Number Khmer name Khmer name English name Scientific Name Family Comments 001 RtI lij Trey linh Thynnichthys thynnoides Cyprinidae 002 RtI kBa©úuH Trey kanchos Mystus albolineatus Bagridae 003 RtI RKuM Trey krum Osteochilus melanopleurus Cyprinidae 004 RtI RcLwg Trey chrawlang mad barb Leptobarbus hoeveni Cyprinidae 005 RtI kn§r Trey kawnthor snake-skin gourami Trichogaster pectoralis Belontiidae 006 RtI kRBa¢Úk Trey kanchrouk red-tail botia Boetia modesta Cobitidae 007 RtI Rskakþam Trey srawka kdam beardless barb Cyclocheilichthys sp. Cyprinidae 008 RtI qøaMg Trey chhlang Hemibagrus spilopterus Bagridae 009 RtI epÞag Trey phtoung Xenentodon cancila Hemiramphidae 010 RtI søwkb¤sSI Trey slak russey Paralaubuca typus Cyprinidae 011 RtI søat Trey slat bronze featherback Notopterus notopterus Notopteridae 012 RtI kn§r Trey kawnthor Trichogaster pectoralis Belontiidae 013 RtI kRnþb; Trey kantrawb catopra Pristolepis fasciatus Nandidae 014 RtI xµan; Trey khmann Hampala macrolepidota Cyprinidae 015 RtI dMrI Trey damrey marbled sleeper Oxyeleotris marmorata Eleotridae 016 RtI erol Trey riel Henicorhynchus siamensis Cyprinidae 017 RtI eqþar Trey chhdaur snakehead Channa micropeltes Channidae 018 RtI qøÚjqñÚt Trey chhlonh chhnoht peacock eel Macrognathus siamensis Mastacembelidae 019 RtI kaEh Trey kahe Barbodes altus Cyprinidae 020 RtI kn§r Trey kawnthor Trichogaster sp. Belontiidae 021 RtI x¢wg Trey khchoeung tire track eel Mastacembelus favus Mastacembelidae 022 RtI kMPøajPøúk Trey kawmphleanh phluk moonlight gourami Trichogaster sp. Belontiidae 023 RtI R)aEk Trey pra ke Pangasius conchophilus Pangasiidae 024 RtI RcEkg Trey chrakaing Puntioplites proctozysron Cyprinidae 025 RtI pÞk; / RtII r:s; Trey phtouk, Trey raws chevron snakehead Channa striata Channidae Number Khmer name Khmer name English name Scientific Name Family Comments 026 RtI kMBt Trey kampot Monotreta cambodgiensis Tetraodontidae 027 RtI bJseck Trey ruschek Acantopsis sp. Cobitidae 028 RtI kBa©HúqñÚt Trey kanchos chhnoht Mystus mysticetus Bagridae 029 RtI RkusxñgEvg Trey kros knong veaeng Labiobarbus siamensis Cyprinidae 030 RtI q<in Trey chhpin Barbodes gonionotus Cyprinidae 031 RtI écRkeBI Trey chay krawpoeu long-snouted pipefish Doryichtys boaja Syngnathidae 032 RtI kRBa¢ÚkqñÚt Trey kanchrouk chhnoht tiger botia Botia helodes Cobitidae 033 RtI bgáÜy Trey bang kouy Luciosoma bleekeri Cyprinidae 034 RtI xøa Trey khlar gangetic leaffish Nandus nandus Nandidae 035 RtI Ek¥k Trey kaek black sharkminnow Morulius chrysophekadion Cyprinidae 036 RtI GENþgTn; Trey andaing toun broadhead catfish Clarias batrachus Clariidae 037 RtI Rkaj;ERs Trey kranh srai climbing perch Anabas testudineus Anabantidae 038 RtI kMPøaj sMEr Trey kawmphleanh samrai threespot gourami Trichogaster trichopterus Belontiidae 039 RtI cgVamUl Trey changwa mool yellowtail rasbora Rasbora tornieri Cyprinidae 040 RtI cgVaeBat Trey changwa poht sissortail rasbora Rasbora trilineata Cyprinidae 041 RtI bIkMNat; Trey bai kamnat Systomus partipentazona Cyprinidae 042 RtI cgVaqñÚt Trey changwa chhnoht slender rasbora Rasbora daniconius Cyprinidae 043 RtI cgVaRsLÚg Trey changwa srawlung blackline rasbora Rasbora borapetensis Cyprinidae 044 RtI RkLg;/ RtI RBYl Trey krawlang, Trey pruol Cirrhinus microlepis Cyprinidae 045 GnÞg; Antoung swamp eel Monopterus albus Synbranchidae 046 RtI Rkwmkþar Trey kroem kdah croaking gourami Trichopsis vittata Belontiidae 047 RtI kRBa¢ÚkRkhm Trey kanchrouk krawhorm sun loach Botia eos Cobitidae 048 RtI kBa©úHfµ Trey kanchos thmor asian bumblebee catfish Pseudomystus siamensis Bagridae 049 RtI cøúk Trey chlok shortfin eel Anguilla bicolor Anguillidae 050 RtI kBa©ajRcastUc Trey kanchanh chras touch siamese glassfish Parambassis sp. Chandidae Number Khmer name Khmer name English name Scientific Name Family Comments 051 RtI kMePøóvsÞwg Trey kamplieu stoeung Ompok hypophtalamus Siluridae 052 RtI Ggát Rpak; Trey angkat prak swamp barb Puntius brevis Cyprinidae 053 RtI kRnÞgeRbg Trey kantrang preng duskyfin glassy perchlet Parambassis wolffi Chandidae 054 RtI qøÚj Trey chhlonh Macrognatus taenigaster Mastacembelidae 055 RtI Rkus Trey kros silver sharkminnow Osteochilus hasselti Cyprinidae 056 RtI RkBat;/sNaþy Trey krorpouat, sanday Wallago attu Siluridae 057 RtI eks Trey kes Micronema micronema Siluridae 058 RtI Rkm:m Trey krormorm butter catfish Ompok bimaculatus Siluridae 059 RtI Rkay Trey krai clown featherback Chitala ornata Notopteridae 060 RtI GENþgrwg Trey andaing roueng walking catfish Clarias macrocephalus Clariidae 061 RtI qøÚj Trey chhlonh ? Macrognatus taenigaster Mastacembelidae 062 RtI cgVaePøog Trey changwa phlieng striped flying barb Esomus metallicus Cyprinidae 063 RtI CnÞasPøúk Trey chanteas phluk Paralaubuca typus Cyprinidae 064 RtI bNþÚlGMePa; Trey bawndol ampeou Thai river sprat Clupeichthys sp. Clupeidae 065 RtI RkwmTnSay Trey kroem tun sai pygmi gourami Trichopsis schalleri Belontiidae 066 RtI qøÚj Trey chhlonh ? Macrognatus siamensis Mastacembelidae 067 RtI CnÞasPøúk Trey chanteas phluk Parachela siamensis Cyprinidae 068 RtI kMPøajqñÚt Trey kawmphleanh chhnoht Trichogaster sp. Belontiidae 069 RtI eqáak Trey chhkok Cyclocheilichthys enoplus Cyprinidae 070 RtI kBa¢nC½y Trey kanh chorn chey Channa lucius Channidae Common uses fermented fermented fermented dried salted Number fresh salted fish smoked fish fish sauce remarks fish paste fish pieces fillet fish 001 DDD D 002 DD D 003 DDD 004 DDD 005 DD 006 D 007 DDD D D 008 D DDD D 009 DD 010 DDD 011 DD D 012 DD 013 DDD 014 DDD 015 DD 016 DDD D 017 DDDDD 018 DD D 019 DDD 020 DD 021 DDD 022 DD D 023 D DDD 024 DDD D 025 DDDDD Common uses fermented fermented fermented dried salted Number fresh salted fish smoked fish fish sauce remarks fish paste fish pieces fillet fish 026 D children like to play with it 027 D 028 DDD D 029 DDD D 030 DDD D 031 rarely used as trad. medicine 032 D 033 DDD 034 DDD 035 DDD D 036 DDD D 037 DDD D 038 DD D 039 DD D 040 D D 041 D D 042 D D 043 D D 044 DDD 045 DD 046 D D 047 D 048 DD D 049 unfamiliar fish 050 D D feeds Common uses fermented fermented fermented dried salted Number fresh salted fish smoked fish fish sauce remarks fish paste fish pieces fillet fish 051 DD D D 052 DDD D 053 DD 054 DD D 055 DDD D 056 D DDD 057 DDDDD 058 DDDDD 059 DDD 060 DDD D 061 DD D 062 D D 063 DDD D 064 DDD D 065 D D 066 DD D 067 DDD D 068 DD D 069 DDD 070 D DDD fishing tool or technique used tool tool tool tool tool tool tool tool tool tool tool tool tool tool tool tool tool tool tool tool tool tool tool tool tool tool Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 001 DDDDD 002 D DDDDDD 003 DDDD 004 D D DDDD D 005 DDDDD 006 DD D 007 DDDDD 008 DDDDDD 009 DDDDD 010 DDD 011 D DDDDD 012 DDDDD 013 D DDDDD 014 D DDDDD 015 D DDDDD 016 DDDD 017 DDDD DDDDD 018 DDDDDDD 019 DDDD D 020 DDDD 021 DDDDDDD 022 DD D D D D 023 D DDDD 024 DDDDD 025 DD DD DDD D DD DD fishing tool or technique used tool tool tool tool tool tool tool tool tool tool tool tool tool tool tool tool tool tool tool tool tool tool tool tool tool tool Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 026 DD D D 027 DD DDDDD 028 D DDDDDD 029 DD DD D D 030 DDDDD 031 D D DDD D 032 DD D 033 D DDDD 034 D DD DDD D 035 DDDDD 036 D DDDDDD 037 DDDDDDDD 038 DDDDDD 039 D DD DDD D D 040 D DD DDD D D 041 DD DDD 042 D DD DDD D D 043 D DD DDD D D 044 DDDDD 045 DDDDDD 046 DD DD 047 DD D 048 DDDDD 049 D 050 DD DDDD D fishing tool or technique used tool tool tool tool tool tool tool tool tool tool tool tool tool tool tool tool tool tool tool tool tool tool tool tool tool tool Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 051 D DD DDDD D 052 DD DDDD 053 DD DDDD D 054 DDDDDDD 055 D DDDDD 056 D DDDD 057 DDDDDD 058 D DD DDD DD D 059 D DDDDD 060 D DDDDDD 061 DDDD D D 062 D D DDDD DD 063 D DDDD DD 064 D DDDD DD 065 D D DDDD DD 066 DDDD D D 067 D DDDD D 068 DD DDDD D 069 DDDD 070 D DDDDD Preference Availability Doun Tboung Kiri Tuol Doun Tboung Kiri Tuol Number Rolous average Rolous total L'a Krapeu Voan Vihear L'a Krapeu Voan Vihear 001 322222.2240402.0 002 21 21 1 1.4444444.0 003 233232.6 40201.5 004 22221 1.8240201.6 005 111111.0344043.0 006 333333.0020301.0 007 111111.0444444.0 008 333333.0222201.6 009 222222.0444343.8 010 222222.0442402.8 011 22221 1.8444243.6 012 111111.0342042.6 013 223222.2444444.0 014 112111.2340222.2 015 333333.01 221 1 1.4 016 322322.4344423.4 017 333333.0331 222.2 018 332332.8334243.2 019 211111.20221 01.0 020 111111.0242 22.5 021 233332.8234202.2 022 111111.0444403.2 023 333333.0020241.6 024 233332.8241 201.8 025 333333.0444444.0 Preference Availability Doun Tboung Kiri Tuol Doun Tboung Kiri Tuol Number Rolous average Rolous total L'a Krapeu Voan Vihear L'a Krapeu Voan Vihear 026 111111.0443433.6 027 232232.4420301.8 028 222222.0444444.0 029 111111.0444444.0 030 232332.6030201.0 031 000000.0221101.2 032 333333.0020301.0 033 222222.0022201.2 034 322222.2032242.2 035 222222.0220242.0 036 333333.0434343.6 037 222222.0444343.8 038 111111.0444444.0 039 121121.4444444.0 040 121121.4444433.8 041 111111.0322332.6 042 121121.4444423.6 043 121121.4443433.6 044 333333.0020200.8 045 333333.0344343.6 046 111111.0444243.6 047 333333.0020301.0 048 222222.0020200.8 049 000000.001 0000.2 050 111111.0242242.8 Preference Availability Doun Tboung Kiri Tuol Doun Tboung Kiri Tuol Number Rolous average Rolous total L'a Krapeu Voan Vihear L'a Krapeu Voan Vihear 051 222222.0230221.8 052 111111.0444444.0 053 222222.0020200.8 054 232332.6222232.2 055 111111.0444444.0 056 333333.00201 00.6 057 333333.00201 00.6 058 333333.0344243.4 059 233222.40201 00.6 060 333333.0444343.8 061 332232.6323232.6 062 111111.0444444.0 063 111111.0442443.6 064 221 221.8432222.6 065 111111.0434443.8 066 222222.0222222.0 067 1 22221.8330301.8 068 111111.0444444.0 069 233232.61 201 00.8 070 333333.01 201 00.8.
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