engineers, 103, 131, flood control and, 219, 227–232 372n46 Los Angeles River and, 217 Arroyo Seco Parkway and, 221 restoration of, 227–234 Los Angeles River and, 141–144, Tongva Indians and, 217–218 152–154, 162–163 watershed study of, 231–232, 238 Principles and Standards of, 165 Asociaciones de Pueblos, 324 ArroyoFest, 12, 216–217 Assimilation in American Life: The Role of Caltrans and, 236, 239–240, 242, Race, Religion and National Origins 245–246, 250 (Gordon), 334 Occidental College and, 242–243 Atlanta, 295 organization of, 240–246 Audubon Society, 248 Urban and Environmental Policy Institute Australia, 322 (UEPI) and, 242–244, 250 Automobile Club, 186, 190, 221–222 Arroyo Seco Council, 230–231 Automobiles Arroyo Seco Earth Festival, 228 car-share programs and, 205 Arroyo Seco Foundation, 235 culture of, 173, 175 Arroyo Seco Park, 220, 226 Model T, 178 Arroyo Seco Parkway/Pasadena Freeway, parkways and, 184–191 11–12, 187, 215–217, 384n110, 387n32 rise of, 175, 178–179 Army Corps of Engineers and, 221 Sig Alerts and, 173–176, 216 bike ride on, 236–252 street widening and, 185–187 congestion on, 223–224 traffic congestion and, 174–180 Corridor Management Plan and, Automobile suburbs, 68, 83 233–234, 238 critics of, 70–72 Historic American Engineering Record green spaces and, 35–49 and, 233 interstate highway development and, hybrid design of, 222–223 69–70 as National Engineering Landmark, 233 Westlake and, 29–31 as Pasadena Freeway, 223 Autopia, 192 speed and, 220, 223 Avila, Modesta, 312–313 as State Historic Parkway, 232 Aztlán, 265, 334 traffic safety and, 222, 224–225, 231–232 Azuma, Andrea, 167 “Arroyo Seco Release: A Serpentine for Pasadena” (Harrison and Harrison), Báez, Fernando, 337 228 Bakersfield, 254 Arroyo Seco Stream, 140–141, 149 Baldwin Hills Village, 32–33 Colorado Street Bridge and, 217 Barbour, Hailey, 75 408 Index Bartholomew, Harlan, 138–141, 186, 219, Boyle Heights Anti-Golden State Freeway 227 Committee, 195 Bartlett, Dana W., 41, 110, 120, 227, Braceros, 262–263, 266 349n55 Brackpool, Keith, 125 Basmati rice, 326 Bradbury, Ray, 206–207 Bass brothers, 125 Bradley,Tom, 6–7, 131, 144, 196, 279, 286, Bauman, Zygmunt, 331, 339 307 Bean, Charles, 189 Braker, Beth, 237–238 Bechtel Corporation, 8, 30 Brick, Tim, 130–133, 230, 234 Bel Air, 31 Brigadistas, 314, 318–319 Bellah, Robert, 62 British Columbia, 117 Bender, Thomas, 57 British Medical Journal, 208 Beverly Hills, 195, 294 Broadway Avenue, 19, 41, 254 Bicycle Kitchen, 251 Broadway Bridge, 20 Bicyclists, 157, 332 Brodsly, David, 175 ArroyoFest and, 216, 236–252 Bronx River Parkway, 184 safety issues for, 209–210, 231, Brookings Institution, 176 382n58 Brooklyn, 45 Big Red Car company, 177–178, 183, 197, Brooks, David, 77 375n14 Brower, David, 22 Biotechnology, 38–40 Brown, Marianne, 1–2 Blais, Earle, 99 Brown, Rick, 1–2 Blake, William, 66 Brownfields, 28 Blogs, 86–87, 238 Browning Ferris, 229 Blue Ridge Parkway, 185 Bubbly Creek, 166 Bon, Lauren, 18–19, 167, 170 Buddhist Centers, 328–329 Bonneville Dam, 99 Bunker Hill, 294 Boon Koon Larn, 326 Burbank, 54 Border Industrialization Program, 273–275 Bureau of Reclamation, 23, 103, 116 Bowron, Fletcher, 189 Burr, Aaron, 120 Boyer, Ernest, 91 Buses, 11–12, 187–188, 248, 254 Boyle Heights, 195, 337, 353n19 declining service and, 210–214 ethnic diversity of, 67–68 economic issues and, 213–214 Evergreen Cemetery and, 57–59, 67 streetcars and, 181–182 Golden State Freeway and, 67, 195 Bush, George H. W., 165 immigrants and, 254, 299–300 Bus Riders’ Union, 213 Los Angeles River and, 139, 148, 172 Bustamante, Jorge, 263 409 Index Cadillac, 192 Census of Agriculture, 302 CalFed, 119–120, 131 Center for Community Action and California, State of Environmental Justice (CCAEJ), 317 Cornfield ownership and, 18 Center for Food and Justice, 239, 293, Proposition 13 and, 48 300–303 Proposition 187 and, 286–290 Center for Healthy Communities, 170–171 California Air Resources Board (CARB), Central Park, 47–48 38 Central Valley, 71, 101, 254 California Bay-Delta Authority, 131 Century Freeway, 197 California Department of Transportation Chandler, Harry, 111–112, 186, 261–262 (Caltrans), 385n13, 388nn38,39 Chandler, Norman, 83 ArroyoFest and, 236, 239–240, 242, Chandler, Otis, 175 245–246, 250 Chandler family, 82–84, 111–112, freeway management and, 174, 197–198, 357n49 223–224, 231–235 Chaney, Charles, 186 California Highway Commission, 221 Chávez, César, 285 California Highway Patrol, 174, 246, Chavez Ravine, 172, 294 250 Chemicals California Institute of Technology, 225, 242 agriculture and, 38–39 California 110, 11–12 fertilizers and, 37–38, 42 California Route 7, 281 lawn care and, 37–38 California State Polytechnic University, pesticides and, 23, 34, 36–38, 42 228 water and, 101–103, 118–119, 126–127 California Water Project, 114 Chevrolet, 192 Camarillo, Albert, 299 Chicago, 27 Cambodia, 305 Bubbly Creek and, 166 Canada, 322 Cronon and, 3–5 Carlson, Oliver, 111 fire of, 3 Car-share programs, 205 heat waves and, 49–51, 297, 350n57 Cárdenas, Lázaro, 282 Hull House and, 63 Carter, Edward, 284 South Park and, 47 Carter, Jimmy, 103–104, 165 Chicago River, 106–107, 165–167 Cartier, Carolyn, 280, 395n40 China, 14, 275, 279, 282 Castelar Elementary, 20 Chinatown, 11 Castles, Stephen, 320 the Cornfield and, 17–20, 148–150, 159, Catholic Church, 287, 299 167–172 Celebration, 73–75 Chinatown Yards, 17 410 Index Chinese Cemetery, 58 concept of, 4–5 Chinese immigrants, 390n9 defining, 60–61 migration issues and, 258–259 environmental justice and, 64–65 Cholera, 126 farmers’ markets and, 80–82 Christian Science Monitor, 166 freeways and, 2, 11–12 Cincinnati, 47 gardens and, 40–44 Citrus industry, 108 higher education and, 87–92 City Beautiful, 41, 45, 66, 110, 120, 227, Hull House and, 63 349n55 immigrants and, 12–14, 293–300 City Repair, 77 loss of, 61–66 Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), new urbanist, 72–82 163–164 place and, 65–82, 293–294 Civil rights, 85, 334 Santa Catalina Island and, 92–93 Civil Rights Act, 212–213 Seaside and, 73–76 Clean Air Act, 46, 196, 198 street life and, 297–300 Clean Water Act, 34 urbanization and, 28–35 (see also Cleveland National Forest, 155 Urbanization) Clinton, Bill, 266 Community-based organizations (CBOs), Clinton, DeWitt, 120 61 CNN, 319 Community Committee, 283–284 Coachella Valley, 112 Compton, 143 Coalition for a Safe Environment, 315 Concerned Citizens, 310–311 Coalition to Restore Urban Waters, Congress for a New Urbanism, 72–73, 75, 165–166 354n27 Coastal Conservancy, 148 Connecticut, 185 Cobo, Albert, 194 Connecticut College, 89 Coffee, 327–328 Cook County, 49 Colorado River, 96, 111–113 Cornfield, the, 373n55 Colorado Street Bridge, 217 FoLAR and, 159–162 Colten, Craig, 50 Urban and Environmental Policy Columbia River, 114, 116–117 Institute (UEPI) and, 149–150, 159–162, Columbia University, 89 168 Committee of 25, 283–284 Corrido music, 264 Common Ground, 78 Cosgrove, Stuart, 264 Communities for a Better Environment Cosmopolitan city of scale, 28 (CBE), 316 Country and the City,The (Williams), 52 Community, 1, 3 Cox, Laurie Davidson, 218 411 Index Coyle, Mayvis, 209 Donald C. Tillman Water Reclamation Cranz, Galen, 48, 372n51 Plant, 142 Crash (film), 59–60 Dow, 125 Crespi, Juan, 138, 225, 367n7 Downs, Anthony, 176 Croatians, 259 Dracut land trust, 292 Cronon, William, 3–5, 344n14 Dreier, Peter, 67 Culture, 334 Duany, Andrés, 72–73, 75, 299, 354n27 border issues and, 319–329 Due, John, 178, 183 food and, 300–312 Dunphy, Robert, 201 immigrants and, 255–267 Dust Bowl, 261–262, 268 Cuyahoga River, 102, 167, 361n10, 372n47 Eagle Rock, 147, 159, 236 Cycleways, 218, 236 Earth Day, 132, 228 Cyclists Inviting Change thru Live East, E. E., 190, 384n110 Exchange (CICLE), 251 East Bay Municipal Utility District Cypress Park, 249 (EBMUD), 130 Cyprus Mines, 272 East Yard Communities for Environmental Justice (CEJ), 316 Daley, Richard, 50 Ecological modernization, 23–24 Dam projects, 23 Ecological Restoration journal, 24 Davis, Mike, 32–33, 139, 296 Ecology of Fear: Los Angeles and the Davis, Robert, 74 Imagination of Disaster (Davis), 32–33 Davis, Tim, 224 Education, 7–8, 332, 342n10 Day of the Locust (West), 60 farm-to-school program and, 301–303 Debs Park, 248 higher, 87–92 Deverell, William, 2, 111, 139, 151 immigrants and, 319 Devil’s Gate Dam, 229 research universities and, 88–91 Devil’s Gate Park, 386n23 scholarship of engagement and, 9–10, Diaz, Nadine, 59 91–92 Didion, Joan, 175 Educational
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