California State University, San Bernardino CSUSB ScholarWorks Inland Empire Business Journal John M. Pfau Library 9-2007 September 2007 Inland Empire Business Journal Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/iebusinessjournal Part of the Business Commons Recommended Citation Inland Empire Business Journal, "September 2007" (2007). Inland Empire Business Journal. Paper 172. http://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/iebusinessjournal/172 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the John M. Pfau Library at CSUSB ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Inland Empire Business Journal by an authorized administrator of CSUSB ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. •· • "J'IUIO .. •l\(:U I () l f.ll 'JJl, I ~U ;I! I 0 n ~ I HilHV --...., t•.tt CRJSJJ'I I'AI HA DR Ont»rio.<.A HU~ II HC I OH Ill ACII LA '17f·4 7 Lfll/ Pfnnil ' o- I \\,\,,,,\,\,\l,n\,,\\,nl, \\,,,JJ,,,,,\1\,,,j"'\\n,JI\I,,,J 6 111~111111111~1111111111111189076 1 0093 9 AT DEADLINE Special Technology Sections Transfer Conference lore than 200 expected to attend frnm more than 20 nation~ D ~ l ~g at c' from acade m ia. go\ ~mmcnt and t h ~ pn\ ate \CCtor Dousu·l R L l from more than 20 c ountrie ~ \\t ill gat her at the UCR Pa lm Dc..,~ J 1 Golden Parachutes Galore for Graduate Center on Oc 1. 24-26 to h t:~ u more than HX> academic and Departing UC Prez pr..!CIIIIO!ll!r paj:>C f' Oil th t.:: idcnll fi ­ by Matier & l< oss cation and d i ~se miiH IIJ on or hc ~ t San Francisco C hronicle practi ces in techn ology tr<msfe r Industrial and commcrc ialia uon from uni­ O ne thing departing Goodie No. 2: ve" lli e, , federal and private labo­ Universit y o f California Now that he has to vacate Construction ratories to !inns. President Robert Dynes won' t the UC-provided presid ent's " Entrepreneurship and have to worry abo ut is money. mansion in K ensington. D ynes Boom Continues Technology Commercializati on" It turns out that Dynes -- who -- like a ll >e ni or adminis trators by Kristin Kiena i" the conference theme. Session was nudged out as UC's top -- is e li gible for a low-interest for topics includ e: "The dog after a string of embarrass­ home loan to he lp relocate. Colliers International Entrepreneurial Uni versit y." ing >tories about the uni versi­ Hayward >a id it ·s uncert ain "Entrepreneuri al Leadership in ty'> libe ral pay and perk pack­ whether Dyne" wi ll take advan­ Very stro ng growth in Hi gh-Technology Org;mi zati ons:· ages for top manager> -- is in tage of the benefit . demand for industri al space and " Bringin g Technology to Mark et.'' fo r a few goodbye goodie" him­ a scarcit y o f vacant industri al " Metric" for Effecti ve self. Finally, there's the pen­ land in most of the Los Angeles Innovati on Poli cy:· " Venture sio n. Basin has continued to fu el a Capital and Technology Transfer:· Goodie No. I: A year o ff When Dynes chooses to constructi on boom in the East " Pu blic-Pri vate Coll aborati on in with pay retire completely from academ­ Inl and Empire. C urrentl y the Development of Infrastructure Dynes. 64. " ' YS he plan' to ic life. hi > pensio n will be underway is 20.2 million square Technologic,:· and "Uni ve"it y return to teaching ph ys ic!. -­ based on a percent age of the feet and an additional 33.3 mil­ Facult y Member> as Jn vc nt o":· presum ably at UC San Diego. avera ge o f hi > I a>~ highest-earn ­ li on square feet is pl anned. The JW Marri ott De,en where he u s~d to be a pro fc\Sor ing yea" . That would include et absorption of space ha' Spring' Re,on and Spa i> the offi · and chance ll or and whe re hi s hi :-, time a\ prc:-, idt.:: nl. bee n ve ry ~ tr o n g in rece nt qu ar­ cia I confcn:nce hotel. All :,c"ion> new wi fc work \ a~ a lawyer. Up, hot: t e r ~. but constructi on d c li vc ri c~ will take pl ace at the UC R Palm Under his contract. if Dyne' Calculati ons show that if he have been even ~ tro n g cr. and Descn Gradu ate Center. TI1c w n­ docs go ba c ~ to the c la"room. were to >top work ing next June. the vacancy ra te has climbed to fcrcncc i' co-spon,on:d by the fir>t he will be entitled to a full he could either cash out for 9 .3 percent. Particul arl y hi gh Ewing Marion Kauffman year \ paid leave to bru"h up on $ 1.6 million or get $ 145.52-l a vac ancy r a t e~ have emerged in Foundati on. Donald S. Siegel. hi " studies. UC spoke> man year in retireme nt pay. the Moreno Va ll ey (26.2 per­ professor of entrepreneurship and Brad Hay ward said Dynes cent ) and Redlands/Loma associate dean of the A. Gary plans to take the leave. during Taken all together, it makes Linda (22.2 percent ) submar- which he will be paid his co/1/inu ed on page 3 $405 ,000 president's salary. cominued on page 13 continued on page 13 BUSI ESS JOURNAL · PAGE 2 Scplcmbcr 2007 Sep1emhcr 2007 BUSINI:.SS JOU RNAL · PAGE 3 When Is a Cuban Not a Cuban? tech . conference ... Set Your Sites on the ....... HIGH DESERT continued .from fNl~t' I Join on October I X. 2(K17 You \\ant to tx: ." a\ailahk tndu-,tnal. office and /Jy Joe Lyons ;\nder...,on Graduate School ot !rom 7:~0 a.m. to ) p.m. at lltgh rctatl propcr1te-,. hear from local There an.· almo .... t ~h man) call) dcnic-.. tt. 1-k warn' th at dru g .... Bc .... idc, 1:1\\ cnforc..:: m t..:n l uinc. L...-t\ turn here to Rtch Management. i..., pn.!'-ttknt of the Dc":.Ct1 Opponunlly--- an annual Bu" "l our cconom1c de ve lopment agcnctc!>. Open to out of area hroh:r..., and meet wi th local brol-.cr-.. urban legend' Jbout Cuban man) pcoplt.: arc bu) 1ng ..,cconth I' reluctant to fH.lT"..,Lh.: .... uch crim­ Perelman. au thor of the Technology Tr:tn,fcr Scx:ict) and hu,im.~"" conference and bro l-. cr\ Bu-. tour cigar"' a' there arc El'"' ...,ight · and h.noch. -o!T" '' ith countcrfett inal.., hecaLhC. aftc..:r all. 11\~ only .. Perelman\ Pod.ct C)cloped1a co-edi10r of The Journal ol bu.., tour. Att end tht;., event and and tbelorcr' on ly. Tour th e Limited availahilit). in g .... or Ro"''' ell 'lOri c...,_ Thing' bamh. cigar... ol Cigar .... ·· Technolog) Trarv·~fcr. the on!) pro,tde )OUr compan) ''-i th the citie' of Adelanto. Apple Va ll e). begin.., at <; a.m. Bar":.to\\. lf e..,peria and Contact for infonnation at ha' c gollcn t:\ en th icl-.cr '' llh It tunh out that mall) gang" Then tiKI\: 1' the lnu.:rnct. According to Pcrdman. the <lCi.H.ICllllC JOLIITla l de\ Oted tO the opponuntt) to unlea<.,h ih rmtcn­ the recent report .... of Fich.:l in Flonda ar~ counterktttng Can:H.Il:m mall order compa­ go' crnmcnt oiTicc rc~pon .... tbk managcnal and public polic) tial and learn more about '"hat the Victorville. Vic" the growth. tour ( 7601 245 -7 6(XJ. ca,tro ·, health. brand nam~ c ig<1r" hecathL 11 h nic' c laun th at the) arc pcrfcct- tmplicat ion..., o f technolog) tran"­ lligh Dc":.L't1 c ttt c..., -- Adelanto. Cfmlinued OfiJWs.:e /.J A recent i\!\UL' of Cigar cheaper and Je..,..., dangerou" than 1) lt.:gal and the c 1gar ... arc gcn- fcr. ,\ppk Yalk). Bar,t0\1. !lc,rcria and Victor\ tllc -- ha' c to otlet. ~"\flcionado dedicated the cntin.: ~--~--~~----------------------------, "Unh cr-.. it) tcchnolog) tran..., ­ magatine to a report on the pol­ fc r p., a grO\\ 1ng trend im Oh ing Itic-.. of our little neighbor 90 the tran,fcr of Lilli\ Cr\lty-ha"L'd Oppo11Unlty Theater nuk' 'outh of Florida. The pro' rc ... earch to indu ... tr) through \n ttl'·.ptnng morning pro­ a\ ''c.:! I a-, thl..' con .... licen":.ing agrecmenh. rc ... earch gram featuring rccogni1ed And there an: a lot of them. JOin t 'L'lllure..., and ':.tart -up compa­ C\ (X'rt<., di ... cu..,..,lng the <Kh antage;., \LIIl) people ft:L'i th._tl II i\ llte...,. lncuhator..., and "cience part....., ol locat lll g or e\pand111g a hu...,t ­ "Diversity For A Better Community " fooli'h to han tratk '' 11h d coun­ are other important in..,tttution". nc...,.., to the High De...,cn/ lnland !1) '' ho'e C\J10I1"1 arc primanl; Academic':.. poliC) mat..cr ..... and Emptre ' onh communllie \. tobacco and 'ugar. "hen '' c practitioner...,'' ho arc intcrc..., tcd tn 1•1 II:: h one no problem tkd JC<Itlllg intellectual propL'rt). pa tenting E,hibit Booth' SUNDAY, OCTOBER 21. 2007I:. more than 25 percent of our and legal iv·.,ue":.. and tcchnology­ Meet and '!"'"' direct!) "ith I h(' Public i':> im ltNI to tht• Annual Loma Linda Communi!' t\.:pre..,cn tati' c..., from govcmmcn­ trade to China.
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