World Transport Policy and Practice Volume 24.1 March 2018 ISSN 1352-7614 © 2018 World Transport Policy and Practice PAUL TRANTER SCHOOL OF PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENTAL & PROFESSOR JOHN WHITELEGG MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES, SCHOOL OF THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT UNIVERSITY OF NEW SOUTH WALES, LIVERPOOL JOHN MOORES UNIVERSITY AUSTRALIAN DEFENCE FORCE ACADEMY CANBERRA ACT 2600, AUSTRALIA EDITORIAL BOARD PUBLISHER PROF. DR.-ING. HELMUT HOLZAPFEL ZENTRUM FÜR MOBILITÄTSKULTUR KASSEL WORLD TRANSPORT POLICY AND PRACTICE, DÖRNBERGSTR. 12 41 CHURCH ST, 34119 KASSEL CHURCH STRETTON, WWW.MOBILITAETSKULTUR.EU SHROPSHIRE Tel: 0049-561-8075859 SY6 6DQ TELEPHONE +44 (0)1694 722365 ERIC BRITTON E-MAIL: MANAGING DIRECTOR, [email protected] ECOPLAN INTERNATIONAL, WEB: CENTER FOR TECHNOLOGY AND SYSTEMS http://worldtransportjournal.com STUDIES, 9, RUE GABILLOT 69003 LYON, FRANCE CONTENTS Contents 2 Editorial 4 Abstracts and Keywords 7 Planning as if Children Mattered: A Case for Transforming Automobile Dependent Cities and Some Examples of Best Practice. Jeff Kenworthy 12 Re-working Appleyard in a low density environment: An exploration of the impacts of motorised traffic volume on street livability in Christchurch, New Zealand. Wiki J., Kingham S., and Banwell K. 60 Transportation Equity in Morocco: A preliminary analysis of Casablanca’s Tram Line. Asmâa AIT BOUBKR 69 Electromobility: Will a changeover to electric-powered vehicles make transport systems environmentally friendly? Working Group of German and Austrian Emeritus Transport Professors 78 Driverless Cars Technology. What next? 30 Million cars on roads now, projected growth rates 20/30/2040? Upsides and downsides. John Mullins 85 Driverless Cars: On a road to nowhere. Christian Wolmar Reviewed by John Whitelegg 91 World Transport Policy and Practice 2 Volume 24.1 Mar 2018 “We are grateful for the financial support of the journal from the Dr Joachim und Hanna Schmidt Stiftung fuer Umwelt und Verkehr, Hamburg, Germany” http://www.dr-schmidt-stiftung.de/28-0-Aktuelle+Projekte.html World Transport Policy and Practice 3 Volume 24.1 Mar 2018 EDITORIAL road building and motorised transport sub- This issue brings together two important sidies. Casablanca has made a great deal strands of thinking in sustainable mobil- of progress on its public transport projects ity and the bigger picture around how the but as Asmaa Aitboubkr shows that we world is changing and now faces a rath- need to do a lot more thinking and priori- er stark choice. We can either go down tisation about equity and social justice and the route of high quality, people-centred, this means delivering traffic reductions healthy, active, child-friendly cities or we and increases in walking and cycling and can finish the job started by Henry Ford reductions in road traffic danger. and shape a future dominated by vehi- cles and technology, exterminate walking, The forces that are re-shaping our world in cycling and public transport and deeply ways that Henry Ford would have approved entrench our total submission to a space of so that we become even more depend- greedy, dollar-greedy, unhealthy techno- ent on sitting in cars and using vehicles for logical domination of the way we live. The as many trips every day of any length to latter is the world of electric vehicles and as many destinations as possible, are very autonomous vehicles (AVs) and is now strong. Electric vehicles (EVs) have suc- attracting large scale support and buy-in cessfully colonised the thinking of many from politicians, corporations and environ- transport planners and sustainability or- mental groups. ganisations for their ability (allegedly) to sort out climate change. Our view is that In this issue we are delighted that Jeff they do not represent a solution to climate Kenworthy has set out a very clear case change problems and the huge reductions and argument for the sustainable ethi- in greenhouse gases that are required to cal, child-friendly option that is available deliver even a small chance of heading-off and is already working in many best prac- the worst consequences of climate change. tice cities around the world. He provides This is a difficult subject for all of us work- a wealth of evidence and case studies to ing on sustainability issues. The EV has an show that we can design high quality cit- excellent track record in shifting thinking, ies with low level of car dependency and a planning, spending and delivery into car very high quality of life. This is supported world and contributing to the demise of by Wiki, Kingham and Banwell who pick up walking, cycling and local public transport. the Donald Appleyard revelations around “liveable street” and how attractive social Support for EVs requires a very strong spaces and quality of life depend on low reminder of prioritisation of options in ur- traffic volumes. We can have a high qual- ban planning, transport and design. This ity of life based on community activity and has been put very well indeed by Michael social interaction but only at low levels of Cramer of the European Parliament Com- traffic volumes. mittee on Transport: The article on public transport planning “Electric mobility can be part of the so- and funding in Casablanca reminds us all lution – but only if we overcome a nar- that the issues around sustainable mobility row vision focused almost exclusively are being tackled in different ways in Afri- on private cars. Let’s start by reducing ca, China, India and South America and re- transport demand and by shifting to quire a very sensitive and evidence-based modes that are already very environ- approach to the development of solutions. mentally-friendly, like walking, cycling, The European and North American model public transport and the railways. It is of widespread car ownership and use and absurd that some people now want to huge subsidies from tax dollars to road build overhead contact lines on motor- building, car parking and vehicle manufac- ways, while only 53% of the EU’s rail turing is being exposed around the world network are electrified. and colleagues in the countries struggling with congestion and pollution need assist- Electrifying transport can make sense ance to provide alternatives to even more provided that we choose a targeted ap- World Transport Policy and Practice 4 Volume 24.1 Mar 2018 proach. Let’s first focus on highly-used at Mullins and the book review and contact vehicles such as taxis, shared cars, us with comments. buses and trains. And e-bikes already Christian Wolmar is very good indeed at offer a real alternative for longer-dis- identifying the hype around AVs and the tance commuting or cycling in hilly ar- very poor track record on delivery. In one eas. Moreover, even the EU transport of those wonderful serendipity moments ministers confirmed that e-cargobikes that often crop up in the fertile world of could carry out more than 50% of all sustainable mobility writing this editorial freight operations in European cities. coincided with the receipt of a press re- lease on AVs: E-mobility must be thought across all modes, and as such it is only a propul- Driverless car will be able to turn sion technology that can never replace water vapour to tea as they travel good planning and clever policies.” NEWS COPY - WITH PICTURES AND Michael Cramer MEP, VIDEO Member of the Committee for Transport and Tourism, European Parliament Commuters could soon be taken to www.michael-cramer.eu work in a driverless car which is so clean they could relax on the journey We are very pleased indeed that we have with a cup of tea - brewed using water been given permission to publish the let- from the tailpipe. ter sent by 15 German transport profes- sors to a major German newspaper on EVs The state-of-the-art Hyundai Nexo is and very grateful to Professor Helmut Hol- a crossover SUV vehicle which runs on zapfel for arranging the translation. The electrical energy generated by hydro- letter makes some very important points gen fuel cells. that have been missed or misunderstood by many environmental organisations in Unlike traditional combustion engines, the UK including Friends of the Earth and hydrogen cars don’t emit carbon diox- Greenpeace. EVs are not a solution to cli- ide or nitrous oxide so its only by-prod- mate change problems. uct is water vapour. The world of car-centric thinking has now The water produced by Nexo could moved heavily into autonomous vehicles even be stored and used later to pour (AVs) sometimes known as driverless cars on plants or even used to make a cup (DCs). In this issue we have an article by of tea or coffee. John Mullins who works on AVs for a ma- jor UK based car manufacturer heavily in- Source: SWNS Digital, London volved in AV’s. The views expressed are his own, in his private capacity. His main We do not know whether this is real or a points are well made and will stimulate de- “wind-up” and a joke but it fits very well in- bate. I disagree with most of his points but deed with Christian Wolmar’s emphasis on this journal does not censor and wants to hype. Assuming for the moment that it is stimulate debate and will be delighted to real we note that there would appear to be publish any comments on AVs and their nothing that driverless cars cannot deliver impact on re-shaping cities, societies and and help us all to improve our sad lives by public health making it possible to make tea from water dripping out of an exhaust pipe. In this issue we carry a book review of “Driverless cars: on a road to nowhere” by The articles in this issue bring into very Christian Wolmar.
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