![ミルスペース 130522------[What’S New in Virtual Library?]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -ミルスペース 130522- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [What’s New in Virtual Library?] NASA KSC Spaceport News 1305SF_Contents.pdf, Cover.jpg 130517nasa_KSC_SpaceportNews_8pages.pdf, Cover.jpg 1304SF_Contents.pdf, Cover.jpg Military Technology 1303SF_Contents.pdf, Cover.jpg 1304MT_Contents.pdf, Cover.jpg milsatmagazine IBS Space Flight milsatmagazine_13May_69pages.pdf,Cover.jpg 1306SF_Contents.pdf, Cover.jpg [What’s New in Real Library?] [謝辞] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5 月 20 日(月)9 時 53 分 AFP=時事 ロシアの生物実験衛星が帰還、生還のネズミは半分以下 が旅途中で死んだ。科学者らによると、衛星に乗せられていた動植物 のうち、ハツカネズミ 45 匹の大半と、スナネズミ 8 匹、イモリ 15 匹が、機 器不具合やストレスが原因で死んだ。だが、このミッションにより、有人 火星飛行に道を開くことが期待されるデータがもたらされたという。同ア カデミーのウラジーミル・シコフ(Vladimir Sychov)氏は露通信社に対し、 「動物が自分たちだけで宇宙にこれほど長く滞在したのは、これが初だ」 と語った。「半分以下のハツカネズミしか生還できなかったが、予想され ていたことだった。残念ながら、スナネズミは機器不具合により全て死ん だ」 衛星にはこの他、カタツムリや植物、微小植物も乗せられていた。 仏国立宇宙研究センタ(CNES)によると、実験で使われたハツカネズミ のうち 15 匹は、ミッションに協力している仏の研究所が提供した。同セ カザフスタンのバイコヌール宇宙基地から打上げられる、生物実験衛星「ビオン ンタ関係者は、今回のプロジェクトは「無重力に人間を適応させるため M」を乗せたソユーズ 2.1B ロケット(2013 年 4 月 19 日撮影)。 の、決定的進展」となったと述べている。動物たちは 5 つの特殊容器に 【AFP=時事】生命体が長期宇宙旅行にどれだけ耐えられるかを調 入れられ、宇宙に送られた。容器は軌道に到達すると自動的に開き、 査するため、露が 1 か月前に打上げた生物実験衛星「ビオン M 帰還時には閉じる仕組みになっていた。また衛星には、心拍数や血圧、 (Bion-M)」が 19 日、地球に帰還した。ロシア科学アカデミー(Russian 放射線量など、あらゆるデータを計測する 20 以上の装置が搭載され Academy of Sciences)科学者らによると、乗せられていたネズミ大半 ていた。【翻訳編集】 AFPBB News http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20130520-00000013-jij_afp-sctch - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5 月 18 日(土)19 時 6 分 レスポンス 米国 ATK、自社生産の遮熱材を用いたアトラス V ロケットが打上げ成功 アトラス V ロケット ATK は 5 月 16 日、自社製ハードを供給するユナイテッド・ローンチ・ア ライアンス(ULA)のアトラス V ロケットがケープカナベラル空軍基地から 打上げに成功したと発表。ロケットはアメリカ空軍の測位衛星「GPS IIF-4」を搭載。GPS IIF-4 は ULA の事業者であるボーイング社が受注 契約に基づいて打上げた 4 番目の衛星。GPS IIF は GPS 衛星群の 最新化を担う一方、位置調整・ナビ・計時の各サービスを軍事・非軍 事用問わず提供する。「我々は GPS IIF-4 の打上げを可能にするテク ノロジーを供給していることを光栄に思っている。民生用もそうだが、米 軍兵士や同盟国の能力強化をもたらすだろう」とブレーク・ラーソン ATK 1 グループ会長は述べた。ATK はアトラス V ロケット用に直径 10 フィート ーリントンに本社を置く航空宇宙・軍需企業。21 州・プエルトリコ・海外 (約 3m)の複合材を用いた遮熱材を供給している。ATK の複合構造 で事業を展開している。《レスポンス 日下部みずき》 を用いたアトラス V 打上げは今回で 38 回目。ATK は米バージニア州ア http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20130518-00000028-rps-bus_all - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - May. 17, 2013 www.spacenews.com/ By Warren Ferster DARPA はフォーメーション・フライング衛星のデモをキャンセル DARPA Cancels Formation-flying Satellite Demo space, period,” he said. DARPA is requesting nearly $233 million for space programs and technology in 2014, compared with just under $160 million in 2013, according to budget documents posted on the agency’s website. The 2014 request includes $50 million for the System F6 effort, the documents show. Some industry officials and observers were nonetheless miffed at the decision to cancel a project on which DARPA, according to the budget documents, spent some $226 million from 2006 through The System F6 experiment was intended to demonstrate and explore the 2012. “The agency was robustly funding this for a number of benefits of dispersing the functions of a single satellite across several years,” Tousley conceded. DARPA spent $40 million on the smaller platforms. Credit: DARPA artist's concept System F6 program in 2012 and has $48 million budgeted for WASHINGTON — The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects 2013, according to the budget documents. DARPA’s mission, Agency (DARPA) has canceled a planned formation-flying generally speaking, is to pursue high-risk, high-payoff technology satellite demonstration in which it has invested more than $200 development projects that could some day benefit the military. million, but a senior agency official said DARPA remains These projects are taken on with the understanding that many, if committed to space. not most, will fail. “DARPA’s role is to take the technical question off the table,” Tousley said. The System F6 experiment was intended to demonstrate and explore the benefits of dispersing the functions of a single satellite across several smaller platforms. The demonstration satellites were supposed to exchange data with one another in space. The program had a Tousley troubled history. DARPA in 2009 awarded Orbital Sciences Corp. http://www.darpa.mil/NewsEvents/Releases/2013/02/06.aspx of Dulles, Va., a one-year, $75 million contract to develop the In a May 16 interview, Brad Tousley, director of DARPA’s System F6 mission but later terminated that deal. The agency Tactical Technology Office, confirmed the decision to terminate restructured the program, distributing work among several small the Future, Fast, Flexible, Fractionated Free-flying Spacecraft companies and universities, with none assigned the lead United by Information Exchange, or System F6, experiment, integrator role, Tousley said. Tousley could not explain the which had a notional 2015 launch date. Tousley cited a number rationale behind the leaderless contracting structure, noting that of factors including the lack of an overall integrator to pull the he only took the helm of DARPA’s Tactical Technology Office in mission together, and said the project’s cancellation is in no way January. Upon arriving, Tousley said, he undertook a review of a signal that DARPA, the Pentagon’s advanced technology the projects in his portfolio and System F6 did not make the cut. development arm, is shying away from space projects. Other Tousley also cited a lack of a clear “business case” for DARPA space projects, including one aimed at developing a heterogenous, fractionated space missions at the Department of low-cost satellite launcher and another to demonstrate satellite Defense, though he drew a distinction between that and the salvaging, are proceeding apace, Tousley said. “The [Tactical broader disaggregation concept currently being explored by the Technology Office] and DARPA are absolutely committed to U.S. Air Force. Disaggregation entails breaking up the mission 2 sets of large spacecraft and dispersing them among smaller for System F6 will feed into other space projects, not only at satellites. Tousley said the System F6 demonstration did not DARPA but also at the Air Force. Among them are DARPA’s have a traditional mission, such as imaging. “What was going on Airborne Launch Assist Space Access (ALASA) effort, aimed at with the program was really only data transfer — there was demonstrating a low-cost satellite launcher, and the Phoenix nothing else happening,” he said. Software development delays satellite-salvaging demonstration, he said. Boeing, Lockheed and contractor performance issues also were factors in the Martin and Virgin Galactic are studying ALASA launch concepts decision, Tousley said. under contracts awarded about a year ago, and DARPA likely will downselect to one or two for flight demonstrations that would take place in 2015 or 2016, Tousley said. “We think that’s a critical mission area,” he said. In recent years, DARPA has canceled two efforts to develop a low-cost airborne satellite launcher, Rascal and Falcon. Phoenix, being led by the Naval Davis Research Laboratory, is intended to demonstrate the feasibility http://www.ion.org/meetings/session.cfm?meetingID=25&t=C&s=4 of extending the lives of geostationary-orbiting satellites by George Davis, president and founder of Emergent Space replacing fuel or spent components like batteries. The Systems of Greenbelt, Md., which announced a $6.7 million demonstration, targeted for launch in 2016 or 2017, will involve a software contract on the program in mid-2012, said it is his satellite that has already been moved into a graveyard orbit understanding that the company will be allowed to complete its above the geostationary-orbit arc, which is roughly 36,000 work. The contract, under which Emergent is developing kilometers above the equator. DARPA is requesting $40 million open-source software that will enable satellite clusters to fly in each for the ALASA and Phoenix programs next year, according close enough proximity to operate as a network but without to the agency budget documents. DARPA’s SeeMe effort to colliding, runs through January 2014, he said. “We’re going to design a constellation of low cost imaging satellites able to rescope the effort ... to define the end state of the software and deliver data to hand-held devices in near-real time is funded develop and deliver it,” Davis said in a May 16 interview. Davis through completion of Phase 1 studies, Tousley said. The agency said the formation-flying software will have future applications in is requesting more than $10 million for the SeeMe program next any number of space and unmanned aircraft missions, both for year, compared to $15.5 million in 2013, the budget documents NASA and the Department of Defense. “All I see is opportunity,” show. he said. Tousley said technologies developed and tested to date http://www.spacenews.com/article/military-space/35375darpa-cancels-formation-flying-satellite-demo#.UZb9yKK-2So - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5 月 17 日(金)20 時 7 分 時事通信 次期 H3 ロケット民間主導=設計・開発段階から、宇宙政策委―予算、内閣府? JAXA と三菱重工が 2020 年度の初打上げを目指す次期基幹ロケッ 中間報告をまとめる方針だが、文科省は予算移管に反対している。 ト「H3(仮称)」について、内閣府の宇宙政策委員会事務局が、開発 同部会は 17 日、非公開で開かれた。部会長の山川宏京都大教授 予算を文部科学省から内閣府に移す検討を進めていることが 17 日、 や事務局は記者団に対し、H3 は設計・開発段階から JAXA ではなく、 関係者への取材で分かった。宇宙政策委は来年度予算概算要求に 民間が責任を持って行うべきだとの意見が多かったと説明。開発予算 H3 の設計関連費を計上できるよう、宇宙輸送システム部会で月内に は国が確保するとしたが、担当官庁については明言を避けた。 http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20130517-00000143-jij-soci - - -
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