PALAZZIFlorence Association For International Education FUA Florence University of the Arts 2012/ 2013 University Manual This manual is authored by: Palazzi Office of Communications, Grace Joh Revised and Edited by: Gabriella Ganugi, Palazzi Founder and President Copyright © 2012 Palazzi FAIE, All rights reserved. 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS WhAT IS PALAzzI Vision, Mission, Values p. 4 Palazzi Campuses, Locations, Accreditation and Facilities p. 5 Palazzi Academic Institutions p. 7 Palazzi Affiliations p. 16 ACAdEMICS AT PALAzzI Schools and departments p. 17 Academic Policies p. 19 PALAzzI STudy ABrOAd PrOGrAMS p. 22 Semester/year - Fall and Spring, January Intersession, Summer Sessions Short and Quarter Programs - Fall and Spring PALAzzI uNdErGrAduATE PrOGrAMS p. 24 General Education requirements, Communication & Interactive digital Multimedia, Hospitality Management, Liberal Arts PALAzzI GrAduATE PrOGrAMS Customized, Service Learning, Master in Organizational Management with Endicott College, p. 27 Master in Sustainable urban design, Summer 9-Week Graduate hospitality Apprenticeship PALAzzI CArEEr PrOGrAMS p. 32 APICIuS International School of hospitality p. 33 Baking and Pastry - Culinary Arts - Master in Italian Cuisine Hospitality Management - Wine Studies and Enology DIVA digital Imaging and Visual Arts p. 58 Visual Communication Photography FAST - Fashion Accessory Studies and Technology p. 72 Accessory design and Technology Fashion design and Technology IdEAS - School of Interior design, Environmental Architecture and Sustainability p. 84 Eco-sustainable design Luxury design J SChOOL - 1 year Program in Publishing p. 96 Concentrations in Art, Fashion and Food Publishing ITALIAN LANGuAGE PrOGrAMS AT SQuOLA p. 104 SErVICE LEArNING at the School of Professional Studies p. 105 Internships, Community Service, Volunteer Work MINGLE department of Customized Programs p. 107 ENrIChMENT PrOGrAMS p. 110 PrE-COLLEGE hIGh SChOOL PrOGrAMS p. 111 PALAzzI IN ThE COMMuNITy p. 114 CCIS, Corridoio Fiorentino, F_AIr - Florence Artist in residence, FEdOrA, FLy GANzO, Greenmapped Service Learning, INGOrdA STudENT LIFE ANd dEVELOPMENT dEPArTMENT p. 119 Student Services, Extracurricular Activities, Educational Field Trips, housing 2012-13 ACAdEMIC CALENdAr p. 121 PrOMOTIONAL MATErials p. 125 GuIdE TO ENrOLLMENT PrOCEdurES p. 126 CONTACT INFOrMATION p. 129 3 WhAT IS PALAzzI? Palazzi Florence Association for International Education is made up of the following academic entities: FuA Florence university of the Arts, which gathers: Apicius International School of Food and Wine Studies: School of Hospitality School of Hospitality, School of Sports and Health Sciences dIVA School of Digital Imaging and Visual Arts FAST School of Fashion and Accessories Studies and Technology IdEAS School of Interior Design, Environmental Architecture and Sustainability ISB International School of Business SQuOLA School of Center for Contemporary Italian Studies SAS School of Arts and Sciences: School of Fine Arts, School of Global Studies, School of Horticulture, School of Liberal Studies, School of Life Studies and Human Services, School of Professional Studies, School of Sciences and Mathematics J SChOOL School of Journalism Communications and Publishing School of Graduate Studies and the following “In the Community” members for cultural integration: • CCIS Center for Contemporary Italian Studies, located at sQuola • Corridoio Fiorentino, the exhibition gallery at IDEAS/DIVA • GANZO Cultural and Eno-gastronomic Association operated by Apicius culinary students and faculty • Greenmapped Service Learning at ISB • FEDORA pastry shop operated by Apicius baking and pastry students and faculty • F_AIR, Florence Artist in Residence program at FUA’s School of Fine Arts • FLY Fashion Loves You vintage and emerging designers store operated by FAST students and faculty • INGORDA for Florence Campus Publishing for Palazzi’s publishing projects and 1-year publishing program VISION • Palazzi has the purpose of enriching international higher education for students and partner institutions throughout the world. • Palazzi’s name bears the core of our educational mission and philosophy: a group of prestigious, meticulously renovated historic buildings, Palazzi, that have witnessed the civic, political, and economic life of Florence for centuries that strive to bring innovation to the present and future in the midst of a rich historical context. • Palazzi mirrors the contemporary face of Florence and invites its students and institutional partners to partake in an educational endeavor the study abroad experience challenges and shapes the mind. • Our institutions are one of a kind throughout all of Italy and Europe, and set the standard for international education. • We sustain our local culture by bringing to life the arts that have shaped our economy in the past and creating a vital space for them for the present and future. • We promote and nurture local, small green-mapped businesses that support sustainability and share with our students their love, craftsmanship, and expertise. • Palazzi is an integration project that allows students to break through the surface of the academic experience abroad by offering opportunities that allow them to not only study, but to live the past and present while building the future of Florence. MISSION All of the educational institutions belonging to Palazzi are cross-disciplinary and interrelated; students have open access to all curricula and program offerings for a truly wide-reaching choice of areas of study. Palazzi is the singular governing entity that unites the institutions and appoints designated Deans and Administrators to each. The programs at Palazzi range from a variety of short-term up to Career Programs and four-year academic programs offered in Florence, Italy. The main schools of our institutions address liberal and studio arts, business, fashion and accessory design, hospitality management, culinary arts, food communications and publishing, digital and visual media and imaging, and contemporary Italian language studies. These areas have been developed and expanded with the fast growing changes in higher education and the demand for international collegiate experiences. We are committed to excellence in learning and seek to carry out this mission by shaping students who are sensitive towards global understanding as a result of their academic and social interactions in Florence. Palazzi continually seeks to strengthen its relationships with international partners and is proud of academic partnerships established all over the world. We are open to creating study abroad affiliations with colleges and universities (community and 4-year, public and private) in order to foster academic collaboration and create meaningful programs for the students of such institutions. We are members of several international associations and organizations and participate in key global events each year. Our presence in Florence contributes a new outlook on how humans approach learning here. The past centuries have produced great minds in this city, whose works densely populate the streets. Palazzi proposes innovative learning strategies that allow students to live in a historic city like Florence with the clarity, curiosity and creativity that will enrich without a doubt the Florence that they will leave behind at the end of their studies. VALuES • The foundations of the institutions that constitute Palazzi are based on the following core concepts: • Cross-cultural and interdisciplinary learning for students through direct interaction with the academic and social fabrics of our institutions and the city of Florence; • A full-immersion approach to our entire range of academic programs abroad whether created for short term, short-term faculty-led, or long- or semester-term lengths of time. • The practice of responsibility and integrity in relationships with our partners, a 100% personalized approach that enables students and faculty from a partnering institution to rely upon the support system created by Palazzi institutions and the partner. 4 PALAzzI LOCATIONS ANd CAMPuSES FUA Florence University of the Arts belongs to palazzi Florence Association for international education, an academic consortium of higher education institutions located in historical palazzi, or palaces, located through Florence’s city center: Palazzo Bombicci Guicciardini Strozzi Campus in Piazza Santa Croce FUA Florence University of the Arts APICIuS international school of hospitality J SChOOL School of Journalism, Communication and Publishing ISB International School of Business Palazzi doni in Piazza Santa Croce dIVA Digital Imaging and Visual Arts IdEAS Interior Design, Environmental Architecture and Sustainability Corridoio Fiorentino Palazzo della Giosta near Piazza Sant’Ambrogio FAST Fashion and Accessories studies and Technology Palazzo ramirez de Montalvo near Piazza Duomo sQuola Center for Contemporary Italian Studies Villa Brilli Peri near Piazza Santa Maria Novella APICIuS Culinary Institute of Florence - School of Food and Wine studies FEdOrA pastry shop open to the public operated by the students of the Apicius Baking and Pastry Department Ex-Teatro San Gallo near Piazza San Marco F_AIr Florence Artists in Residence and FUA Fine Arts Department Ganzo near Piazza Sant’Ambrogio GANzO Cultural and Eno-gastronomic Association open to the public and operated by the students of Apicius school of Food and Wine Studies 5 PALAzzI ACCrEdITATION Palazzi collaborates with many institutions
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