US 2007.0056702A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2007/0056702 A1 Altheimer (43) Pub. Date: Mar. 15, 2007 (54) ARUNDO DONAX PULP, PAPER PRODUCTS Publication Classification AND PARTICLE BOARD (51) Int. Cl. (76) Inventor: Ernett Altheimer, Tacoma, WA (US) D2C 3/00 (2006.01) D2C 3/02 (2006.01) Correspondence Address: D2IC I/02 (2006.01) GRAYBEAL, JACKSON, HALEY LLP (52) U.S. Cl. ................. 162/25: 162/28: 162/78; 162/97; 155 - 108TH AVENUE NE 162/148; 162/149 SUTE 350 BELLEVUE, WA 98004-5901 (US) (57) ABSTRACT Composite panels and pulp, and paper products of the pulp. (21) Appl. No.: 11/392,862 are produced from Arundo donax. In the fabrication of the composite panels, Arundo donax is comminuted to a suitable (22) Filed: Mar. 28, 2006 size, combined with a binder, and consolidated into panels that meet standards for construction and/or furniture grade Related U.S. Application Data panels. The Arundo donax particulates may be combined with wood particulates to produce a mixed furnish that can (63) Continuation of application No. 10/934.300, filed on be used in the preparation of composite panels. Comminuted Sep. 2, 2004, now abandoned. Arundo donax is treated, in conventional pulping processes, Continuation-in-part of application No. PCT/US997 to produce a high tensile strength pulp that can be used in the 13519, filed on Jun. 16, 1999. production of paper. The pulp has a lighter color than wood pulp, and thereby uses less bleaching chemicals to achieve (60) Provisional application No. 60/089,596, filed on Jun. a desired whiteness. The pulp can be combined with wood 17, 1998. pulp to produce a variety of products. Patent Application Publication Mar. 15, 2007 Sheet 1 of 7 US 2007/0056702 A1 Patent Application Publication Mar. 15, 2007 Sheet 2 of 7 US 2007/0056702 A1 FINCER DRIVE DISCHARCE FEED HOPPER \ SAWBLADE : ASSEMBLY || FINCER SLOTS (PARTIAL)| E. INDECK | (PARTIAL) Y s m i. - m CHOPPER FINCER ASSEMBLY DRIVE SHAFT. SAW BLADE ASSEMBLY APRON DRIVE SHAFT Patent Application Publication Mar. 15, 2007 Sheet 3 of 7 US 2007/0056702 A1 HOPPER SAF BLADES - NG)( ( (KCKO (OY - FINCER))))) A/S ASSEMBLY (). END SUPPORT BAR . CUIDE/SUPPORT SAW BLADES BARS \, y ZaZZZZZZZICE ZZZZZ associates asses ZZZZZZZ 27 Zazzazz electe Czzzzzzzt azzazzzzz w zzzzzzzz ZZZZZZZ tzzzzzzz Zaza ZZZZ - FINCERS Patent Application Publication Mar. 15, 2007 Sheet 4 of 7 US 2007/0056702 A1 ARUNDO DONAY RAW MATERIAL - 10 FLAKINC/ CHIPPING - 20 COMMINUTION 30 -1 SIZINC FINES UNDERSIZE OWERSIZE 50 BINDER BINDER - 40 ADDITION ADDITION 60 MAT FORMING 70 PRE-PRESSINC 80 CONSOLIDATION Patent Application Publication Mar. 15, 2007 Sheet 5 of 7 US 2007/0056702 A1 f00 f20 Patent Application Publication Mar. 15, 2007 Sheet 6 of 7 US 2007/0056702 A1 001SET 66SHT}{{{HICH &ae2 9"?KKNOI/018 Patent Application Publication Mar. 15, 2007 Sheet 7 of 7 US 2007/0056702 A1 NALCRASS 372 c5. STEMS KRAFT PULPINC CHIPPED CHEMIMECHANICAL AND BLEACHINC NAL CRASS (ALKALINE PER0XIDE PULPINC) COOKINC HYDROCEN | -->LIQUOR DICESTION CHEMICAL PEROXIDE WASHINC SODIUM LIQUOR MECHANICAL SILICATE REFINING FIRST CHLORINE DIOXIDE WASHINC EXTRACTION OYYCEN/PEROXIDE BLEACHINC SECOND CHLORINE DIOXIDE WASHINC DIRECT TO PAPER FLASH DRY MACHINE AND BALE - SHIP TO DIRECT TO PAPER FLASH DRY MARKET MACHINE AND BALE SHIP TO MARKET US 2007/0056702 A1 Mar. 15, 2007 ARUNDO DONAX PULP, PAPER PRODUCTS AND production trials have been made in an effort to find a PARTICLE BOARD suitable non-wood fiber for composites and pulp but, until now, this work has met with very little success due-to CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED inferior properties, excessive costs and many commercial APPLICATIONS production drawbacks. 0001. This application is a continuation-in-part of SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION copending international application number PCT/US99/ 0007. In one aspect of the invention, Arundo donax 13519, filed Jun. 16, 1999, which claims the benefit of the particles are provided. The particles, including chips and priority of the filing date of U.S. patent application No. flakes, can be advantageously formed into pulp from which 60/089,596, filed Jun. 17, 1998. The benefit of the priority of paper and paper products can be made. The particles can also the filing dates of each is hereby claimed under 35 U.S.C. SS be used in the production of particle boards. 120 and 119, respectively. Each of the above-identified applications is incorporated herein by reference in its 0008. In another aspect, the invention provides compos entirety. ites that include a binder matrix filled with Arundo donax particulates. In accordance with the invention, these com FIELD OF THE INVENTION posite boards use significantly less binder than wood-based composites, and exceed several of the physical properties of 0002 The invention pertains to composite panels and comparable wood-based composites, as measured by stan engineered products made of Arundo donax (a type of dards used in the industry. grass), and pulp and paper produced from Arundo donax. 0009. The composites of the invention are produced by BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION selecting nalgrass (a common name for Arundo donax), which is widely distributed as a native wild grass in many 0003. There are several well-known technologies for parts of the world. The nalgrass is charged to a flaker which producing particle board, using wood chips and other wood contains sharp internal knife edges to reduce the nalgrass to processing waste products. Indeed, these wood-based com Small shards (e.g., flakes), which can then be charged to a posite boards have found wide application particularly in hammermill for further size reduction. The resulting mate building construction and the manufacture of furniture. rial is called a “furnish.” The hammermill furnish is sized, More recently, the industry has produced oriented strand preferably into at least two fractions. Each of the two board (OSB) as a useful construction material. Both particle fractions of nalgrass particulates is separately combined board and OSB fall into the category of “composites’ with a proportion of a resin. A layered structure, having because both contain a filler (wood fiber) embedded within alternate layers of fine and coarsenalgrass-resin mixture is a binder matrix. Another well-known wood composite is then produced. The layered structure is subjected to heat and “MDF (medium density fiber board). Other well known pressure for consolidation into a composite product. Satis composite products are made with wood or other fibers factory products may be made with a single layer, two using inorganic binders, such as cement, to make construc layers, or more. Many commercial operations blend a vari tion and decorative products. ety of wood sources, such as hardwoods, softwoods, and 0004 The popularity of wood-based composites is based recycled wood waste, in the manufacture of composites. in large part on the availability of relatively low cost wood Those skilled in the field will seek the advantages of nalgrass byproducts (chips, sawdust, etc.) that can be used in the by blending into their furnish a portion of nalgrass with their composites. Indeed, many of the industry standards for the available wood sources. physical performance of these composites are based on 0010. The invention also provides paper pulp, and-paper wood-based composites. Since the manufacturing param products made from nalgrass. The raw pulp produced from eters for wood-based composites are well-known, and can the nalgrass is of lighter color than the pulp produced from often be customized for certain applications, there has been woods that are typically used in paper production. Accord little incentive to investigate other fillers. ingly, a smaller amount of chemical bleach must be added to 0005 With the increasing demand for paper prepared bleach the pulp to a desired whiteness. Nalgrass pulp is also from wood pulp, as well as worldwide demand for wood stronger than most common hardwoods such as aspen. The based composites (which can substitute for lumber), there is pulp of the present invention can also be utilized in other now a perceived growing need for a Substitute raw material cellulose-based products including building products and for wood. While the supply of wood for use in these products modified cellulosic fibers such as viscose (e.g., rayon). is “renewable,” it requires setting aside land for long periods BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS of time for tree farming. Moreover, when demand outstrips 0011. The foregoing aspects and many of the attendant Supply, because Supply is based on forecasts of decades advantages of this invention will become more readily before when trees were planted, then a shortage inevitably appreciated as the same become better understood by ref develops. Since the wood required for these uses results in erence to the following detailed description, when taken in cutting millions of acres of forest each year, Such shortages conjunction with the accompanying drawings, wherein: lead to serious worldwide concerns about large scale defor estation and its contribution to global warming. 0012 FIG. 1 is an illustration of representative nalgrass 0006 There is yet a need for a material that can be readily particles of the invention; substituted for wood in wood-based composites, and that 0013 FIG. 2 is a plan view of a representative device for can also be used to produce paper pulp for the fabrication of forming nalgrass chips in accordance with the present inven paper products. Extensive research had been conducted and tion; US 2007/0056702 A1 Mar. 15, 2007 0014 FIG. 3 is an elevation view of a representative parenchyma cells that in mature stems are comparatively device for forming nalgrass chips in accordance with the small, thick-walled, and lignified. The vascular bundles, present invention; including the associated fibers interior to the structural fibrous ring, occupy approximately 24% of the stem.
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