1944 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE January 27, 1987 SENATE-Tuesday, January 27, 1987 The Senate met at 8 p.m. and was not to exceed 15 minutes, with Sena­ hood but in a sense attempts once called to order by the Honorable tors permitted to speak therein for not again to tell the United States, all of GEORGE J. MITCHELL, a Senator from more than 5 minutes each. its people, and the world that we are the State of Maine. indeed a State. NEW MEXICO DAY Mr. President, on January 6, 1912, PRAYER President William Howard Taft signed The Chaplain, the Reverend Rich­ The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ a proclamation that admitted the Ter­ ard C. Halverson, LL.D., offered the pore. The Senator from New Mexico is ritory of New Mexico as the 47th State following prayer: recognized. of the United States. Eternal, God, all wise, all powerful, Mr. DOMENICI. Mr. President, I Mr. President, that day three-quar­ and everywhere ·at once, we pray that send a resolution to the desk on behalf ters of a century ago was a glorious You will cover this building this of myself and my distinguished junior one for New Mexico. evening with Your love and mercy and colleague, Senator BINGAMAN. I ask for It is appropriate that today we take grace. Congress gathers to hear the its immediate consideration. note of the importance of New Mexico President at a very critical time, with The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ to the Union, and the significance that uncertainty and confusion hanging pore. The clerk will report. our unification has brought for the over our Nation as a heavy cloud. In The assistant legislative clerk read people of New Mexico, as well as the Your grace, make us aware of Your as follows: entire United States. presence and infuse the Congress with A resolution <S. Res. 84) that January 27, There is something very special 1987, is recognized and acknowledged as hope and confidence in divine provi­ New Mexico Day. about New Mexico; it is truly a land of dence which cannot, will not fail. Sur­ enchantment, the land of opportunity. prise, us, Lord, with unexpected bless­ Mr. BYRD. Mr. President, this has In New Mexico, three cultures live ing. been cleared on this side of the aisle together in harmony and friendship. And gracious Father in our preoccu­ and there is no objection. We have built in New Mexico a society pation with affairs of state, help us The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ that exemplifies the very reason not to forget the pain and hurt of pore. Without objection, the resolu­ America exists, our greatness as the many around us. The winter storm has tion will be considered. world's melting pot. been an inconvenience to us, but it has Mr. DOMENICI. Mr. President, I My father came to New Mexico been a tragedy for many. We remem­ send to the desk, so as to conform with when it was still a territory. He came ber the homeless, the forgotten in the the rules of the Judiciary Committee, to put down roots in Albuquerque, streets, the lonely elderly in their un­ the cosponsors, 30 Republicans, 26 which was then a town of 3,000 souls. heated apartments, unable to get out Democrats, and ask that they be My dad spoke almost no English in to purchase food, and the poor. May shown in the RECORD as original co­ those days. Yet he grasped the oppor­ sponsors. tunity in New Mexico, the opportunity we, who always have more than we The ACTING PRESIDENT protem­ need of everything, in gratitude be pore. Without objection, it is so or­ to build a family and a life of achieve­ compassionate to those who never ment and happiness. have enough of anything they need. dered. Others came to New Mexico long In Jesus' name. Amen. There being no objection, the list before he did; many others long since. was ordered to be printed in the Archaelogists say that possibly as RECORD, as follows: long as 25,000 years ago humans wan­ APPOINTMENT OF ACTING Mr. DoLE, Mr. BoscHWITZ, Mr. CHAFEE, dered into the land we call New PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE Mr. CoHEN, Mr. D'AMATo, Mr. EvANS, Mr. HATCH, Mr. HECHT, Mr. HEINZ, Mr. HELMS, Mexico. These nomadic hunters found The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Mrs. KAssEBAUM, Mr. LUGAR, Mr. McCLURE, a good land, one providing sufficient clerk will please read a communication Mr. NICKLES, Mr. PACKWOOD, Mr. PRESSLER, animals and vegetation to sustain life. to the Senate from the President pro Mr. RoTH, Mr. RuDMAN, Mr. STEVENS, Mr. Early Americans came in growing tempore (Mr. STENNIS). SYMMS, Mr. WEICKER, Mr. WILSON, Mr. numbers, establishing communities at The assistant legislative clerk read DURENBERGER, Mr. GARN, Mr. GRASSLEY, Mr. various sites around the State. By the the following letter: TRIBLE, Mr. WALLOP, Mr. DANFORTH, Mr. year 600, these Early Americans were U.S. SENATE, GRAMM, Mr. BOREN, Mr. DASCHLE, Mr. living at what we now call Acoma, the PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, WIRTH, Mr. ZORINSKY, Mr. CHILES, Mr. BUR­ Sky City atop a mesa. Washington, DC, January 27, 1987. DICK, Mr. PRYOR, Mr. KERRY, Mr. PELL, Mr. BUMPERS, Mr. HOLLINGS, Mr. Donn, Mr. MAT­ Other communities developed at To the Senate: Chaco Canyon, at Bandelier, Puye, Under the provisions of rule I, section 3, SUNAGA, Mr. RIEGLE, Mr. STENNIS, Mr. MoY­ of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I NIHAN, Mr. DECONCINI, Mr. JOHNSTON, Mr. Gila, and other localities. These vil­ hereby appoint the Honorable George KENNEDY, Mr. CONRAD, Mr. ADAMS, Mr. SAN­ lages, with their rich cultures, were Mitchell, a Senator from the State of FORD, Mr. ROCKEFELLER, Mr. SIMON, Mr. flourishing at a time when Europe was Maine, to perform the duties of the Chair. LEVIN, and Mr. DIXON. lost in the Dark Ages. JOHN C. STENNIS, Mr. DOMENICI. Mr. President, Then, mysteriously, it all vanished. President pro tempore. today at the suggestion of many New Around th~ year 1,200, historians say, Mr. MITCHELL thereupon assumed Mexicans, New Mexico as a State is en­ the advanced culture of the Anasazi the chair as Acting President protem­ gaged in a celebration of its 75th anni­ disappeared, surviving, we think, in pore. versary of statehood, but more than the Pueblos of the Rio Grande Valley. that, through the distinguished lead­ But the land continued to attract ership of Representative LUJAN, joined the adventurous. Long before the set­ ROUTINE MORNING BUSINESS by our other two Representatives, tlement at Jamestown, VA, Spanish The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ Representative SKEEN and Representa­ settlers were moving north into New pore. Under the previous order, there tive RICHARDSON, we are today asking Mexico from old Mexico. They came will now be a period for the transac­ the House to pass a resolution that first in 1539, just 47 years after Co­ tion of routine morning business for not only celebrates 75 years of state- lumbus. They returned again and e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. January 27, 1987 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 1945 again, establishing Sante Fe as their I hope my colleagues will come to and rural Spanish-Americans have sur- · capital, the first capital in what is share my sense of joy on this great vived. today the United States. day of celebration. New Mexico has a blend of diverse By the time of the Pilgrims, two Mr. President, frequently, because landscape and culture. It encompasses great cultures were established in the our State is New Mexico, we are con­ parts of the four main physiographic Valley of the Rio Grande, two great fused with the Republic of Mexico, provinces of the United States: Rocky cultures living together, sometimes in our citizens are frequently accused of Mountains; Colorado Plateaus; Basin harmony, sometimes not. being foreigners, and we are occasion­ and Range province; and the Great For more than two centuries, New ally asked what the exchange rate will Plains. The heritage of the Anglo­ Mexico was under Spanish, then Mexi­ be, or whether the water is safe to American, Indian, and Spanish-Ameri­ can rule. Eventually, New Mexico's drink. When we call the State Depart­ can cultures have attracted tourists, third great culture, the Anglo culture, ment, some of their personnel do not archeologists, sportsmen, artists, writ­ came. The United States took official know, when we ask about a New Mexi­ ers, and scholars from all over the control of New Mexico in 1848. can in a foreign country, that we are a world. For the next 64 years, the popula­ State. And believe me, I say to the Therefore, I am pleased to cosponsor tion grew on waves of the western mi­ Senate, occasionally they have said, this resolution and I urge my col­ gration. The railroad reached Albu­ "We only respond if they are United leagues to support it as we celebrate querque in 1880. And the people of the States citizens." And so what I have the 75th commemoration of this great territory struggled to achieve state­ done tonight on behalf of myself and hood. They petitioned and petitioned, State being admitted to the United my friend, Senator BINGAMAN, is ask States. but it did not come until 1912, when that the Senate declare today "New New Mexico was finally admitted as Thank you, Mr. President. Mexico Day" so that in tandem with The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ the 47th State. the House, through the leadership of New Mexicans are proud of their pore. Is there further debate? If not, land, which descends from pine forests Representative LuJAN, joined by Rep­ the question is on agreeing to the reso­ and mountain streams to the Great resentatives SKEEN and RICHARDSON, lution.
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