1942 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 2263 do not ask the Senator to. take my view Brig. Gen. Jonathan Waverly Anderson Col. Arthur William Vanaman (lieutenant of it. · (colonel, Field Artillery), Army of the United colonel, Air Corps; temporary colonel, Air States. · · · Corps), Army of the United States. Mr. BARKLEY. Does the Senator de­ Brig. Gen. Albert Monmouth Jones (colo­ Col. William Ormon Butler (lieutenant sire to proceed longer this afternoon, or nel, Infantry), Army of the Unite_d States. colonel, Air Corps; temporary colonel, Air would he care to suspend now? TO BE BRIGADIER GENERALS Corps), Army of the United States. Mr. CHANDLER. It suits me to sus­ Col. William Elmer Lynd (lieutenant colo­ pend. Col. Louis Emerson Hibbs (lieutenant colo­ nel, Air Corps; temporary colonel, Air Corps), nel, Field Artillery), Army of the United Army of the United States. Mr. BA3.KLEY. Then, I suggest that States. the Senator suspend at .this time. Col. Raymond George Moses (lieutenant Col. Douglass Taft Greene (lieutenant colo­ colonel, Corps of Engineers), Army of the Ji;XECUTIVE MESSAGES REFERRED nel, Infantry), Army of the United States. United States. · · · Col. ·John B3llinger Thompson (lieu­ Col. Robert Meredith Perkins (lieutenant The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. LA tenant colonel, Cavalry), Army of the United colonel, Coast Artillery Corps), Army of the FoLLETTE in the chair), as in executive States. United S~ates. session, laid before the Senate messages Col. Eugene Manuel Landrum (li~ute:p.ant Col. Edwin Jacob House (lieutenant colonel, from the President ·of the United States colonel, Infantry), Army of the United ,Air Corps) , Air Corps. submitting sundry nominations in the States. Col. Stuart Chapin Godfrey, Corps of Engi­ Army, which were referred to tbe Com­ Col. Staffo-rd LeRoy Irwin (lieutenant colo­ neers. nel, Field Artillery), Army of the United Col. Lewis Charles Beebe (lieutenant colo­ mittee on Military Affairs. · ' · States. · nel, Infantry), Army of the United States. <For nominations this day received, see Col. Manton Sprague Eddy (lieutenant the end of Senate proceedings.) .colonel, Infantry), Army of the United States. Col. Frederick Augustus Irving (lieutenant RECESS cplonel, Infantry), Army of the United Mr. BARKLEY. I move that the Sen­ States. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ate take a recess until 12 o'clock noon Col. James Allen Lester (lieutenant colonel, tomorrow. Field Artillery), Army of the United States. WEDNESD~Y, MARCH ll, 1942 <:::oL Stanley Eric Reinhart (lieutenant The motion was agreed to; and (at 5 colonel,· Field Artillery), Army of the . United The·House met at· 11 o'clock a.m. o'clock and 10 minutes p. m.) the Senate States. The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Mont­ took a recess until tomorrow, Thursday, CoL Fay Brink Prickett (lieutenant colo­ gomery, ·D. D., offered the following March 12, 1942, at 12 o'clock noon. ~el, Field Artillery), Army. of the United prayer: S~te~ . - Col.. ~aymond_ Eugene McQuillin, Cavf!,lry. Father of .all, it.is Thou who hast made NOMINATIONS Col. Thomas James Camp (lieutenant colo­ us and given us all things to enj.oy; we Executive nominat_ions received by the. nel, Infantry), Army of the United States: , . rejoice that·'Thou dost call -us to the Senate March 11 (legislative day of Col. Robert Walker Grow (lieut{mant colo­ duties of a new day. Grant that we may nel, Cavalry), Army of 'the United States. ~arch 5), 1942: be strong in the assurance that ·light in Col. Raymond Oscar Barton (lieutenant its struggle to overcome darkness makes TEMPORARY APPOINTMENTS IN THE ARMY OF . colonel, Infantry), Army of the Un~ted THE UNITED STATES States. us strong, free, and fearless. Breathe TO BE BRIGADIER GENERALS Col. Jay Ward MacKelvie· (lieutenant 90lo­ upon us an atmosphere of jQyous hope, Col. Charles Duncanson Young, Corps of nel, ·Field Artillery), Army of the United assuring us that this virtue of character Engineers (Reserve) . States. · is a most impressive force. When the Col. Ralph Waldo . Coane, Field Artillery Col. Edward -Mallory Aimond (lieutenant way is barren and rough and our- experi­ (National Guard of the United States). colonel, Infantry), Army of the United States. ences are difficult to reconcile with our TO BE A LIEUTENANT GENERAL Col. William Spen~e (lieutenant colonel, faith, heavenly Father, ' with . morning Maj. Gen. Brehon Burke Somervell (lieu­ Field Artillery), Army of- the United Stat'es. faces and with morning hearts make us tenant colo-nel, Corps of Engineers), Army of Col. Basil Harrison. Perry (lieutenant colo­ eager to work and strong to endure. the United States. · nel, Field Artillery), Army ·of the United Dear Lord, we need to remember that States. · · APPOINTMENT IN THE REGULAR ARMY OF THE true and lofty souls have ever found rest Col. Withers Alexander Burress (lieutenant UNITED STATES colonel, Infantry), Army of the United States. in the de~pest perplexities; thus life is· Col. Robert Hilliard Mills, Dental Corps, to · Col. Robert Alexis McClure (lieutenant colo­ our teacher: acquiring great .value. En­ be assistant to the Surgeon General, with the nel, Infantry), Army of the United· States. able us to learn that mercy is greater rank of brigadier general, for a period of 4 Col. Ernest Nason Harmon (lieutenant colo­ than sacrifice, that truth is infinitely years from date of acceptance, vice Brig. Gen. mightier than fiction and that goodness Leigh C. Fairbank, assistant to the Surgeon nel, Cavalry), Army ol the United States. is superior to any type of greatne~s. General, who retired February 28, 1942. Col. Alfred Maximilian Gruenther (major, Field Artillery), Army of the United States. Toiling· with fidelity, exulting in the TEMPORARY APPOINTMENTS IN THE ARMY OF Col. Wilhelm Delp-Styer (lieutenant colo­ power to be and to labor even in the most THE UNITED STATES nel, .Corps of Engineers), Army of the United menial tasks, Oh, how simple and yet how TO BE MAJOR GENERALS States. sublime, dear Lord! We pray that we Brig. Gen. Lindsay McDonald Silvester Col. James Edward Wharton (lieutenant may thus be lifted above the infirmities (colonel, Infantry), Army of the United colonel, Infantry), Army of the Unit.ed States: of the :flesh and our souls brought into States. Col. Lucius DuBignon Clay (major, Corps of· Brig. Gen. Charles Philip Hall (colonel, In­ the region of supernal power. · In the Engineers), Army of the United States. name of our Redeemer and for His sakP. fantry), Army of the United States. Col. Charles Philip Gross (lieutenant colo­ Brig. Gen. Wade Hampton Haislip (colonel, nel, Corps of Engineers), Army of the United Amen. Infantry), Army of the United States. States. The Journal of the proceedings of yes­ Brig. Gen. Franklin Cummings Sibert Col. Paul Lewis Ransom (lieutenant colonel, terday was read and approved. (lieutenant colonel, Infantry), Army of the · Infantry), Army of the United States. United.States. Col. Raymond Alexander Keiser, Veterinary AMMUNITION CARRIERS Brig. GE!n. Robert Henry Lewis, United Corps. Mr. O'TOOLE. Mr. Speaker, I ask States Army. Col. Charles Everett Hurdis (lieutenant unanimous consent to address the House Erig. Gen. Alexander McCarrell Patch, Jr. colonel, Field Artillery), Army of the United (lieutenant colonel, Infantry), Army of the for 1 minute. States. United States. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to Brig. Gen. Orlando Ward (lieutenant colo­ Col. James Richard Townsend (lieutenant the request of the gentleman from New nel, Field Artillery), Army of the United colonel, Coast Artillery Corps), Army of the United States. York? States. There was no objection. Brig. Gen. Glen Edgar Edgerton (colonel, Col. Charles Spurgeon Harris (lieutenant Corps of Engineers), Army of the United co!onel, Coast Artillery Corps), Army of the [Mr. O'TooLE addressed the House. States. United States. His remarl{S appear in the Appendix. J Brig. Gen. Raymond Albert Wheeler (colo­ Col. La Rhett Livingston Stuart (lieutenant BONNEVILLE'S CONTRIBUTION TO nel, Corps of Engineers), Army of the United colonel, Coast Artillery Corps), Army of the WINNING THE WAR States. United States. Brig. Gen. Russell Lamonte Maxwell (colo­ Col. Stanley Raymond Mickelsen (lieuten­ Mr. SMITH of Washington. Mr. nel, Ordnance Department), Army of the ant colonel, Coast Artillery Corps), Army of Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to United States. · the United States. proceed for 1 minute and to extend my ·2264 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE ·MARCH 11 remarks in the RECORD and to include gation of the handling of the ·Harry MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT two brief letters. Bridges matter. Sundry messages in writing from the The SPEAKER. Is there objection to So far', the chairman of the Rules Com­ President of the United States were com­ the request of the gentleman from Wash­ mittee has been unwilling to grant me a municated to the House by Mr. · Miller, ington? hearing_ one of his secretaries, who also informed There was no objection.. I wonder if the chairman of the Rules the House that on the following dates Mr. SMITH of Washington. Mr. Committee really knows what I am asking the Presid~nt approved and signed bills Speaker, the Bonneville hydroelectric for. The reason I say this is that in his and a joint resolution of the House of project on the Washington side of the answer as to why he did not give me a the following titles: hearing, shown on page 2113 of the CoN­ Columbia River in my district is making On March 7, 1942: an essential and real, worth-while con­ GRESSIONAL RECORD, March 9, he says: H. R. 794. An act for the relief of Catherine tribution to our winning the war. The Furthermore, I feel that the passing of any Ward; two huge aluminum plants of the Alumi­ such measure by Congress would be held to be H. R. 1647. An act for the relief of William num Corporation of America at Van­ a bill of attainder, prohibited by the Consti­ H.
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