The Nagasaki-Macao Trade between 1612 and 1618: Carlo Spinola S.J. Procurator of Japan Daniele Frison Tese de Doutoramento em História, especialidade em História dos Descubrimentos e da Expansão Portuguesa Dezembro 2013 Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Doutor em História, especialidade em História dos Descubrimentos e da Expansão Portuguesa, realizada sob a orientação científica do Prof. Doutor João Paulo Oliveira e Costa Apoio financeiro da FCT e do FSE no âmbito do III Quadro Comunitário de Apoio. Referência da bolsa: SFRH / BD / 62713 / 2009 DECLARAÇÕES Declaro que esta dissertação é o resultado da minha investigação pessoal e independente. O seu conteúdo é original e todas as fontes consultadas estão devidamente mencionadas no texto, nas notas e na bibliografia. O candidato, ____________________ Lisboa, 18 de Dezembro de 2013 Declaro que esta dissertação se encontra em condições de ser apreciada pelo júri a designar. O orientador, ____________________ Lisboa, 18 de Dezembro de 2013 A Martina, che non lasciò ch’io mi perdessi ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The years I needed to complete this Ph.D. dissertation corresponded to my entry into adulthood, thus extending my thanks to those who helped throughout the whole process of researching, reading, drafting and closing of the present work is as much as showing gratitude to those who helped me getting through a difficult stage in anyone’s life. Furthermore, these four years represented also my first encounter with diverse ways of life and people from the most different countries, both close to mine and as far as the globe permits. The first thanks, then, rightly goes to my supervisor Doutor João Paulo Oliveira e Costa, who not only guided me through the years with punctual and precious suggestions on my work thanks to his wide knowledge on the Jesuit mission in Japan and the complexity of early modern Portugal, but believed in my project even in its early stage, when it was nothing more than an immature working plan, which, only through his aid, slowly but progressively assumed the present outline. It is obvious, however, that it would have been impossible to carry out this thesis without the necessary means. It was in particular thanks to the doctoral fellowship bestowed by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia that I was able to cross Europe in order to track down ancient manuscripts, rare and out of print books. Still, I cannot forget to include the Centro de História de Além Mar, whose staff introduced me to the Portuguese academy and always provided answers when a question came up. Of all the archives and libraries I spent days in, the Archivum Romanum Societatis Iesu deserves a special mention. Most likely, the 60% of the consulted sources comes from the central archive of the Society of Jesus. Among the ARSI’s staff, Mauro Brunello proved continuously to be an unerring and reliable archivist, as well as a good friend, both in loco and from wherever I needed his help. I have to thank also the Fondazione Spinola, through which I was able to establish contact with Marquis Oberto Spinola, who spent a week with me searching for unknown manuscripts in the cold mornings of December 2011 and led me through the wings of Spinola’s castle in Tassarolo. It is impossible to list all the persons who helped me in the past four years, because their help did not come only from academic conversations, but took place in the most different situations. In any case, just to remain within the scientific domain, the assistances and suggestions, as well as their friendships, provided by (in alphabetical order) Alberto Baena, Angelo Cattaneo, Pedro Correia, Adolfo Cueto, Alexandra Curvelo, Vinícius Dantas, Miguel Lourenço, David Martin Marcos, Pedro Nobre and Elsa Penalva had proved invaluable. Last but not least my beloved ones, which, notwithstanding contrasts and disagreements, never failed to grant me their support in all these years and hopefully never will. Lisbon, December 2013 DF THE NAGASAKI-MACAO TRADE BETWEEN 1612 AND 1618: CARLO SPINOLA S.J. PROCURATOR OF JAPAN Daniele Frison RESUMO A nossa dissertação tem como objetivo analisar os compromissos e as obrigações do procurador da Companhia de Jesus no Japão durante os anos em que Carlo Spinola foi escolhido para ocupar tal posição, a segunda em ordem de importância, conforme o jesuíta italiano Francesco Pasio. O ofício de procurador era uma das posições que levavam os missionários da Companhia a lidar diretamente com as autoridades japonesas em Nagasáqui, uma vez que cabia ao procurador receber, verificar e distribuir os bens pertencentes à missão e que eram carregados no navio português de Macau. Além disso, o procurador, juntamente com outros padres superiores, tinha também incumbidas tarefas políticas relativas ao capitão-mor e aos Portugueses no Japão. Spinola assumiu o cargo quando o bakufu começou a mudar a sua atitude em relação à Igreja de Roma, devido a várias causas que, em parte, envolviam também a Companhia de Jesus, com conseqüências negativas para a missão. Para fornecer uma compreensão profunda deste cargo, propomos uma comparação entre o procuradorado de Spinola e outros procuradores no Japão, tendo escolhido em particular o caso do Português João Rodrigues Tçuzu. Além disso, uma vez que o Japão era um caso particular dentro do Padroado Português, parece-nos pertinente efectuar outra comparação e apresentar também o caso - embora mais conciso - do procurador da província brasileira da Companhia de Jesus. Através deste estudo de casos, tentaremos definir o procurador, tanto do ponto de vista prático - ou seja, os seus deveres, os seus compromissos e os seus recursos – como de uma perspectiva moral e filosófica – olhando para a literatura canônica produzida desde os primeiros tempos da Igreja Cristã. Até agora, a históriografia sobre e de autoria jesuítica apenas aborda o cargo de procurador de forma marginal. O nosso trabalho vai preencher essa lacuna. Além disso, o estudo do papel do procurador permite-nos, inevitavelmente, uma melhor compreensão dos mecanismos de participação da Companhia de Jesus no comércio entre Macau e Nagasáqui, desde o seu início – selado por Alessandro Valignano – até ao seu fim – contemporâneo do término do procuradorado de Spínola. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Carlo Spinola, Japão, Macau ABSTRACT Our dissertation aims to analyse the commitments and obligations of the procurator of the Society of Jesus in Japan during the years when Carlo Spinola (1564- 1622) was chosen to occupy such an important position, the second most important of the province, according to the Italian Jesuit Francesco Pasio. The office of procurator, in fact, was one of the positions which took the missionaries of the Society to deal directly with Japanese authorities in Nagasaki, for it was the procurator who was in charge of receiving, checking and distributing the share of goods belonging to the province loaded in the Portuguese ship from Macao. Furthermore, the procurator, along with other important fathers, had to deal also with political matters regarding the Capitão-Mór and the Portuguese in the Japanese country. Spinola assumed the office when the bakufu was changing its attitude towards the Roman Church, owing to several causes which partly involved also the Society of Jesus or which bore negative consequences for the mission. To provide a deep understanding of this office, we propose a comparison between Spinola’s procuratorship and how this office was handled by the most famous procurator in Japan: the Portuguese Father João Rodrigues Tçuzu. Furthermore, since Japan represented a unicum within the Portuguese Padroado, we deemed necessary to offer a further example and present also a sketch – although more concise – of the procurator in the Brazilian Province of the Society. Through this case study, we will try to define the procurator both from a practical point of view – i.e. his duties, his commitments, and his resources – and from a moral and philosophical perspective – that is the canonical literature regarding the relationship between the men of the cloth and commerce, which had been producing since the early times of the Christian Church. So far, works about the Society of Jesus and written by the Jesuits themselves had been coping with the office of procurator only marginally. Our work will fill that gap. Moreover, a research about the procurator will inevitably lead us to a better understanding of the mechanics of the participation of the Society in the Macao- Nagasaki trade from its beginning sealed by Alessandro Valignano to its end, which basically corresponded with the end of Spinola’s procuratorship. KEYWORDS: Carlo Spinola, Japan, Macao INDEX Introduction ......................................................................................................... 1 PART 1 HISTORICAL CONTEXTUALIZATION Chapter I: The Union of the Iberian Crowns and the European status quo in the 16th century ........................................................................................................ 15 I. 1. The Old Continent divided .............................................................. 15 I. 2. Portugal heredado y conquistado por Felipo 2 ................................ 21 I. 2. 1. The Portuguese Crown between regency and kingship (1564- 1578) ............................................................................................................ 22 I. 2. 2. Avis’ dynastic crisis and the Habsburg seizure of Portugal ... 28 Chapter II: Portugal Overseas
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