£\0NAL4/ju STEB 1 9 3 4 VOLUME 23 NUMBER 65 Washington, Wednesday, April 2, 1958 TITLE 6— AGRICULTURAL CREDIT terest rates which exceed the last bond CONTENTS interest rate by more than 1 percent per Chapter I— Farm Credit annum. Agricultural Research Service Page Administration (Sec.-6, 47 Stat. 14, as amended; 12 U. S. C. Proposed rule making: 665. Interprets or applies secs. 12, 17, 39 Horsemeat and horsemeat prod­ Subchapter B— Federal Farm Loan System Stat. 370, as amended, 375, as amended; 12 ucts; eligibility of foreign Part 10—F ederal L and B anks G enerally U. S. C^771, 831) countries for importation into 2139 INTEREST RATES ON LOANS MADE THROUGH [SEAL] H arold T. M ason, U. S____________ 1 --------- ---------- ASSOCIATIONS Acting Governor, Agriculture Department Farm Credit Administration. See Agricultural Research Serv­ Effective March 19, 1958, the interest rate on loans being closed through na­ [F. R. D og. 58-2413; Filed, Apr. 1, 1958; ice. tional farm loan associations by the Fed­ 8:49 a. m.] Civil Aeronautics Board eral Land Bank of Louisville and by the Notices: Federal Land Bank of Wichita was re­ Hearings, etc.: duced from 5 V2 percent per annum to 5 TITLE 24— HOUSING AND American Airlines, Inc., en­ percent per annum; and effective April HOUSING CREDIT forcement, case____________ 2144 1,1958, the interest rate on loans being National Airlines, Inc., en­ closed, through national farm loan asso­ Chapter I— Federal Home Loan Bank forcement proceeding_____ 2144 ciations by the Federal Land Bank of Sfcr Board Proposed rule making: ~ Louis will also be 5 percent per annum Subchapter 3— Federal Home Loan Bank System Turbine-powered transport cat­ instead of 5 x/2 percent per annum. In egory airplanes of current de­ [No. 11511] order to reflect such changes and restate sign; special civil air regula­ § 10.41 of Title 6 of the Code of Federal F art 125— A dvances tion___________________________ 2139 Regulations, as amended (21 F. R. 10167; EXTENDING PERIOD FOR NON-AMORTIZED Commerce Department 22 F. R. 133, 653, 1318, 1586, 2095, 3863, ADVANCES See Federal Maritime Board. 6214, 7129, 7833, 8847; 23 F. R. 1547, 1669, 1823), in its entirety, said § 10.41 is M arch 26, 1958. Farm Credit Administration Rules and regulations: - amended to read as follows: Resolved that, pursuant to Part 108 of Federal land banks generally; the General Regulations of the Federal INTEREST RATES interest rates on loans Home Loan Bank Board (24 CFR Part through associations_________ 2137 § 10.41 Interest rates on loans through 108), § 125.10 of the regulations for the associations^ On loans being made by Federal Home Loan Bank System (24 Federal Communications Com­ the banks through associations,' the per CFR §125.10), be amended to read as mission annum interest rate is as indicated below follows : Notices: for each bank; Class B FM broadcast stations; Interest rate § 125.10 Terms of advances. The Federal L an d B a n k o f: (percent) Banks may make advances" to members revised tentative allocation Springfield ___________ — — 5i/2 on the security of home mortgages plan: Baltimore ____________ ........ 51/2 and/or obligations of the United States, Sacramento, Calif____________ 2146 Columbia ____________ ____ 6 as provided in section 10 of the~act, for . Sacramento and Santa Rosa, Louisville ____________ ______ 5 periods of not to exceed ten years, on a Calif__________________ -._____ 2146 New Orleans ........ 51/2 San Diego, Calif------------------- 2147 St. L o u i s ____________ monthly or quarterly amortization basis, _____ 5 Santa Catalina Island, Calif., St. P a u l _______________ with interest thereon payable monthly 5 et al__._____________________ 2145 Omaha ____ ______ 5 or quarterly, except that advances for Washington, D. C., and Wood- W ic h it a __________ _____ 5 periods not exceeding one year need not Houston _ _______ ? bridge, Va___i______ *______ 2146 ......... 5 be amortized: Provided, however, That Berkeley „..11” ” ”' Hearings, etc.: ' ........ 51/2 Banks may, with the prior approval of Spok ane______ ' -------- 51/2 Adelman, Louis, dnd Guinan the Board, also make such advances on JJhder section 12 (Second) of the Federal Realty Co__________________ 2145 a nonamortizable basis to members for 2144 ;r rm Loan Act, as amended" (12 U. S. C. Bramlett, Charles R., et al___ periods in excess of one year and not Entertainment Service, Inc., tho k . w Merest rate on loans made by exceeding ten years, subject to such 2145 banks may not exceed by*more than 1 et al______.____________ .'____ terms, conditions and limitations as the Hardin County Broadcasting t h f 11*1 Per anrxum the interest rate in Board may, by resolution or otherwise,» Co__________________________ 2146 ser*es farm loan bonds issued prescribe. Pierce Brooks Broadcasting T ,“ie banks, except with the approval Corp. (K G IL )___„_________ 2145 ox the Governor of thé Farm Credit Ad- Resolved further, that, since this amend­ Radio Tampa et al____________ 2144 uustration. Such approval has been ment makes provision for the extension Williamsburg Broadcasting en as to any of the foregoing loan in­ (Continued on next page) Co. and W DDY, Inc_______ 2145 2137 2138 RULES AND REGULATIONS CONTENTS— Continued and expansion of credit facilities to members of the Federal Home Loan Federal Power Commission Pase Bank System by authorizing Federal FEDERALMREGISTER Notices: Home Loan Banks to make advances to Hearings, etc.: members without amortization of such Myers, Sidney G., Jr., et al_2147 loans for periods up to ten years, with Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, Pan American Petroleum the prior approval of the Board, in lieu and days'following official Federal holidays, Corp------------- 2147 of the existing regulation limiting non­ by the Federal Register Division, National Panhandle Eastern Pipe Line amortized loans to one year, the Board, Archives and Records Service, . General Serv­ Co____ _______ 2148 for good cause and in the light of existing ices Administration, pursuant to the au­ economic conditions, finds that notice thority contained in the Federal Register Act, Transcontinental Gas Pipe and public procedure thereon under the approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as Line Corp. et al. (2 docu­ amended; 44 U. S. C., ch. 8B), under regula­ ments) ______________ 2149 provisions of sections (a) of the Admin­ tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ istrative Procedure Act is impracticable mittee of the Federal Register, approved by Interior Department^ and WQuld not be in the public interest. the President. Distribution is made only by See Land Management Bureau. Also, since the amendment relieves re­ the Superintendent of Documents, Govern­ striction, tiie deferment of the effective ment Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Interstate Commerce Commis­ date of this amended regulation for The F ederal R egister will be furnished by sion thirty days is not required under section mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 per month or $15.00 per year, payable in Notices : 4 (c), of the Administrative Procedure advance. The charge for individual copies Missouri - Kansas .<? Texas Rail­ Act. (minimum 15 cents) varies in proportion to road Co.; diversion or rerout­ This amendment shall be effective the size of the issue. Remit check or money ing of traffic'_____!_____ _______ 2151 upon publication. order, made payable to the Superintendent Motor carrier alternate rötite (Sec. 17, 47 S.tat. 736, as amended; 12 U. S. 0. of Documents, directly to the Government deviation notices________ 2152 1437) Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. The regulatory material appearing herein Motor carrier applications_____ 2152 Rules and regulations : By the Federal Home Loan Bank Is keyed to the Code of Federal R egulations, Board. which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant Records, destruction of; pre­ to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as scribed periods of retention__2138 [ seal! H arry W . Caulsen, amended August 5, 1953. The Code of F ed­ Secretary. eral R egulations is sold by the Superin­ Land Management Bureau tendent of Documents. Prices of books and Notices: IF> R. Doc. 58-2410; Filed, Apr. 1, 1958; 8:^8 a. m.] pocket supplements vary. South Dakota; proposed with­ There are no restrictions on the re­ publication of material appearing in the drawal and reservation of lands; correction____________ 2143 F ederal R egister, or the Code of Federal ^ TITLE 49— TRANSPORTATION R egulations. Securities and Exchange Com­ mission Chapter I— Interstate Commerce Commission CFR SUPPLEMENTS Notices,: Hearings, etc.: Subchapter C— Carriers by Wafer (As of January 1, 1958) Sperry Rand Corp___________ r 2150 United Corp. (2 documents)- 2150, P art 325— D estruction of R ecords The following Supplements are now 2151 PRESCRIBED PERIODS OF RETENTION ^ available: Proposed rule making: At a session of the Interstate Com­ Title 8, Rev. Jan. 1,1958 ($3.25) Securities Act of 1934, general rules and regulations; records merce Commission, division 2, held at its office in Washington, D. C., on the 7th Title 9 ($0.75) of trial balances_______ _____2143 Titles 40-42 ($1.00) day of March A. D. 1958. CODIFICATION GUIDE Having under consideration the matter Title 46, Parts 1-145 ($0.75) of revised regulations to govern destruc­ A numerical list of the parts of the Code tion of records of carriers by water which Previously announced: Title 3, 1957 Supp. of Federal Regulations affected by documents were prescribed by an order entered May ($0.40); Titles 4 -5 ($1.00); Titles 10-13 published in this issue. Proposed rules, as 27, 1957 (22 F. R. 4123) pursuant to ($1.00); Title 17 ($0.65); Title 18 opposed to final actions, are identified as authority contained in section 313 (g) ($0.50); Title 20 ($1.001; Titles 30-31 such.
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