Treaty Series Treaties and internationalagreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariatof the United Nations Recueil des Traites Traitis et accords internationaux enregistrds ou classes et inscrits au ripertoire au Secritariatde l'Organisationdes Nations Unies Copyright © United Nations 1998 All rights reserved Manufactured in the United States of America Copyright © Nations Unies 1998 Tous droits rdservrs Imprimd aux Etats-Unis d'Amrrique Treaty Series Treaties and internationalagreements registered orfiled and recorded with the Secretariatof the United Nations VOLUME 1587 Recueil des Traitis Traitds et accords internationaux enregistris ou classis et inscrits au ripertoire au Secritariatde l'Organisationdes Nations Unies United Nations * Nations Unies New York, 1998 Treaties and internationalagreements registeredor filed and recorded with the Secretariatof the United Nations VOLUME 1587 1990 I. Nos. 27700-27744 TABLE OF CONTENTS I Treaties and internationalagreements registeredfrom 7 December 1990 to 12 December 1990 Page No. 27700. Federal Republic of Germany and Zimbabwe: Agreement for the avoidance of double taxation with respect to taxes on income, capital and capital gains (with protocol). Signed at Harare on 22 April 1988 ....... 3 No. 27701. Federal Republic of Germany and Cameroon: Agreement concerning cultural and scientific co-operation. Signed at Yaound6 on 27 Junel988 ...............................................................................................................91 No. 27702. Federal Republic of Germany and Yugoslavia: Arrangement concerning the detachment of Yugoslav workers from associated labour organizations in the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and their employment on work contracts in the Federal Republic of Germany. Signed at B elgrade on 24 A ugust 1988 ...................................................................................... 107 No. 27703. Federal Republic of Germany and Union of Soviet Socialist Re- publics: Agreement on early notification of a nuclear accident and exchange of information concerning nuclear facilities. Signed at Moscow on 25 October 1988 ..................127 Exchange of notes constituting an agreement concluded pursuant to article 5 of the above-mentioned Agreement (with annex). Bonn, 13 June 1989 .............. 127 No. 27704. Federal Republic of Germany and Union of Soviet Socialist Re- publics: Protocol concerning assistance for Armenia. Signed at Bonn on 13 May 1989 ........... 161 Vol. 1587 Traitds et accords internationaux enregistrisou classis et inscrits au rpertoire au Secrtariatde l'Organisationdes Nations Unies VOLUME 1587 1990 I. N s 27700-27744 TABLE DES MATIERES Traitds et accords internationaux enregistrdsdu 7 dicembre 1990 au 12 ddcembre 1990 Pages NO 27700. Rkpublique f6dkrale d'Allemagne et Zimbabwe: Convention tendant A dviter la double imposition en matiire d'imp6ts sur le revenu, sur la fortune et sur les gains en capital (avec protocole). Signde H arare le 22 avril 1988 ............................................................................................. 3 N0 27701. Ripublique f6d6rale d'Allemagne et Cameroun: Accord de coop6ration culturelle et scientifique. Sign6 A Yaoundd le 27 juin 1988 ..............................................................................................................................9 1 NO 27702. R6publique fkdkrale d'Allemagne et Yougoslavie : Accord relatif au d6tachement de travailleurs yougoslaves d'organisations du tra- vail associ6es de la R6publique f&i6rative socialiste de Yougoslavie et Aleur emploi en R6publique f&l6rale d'Allemagne dans le cadre de contrats entre entreprises. Sign6 ABelgrade le 24 aofit 1988 .......................................................... 107 NO 27703. R6publique f6dirale d'Allemagne et Union des Rpubliques socia- listes soviktiques : Accord relatif A la notification rapide d'un accident nucl6aire et A l'6change de renseignements sur les centrales nucl6aires. Sign6 A Moscou le 25 octobre 1988 ..............................................................................................................................127 tchange de notes constituant un accord conclu en application de l'article 5 de l'Accord susmentionn6 (avec annexe). Bonn, 13juin 1989 ................................... 127 N0 27704. Republique f~dirale d'Allemagne et Union des Rpubliques socia- listes sovi6tiques : Protocole relatif Al'aideen faveur de l'Arm~nie. Sign6 ABonn le 13 mai 1989 ........... 161 Vol. 1587 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitks Page No. 27705. Federal Republic of Germany and Union of Soviet Socialist Re- publics: Agreement on the establishment of a direct communications line between the Office of the Federal Chancellor in Bonn and the Kremlin in Moscow. Signed at B onn on 13 June 1989 ............................................................................................. 171 No. 27706. Federal Republic of Germany and Union of Soviet Socialist Re- publics: Agreement on cooperation in combating the illicit use of and traffic in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances. Signed at Bonn on 13 June 1989 ................. 185 No. 27707. Federal Republic of Germany and Union of Soviet Socialist Re- publics: Agreement concerning construction of the prosthetics centre at Yerevan in imple- mentation of the Protocol of 13 May 1989 between the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics concerning assistance for Armenia. Signed at Bonn on 23 O ctober 1989 .......................................................................................................... 207 No. 27708. Federal Republic of Germany and Hungary: Agreement on cooperation in environmental protection (with work plan). Signed at Budapest on 12 D ecem ber 1988 ............................................................................... 233 No. 27709. Federal Republic of Germany and Hungary: Agreement concerning the employment of workers for the extension of vocational and linguistic knowledge (Foreign Labour Agreement). Signed at Budapest on 18 D ecem ber 1989 ...................................................................................................... 325 No. 27710. Federal Republic of Germany and Bulgaria: Agreement on cooperation in environmental protection (with work plan). Signed at B onn on 14 A pril 1989 ................................................................................................ 339 No. 27711. Federal Republic of Germany and Canada: Agreement concerning host nation support during crisis or war. Signed at Bonn on 9 Ju ne 1989 ..................................................................................................................399 No. 27712. Federal Republic of Germany and Ethiopia: Agreement concerning the lease of a plot of land with two buildings as a replace- ment for the former German school in Addis Ababa (with annex). Signed at A ddis A baba on 16 June 1989 .................................................................................... 411 No. 27713. Federal Republic of Germany and Yemen: Agreement on archaeological cooperation. Signed at San'a on 30 August 1989 ......... 429 Vol. 1587 1990 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis VII Pages NO 27705. Rpublique fkdkrale d'Allemagne et Union des Rpubliques socia- listes soviktiques : Accord relatif A l'dtablissement d'une ligne de communications directe entre le bureau du Chancelier f~ddral ABonn et le Kremlin AMoscou. Sign6 ABonn le 13 ju in 1989 ..................................................................................................................17 1 NO 27706. Rkpublique fkd~rale d'Allemagne et Union des Rkpubliques socia- listes sovi~tiques : Accord de coopdration en vue de combattre l'abus des stup6fiants et des subs- tances psychotropes et leur trafic illicite. Signd ABonn le 13 juin 1989 ................ 185 N0 27707. Republique fkd6rale d'Allemagne et Union des Rpubliques socia- listes soviktiques : Accord relatif A la construction du centre prothdtique AErivan en ex6cution du Protocole du 13 mai 1989 entre le Gouvernement de la R6publique f6d6rale d'Allemagne et le Gouvernement de l'Union des R6publiques socialistes sovi6tiques relatif Al'aide en faveur de l'Arm6nie. Sign6 ABonn le 23 octobre 1989 .............................................................................................................................207 N0 27708. Rtpublique fed~rale d'Allemagne et Hongrie: Accord relatif Lla coopdration en mati~re de protection de l'environnement (avec plan de travail). Sign6 ABudapest le 12 dcembre 1988 ......................................... 233 N0 27709. Ripublique fkdkrale d'Allemagne et Hongrie: Convention relative A l'embauche de travailleurs en vue de perfectionner leurs connaissances professionnelles et linguistiques (Accord relatif b 1'embauche de travailleurs migrants). Sign6e ABudapest le 18 d6cembre 1989 ....................... 325 N0 27710. Ripublique ftd~rale d'Allemagne et Bulgarie: Accord relatif b la coopdration en mati~re de protection de 1'environnement (avec plan de travail). Sign6ABonn le 14 avril 1989 .......................................................... 339 N0 27711. RWpublique f~dkrale d'Allemagne et Canada: Accord concernant l'assistance accord6e par l'ltat d'accueil en cas de crise ou de guerre. Sign6 ABonn le 9juin 1989 ...........................................................................
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