' 334 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE ·JANUARY 18 To be senior surgeon, effective July 6, 1944 The Journal of the proceedings of yes­ The SPEAKER. Is there objection to Fletcher C. Stewart terday was read and approved. the request of the gentleman from Wis­ To be temporary passed assistant surgeon. ADJOURNMENT OVER consin? There was no objection. effective December 1, 1944 Mr. McCORMACK . Mr. Speaker, I Arthur Kornberg ask unanimous consent that . when the PERMISSION TO ADDRESS THE HOUSE To be temporary senior surgeons, effective House adjourns today it adjourn to meet Mrs. ROGERS of Massachusetts. Mr. Deeernber 1, 1944 on Monday next. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to pro­ Ralph R. Braund The SPEAKER. Is there objection to ceed for 1 minute and to revise and ex­ Leslie McC. Smith · the request of the gentleman from Mas­ tend my remarks. Francis J. Weber sachusetts? The SPEAKER. Is there objection to To.be temporary surgeons, effecUve December There was no objection. the request of the gentlewoman from 1, 1944 EXTENSION OF REMARKS Massachusetts? Esta R. Allen There was no objection. William B. Hoover Mr. GRANGER. Mr. Speaker, I ask [Mrs. RoGERS of Massachusetts ad­ John D. Porterfield ·unanimous consent to extend my owh dressed the House. Her remarks appear Jack C. Haldeman remarks in the RECORD and to include in the Appendix.] · POSTMASTERS therein an article appearing in Collier's Mr. HALLECK . Mr. Speaker, I ask GEORGIA Weekly. The Public Printer estimates unanimous consent to address the House Grady Richardson, Donalsonville. the cost to be $130 in. excess of that for 1 minute and to revise and extend my Jesse G. Scaife, For~ Gaines. allowed under the rules of the House, · remarks. ILLl!iOIS and I ask that I ma'y include this ar­ The SPEAKER. Is there objection to M. Elaine Bryant, Browning. .ticle notwithstanding the estimate. the request of the gentleman from In­ James L. Westfall, Crossville. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to diana? James C. St anley, Fairfield. · the request of the gentleman from Utah? There was no objection. Gei).evieve B. Livesay, Posen. There was no objection. • [Mr; HALLECK addressed the House. Kenneth A. Elmore, Quincy. Mr. HOCH, Mr. SULLIVAN, and Mr.; His remarks appear in the Appendix.] · KANSAS PLUMLEY asked and were given per­ EXTENSION OF REMARKS Reuben J. Wilhelm, Bazine. mission to extend their own remarks in Harold V. Luginbill, Greensburg. the RECORD. Mr. HOPE. Mr. Speaker, I ask unan­ Joseph Lillard Johnson, Osawatomie. Mr. LYNCH. Mr. Speaker, I . ask . imous consent to extend my. remarks in Wade H. McDowell, Paola. unanimous consent to extend my own re­ the RECORD and include therein certain Gordon A~vis, Seneca. extracts from letters. Charles S. SII?-ith, Westmoreland. marks in the RECORD and to include an article from the New York Sun, and I The SPEAKER. Is there objection to TENNESSEE• also ask unanimous consent to extend the request of the gentleman from Kan­ Louise C. ·Treadway, Pleasant Hil~. my remarks in the RECORD and to include sas? a resolution of the City Council of the There was no objection. City of New York. Mr. REED of New York. Mr. Speaker, The SPEAKER. Is there objection to I ask unanimous consent to extend my HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the request of the gentleman from New remarks in the RECORD and include York? therein excerpts from letters.· THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1945 The SPEAKER. Is there objection to There was no objection. the request of the gentleman from New The House met at 12 o'clock noon, and Mr. COX. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani­ York? was called to order l.>y the Speaker. mous consent to extend my own remarks There was no objection. Rev. Bernard Braskamp, D. D., pastor in the RECORD anc:. to include a very of the Gunton Temple Memorial Pres­ thoughtful article appearing in the Jan­ AGRICULTURAL WORKERS byterian Church, Washington, D. C., uary 1 issue of the Pathfinder. Mr. BROWN of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, offered the following p·rayer: The SPEAKER. Is there objection to I ask unanimous consent to address the the request of the gentleman from House for 1 minute and include two let­ Almighty God, hitherto we have been Georgia? ters addressed to me and to revise and the beneficiaries of Thy bountiful provi­ There was no objection. extend my remarks. dence, and we rejoice that in each suc­ The SPEAKER. Is there objection to ceeding day we may find our strength PERMISSION TO ADDRESS THE HOUSE the request of the gentleman from Ohio'? and hope in Thee. Mr. EDWIN ARTHUR HALL. Mr. · There was no objection. · We pray that during this new year Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that [Mr. BROWN of Ohio addressed the Thou wilt endue with special tokens of on Thursday, January 25, after disposi­ House. His remarks appear in the Ap­ divine wisdom our President, our Speak­ tion of matters on the Speaker's table pendix.] er, and all the Members of this Congress and at the conclusion of any special or­ who have been entrusted with the voca­ ders heretofore entered, I may be per­ EXTENSION OF REMARKS tion of administering the affairs of gov­ mitted to address the House for 30 Mr. GILLIE. Mr. Speaker, I ask ernment. May our beloved country minutes. unanimous consent to extend · my re­ continue to be the land of faith and of The SPEAKER. Is there objection to marks in the RECORD and include therein freedom. the request of the gentleman from New an editorial from the Fort Wayne News- Show us how we may find promising York? Sentinel. and practical ways of meeting the needs There was no objection. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to of mankind of whatever race or creed. the request of the gentleman from In­ Help us to solve the problems of human EXTENSION OF REMARKS diana? relationships on the high and hallowed Mr. SPRINGER. Mr. Speaker, I ask There was no objection. levels of a sacred respect for human per­ unanimous consent to extend my own ASSISTANT READING CLERK sonality and human rights. remarks in the RECORD and to include Grant that we may be inspired to· es­ a newspaper article appearing in the Mr. COCHRAN. Mr. Speaker, I offer tablish a new world order of social New York Sun. a resolution <H. Res. 95) and ask for its justice and international friendship The SPEAKER. Is there objection to immediate considerati.Qn. through understanding and good will. the request of the gentleman from In- The Clerk read the resolution1 as fol­ When we are discouraged, disappointed, diana? · lows:· and disillusioned, we pray that we There was no objection. Resolved, That there shall be paid out of may accept the challenge of a stronger Mr. SMITH - ·of Wisconsin. Mr. the contingent fund of the House, until · otherwise provided, by law, compensation at and greater faith in the Lord our God. Speaker, I ask un~nimbus consent to ex­ . the rate of $3,600 per annum, payable month­ We offer our prayer through the tend my own remarks in the Appendix of ly, for the services of an assistant reading merits and mediation of the Christ our the RECOR.D and to include a· letter and ' clerk, who shall be designated by the Clerk Savi our. Arne~. · two resolutions. · of the House, subject to the approval of the 1.945 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 335 Speaker: Provided, however, That the author­ still further economies in the depart- Ur. ALLEN of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, ization and appropriation herein contained shall terminate whenever a vacancy occurs ments ·through the separation of un- I want to cooperate in the passing of in a position of reading clerk. necessary employees. I have called at- these committee rules today. I do not tention heretofore to the· fact that many think there is any question concerning The resolution was agreed to. of these persons are unnecessarily em- the necessity for them, and there.fore I A motion to reconsider was laid on the played and should be eliminated from reserve the balance of my time. table. the pay rolls. Mr. HOFFMAN. Mr. Speaker, will the - COMMITTEE ON THE CIVIL SERVICE Mr. HOFFMAN. Mr. Speaker, will the gentleman yield for a question? Mr. SABATH. Mr. Speaker, I call up gentleman yield? Mr. ALLEN of Illinois. I yield to the House Resolution 66 and ask for its im­ Mr. SABATH. No. gentleman. Mr. HOFFMAN. Just for a question? Mr. HOFFMAN. Is there any opposi- mediate consideration. Mr. SABATH. The gentleman will tion to the rule? The Clerk read the resolution, as fol­ pardon me. We have seven of these Mr. ALLEN of Illinois. No; there is lows: resolutions. We are going to adjourn not. Resolved, That the Committee on the Civil over tomorrow and Saturday. I want to Mr. HOFFMAN. Why do we not vote Service, acting as a whole or by subcommittee get these resolutions passed today if I on it? or subcommittees appointed by the chairman of said committee, is authm,ized and directed possibly can. I am not going to take Mr. ALLEN of Illinois. That is what (a) to conduct thorough studies and investi­ up much time. I am endeavoring to do. gation of the policies and practices relating Mr. HOFFMAN. Will the gentleman Mr. SABATH. Mr. Speaker, I yield to civilian employment in the departments yield for a parliamentary inquiry? 5 minutes to the gentleman from Mis- · and agencies of the Government, including Mr. SABATH. That·would have to be souri [Mr. COCHRAN]. Government-owned corporations; (b) to propounded to the Speaker. Mr. COCHRAN. Mr. Speaker, as the study and investigate the effect of such poli­ cies and practices upon the conduct of the Mr.
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