DOCUMENT RESUME ED 329 884 CG 023 256 TIL,E You Can Prevent Alcohol and Other Drug Problems among Elementary School Children. The Fact Is... INSTITUTION Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Administration (DHHS/PHS), Rockville, MD. Office for Substance Abuse Prevention. REPORT NO MS-349 PUB DATE 88 NOTE 18p. PUB TYPE Reference Materials - Bibliographies (131) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC01 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Alcohol Abuse; Drinking; *Drug Abuse; Elementary Education; *Elementary School Students; *Prevention; Resource Materials ABSTRACT This resource list on preventing alcohol and other drug problems among elementary school Llildren was compiled by the Office for Substance Abuse Prevention (OSAP). The main emphasis is helping educators and parents of nildren between theages of 4 and 12 teach the no-use message. Using theseresources, teachers, h.ealth educators, and community program planners can plan prevention activities for elementary school children. Parentscan teach their children the importance of healthy lifestyles and canprepare them for the peer pressure they are likely to encounteras they grow up. Children themselves can band together to support each other's decision'to say "no" to alcohol and other drugs. Materials for elementary school children include publications, posters and audiovisual materials. Parent and teacher materials include publications, audiovisual materials, and programs and kits. A list of organizations and programs related to substance abuse is provided. Following the lists is a brief summary of factual informationon youth and substance abuse. (LEL) *********************************************************************** Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. *********************************************************************** Office for Substance Abuse Prevention U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION office of Educational Research arid Impfeweme.1) EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) 1,,T4hisdocument hes been reproduced as received Irom the person or organitation originating it P Minor changes have been made In improve reproduction quality Points ol view or opinions slated in this docu- ment do nOt necessarily represent official OF RI ClOsilion or policy You Can Prevent Alcohol and Other Drug Problems Among Elementary School Children Dati recently collected and analysed by For more information on preventing the Gallup organization sugost that alcohol and other drug problems, today's children experience pressure contact the National Clearinghouse for to experiment with alcohol and other Alcohol and Drug Information (NCADI) at drugs while still in elementary school. P.O. Box 2345, Rockville, MD20852, or According to a 1983 Weekly Reader call NCADI at (301) 468-2600 and ask to survey of 3.5 million young children, speak to an information specialist,. this pressure exists as early as the Your comments and recommendations for fourth grade. additional msterials to be included in future updates of this publication are.. This resource list was compiled to welcome. encourage kids to avoid alcohol and other drugs and to help educators and parents of children between 4 and 12 Materials for Elementary years old teach the no-use message. Materials were selected for their School Children appropriateness, readability, information, and availability. Following the list is general Publications up-to-date informstion on yoath and substance abuse. A Little More About Alcohol. In this thorough discussion, cartoon Using these resources, teachers, chpracter named "Al" explains facts, health educators, and community program about alcohol and how it affects the planners can plan prevention activities body. Young elementary students may for elementary school children. need assistance to use this Parents can teach their children the publication. 1984. importance of healthy lifestyles and can prepare them for the peer Pressure Availability they are likely G3 encounter as they Alcohol Research Information Service grow up The media can be encouraged .1120 East Oakland Avenue to3 air public service announcements Lansing, MI 48906 and programs to educate youth and to (517) 485-9900 avoid the glamorization of alcohol and ($.15) drugs on regular programs. Finally, children themselves can band together to support esch other's decisions to say "no" toalcohol and other drugs. BEST COPY AVAILABLE MS 349 2 National Clearinghousq for Alcohol and Druy Information 'Le P.O. Box 2345E: Rockvdle, MD 20852 it c riciriArtmant rsf Anti Witswan qesratp..see A 1...-.L..1 1I......111--1.L. w_I . Alcohol Problems and Youth.An Buzzy's Rebound, by William Cosby and annotated reading liston alcohol Jim Willoughby. An 18-page "Fat problems and youth. Includes factual Albert" comic book that describesthe and fiction materials forelementary, peer pressure on a new kid in town to junior, and high school students.1985. drink, the negativeconsequences of drinking, and the support that his Availability parents and coach give him to helphim National Clearinghouse for Alcohol stop. 1986. and Drug Information P.O. Box 2345 Availability Rockville, MD 20852 National Clearinghouse forAlcohol (301) 468-2600 and Drug Information (No cost; ask to speak toan order P.O. Box 2345 clerk and request MS229) Rockville, MD20852 (301) 468-2600 (No cost) Alcohol: What It Is, What It Does, by Judith S. Sexias. An easy-to-read An Elephant in the LivingRoom: The illustrated primer on theuse and abuse Children's Book, by Marion H.Hyppo and of alcohol. Some of the common myths Jill M. Hastings. An illustrated about alcohol are also discussed. workbook designed to help 1977. children from alcoholic homes understandthat alcoholism is a disease and Availability that they are not alone. Greenwillow Books The workbook helps children express their feelings appropriately 105 Madison Avenue and improve their self-esteemand New York, NY 10016 family relationships and (212) 889-3050 encourages them to seek support through ($5.95) Alateen, Alatot, etc. A Leader's Guide is also (The Children's Book $6.00; available and offers adults A Leader's Guide $7.957- basic information about childdevelopment and the family disease of alcoholismand Be Smart: Don't Starts Just Say No! chemical dependency. A 4-color, 32-page booklet for 1984. preteens (ages 8-12). The booklet Availability provides alcohol information, celebrity CompCare Publications interviews, games, stories, book lists, Box 27777 and resources and can be used by Minneapolis, MN 55427 individqal youths at home or by groups (800) 328-3330 in a school setting. Companion (612) 559-4800 booklets for parents and teachers are (The Children's Book $6; available. 1987. A Leader's Guide $7.95) Availability Feeling Better Together. A coloring National ClEaringhouse for Alcohol book with a simple story about and Drug Information a mother who drinks too much, how P.O. Box 2345 her problem affects the family, and howthe mother Rockville, MD 20852 finally goes to the hospital for (301) 468-2600 help. Emphasis is given to the feelings of (No cost; 150-copy order limit; the two young children in the negatives loaned free of charge; family. 1985. no permission necessary to reproduce) Availability Pathway Center Memorial Hospital 615 North Michigan South Bend, IN 46601 (219) 284-3000 ($.85) 2 3 It's O.K. To Say No! An activity book Kootch Talks About Alcoholism, by Mary dot-to-dot drawing, mazes, puzzles, Kay Schwandt. A 40-page coloring book word find, etc.) to educate young in which Kootch the worm helps young children about body safety. It is children understand three basic suggested that the book be used by a principles about alcoholism and child under the supervision of an adult alcoholics: First, alcoholism is a so that questions can be answered and disease; second, alcoholism is no one's adult and child can talk openly about fault; and third, alcoholics can the dangers of child molestation and recover. Also includes simple abduction. 1984. activities. 1984. Availability Availability Creative Child Press Serenity Work Attn: Playmore, Inc. 1455 North University Drive 200 Fifth Avenue Fargo, ND 58102 New York, NY 10010 (701) 235-5614 (212) 924-7447 (1-10 copies $3 ea; ($1.95) 11-100 copies $2.50 ea; 100+ copies $2 ea; Kids and Alcohol: Get High On Life, by a teacher's guide is sent Jamie Rattray, Bill Howells, Iry with all quantity orders) Siegler, and Fritz Wassor. Workbook designed to i.alp children (ages 11-14) My Dad Loves Me, My Dad Has a Disease, make important decisions in their lives by Claudia Black. A workbook for and feel good about themselves. Facts children of alcoholics. It is designed and myths about alcohol are clarified, to help children through age 14 the effects of alcohol are discussed, understand alcoholism and their own and the importance of "positive self- feelings. Colored pens or pencils are expectation" is emphasized. Similar required to complete the exercises. workbooks on Kids and Drugs and Kids 1979. and Smoking are Pl.so available. 1984. Availability Availability Hazelden Educational Materials Health Communications, Inc. Pleasant Valley Road 1721 Blount Road, Suite 1 Box 176 Pompano Beach, FL 33069 Center City, MN )5012-0176 (305) 979-6776 (800) 328-9000 ($5.95) (800) 257-0070 (MN only) Kids and Drinking, by Anne Snyder. ($8.95; ask for publication Short stories based on real experiences #5018) of children who develop drinking problems during elementary school. The book The Sad Story of Mary Vanua or How includes questions and answers about Marijuana Harms You, by Peggy alcohol, a short parent/teacher guide, Mann, illustrated by Naomi Lind. A and a listing of other youth related 40-page activity book for children in material available from CompCare. It is grades one to four that contains suitable for older elementary and middle scientists' pictures of the damage school children. 1981. marijuana does to the body and illustrated "interpretations" for Availabing children. A supplement for parents and CompCare Publications teachers concludes the bock, whichcan Box 27777 be used to answer other specific Minneapolis, MN 55427 questions that children have. 1988. (800) 328-3330 (612) 559-4800 ($4.95) 3 Availability Twelve Is Too Old, by PeggyMann.
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