FAO EAF-Nansen Project Report No. 23 (Part A – English) EAF-N/PR/23 Baseline Reports PREPARATION OF MANAGEMENT PLANS FOR SELECTED FISHERIES IN AFRICA Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Mauritius, Mozambique, Nigeria, Seychelles, Sierra Leone and Tanzania NANSEN PROJECT THE EAF-NANSEN PROJECT FAO started the implementation of the project “Strengthening the Knowledge Base for and Implementing an Ecosystem Approach to Marine Fisheries in Developing Countries (EAF- Nansen GCP/INT/003/NOR)” in December 2006 with funding from the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad). The EAF-Nansen project is a follow-up to earlier projects/ programmes in a partnership involving FAO, Norad and the Institute of Marine Research (IMR), Bergen, Norway on assessment and management of marine fi shery resources in developing countries. The project works in partnership with governments and also Global Environment Facility (GEF)-supported Large Marine Ecosystem (LME) projects and other projects that have the potential to contribute to some components of the EAF-Nansen project. The EAF-Nansen project offers an opportunity to coastal countries in subSaharan Africa, working in partnership with the project, to receive technical support from FAO for the development of national and regional frameworks for the implementation of Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries management and to acquire additional knowledge on their marine ecosystems for their use in planning and monitoring. The project contributes to building the capacity of national fi sheries management administrations in ecological risk assessment methods to identify critical management issues and in the preparation, operationalization and tracking the progress of implementation of fi sheries management plans consistent with the ecosystem approach to fi sheries. FAO EAF-Nansen Project Report No. 23 (Part A – English) EAF-N/PR/23 STRENGTHENING THE KNOWLEDGE BASE FOR AND IMPLEMENTING AN ECOSYSTEM APPROACH TO MARINE FISHERIES IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES (EAF-NANSEN GCP/INT/003/NOR) PREPARATION OF MANAGEMENT PLANS FOR SELECTED FISHERIES IN AFRICA - BASELINE REPORTS Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Mauritius, Mozambique, Nigeria, Seychelles, Sierra Leone and Tanzania Edited by Kwame A. Koranteng Marcelo C. Vasconcellos Benedict P. Satia FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS Rome, 2014 The designations employed and the presentation of material in this information product do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) concerning the legal or development status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. The mention of specifi c companies or products of manufacturers, whether or not these have been patented, does not imply that these have been endorsed or recommended by FAO in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned. The views expressed in this information product are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily refl ect the views of FAO. All rights reserved. FAO encourages the reproduction and dissemination of material in this information product. Non-commercial uses will be authorized free of charge, upon request. Reproduction for resale or other commercial purposes, including educational purposes, may incur fees. Applications for permission to reproduce or disseminate FAO copyright materials, and all queries concerning rights and licences, should be addressed by e-mail to [email protected] or to the Chief, Publishing Policy and Support Branch, Offi ce of Knowledge Exchange, Research and Extension, FAO, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00153 Rome, Italy. © FAO 2014 iii PREPARATION OF THIS DOCUMENT The preparation of a fi shery management plan using the ecosystem approach to fi sheries (EAF) framework starts with scoping. During this process, a clear defi nition of the scale and type of fi shery is agreed, and a shared understanding of the social, economic and ecological objectives of the management plan is established. A Baseline Report that presents an agreed state of knowledge on the fi shery prior to the introduction of EAF in its management is prepared. A number of countries in coastal Africa have been assisted by the EAF-Nansen Project to prepare management plans for fi sheries of economic or social importance. For each fi shery, a Baseline Report was prepared, either by a national expert with knowledge of the fi shery, or by a team of EAF National Task Group (NTG) members. The report was discussed and validated by the NTG and used in subsequent steps of the planning process. This document is a compilation of 16 Baseline Reports and it is presented in two parts. Part one (this part) contains nine reports prepared in English and Part 2 contains seven reports prepared in French. The original reports have been edited and re-formatted for completeness and accuracy, with missing or additional information provided by the authors. iv CONTENTS CHAPTER 1: AN EAF BASELINE REPORT FOR THE BEACH SEINE FISHERY IN GHANA Alabi Bortey, Francis K.E. Nunoo 1. Introduction 1 1.1. The role of beach seine fi shing in Ghana 2 2. Overview of the fi shery and resources exploited 3 2.1. Fishing gear used and areas fi shed 3 2.2. Resources exploited 3 2.3. Number of fi shers and land-based workers by sector 3 2.4. Interactions with other fi sheries 4 3. Available scientifi c and traditional knowledge on the resources 4 3.1. Biology of the major species 4 3.2. Geographical distribution of the species 6 3.3. Status of the stocks 7 3.4. Direct interactions with the ecosystem 7 3.5. Traditional knowledge about the fi shery and the resources exploited 11 4. Annual catches 11 5. Importance of the fi shery in the national economy 13 5.1. Value of the catches 13 5.2. Products and markets 13 6. Fisheries management plan and objectives 14 7. Legal framework 15 8. Institutional and administrative frameworks for fi sheries management 15 8.1. National and regional forums for discussions on fi sheries management 16 9. Management measures and tools currently in use and status of implementation 17 9.1. Effectiveness of the current management measures 18 9.2. Enforcement and compliance issues 18 10. Other comments relevant to current management of the fi shery and the way forward for the introduction of EAF 18 11. Conclusion 19 References 20 v CONTENTS CHAPTER 2: AN EAF BASELINE REPORT FOR THE SMALL AND MEDIUM PELAGIC FISHERIES OF KENYA George Waweru Maina, Kennedy Osuka 1. Introduction 22 2. Overview of the fi shery and resources exploited 24 2.1. Fishing gear used and areas fi shed 24 2.2. Resources exploited 29 2.3. Number of fi shers and land-based workers by sector 32 2.4. Interactions with other fi sheries 33 3. Available scientifi c and traditional knowledge on the resources 35 3.1. Biology of the major species 35 3.2. Geographical distribution of the species and estimated status of the stocks 36 3.3. Direct interactions with the ecosystem 39 3.4. Traditional knowledge about the marine fi shery and the resources exploited 39 4. Annual catches 43 5. Importance of the fi shery in the national economy 50 5.1. Value of the catches 50 5.2. Products and markets 52 6. Fisheries management plan and objectives 59 7. Legal framework 62 8. Institutional and administrative frameworks for fi sheries management 67 8.1. National and regional forums for discussions on fi sheries management 70 9. Management measures and tools currently in use and status of implementation 73 9.1. Enforcement and compliance issues 78 References 80 vi CONTENTS CHAPTER 3: AN EAF BASELINE REPORT ON THE SMALL-SCALE FISHERIES SECTOR OF LIBERIA D. Wisseh Kay, Paul Larry George, Glasgow Togba 1. Introduction 90 2. Overview of the fi shery and resources exploited 92 2.1. The fi shing gears and areas fi shed 96 2.2. Resources exploited 97 2.3. Number of fi shers and land-based workers by sector 98 2.4. Interactions with other fi sheries 98 3. Available scientifi c and traditional knowledge on the resources 99 3.1. Biology of the major species 99 3.2. Geographical distribution and biomass of the fi sh species 99 3.3. Status of the stocks 101 3.4. Direct interactions with the ecosystem 102 3.5. Traditional knowledge about the fi shery and the resources exploited 103 4. Annual catches 105 5. Importance of the fi shery in the national economy 108 6. Fisheries management plan and objectives 110 7. Legal framework 110 8. Institutional and administrative frameworks for fi sheries management 111 9. Management measures and tools currently in use and status of implementation 114 References and sources of information 117 vii CONTENTS CHAPTER 4: AN EAF BASELINE REPORT FOR THE FISHERIES OF SHALLOW WATER DEMERSAL FISH SPECIES OF THE SAYA DE MALHA AND NAZARETH BANKS OF MAURITIUS Munesh Munbodh 1. Introduction 118 2. Overview of the fi shery and resources exploited 120 2.1. Fishing gear used and areas fi shed 121 2.2. Resources exploited 124 2.3. Number of fi shers and land-based workers by sector 124 2.4. Interactions with other fi sheries 125 3. Available scientifi c and traditional knowledge on the resources 126 3.1. Biology of the major species 126 3.2. Geographical distribution of the species 126 3.3. Status of the stock 126 3.4. Interaction with the Ecosystem 127 3.5. Traditional knowledge of the fi shery and resources exploited 127 4. Annual catches 127 5. Importance of the fi shery in the national economy 130 5.1. Value of the catches 131 5.2. Imported fi sh from Indonesia 132 5.3. Products and Markets 132 6. Fisheries management plan and objectives 133 7.
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