Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19685-7 - Core Topics in Cardiac Anesthesia: Second Edition Edited by Jonathan H. Mackay and Joseph E. Arrowsmith Index More information Index abciximab 465–6 airway management, postoperative endocarditis therapy 449 abdominal arteries 79 resuscitation 416 multi-resistant bacteria 450–2 accessory conducting pathways aldosterone 31–2 surgical prophylaxis 246, 342, 362, 9–10 alfentanil 36–7 447–8 acetylcholine (ACh) 25 allograft vasculopathy 280 anticoagulation acid-base management 391, 403–4, allostasis 29 atrial fibrillation 412 441 alpha-1-microalbumin 435 CPB 64–7, 175 actin 13–15 alpha-adrenergic receptors (a-ARs) ECMO 364 action potentials (APs), cardiac 8–11 25, 41, 48 endogenous 367–8 activated clotting time (ACT) 64, 67, alpha-stat blood-gas management 391, intra-aortic balloon pump 357 175, 370 403–4, 441 monitoring 67, 175 activated partial thromboplastin time e-aminocaproic acid (EACA) 68, 69, off-pump coronary surgery (APPT) 67 175, 368 190–1 acute coronary syndromes (ACS) amiodarone 57, 60 preoperative cessation 169 257–60 amitriptyline 463 prosthetic valve recipients 127, anesthetic management 258 Amplatzer muscular VSD 129–30 pathogenesis 257 occluder 264 antidepressants 463 acute kidney injury (AKI) 431–6 Amplatzer septal occluder 262–3 antidiuretic hormone (ADH) 31–2 acute lung injury (ALI) 421 analgesia anti-dysrhythmic drugs 57–62, 256, acute normovolemic hemodilution chronic pain 463 409 (ANH) 372, 468 postoperative 182, 191, 238–9, antifibrinolytics 68–9, 368–9 acute renal failure (ARF) 430–6 460–2 antihypertensives 53–6 acute respiratory distress syndrome anasarca 77 antioxidants 116 (ARDS) 421–3 anatomy, normal 4–6 antiphospholipid syndrome 466–7 adenosine ancrod 66 antiplatelet therapy 169, 465–6 coronary blood flow regulation 24 anemia antithrombin deficiency 467–8 pharmacological use 61 dilutional 176–7, 404–5 aorta adenosine receptors 41 failure to wean from CPB 357 anatomy 223 adhesion molecules 40 anesthetic agents atheroma 440–1 adrenaline see epinephrine cardiac conduction effects cannulation 109, 175–6 adrenoreceptors 48 254–5 clamping, MICS 217–19 see also a-adrenergic receptors; cardiovascular effects 33–7 coarctation 239, 314 b-adrenergic receptors anesthetic preconditioning 122 cross-clamping 109, 113, 233, adult congenital heart disease aneurysms 235–6 (ACHD) 339–43 aortic see aortic aneurysms decannulation 110, 179 anesthetic management 341–2 ventricular 271–2 descending thoracic see descending postoperative care 342–3 angina pectoris 76 thoracic aorta preoperative assessment aortic stenosis 193–4 imaging 91, 93, 441 339–41 CCS scale 76 management during CPB 379 advanced life support (ALS), adult chronic refractory 463–4 traumatic injuries 296–7 413–16 unstable (UA) 257–8 aortic aneurysms afterdrop hypothermia 385, 390 angiotensin II 25–6, 31 aortic arch 228–30 afterload 18–19 angiotensin II receptors 41 descending thoracic aorta post-bypass management 410 Anrep effect 28 232–9 agonists 43–4 antacids, prophylactic 425 etiology 229 air embolism (AE) 355–6, 395–7 antagonists 43–4 aortic arch 228–31 air entrainment antibiotics aneurysms 228–30 482 CPB 398 ARDS therapy 423 surgery 230–1 ECMO 365 endocarditis prophylaxis 448–9 traumatic rupture 228 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19685-7 - Core Topics in Cardiac Anesthesia: Second Edition Edited by Jonathan H. Mackay and Joseph E. Arrowsmith Index More information Index aortic dissection 223–7 arterial switch procedure 323 Bjork-Shiley valve 125 classification 223–4 arteries, auscultation 79 Blalock-Taussig (B-T) shunt, modified during CPB 398 artery of Adamkiewicz 237 305, 329–30 descending thoracic aorta 239 aspirin 129–30, 169, 465–6 bleeding see hemorrhage pregnancy 301 asymmetrical septal hypertrophy bleeding tendency, increased 465–6 aortic interruption 314 (ASH) 268–9 blood conservation, perioperative aortic regurgitation (AR) 196–8 atelectasis 420 371–3, 467–8 indications for surgery 104 atherosclerosis 257 blood donation, preoperative non-cardiac surgery 476 ATP 15, 119 autologous (PAD) 372 aortic stenosis (AS) 104, 193–6 atracurium 35 blood flow non-cardiac surgery 476 atrial fibrillation (AF) 12, 250–1 effects of CPB 71 percutaneous interventions 262, 264 electrophysiological interventions inadequate, during CPB 398 pregnancy 300 253, 255 metabolic control 24, 29 aortic syndrome 232 mitral valve disease 202, 207 myogenic control 25–6, 29 aortic valve (AV) 193 postoperative 411–12, 441 velocity, measurement 148–9 disease 193–9 atrial flutter 251 blood-gas management 391, 403–4, orifice area (AVA) 193, 195 atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) 31, 32, 441 transcatheter implantation (TAVI) 434 blood loss, postoperative 183–4, 264–6 atrial septal defects (ASDs) 315–16 335 aortic valve surgery 110 percutaneous closure 262–3 blood pressure (BP) anesthetic management 195–6, 198 atrioventricular (A-V) canal 2 control, aortic dissection 226 indications 104 atrioventricular node (AVN) 9 invasive monitoring 141–3 Ross procedure 127, 333–4 atrioventricular septal defect non-invasive monitoring 136–7 aortic valvuloplasty, balloon 262 (AVSD) 318–19 pediatric patients 303 aortography 97, 100, 229 auscultation 78–80 blood pumps see pumps, blood APJ (apelin) receptors 41 autonomic nervous system (ANS) 29–31 blood transfusion 442 apoptosis 120 coronary blood flow 25 algorithms 371 aprotinin 67–8, 311, 379 efferents 5–6, 30 autologous 372–3 arachidonic acid metabolites 376, 378 heart rate 11 during CPB 404–5 argatroban 65 autoregulation 29 pediatric patients 335 L-arginine 117 cerebral blood flow 161, 400 reduction strategies 222, 371–3 b-arrestin 43–4 coronary blood flow 23, 24–6 blunt chest trauma 293–6 arrhythmias 11–12, 249–52 heterometric 28 Bowditch effect 28–9 adult congenital heart disease 341 homeometric 28 Boyle’s law 396 anesthesia-related 34 AVID mnemonic 176, 177 bradycardia, postoperative 182, electrophysiological interventions 336, 415 252–6 baclofen 463 bradydysrhythmias 252 pediatric patients 336 Bainbridge reflex 31 bradykinin 25 perioperative diagnosis 135–6 baroreceptor reflexes 30–1 brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) post-infarction 258–9 baroreceptors 29 434, 474 postoperative 409 basic life support (BLS), adult 413 breathlessness 194, 203 redo surgery 221 benzodiazepines 35, 73 bretylium 57, 60 weaning from CPB 356 Bernoulli equation 149 bronchus blocker 235 arrhythmogenic right ventricular beta-adrenergic blockers 44 bubble oxygenators 348–9 cardiomyopathy (ARVC) 274 anti-dysrhythmic 57, 59–60 bubble traps, CPB 352–3 arterial blood pressure cardioplegic solutions 116 bulbis cordis 1, 2 during CPB 176 postoperative use 409 bundle of His 10 monitoring 141–3 beta-adrenergic receptor kinase bupivacaine 36 arterial cannulae 352 (b-ARK) 43 buprenorphine 463 arterial cannulation beta-adrenergic receptors (b-ARs) 25, aortic surgery 234 41–2, 48 cesarean section 299 CPB 141–2, 175–6, 215 genetic polymorphisms 43–4 calcium (Ca2þ) ECMO 364 regulation 41–4 cardiac action potential 10–11 arterial elastance (AE) 21 Bezold-Jarisch reflex 31 excitation–contraction coupling arterial injuries, traumatic 296 bi-directional cavopulmonary shunt 15–16 arterial line filters 352–3, 379, 441 331–3 pharmacological use 52, 310, 410 arterial lines, removal 185 BioMedicus® centrifugal blood calcium channel blockers 57, 61 arterial shunt (modified Blalock- pump 347 capsaicin 463 Taussig shunt) 305, 329–30 bivalirudin 65 carbamazepine 463 483 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19685-7 - Core Topics in Cardiac Anesthesia: Second Edition Edited by Jonathan H. Mackay and Joseph E. Arrowsmith Index More information Index carbon dioxide recipient selection 276–7 cardiotomy reservoir 350–1 operative field insufflation 442 ventricular assist device cardiovascular disease, non-cardiac production 380 explantation 363 surgery 469–77 carcinoid heart disease 212–14 cardiac tumors 288–92 cardiovascular problems, cardiac arrest cardiac veins 6–7 postoperative 409–12 CPB for resuscitation 408 cardiomyopathies 268–74 cardioversion postoperative 413–19 cardioplegia 113–17, 178 DC 253, 256 therapeutic hypothermia 385, cold vs. warm 116, 402 postoperative atrial fibrillation 412 418–19 delivery methods 115–17 cariporide 116–17 traumatic 297 see also resuscitation minimally invasive surgery 217–19 Carney syndrome 288 cardiac catheterization 95–100 redo surgery 221 catecholamines 16, 31, 49–51 cardiac cycle 18, 22 solution components 114–17 catheter laboratory, cardiac arrests cardiac disease cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) 37, in 418 invasive diagnostic techniques 108–10, 175–80 catheter laboratory procedures 95–101 air embolism 355–6, 395–7 261–7 non-cardiac surgery 469–77 anesthesia during 177–8 anesthesia for 255–6, 266–7 non-invasive diagnostic tests blood-gas management 403–4 occlusion devices 262–4 81–94 cardiovascular management 176–7 percutaneous valve devices 264–6 pregnancy 299–300 coagulation management stenotic lesions 261–2 symptoms and signs 75–80 64–70, 175 celecoxib 463 cardiac failure see heart failure coagulopathy 368–71 cell salvage 373, 441–2, 468 cardiac glycosides 16 controversies 400–5 central venous cannulation 142–3 cardiac masses 288–92 de-airing 110, 178 pacemaker recipients 246 imaging 93 deep hypothermic circulatory arrest pediatrics 309 management 291–2 389–90 central venous pressure (CVP) cardiac myocytes drug pharmacokinetics 71–3 monitoring 142–4, 185 conducting system 8–10
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