University of Delaware, Newark, DE Friday. May 22, 1981 Arts and Science requirements to chal)ge for all '82 freshmen By BETH FARRELL Arts and Science during their one, two, and three, and 15 A proposal to change junior or senior year, in addi­ hours of courses representing writing, foreign language, tion to E 110 during the at least two departments, in­ and mathematics re­ freshman year. A "C" must cluding a lab, for group four. quirements for students in the be earned in both courses. The addition of the fourth College of Arts and Science The foreign language re­ group is due to the formation was approved by the Arts and quirements can be fulfilled by of a new group two called Science Senate on Monday, completion of the in­ "The study of culture and in­ according to Dr. Peter Reese, termediate level course (112) stitutions over time.'' assistant dean of the College or satisfactory performance Dr. David Smith, chair of of Arts and Science. on a placement test. the College of Arts and Still awaiting approval is Students will also be re­ Science Educational Affairs the second half of the pro­ quired to earn a "C" in either Committee, said the new posal for group requirements a ealculus course or a course group requirements have which would require students which requires understan­ been restructured so that any in the College of Arts and ding of algebr~ and department in the college Science to take six more trigonometry, or a satisfac­ may submit courses to fulfill credits than is needed under tory performance on a place­ any group, as long as they the present group re­ ment test, in order to meet the criteria for the quirements plan. demonstrate mathematical group. Reese said this will be competence. If approved, the new groups voted on at the Senate's May The proposal on group re­ will be: 26meeting. quirements requires students • Group 1 "Analysis and ap­ If passed, the new re- - to complete 12 hours of preciation of the creative arts quirements will be in effect in courses, representing at least and humanities.'' the fall of 1982 under present two departments for groups (Continued to page_.) plans, according to Reese. It will affect all new incoming students in the College of Arts Student charges police and Science after it's in­ stituted. The approved proposal re­ Review photo by Michelle Robbins with 'excessive' force quires students to take a se­ CAUGHT IN THE SPOTLIGHT, James Taylor performs at the cond writing course, which By GEORGE MALLET -PREVOST following the alleged beating. Fieldhouse in a SPA-sponsored concert lost Tuesday night. may be offered by any A university student has fil­ According to Lt. Richard For more pictures and story. seep. 7. department in the College of ed a complaint with Universi­ Turner of the University ty Police saying he was un­ Police, Denlinger was fairly arrested and beaten resisting arrest and In­ early Friday May 15 during a vestigator Jack Lynn Restaurant sues to serve liquor party on the tenth floor of "probably had no choice but By MATT RADEMAKER Christiana West. to use force in getting hand­ According to John restaurant owner to be ex­ cuffs on him." Turner added The owners of New McDonald, executive director empted from the provisions Scott Denlinger ( BE81) England Pizza are calling on who was charged with that Lynn was the only officer of the Delaware Alcoholic on the ordinance since they who used his nightstick in the Superior Court to overturn a Beverage Control Commis­ were in the process of apply­ disorderly conduct and city ordinance which has resisting arrest, said he was incident. sion (ABCC), the commission ing to the ABCC but the plea Witnesses to the incident, prevented the restaurant will not accept a liquor was rejected in April, 1980. beaten "excessively" with from obtaining a license to · nightsticks when he refused however, said that as many license application unless it is The suit, filed for CBS by as three university police of­ serve alcoholic beverages. accompanied by a letter from Wilmington attornies Gerald to present his student I. D. to a CBS Foods, Inc., the owner University Police officer. ficers were beating Denlinger "the appropriate zoning Berkowitz and Robert B. with nightsticks at the same of the restaurant, has filed agency" stating that the Coonin, contends that the city Denlinger said he was not suit against Mayor William seriously injured. He did say, time. establishment meets all of the violated Article XIII of the Witnesses gave this ac­ Redd and the city council in "appropriate zoning re­ Delaware Constitution of however, that he was ex­ an effort to be excluded from periencing some discomfort count of the incident: Dei­ quirements.'' {Continued to page 3) inger was attempting to the provisions of a city or­ CBS Foods originally ob­ calm down David Kievit dinance passed last tained approval from the city (AG81) after Kievit had been February. The ordinance re­ planning department four That's all 'til the fall - arguing with an unidentified quires establishments to ob­ months prior to the passage woman. University Police of­ tain a "special use permit" of the "special use permit" ficers arrived and arrested from the council if its proper­ ordinance, but did not submit Kievit, who was becoming ty is within 200 feet of a their application to the ABCC loud. church, library, school, nurs­ board at that time. Denlinger then allegedly ing home, hospital, or a lot The CBS property is less stepped in saying that he zoned as "residential." than 100 feet away from the could calm Kievit down and Newark City Council denied closest border of the Calvary that the officers were not CBS a "special use permit" Baptist Church property on needed. One of the officers on April 28, 1980, thereby Delaware Avenue. Therefore (Continued to page .. ) preventing the restaurant the passage of the ordinance from obtaining a liquor on Feb. 11, 1980 placed CBS in license. violation of the local zoning CBS is permitted to reapply requirement, and the plann­ Announcement to the city for a special use ing board subsequently Attention Seniors: Caps permit" after 360 days, but withdrew its approval. and Gowns are now has not yet done so, according CBS's attornies made a available in the bookstore. They must be picked up by to Betty Stilts, City plea for a Grandfather Clause THE REVIEW YOU'RE HOLDING is the lost of the semester. Secretary. Friday, May 30. which would allow the We'll resume publishi mber. ,. Po e 2 • THE ~EVIEW • May 22, 1981 J t Let yottr books collect mo--ey... not dUst During exam week, the BOOKSTORE will be paying 50°/o of list price for all titles currently adopted for fall courses.* ' t ~ ., • , Here are a .few samples ·from the I list.· Prices shown are the prices we will pay. ANTON. Calculus with Analytic Geometry, Combined KAHANE. Logic and Contemporary Rhetoric, 3rd ed Edition (M 241) $14.00 (PHL 105) $5.00 BARRETT. Principles of Engineering Materials, KAHANE. Logic and Philosophy, 3rd ed (PHL 205) 9.00 1973 (MET 302) 13.50 KEETON. Biological Science, 3rd ed (B 207) 10.00 BEAUCHAMP. Ethical Theory and Business, 1979 KRAUSKOPF. Fundamentals of Physical Science, (PHL 200) 8.75 6th ed (SC 101) 13.00 BOCK. Modern Cultural Anthropology, 3rd ed (N~T 101) 5.50 LUCIANO. Human Function and Structure, 1978 (B 406) 11.25 CARBERRY. Foundations of Computer Science (CS 106) 9.00 l•IANSFIELD-:---P"rinciples ofMacroeconomics, 3rd ed, COLE. Animal Agriculture, 2nd ed (APS 101) 10.00 paperbound (EC 101) 5.00 EDWARDS. Modern Introduction to Philosophy, 3rd ed McCRIMMON. Writing With ~Purpose, 7th ed (E 110) 6.25 (PHL 102) 9.00 McQUADE. Popular Writing in America, 2nd ed (E 110) 5.50 HALLIDAY. Fundamentals of Physics, 2nd ed (PS 207) 14.00 ROBERTSON. Sociology, 2nied, 1981 (SOC 101) 9.50 HETHERINGTON. Child Psychology, 2nd ed (PSY 325) 10.25 SIENKO. Chemistry, 5th ed (C 105) 10. 75 HILGARD~ Introduction to Psychology, 7th ed(PSY 201) 9.50 STINE. Biosocial Genetics, 1977 . : 9.50 HORN. The Second Skin, 3rd ed (TDC 113) 9.50 TUBBS. Human Communication, 3rd ed (COM 255) 7.00 HUTCHINSON. Money-:-Bilnking and the!:!_.~. Economy 4th ed (EC 302) 9.50 All other books will be purchased at wholesale market value if they are current editions and listed in our buyer's catalog. *provided purchase quotas are not exceeded May 22, 1981 • THE REVIEW • Pog~ 3 r~----------------------------------------------------~ ~ ~w ~ ... A Pencader J resident possession and intent" to was arrested Sunday after deliver I..SD and psilocybin a search of his room turned mushrooms, and posses­ up quantities of LSD, and co­ sion of methaqualone. He caine, among other drugs, was arraigned at according to Newark Police. Magistrate Court 10 and Police said that they ar­ released on a $1,500 bond. rested Anthony Beron In an apparently (BE84), 18, at around 10 unrelated incident, Tip to police a.m. Sunday after receiv- Newark Police, again ac­ . ing a tip that Beron might ting on a tip, entered a be dealing the drugs. Dickinson C room last Thursday and found an leads to drugs, Found in his room in ad­ estimated $900 worth of dition to the l.SD and co­ marijuana, hashish, co­ caine was some hashish, caine, methaqualone, student.arrest methaqualene (Quaa­ various pieces of drug ludes) and psilocybin paraphernalia and about mushrooms, according to 1200 capsulesof stimulants police. Although they did not such as caffeine. say in what quantities each As of Wednesday, police drug was found, one officer had been unable to locate estimated that they would be the resident.
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