Screening for novel hexanucleotide repeat expansions at ALS- and FTD-associated loci Fang He, PhD ABSTRACT Julie M. Jones, PhD Objective: To determine whether GGGGCC (G4C2) repeat expansions at loci other than C9orf72 Claudia Figueroa- serve as common causes of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Romero, PhD Methods: We assessed G C repeat number in 28 genes near known ALS and frontotemporal Dapeng Zhang, PhD 4 2 dementia (FTD) loci by repeat-primed PCR coupled with fluorescent fragment analysis in 199 Eva L. Feldman, MD, patients with ALS (17 familial, 182 sporadic) and 136 healthy controls. We also obtained blood PhD from patients with ALS4 for evaluation of repeats surrounding the SETX gene locus. C9orf72 Stephen A. Goutman, expansions were evaluated in parallel. MD C9orf72 Miriam H. Meisler, PhD Results: Expansions of G4C2 repeats in explained 8.8% of sporadic and 47% of familial RGS14 Brian C. Callaghan, MD ALS cases analyzed. Repeat variance was observed at one other locus, , but no large Peter K. Todd, MD, PhD expansions were observed, and repeat sizes were not different between cases and controls. No G4C2 repeat expansions were identified at other ALS or FTD risk loci or in ALS4 cases. Conclusions: G4C2 expansions near known ALS and FTD loci other than C9orf72 are not a com- Correspondence to mon cause of ALS. Neurol Genet 2016;2:e71; doi: 10.1212/NXG.0000000000000071 Dr. Todd: [email protected] GLOSSARY ALS 5 amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; FTD 5 frontotemporal dementia; G4C2 5 GGGGCC; GWAS 5 genome-wide association studies; SNP 5 single-nucleotide polymorphism. C9orf72 A GGGGCC (G4C2) hexanucleotide repeat expansion in the first intron of is the most common monogenic cause of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and frontotemporal dementia 1,2 (FTD). There are normally between 2 and 23 G4C2 repeats at this locus. The repeat expands 2 to hundreds in affected individuals, although 30 repeats may be sufficient to elicit G4C2- specific pathology.3 A growing body of evidence suggests that the C9orf72 repeat elicits toxicity primarily through gain-of-function mechanisms that are independent of the genetic locus where the repeat resides. Specifically, Drosophila and mouse models of ALS with expression of the repeat outside its normal genomic context suggest that instability and expansion of G4C2 repeats elsewhere in the genome could also cause ALS or FTD. A precedent for this phenomenon is found in spinocerebellar ataxia, in which CAG repeat expansions in a diverse set of genes elicit over- lapping clinical phenotypes.4 We therefore hypothesized that cryptic repeat expansions at loci other than C9orf72 could also contribute to ALS and FTD pathogenesis. Using repeat-primed PCR assays, we evaluated whether G4C2 repeats near known ALS and FTD loci identified by linkage analysis or genome-wide association studies (GWAS) exhibited expansions in a cohort of patients with ALS and controls in the University of Michigan ALS Patient Biorepository. Our results confirm that repeat instability and large expansions at C9orf72 are common in sporadic Supplemental data at Neurology.org/ng From the Department of Neurology (F.H., C.F.-R., B.C.C., E.L.F., S.A.G., P.K.T.) and Department of Human Genetics (J.M.J., M.H.M.), University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; Veteran Association Health System (B.C.C., P.K.T.), Ann Arbor; and National Center for Biotechnology Information (D.Z.), National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD. Funding information and disclosures are provided at the end of the article. Go to Neurology.org/ng for full disclosure forms. The Article Processing Charge was paid by the authors. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License 4.0 (CC BY-NC-ND), which permits downloading and sharing the work provided it is properly cited. The work cannot be changed in any way or used commercially. Neurology.org/ng © 2016 American Academy of Neurology 1 ª 2016 American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. ALS in the United States, but expansions at on an ABI 3730 Sequencer. The data were analyzed using other disease-associated loci are rare in this GeneMarker (SoftGenetics, PA) to determine the maximal repeat number. population and are unlikely to be a common cause of ALS. Sanger sequencing. For samples with fewer than 35 G4C2 repeats in C9orf72, DNA flanking the repeat regions was PCR- amplified with the following primers: C9orf72 forward: 59-CCG METHODS Standard protocol approvals, registrations, CAG CCT GTA GCA AGC-39 and C9orf72 reverse: 59-AGT and patient consents. This study was approved by the Institu- CGC TAG AGG CGA AAG C-39 using the same thermal tional Review Board of the University of Michigan. Individual pa- cycling program as the repeat-primed PCR. The PCR products tients and controls who contributed these DNA samples provided were gel purified and subjected to Sanger sequencing at the written informed consent via representatives from the Coriell University of Michigan Sequencing Core facility to determine Institute, University of Michigan ALS Patient Biorepository, or the exact repeat number. individually to a member of the research group. For samples with a 31-nucleotide insertion in the VAV2 gene, ALS and control patient cohorts and DNA isolation. DNA flanking the repeat region was PCR-amplified with the DNA samples for repeat-primed PCR and genomic PCR were following primers: VAV2 forward: 59-GCC CAG GAC AGG from the following sources: 1 mg of genomic DNA from 199 AGG CCT CAG CA-39 and VAV2 reverse: 59-CTCAGGGCC patients with ALS and 136 healthy controls from the University GGG AGG AAG CAC CT-39 using the same thermal cycling of Michigan ALS Patient Biorepository. Patients with ALS met program as the repeat-primed PCR. The PCR products were gel- the revised El Escorial criteria5 and were recruited from the purified and subjected to Sanger sequencing as described above. University of Michigan ALS Clinic; controls were recruited via For repeats at Huwe1 and RGS14, PCR primers flanking the the University of Michigan clinical trials Web site (https:// repeat regions were used to determine specific repeat sizes (see umclinicalstudies.org/). Demographic data were analyzed using supplemental data). SAS9.5 software (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC) and summarized Southern blot confirmation of repeat expansions at in table e-1 at Neurology.org/ng. Two hundred fifty nanograms C9orf72. For Southern blot analysis, 25-mgaliquotsoflym- of genomic DNA from 86 patients with sporadic ALS from phoblast genomic DNA were obtained for 5 selected Coriell Coriell Cell Repository panel #NDPT026 (Coriell Institute) samples. Two additional lymphoblast cell lines were obtained was used for determination of C9orf72 repeat status only. One from the Coriell Institute and were grown up to 15 million cells, hundred micrograms of genomic DNA from a patient with ALS4 and approximately 100 mg of lymphoblast genomic DNA was and 1 non-ALS sibling from a previously reported large pedigree6 extracted using a DNA isolation kit. Ten fibroblast cell lines was extracted from 4 mL of whole blood using a commercial with G C repeat expansion and 2 control fibroblast lines (1 DNA isolation kit (DNeasy Blood & Tissue kit; Qiagen, 4 2 ALS sample without expansion and 1 control) were obtained Netherlands). Genomic DNA from a second published ALS4 from the University of Michigan ALS Patient Biorepository and case with a family history7 was extracted from patient fibroblast 100 mg of fibroblast genomic DNA was extracted from 15 cells obtained from a collaborator’s laboratory using the same kit. million cells. Candidate gene selection. We performed a BLAST search Statistical analysis. Two-tailed Fisher exact tests or x2 tests (National Center for Biotechnology Information) against the human were performed to test for association of repeat length with genome for G4C2 repeat sequences using a sequence of 5 G4C2 pure ALS and to verify genotype frequencies in the VAV2 gene. For repeats (GGGGCCGGGGCCGGGGCCGGGGCCGGGGCC) RGS14 repeat length, a 2-tailed nonparametric t test was as a start query. The identified repeat loci were overlaid with pub- performed to compare the median repeat size differences. For lished genetic loci associated with ALS or FTD (see a recent review8 the correlation of C9orf72 repeat size and patient age at onset and table 1). We constrained our analysis to repeat loci within 2 mega of ALS, the Pearson correlation test was performed. base pairs (Mb) of either the mapped critical region for an ALS or FTD candidate gene/locus or with single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that achieved statistical significance on GWAS in sporadic RESULTS We first conducted an in silico experi- ALS cohorts. Additional candidate repeats located more than 2 Mb ment to identify all human genes containing at least outside of disease-associated loci were identified by requiring at least 3 2G4C2 repeats. Our rationale was that transcribed pure repeats in a gene with abundant neuronal expression in brain repeats at such loci could become unstable and lead to 9,10 based on BioGPS and Proteomic DB database analysis. Three disease-causing expansions, unless the chromosomal additional candidate genes with G4C2 repeats within the previously C9orf72 identified critical region of ALS4 but missed by our initial in silico context of the repeat was critical to disease analysis were added after we obtained access to case samples. pathogenesis. Our initial analysis revealed that short G4C2 repeats are quite common in the human G C repeat determination. G C repeat numbers in the 4 2 4 2 genome, with 344 identified as intragenic repeats. longer allele were determined by repeat-primed PCR as previously reported,11 followed by capillary electrophoresis and To narrow our window of potential sites of repeat fragment analysis.
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