
UKRUHUSupplement to the SVOBODAN , UkrainiaWEEKLn Daily Y •#r— II fjT.|li РиЬВДЙЙ by the junk* Department of tb* -Ukrainian-Hational АмосЬ&ми *r„ n. <HTti І 'іптірмйгШ No. 30. Joriey City, N. J, Friday, Jtdy 27, 1934. П. Y. L. of N. A. ISSUES CALL . LfiVE EABLfc TO PARTICIPATE IN YOUTH WMINIJIlf flWTH MOVEMEW ІГШАВРШГ . By Tare* Sbevcheoko CONGRESS In a previous issue mention was mj.de of Pidkarpat- Every American-Ukrainian youth Love each other, early, children.! ska RUB, the official name for the westernmost section of There're many In tme world to club-, whether it be cultural, social, Ukrainian ethnographic. territories, known also as Pid­ or sport, which intends to take •• .-love— - part in the forthcoming Secohd karpatya. As we learned thenrfittat is the Ukrainian laud. Though not for gate} Luck un- Ukrainian Youth's Congress of which during the heyday of the Austrian-Hungarian bestairchefl America,—which will be held un- Empire was the object of unmitigated Hungarian ^per­ And willing, Meet from up above ... dcr the auspices of .the Ukrainian ІГІІЯІІ)ІІ«Й >1IJ і|Імя"ІІІІ Viiljj(tl ВІИііТіу secution. The Hungarians sought with all means possible . Add during life and strife will be Youth's League of N. A. Septem­ tp denationalize out people; to make them even beHete- ber 1st and 2nd in Mew York City, Yonr one.companion on toe road— at the International Institute, 341 that they were Russians, anything to make them forget Tten and' after.' East 17th Street,—should send its their Ukrainian nationality. To that end they even seized •••• TransUtted by #. Sentenyna, notice of intention of taking part property* belonging to Ukrainians, forcing the latter to • "B a a a your КоЬсдг! in this Congress, in care of emigrate' to America in search) of a decent- livelihood. Stephen' Shumeyko, 67 Boyden This persecution continued right up to the collapse Of Щ'$*.-.Л'. '"W^'iMU^ Ave.-Jiaplewood, ft. J. the Austrian-Hungarian Empire. v At the end of'tie Each club will have the right World War this land was ceded to Czechoslovakia by AROHIPENKO SCULPTURE to be represented by two delegates S*NT- Щ LVIW AS jj&ht. OV who will have voting powers. Be­ virtue of an agreement made- by the .Czechs in J.&17, with r sides the delegates, the League ex­ representatives of the American-Ukrainians who hied ~ і Amxicjui-vttAiinAHs tends a Cordial invitation to all of і come from 'that section of Ukraine. ... £ "' i. • - There. is hardly a museum of out yonng American-Ukrainians, any importance throughout die who care, to attend the Congress This eenturies-old enslavement of Pidkarpatya' rejsultt - world which doss not contain some as guests. They will also have an • ed in.a.most deplorable situation. Many of the Ukrain? examples - of the works of our opportunity to be' neard. ians of that-section lost practically ati contact with the world faibous sculptor and painter, Notices of intention to partici­ Alexander Archipenko. And yet; Ukrainian nation, its ideals and aspirations. j~A. .{pieat : pate in this Congress should be deal-Of blame for this can be laid on the shoulders of- up tor tfifs. time Lviw, the center sent out immediately as. reserva­ of Western Ukraine, did not have tions for luncheon and entertain­ their Ivtagyarized clefgy, which worked hand in handrwith. a single work of his. ment of delegates and guests will the. Magyars in Magyarizing and Russifying our people. ;• Realizing this, a public spirited have to be made within the next Many of this Magyarized clergy can be found even ipre' drive was started by Dr. -Luke couple^of weeks. Also, girt dele­ in America, refusing to acknowledge their Ukrainian na­ Mj^huha .among the ;Ameitcan- gates -esd guests who wish to tionality, talking Hungarian at home, and telling their Ukrainians to, raise funds tS^nir- make -reservations for sleeping ; chase at cost one of Archipenko's over atSthe Institute should send parishioners that they are not Ukrainians—^wheh in піїїмі rrifiWiiilii nftlfllrifdiiiir /His in theft".reservations early. The reality they are—but that they are Russians, Rusky, Igeditation." -This, drive jjoend charge-tor sleeping over will be Ruanaks, or some other equally cohfusing designation. quick; response, and within a com- | seventy-Bye cents to one dollar. Needless to say, this traitorous work reacts most un­ paraUvely ' short tttae sufficient A Splendid program is being favorably upon the Ukrainian national movement for funds were raised; to fchy---thte planned for the Congress, and en­ scttpture. The price paid ft* it, tertainment for the participants in independence. \ •• -• - $Й)І5;Л,-covered ojily the epet, the evenings. Just at present we are witnessing ah unusually ih- carryfeg- cnarges aattlus^liatica. - 4t a #me when our American- terestiftg strife, in Pidkarpatya, One which should serve ': TW? squljiture was sent near the JUkTCitnian youth realizes note as a good example for our youth Here in America. This latter pftrt of Hit iridhth to the- than ever its common thoughts, strife is between the youth and those of the older gen­ ' Ukrainian National ' Musemn in . ideals and ambitions, there is no Li^W, ' fiaaterri Gaiicfa, Western • better oportunity for them of eration who have become Russianized. Uk-ratne, where' Ukralmans and meeting.lUie another front all parts '. The latter recently held a eonvention in Mukachevo, еІЛйг* WiH hav* an oppVirturilt^ of seeing a work of UkraUte's great of the. country, exchanging opin­ Pidkarpatya; the purpose of. which was to dedarfc. that 1 ions, апд. laying plans for the they were Russians, not Ukrainians. son , Alexander Arcl future than is offered by: .the Se­ - This shameful convention aroused our youth of Pid­ cond Ukrainian Youth's Congress of America. karpatya. TJhey-decided to have a convention Of their UiWiMNUkN * BBCOMMBNI own, one which would wipe oil the stain on the tik- ... FOB NATIONAL CHAPfaAW ~ For further information refer to last week's or future issues of rairiiah honor which this traitorous action of the older Ttn Johnstown.Pa. Post aud^tho "Ukrainian Weekly,-'' - and other generatibrt had. left, one which would show before the (Cambria jbiiihty .WBuhittoe,- iiftft^l American-Ukrainian press. whole world the. unity of the Ukrainian people of Pid­ lean Legion,. recently passed .uf^j Ukrainian Youth's League of karpatya with the Ukrainian people from around Kiev nahimotlsfy a. iseoWtioli^ . recom­ - North America and Lviw, and one which would be a demonstration •' mending IT. Woloschuk', a. Ukrain- against their Sethers who had been led astray by. ','Rus- 'iari, for the otecfe of National : Chaplain of the' Aiiericai Legion. eiafl phantasies." '- -_. The' BJbV. WoiosTittlc is at present COMPARES ARCHlPENKO Over 8,000 delegates of the younger generatioh of the ChapHarft of the State bep^rt- WITH JAMES JOYCE Ukrainian youth of. -Pidkarpatya' ' met ih -MuMcievo, < aieni of я Perihsylvaimia, having Recently in LviW a critical an­ where the youth convention was held. There thia .nines Served as State Chapiaiii of the alysis of one of the present-day's of Ukrainian youth representatives .resolvedi.thafc>' І $ 3*44 ^ ^Qr tiirse' eh cceselfes years ' most discussed books; "Ulysses," ' and »NaSienal fhapiatt ^at the by JarheS Joyce, ha* Appeared. Its "Pidkarpatya is our land. s*m# orginJzatioTi for tie year author is Dariarj Vikoriiky. As і "ОпУ right ahd otir truth shall reign over it; 1*32-1083: fie Й «1ao sdlfof of the some -elf our readers have probably "All of Us,'the. intelligentsia, Щ.peasants, the: city JohnatoWh Legiuaitaire; realized themselves, this book is dwellers* the werkers, ail are-Лот our rights in thisi .Йцг one of-the most difficult and baf­ land.. •ЯВМВПУІЯ, 8Щ«Т-.ВДіврі fling to read, not even to speak of CAWS criticising, particularly in the Uk­ r- •.'.'We shall never-giVe up our historical rights?" ,. soamsTMrnov rainian language. - In the Manifesto that they issued they- declared -the ' Among the very, flrst td Se- The authoress of this critical following: to Це (jewfy Built concehtreiion analysis created quite surprise "We. declare an .unceasing war against all our camps hj РоІаЩіігега'иЦаіггІаЧіу when in .'her work she compared These toncehtratfoh camps were the works of James Joyce, an enemies, who hinder our national and cultural progress, Ш up' by Piteudsky fofldwilig the Irish-writer, with the works of and who desire oar national death. aseaesinatWh. Щ, Ш Polish "Ih Pidkarpatya there shall be:—Ulu-аішЛа ^gov­ 5sW Pleretep*' Alexander Archipenko, Ukrainian ; sculptor, showing how they, pa­ ernment, Ukrainian schools, Ukrainian lahguage, Ukreiil- Most al the Ukraimafes who are ralleled in many respects. The con­ iah rigbt arid .Ukrainian might. sent to-tEe, fe/ncentratiott camps clusion she reaches is that, just as 1 % "fiown-nitb the Gzechization of our Ukrainian; peo- are' ftrsf' seift Mi Lviw and rrbm Arohipenko opened hew vistas in them direct- to-"the camd. They sculpture so did James Joyce with Jla! - Down?with the Russifieation of our people! .- come riot <My fftm th6 Jflttainian his .-"Ulysses" in the field of liter­ Q r. ^We; omr-people, our language, our belief, have been, lands under Poland but f гой ature. are, arid always will be Ukrainian і land proper as Well. "*••.'>• ( KRAIMA.N WEEKLY, FRIDAY, JULY 1034. No. 30. poses in Middle and Western Eu­ At first the brotherhoods con­ A SHORT HISTORY OF UKRAINIAN LITERATURE rope where it had flourished the fined themselves to acts of chanty. By BEV. M. KINASH most before, and. the living na­ Soon, however, they realized that •; (A free translation by S. 8.) tional -tongue of -people 'steadily their activities would have to be advanced ur public favor.: extended if they were §0 hope to (J8) Thus, as -we see, under' tie In­ achieve their aims.
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