Additional SupplyNeeds (to be suppliedby you) WARNING: THISSET CONTAINS CHEMICALS & APPARATUS Your Microchemistry set includes all of the special chemicals and materials to provide you with the reagent chemicals and equipmentto perform experiments and provide you with hours of educational fun. Since there are so manyexperiments and procedures, you are THATMAY BE HARMFUL IF MISUSED. READ asked to supply manyof the commonhousehold items and household chemicals which would be impractical to supply and ship in your ITEM #2835 chemistry set. AGES 10 AND UP CAUTIONSONINDIVIDUAL CONTAINERS Youwill need to gather various items listed in each experiment so that you can perform the experiments. Always read through your experimentbeforehand and gather all of the materials you will needat the beginning. CAREFULLY.NOTTO BE USED BY CHILDREN Thefollowing list of outside items and materials is listed below for your convenience.You DO NOT need to collect ALLitems on the list EXCEPTUNDER ADULT SUPERVISION. at one time, only as you plan aheadto perform a particular experimentor series of experiments. Plastic sheeting for work area Lemonjuice paper towels for cleanup 3% solution hydrogen peroxide Cotton or cotton balls Fine steel wool Scissors Rawliver ,® Distilled water Raw potato Isopropyl RubbingAlcohol or Ethyl RubbingAlcohol Grassclippings and/or plant leaf SMITHSONIAN Cardstock (3" x 5" filing card) Sunlight and/or strong artificial light source Pencils (red and black) Sodiumbicarbonate (baking soda) Ball point pen Alka Seltzer~ tablet Kitchen paring knife Teaspoon Chem-Works Fine sandpaper Toothbrush Sheet of white paper Window pane Liquid dishwashing soap Woodenruler MicroChemistry Hair shampoo Set of colored pencils Dishwasher Jet-Dry @soap Flower petals Liquid hand soap Plant fruit skins i.e. blueberries, blackberries,cherries, red cab- Baby powder or talcum powderor flour bage leaves ~" 2 3 4 7 __~.__~ 1 0 1 1 1 2D SodiumChloride (table salt) Householdtea from tea bags 5 6 Iron nails Householdsoap solution Copper tacks Liquid laundry detergent O0 0000 Aluminumnails Pet shampoo Styrofoamballs Clear soda (sparkling water) Modeling clay Toothpaste O0 0000 Toothpicks Milk P!pe c!ea~ers Grapefruit juice O0 0000 Straws Rain water Gum drops Plastic wrap 00"" "-" 9 volt battery Fine line marker D-cell battery Individual brand samplesof different vinegars i.e. apple cider Vinegar vinegar, white vinegar, ambervinegar, pineapple vinegar, tarra- Cornstarch gon vinegar Several heavy books Various brands of Antacid tablets Crushed ice C~eanseror scouring powder Cellophane tape Kleenex Transparent tape Various nickels and pennies (15 each) Household ammonia Model paint or fingernail enamel Plastic sandwich bags © MM NATURAL SCIENCE INDUSTRIES, LTD. 910 ORLANDOAVENUE ¯ WESTHEMPSTEAD, NY 11552-3942° (516) 678-1700 © 2000Smithsonian ® Institution PART#2835-08 PRINTEDIN HONGKONG PLEASE KEEP A NOTE OF OUR NAME AND ADDRESSDETAILS FOR FUTURE REFERENCE. Chem-Works List of Set Contents IN U.S.A. CONTACT." IN EUROPECONTACT: NATURALSCIENCEINDUSTRIES, LTD. NSI SIMM GmbH #8 1 Well.............. CobaltChloride ...................... China 1 Each.............. 6"Plastic Ruler ............................ China 910 Orlando Avenue D 76162 KARLSRUHE #11 1 Bottle.......... CopperSulfate ........................ England West Hempstead, NY 11552-3942 1 Each.............. FilterPaper .................................. England GERMANY #18 1 Bottle.......... SodiumSilicate ...................... Sweden 1 Package........ MoleculeKit.................................. China 516-678-1700 49- 0721-9584-116 #40 1 Bottle.......... CalciumHydroxide .................. Germany #41 1 Well.............. CalciumNitrate ...................... Japan 1 Each.............. SafetyGoggles ............................ China #42 1 Bottle.......... CitricAcid................................ China 1 Package........ GalvanometerKit .......................... China 1 Pair................ SpringClips .................................. WARNING!ONLY FOR USE BY CHILDREN OVER 10 YEARS OLD. TO BE USED SOLELY UNDER THE STRICT #44 1 Well.............. FerrousSulfate ...................... Taiwan China #47 1 Well.............. MethyleneBlue ...................... England 1 Each.............. SodaStraw .................................. Hong Kong SUPERVISION OF ADULTS THAT HAVE STUDIED THE PRECAUTIONSGIVEN IN THE EXPERIMENTALSET. #49 1 Bottle.......... PotassiumIodide .................... Japan 1 Each.............. Magnifier...................................... China #53 1 Bottle.......... Germany CAUTION!CONTAINS SOME CHEMICALS WHICH ARE CLASSIFIED AS A SAFETY HAZARD. READ THE IN- SodiumSulfate ........................ 1 Each.............. BatteryClip 9V ............................. China STRUCTIONS BEFORE USE, FOLLOWTHEM AND KEEP FOR REFERENCE. DO NOT ALLOW CHEMICALS TO COME #57 1 Bottle.......... AluminumAmmonium Sulfate China #58 1 Bottle.......... AmmoniumChloride .............. Japan 2 Each.............. 1oz. Cup ...................................... U.S.A. INTO CONTACTWITH ANY PART OF THE BODY, PARTICULARLY THE MOUTHAND EYES. KEEP SMALL CHILDREN 1 Bottle.......... 1 Each.............. AtomSheet .................................. China AND ANIMALS AWAYFROM EXPERIMENTS. STORE THIS SET OUT OF REACH FROMSMALL CHILDREN. EYE PRO- #64 MagnesiumSulfate ................ Germany #65 1 Well.............. Phenolphthalein...................... U.S.A. t Each.............. RedLED ...................................... China TECTION FOR SUPERVISING ADULTS IS NOT PROVIDED. #67 1 Bottle.......... SodiumCarbonate .................. Germany 1 Each.............. Microplate.................................... ENTER THE DETAILS AND TELEPHONE NUMBEROF THE LOCAL POISON CENTER QR HOSPITAL IN THE BOX China #70 1 Well.............. UniversalIndicator .................. U.S.A. 8 Each.............. Pipette.......................................... U.S.A. BELOW: #63 1 Package...... IronWire ................................ China 1 Each.............. Resistor1K Ohm .......................... Taiwan IN CASE OF ACCIDENTAL INTAKE OF A CHEMICAL CONTACT: #54 1 Package...... ZincWire ................................ China #38 1 Package...... AluminumWire........................ China Each.............. PlasticTube with Cap .................. China #61 1 Package...... CopperWire ............................ China 2 Each............ Toothpick...................................... China Each.............. PVCCoated Wire ........................ China Each.............. InstructionManual ........................ Hong Kong GENERALFIRST AID INFORMATION: IN CASE OF EYE CONTACT: WASHOUT WITH PLENTY OF WATER, HOLDING EYE OPENIF NECESSARY.SEEK IM- MEDIATE MEDICAL ADVICE. IF SWALLOWED:WASH OUT MOUTHWITH PLENTY OF WATER, DRINK SOME FRESH If wemade an error andleft somethingout of this set, or if WATER. DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING. SEEK IMMEDIATE MEDICAL ADVICE. IN CASE OF INHALATION: REMOVE somethingis damaged,we are sorry and wish to correct our PERSONTO FRESH AIR. IN CASE OF CONTACTAND BURNS: WASH AFFECTED AREA WITH PLENTY OF WATER error. Pleasedo not return the set to the store whereyou FOR 5 MINUTES. IN CASE OF INJURY OR DOUBT, SEEK MEDICAL ADVICE WITHOUT DELAY. TAKE THE CHEMI- purchasedit, as the store doesnot havereplacement parts. CAL WITH THE CONTAINERWITH YOU. NOTE: FIRST AID INFORMATIONMAY ALSO BE FOUNDIN THE INSTRUC- Instead,write us a letter givingus: TIONS FOR CARRYING OUT THE EXPERIMENTS OR ON THE CONTAINERS. 1. Date of Purchase ADVICE FOR SUPERVISING ADULTS: 2. WherePurchased 3. Price Paid ¯ READ AND FOLLOWTHESE SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS, THE SAFETY RULES AND THE FIRST AID INFORMATION 4. Model Number AND KEEP THEM FOR REFERENCE. ¯ THE INCORRECT USE OF CHEMICALS CAN CAUSE INJURY AND DAMAGE 5. Nameof Set TO HEALTH. ¯ ONLY CARRYOUT THOSEEXPERIMENTS WHICH ARE LISTED IN THE INSTRUCTIONS. ¯ THIS SET IS 6. Brief Descriptionof Problem FOR USE BY CHILDREN OVER 10 YEARS OF AGE. ¯ BECAUSE CHILDREN’S ABILITIES VARY SQ MUCH, EVEN 7. SalesReceipt WITHIN AGE GROUPS, SUPERVISING ADULTS SHOULD EXERCISE DISCRETION AS TO WHICH EXPERIMENTS ARE SUITABLE AND SAFE FOR THEM. THE INSTRUCTIONS SHOULDENABLE SUPERVISORSTO ASSESS ANY EX- PERIMENTTO ESTABLISH ITS SUITABILITY FOR A PARTICULARCHILD. ¯ THE SUPERVISINGADULT SHOULDDIS- CUSS THE WARNINGS AND SAFETY INFORMATION WITH THE CHILD OR CHILDREN BEFORE COMMENCINGTHE EXPERIMENTS. PARTICULARATTENTION SHOULDBE PAID TO THE SAFE HANDLINGOF HOT LIQUIDS. THE AREA SURROUNDINGTHE ACTIVITY SHOULD BE KEPT CLEAR OF ANY OBSTRUCTIONS AND AWAY FROM STORAGE OF FOOD, IT SHOULDBE WELL LIT AND VENTILATEDAND CLOSE TO A WATERSUPPLY. ¯ A SOLID TABLE WITH A HEAT RESISTANT TOP SHOULD BE PROVIDED. Wewill do our best to satisfy you. SAFETY RULES: ° DO READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USE, FOLLOWTHEM AND KEEP THEM FORREFERENCE. ¯ DO KEEP Quality Control Department YOUNG CHILDREN AND ANIMALS AND THOSE NOT WEARING EYE PROTECTION AWAYFROM THE EXPERIMEN- Natural Science Industries, Ltd. TAL AREA. ¯ DO ALWAYSWEAR EYE PROTECTION.¯ DO STORE CHEMICALSETS OUT OFREACH OF YOUNGCHIL- 910 Orlando Avenue DREN. ¯ DO CLEAN ALL EQUIPMENTAND WASHAFTER CARRYINGOUT THE EXPERIMENTS.¯ DO NOT EAT, DRINK West Hempstead, NY 11552-3942 OR SMOKEIN THE ACTIVITY OR EXPERIMENTALAREA. ¯ DO NOT USE EQUIPMENTWHICH HAS NOT BEEN SUP- (516) 678-1700 PLIED QR RECOMMENDEDIN THE SET. ¯ DO NOT ALLOWCHEMICALS TO COMEINTO CONTACTWITH THE EYES OR MOUTH. ¯ DO NOT REPLACEFOODSTUFFS IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER. DISPOSE OF IMMEDIATELY. ¯ DO MAKE SURE THAT ALL CONTAINERS ARE FULLY CLOSED AND PROPERLYSTORED
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